Commit 23be9fc6 authored by Alex Smith's avatar Alex Smith


parent df86ec04
...@@ -210,19 +210,22 @@ listInstalledSteamGames() { ...@@ -210,19 +210,22 @@ listInstalledSteamGames() {
} }
listNonSteamGames() { listNonSteamGames() {
getSteamShortcutHex | while read -r SCVDFE; do getSteamShortcutHex | while read -r SCVDFE; do
jq -n \ jq -n \
--arg id "$(parseSteamShortcutEntryAppID "${SCVDFE}")" \ --arg id "$(parseSteamShortcutEntryAppID "${SCVDFE}")" \
--arg name "$(parseSteamShortcutEntryAppName "${SCVDFE}")" \ --arg name "$(parseSteamShortcutEntryAppName "${SCVDFE}")" \
--arg exe "$(parseSteamShortcutEntryExe "${SCVDFE}")" \ --arg exe "$(parseSteamShortcutEntryExe "${SCVDFE}")" \
'{id: $id, name: $name, exe: $exe}' --arg dir "$(parseSteamShortcutEntryStartDir "${SCVDFE}")" \
done | jq -s '.' --arg icon "$(parseSteamShortcutEntryIcon "${SCVDFE}")" \
--arg args "$(parseSteamShortcutEntryLaunchOptions "${SCVDFE}")" \
'{id: $id, name: $name, exe: $exe, dir: $dir, icon: $icon, args: $args}'
done | jq -s '.'
} }
listSteamGames() { listSteamGames() {
( (
jq -r 'map({AppId: .id, SteamAppId: .id, SteamGameId: .id, Name: .name}) | .[] | tostring' <<< "$(listInstalledSteamGames)" jq -r 'map({AppId: .id, SteamAppId: .id, SteamGameId: .id, Name: .name}) | .[] | tostring' <<< "$(listInstalledSteamGames)"
jq -r '.[] | tostring' <<< "$(listNonSteamGames)" | while read game; do jq -r '.[] | tostring' <<< "$(listNonSteamGames)" | while read -r game; do
id=$(jq -r '.id' <<< "${game}") id=$(jq -r '.id' <<< "${game}")
name=$(jq -r '.name' <<< "${game}") name=$(jq -r '.name' <<< "${game}")
jq -r \ jq -r \
...@@ -240,19 +243,22 @@ convertSteamShortcutAppID() { ...@@ -240,19 +243,22 @@ convertSteamShortcutAppID() {
} }
convertSteamShortcutHex() { convertSteamShortcutHex() {
# printf "%s" "$1" | xxd -r -p | tr -d '\0'
LC_ALL=C perl -le 'print pack "H*", $ARGV[0]' "$1" | tr -d '\0' LC_ALL=C perl -le 'print pack "H*", $ARGV[0]' "$1" | tr -d '\0'
} }
convertStringToSteamShortcutHex() {
LC_ALL=C perl -e 'print unpack "H*", "$ARGV[0]" . "\x00"' "$(echo "$1" | tr -cd '[:alpha:]')"
parseSteamShortcutEntryHex() { parseSteamShortcutEntryHex() {
SHORTCUTSVDFINPUTHEX="$1" # The hex block representing the shortcut SHORTCUTSVDFINPUTHEX="$1" # The hex block representing the shortcut
SHORTCUTSVDFMATCHPATTERN="$2" # The pattern to match against in the block SHORTCUTSVDFMATCHPATTERN="$2" # The pattern to match against in the block
convertSteamShortcutHex "$(getSteamShortcutEntryHex "${SHORTCUTSVDFINPUTHEX}" "${SHORTCUTSVDFMATCHPATTERN}")" convertSteamShortcutHex "$(getSteamShortcutEntryHex "${SHORTCUTSVDFINPUTHEX}" "${SHORTCUTSVDFMATCHPATTERN}")"
} }
parseSteamShortcutEntryExe() { parseSteamShortcutEntryAppID() {
SHORTCUTVDFEXEHEXPAT="000145786500" # 'Exe' ('exe' is 6578650a if we ever need it) SHORTCUTVDFAPPIDHEXPAT="617070696400" # 'appid'
