import { BalancedBracketSelectors, IGrammarRepository, IThemeProvider } from './grammar'; import { IRawGrammar } from './rawGrammar'; import { IGrammar, IEmbeddedLanguagesMap, ITokenTypeMap } from './main'; import { ScopeStack, Theme, StyleAttributes, ScopeName } from './theme'; import { IOnigLib } from './onigLib'; export declare class SyncRegistry implements IGrammarRepository, IThemeProvider { private readonly _onigLibPromise; private readonly _grammars; private readonly _rawGrammars; private readonly _injectionGrammars; private _theme; constructor(theme: Theme, _onigLibPromise: Promise<IOnigLib>); dispose(): void; setTheme(theme: Theme): void; getColorMap(): string[]; /** * Add `grammar` to registry and return a list of referenced scope names */ addGrammar(grammar: IRawGrammar, injectionScopeNames?: ScopeName[]): void; /** * Lookup a raw grammar. */ lookup(scopeName: ScopeName): IRawGrammar | undefined; /** * Returns the injections for the given grammar */ injections(targetScope: ScopeName): ScopeName[]; /** * Get the default theme settings */ getDefaults(): StyleAttributes; /** * Match a scope in the theme. */ themeMatch(scopePath: ScopeStack): StyleAttributes | null; /** * Lookup a grammar. */ grammarForScopeName(scopeName: ScopeName, initialLanguage: number, embeddedLanguages: IEmbeddedLanguagesMap | null, tokenTypes: ITokenTypeMap | null, balancedBracketSelectors: BalancedBracketSelectors | null): Promise<IGrammar | null>; }