parseSteamShortcutEntryHex "$1" "${SHORTCUTVDFEXEHEXPAT}" | tr -d '"' convertSteamShortcutAppID "$(printf "%s" "$1" | grep -oP "${SHORTCUTVDFAPPIDHEXPAT}\K.{8}")"
} }
parseSteamShortcutEntryAppName() { parseSteamShortcutEntryAppName() {
...@@ -260,9 +266,24 @@ parseSteamShortcutEntryAppName() { ...@@ -260,9 +266,24 @@ parseSteamShortcutEntryAppName() {
parseSteamShortcutEntryHex "$1" "${SHORTCUTVDFNAMEHEXPAT}" parseSteamShortcutEntryHex "$1" "${SHORTCUTVDFNAMEHEXPAT}"
} }
parseSteamShortcutEntryAppID() { parseSteamShortcutEntryExe() {
SHORTCUTVDFAPPIDHEXPAT="617070696400" # 'appid' SHORTCUTVDFEXEHEXPAT="000145786500" # 'Exe' ('exe' is 6578650a if we ever need it)
convertSteamShortcutAppID "$(printf "%s" "$1" | grep -oP "${SHORTCUTVDFAPPIDHEXPAT}\K.{8}")" parseSteamShortcutEntryHex "$1" "${SHORTCUTVDFEXEHEXPAT}" | tr -d '"'
parseSteamShortcutEntryStartDir() {
parseSteamShortcutEntryHex "$1" "${SHORTCUTVDFSTARTDIRHEXPAT}" | tr -d '"'
parseSteamShortcutEntryIcon() {
parseSteamShortcutEntryHex "$1" "${SHORTCUTVDFICONHEXPAT}"
parseSteamShortcutEntryLaunchOptions() {
SHORTCUTVDFARGHEXPAT="00014c61756e63684f7074696f6e7300" # echo "0001$(convertStringToSteamShortcutHex "LaunchOptions")"
parseSteamShortcutEntryHex "$1" "${SHORTCUTVDFARGHEXPAT}" | tr '\002' '\n' | head -n 1 | tr -d '\000'
} }
parseSteamTargetExe() { parseSteamTargetExe() {
...@@ -333,47 +354,90 @@ addGrids() { ...@@ -333,47 +354,90 @@ addGrids() {
fi fi
} }
addEntry() {
if [[ -n "${SCPATH}" ]]; then
if [[ -f "${SCPATH}" ]] ; then
truncate -s-2 "${SCPATH}"
OLDSET="$(grep -aPo '\x00[0-9]\x00\x02appid' "${SCPATH}" | tail -n1 | tr -dc '0-9')"
printf '\x00%s\x00' "shortcuts" > "${SCPATH}"
NOSTAIDVDFHEXFMT="\x$(awk '{$1=$1}1' FPAT='.{2}' OFS="\\\x" <<< "$NOSTAIDVDFHEX")" # binary-formatted string hex of the above which we actually write out - ex: \xc1\xc2\x5a\xdc
printf '\x00%s\x00' "${NEWSET}"
printf '\x02%s\x00%b' "appid" "${NOSTAIDVDFHEXFMT}"
printf '\x01%s\x00%s\x00' "AppName" "${NOSTAPPNAME}"
printf '\x01%s\x00%s\x00' "Exe" "\"${NOSTEXEPATH}\""
printf '\x01%s\x00%s\x00' "StartDir" "\"${NOSTSTDIR}\""
printf '\x01%s\x00%s\x00' "icon" "${NOSTICONPATH}"
printf '\x01%s\x00%s\x00' "ShortcutPath" ""
printf '\x01%s\x00%s\x00' "LaunchOptions" "${NOSTARGS:-}"
printf '\x02%s\x00%b\x00\x00\x00' "IsHidden" "\x00"
printf '\x02%s\x00%b\x00\x00\x00' "AllowDesktopConfig" "\x00"
# These values are now stored in localconfig.vdf under the "Apps" section,
# under a block using the Non-Steam Game Signed 32bit AppID. (i.e., -223056321)
# This is handled by `updateLocalConfigAppsValue` below
# Unsure if required, but still write these to the shortcuts.vdf file for consistency
printf '\x02%s\x00%b\x00\x00\x00' "AllowOverlay" "\x00"
printf '\x02%s\x00%b\x00\x00\x00' "OpenVR" "\x00"
printf '\x02%s\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' "Devkit"
printf '\x01%s\x00\x00' "DevkitGameID"
printf '\x02%s\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' "DevkitOverrideAppID"
printf '\x02%s\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' "LastPlayTime"
printf '\x01%s\x00\x00' "FlatpakAppID"
printf '\x00%s\x00' "tags"
printf '\x08\x08\x08\x08'
} >> "${SCPATH}"
removeNonSteamGame() { removeNonSteamGame() {
[[ -n "${1:-}" ]] && appid="$1" [[ -n "$1" ]] && appid="$1"
[[ -n "${2:-}" ]] && NOSTSHPATH="$2"
[[ -z "${STUID}" ]] && STUID=$(getUserId) [[ -z "${STUID}" ]] && STUID=$(getUserId)
[[ -z "${STCFGPATH}" ]] && STCFGPATH="$(getUserPath ${STUID})" [[ -z "${STCFGPATH}" ]] && STCFGPATH="$(getUserPath ${STUID})"
if [[ -n "${STCFGPATH}" ]] && [[ -z "${SCPATH}" ]]; then if [[ -n "${STCFGPATH}" ]] && [[ -z "${SCPATH}" ]]; then
SCPATH="${STCFGPATH}/shortcuts.vdf" SCPATH="${STCFGPATH}/shortcuts.vdf"
fi fi
if [[ -n "${appid}" ]] && [[ -n "${SCPATH}" ]] && [[ -f "${SCPATH}" ]]; then if [[ -n "${appid}" ]]; then
[[ -z "${NOSTSHPATH}" ]] && NOSTSHPATH=$(getAppExe ${appid}) games=$(listNonSteamGames)
cp "${SCPATH}" "${SCPATH//.vdf}_${PROGNAME}_backup.vdf" 2>/dev/null NOSTSHPATH=$(jq -r --arg id "${appid}" 'map(select(.id == $id)) | first(.[].exe)' <<< "${games}")
NOSTAIDVDFHEX=$(bigToLittleEndian $(printf '%08x' "${appid}")) if [[ -n "${NOSTSHPATH}" ]]; then
LC_ALL=C perl -pe ' mv "${SCPATH}" "${SCPATH//.vdf}_${PROGNAME}_backup.vdf" 2>/dev/null
$hex = pack("H*", shift); jq --arg id "${appid}" 'map(select(.id != $id))' <<< "${games}" | jq -c '.[]' | while read -r game; do
$pos = index($_, $hex); NOSTAIDGRID=$(jq -r '.id' <<< "${game}")
if ($pos != -1) { NOSTAPPNAME=$(jq -r '.name' <<< "${game}")
$start_pos = rindex($_, "\x00", $pos - 1); NOSTEXEPATH=$(jq -r '.exe' <<< "${game}")
$end_pos = index($_, "ppid", $pos); NOSTSTDIR=$(jq -r '.dir' <<< "${game}")
$end_pos = index($_, "\x08\x08", $pos) if $end_pos == -1; NOSTICONPATH=$(jq -r '.icon' <<< "${game}")
if ($start_pos != -1 && $end_pos != -1) { NOSTARGS=$(jq -r '.args' <<< "${game}")
$end_pos += 4; NOSTAIDVDFHEX=$(bigToLittleEndian $(printf '%08x' "${NOSTAIDGRID}"))
$_ = substr($_, 0, $start_pos) . substr($_, $end_pos); addEntry
} done
} rm -f "${STCFGPATH}/grid/${appid}.jpg" "${STCFGPATH}/grid/${appid}p.jpg" "${STCFGPATH}/grid/${appid}_hero.jpg" "${STCFGPATH}/grid/${appid}_logo.png"
' "${SCPATH}" "${NOSTAIDVDFHEX}" > "${SCPATH}~" if [[ -f "${NOSTSHPATH}" ]]; then
mv "${SCPATH}~" "${SCPATH}" isInstallGame=false
rm -f "${STCFGPATH}/grid/${appid}.jpg" "${STCFGPATH}/grid/${appid}p.jpg" "${STCFGPATH}/grid/${appid}_hero.jpg" "${STCFGPATH}/grid/${appid}_logo.png" for STUIDCUR in $(getUserIds); do
fi [[ "${STUIDCUR}" == "${STUID}" ]] && continue
if [[ -n "${STUID}" ]] && [[ -n "${NOSTSHPATH}" ]] && [[ -f "${NOSTSHPATH}" ]]; then STCFGPATH="$(getUserPath ${STUIDCUR})"
isInstallGame=false SCPATH="${STCFGPATH}/shortcuts.vdf"
for STUIDCUR in $(getUserIds); do if [[ -n "$(getAppId "${NOSTSHPATH}")" ]]; then
[[ "${STUIDCUR}" == "${STUID}" ]] && continue isInstallGame=true
STCFGPATH="$(getUserPath ${STUIDCUR})" break
SCPATH="${STCFGPATH}/shortcuts.vdf" fi
if [[ -n "$(getAppId "${NOSTSHPATH}")" ]]; then done
isInstallGame=true unset STCFGPATH SCPATH
break if [[ ${isInstallGame} == false ]]; then
fi fi
done restartSteam
if [[ ${isInstallGame} == false ]]; then
fi fi
fi fi
} }
...@@ -390,14 +454,13 @@ addNonSteamGame() { ...@@ -390,14 +454,13 @@ addNonSteamGame() {
NOSTSHPATH="${STEAM_SCRIPTS}/${name_desktop}.sh" NOSTSHPATH="${STEAM_SCRIPTS}/${name_desktop}.sh"
if [[ -z "${NOSTAIDGRID}" ]]; then if [[ -z "${NOSTAIDGRID}" ]]; then
if [[ -z "${NOSTSTDIR}" ]]; then if [[ -z "${NOSTSTDIR}" ]]; then
fi fi
NOSTICONPATH="${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/img/${name_desktop_png}.png" NOSTICONPATH="${PORT_WINE_PATH}/data/img/${name_desktop_png}.png"
NOSTAIDVDF="$(generateShortcutVDFAppId "${NOSTAPPNAME}${NOSTEXEPATH}")" # signed integer AppID, stored in the VDF as hexidecimal - ex: -598031679 NOSTAIDVDF="$(generateShortcutVDFAppId "${NOSTAPPNAME}${NOSTEXEPATH}")" # signed integer AppID, stored in the VDF as hexidecimal - ex: -598031679
NOSTAIDVDFHEX="$(generateShortcutVDFHexAppId "$NOSTAIDVDF")" # 4byte little-endian hexidecimal of above 32bit signed integer, which we write out to the binary VDF - ex: c1c25adc NOSTAIDVDFHEX="$(generateShortcutVDFHexAppId "$NOSTAIDVDF")" # 4byte little-endian hexidecimal of above 32bit signed integer, which we write out to the binary VDF - ex: c1c25adc
NOSTAIDVDFHEXFMT="\x$(awk '{$1=$1}1' FPAT='.{2}' OFS="\\\x" <<< "$NOSTAIDVDFHEX")" # binary-formatted string hex of the above which we actually write out - ex: \xc1\xc2\x5a\xdc
NOSTAIDGRID="$(extractSteamId32 "$NOSTAIDVDF")" # unsigned 32bit ingeger version of "$NOSTAIDVDF", which is used as the AppID for Steam artwork ("grids"), as well as for our shortcuts NOSTAIDGRID="$(extractSteamId32 "$NOSTAIDVDF")" # unsigned 32bit ingeger version of "$NOSTAIDVDF", which is used as the AppID for Steam artwork ("grids"), as well as for our shortcuts
create_new_dir "${STEAM_SCRIPTS}" create_new_dir "${STEAM_SCRIPTS}"
...@@ -413,43 +476,9 @@ addNonSteamGame() { ...@@ -413,43 +476,9 @@ addNonSteamGame() {
if [[ -f "${SCPATH}" ]] ; then if [[ -f "${SCPATH}" ]] ; then
cp "${SCPATH}" "${SCPATH//.vdf}_${PROGNAME}_backup.vdf" 2>/dev/null cp "${SCPATH}" "${SCPATH//.vdf}_${PROGNAME}_backup.vdf" 2>/dev/null
truncate -s-2 "${SCPATH}"
OLDSET="$(grep -aPo '\x00[0-9]\x00\x02appid' "${SCPATH}" | tail -n1 | tr -dc '0-9')"
printf '\x00%s\x00' "shortcuts" > "${SCPATH}"
fi fi
{ addEntry
printf '\x00%s\x00' "${NEWSET}"
printf '\x02%s\x00%b' "appid" "${NOSTAIDVDFHEXFMT}"
printf '\x01%s\x00%s\x00' "AppName" "${NOSTAPPNAME}"
printf '\x01%s\x00%s\x00' "Exe" "${NOSTEXEPATH}"
printf '\x01%s\x00%s\x00' "StartDir" "${NOSTSTDIR}"
printf '\x01%s\x00%s\x00' "icon" "${NOSTICONPATH}"
printf '\x01%s\x00%s\x00' "ShortcutPath" ""
printf '\x01%s\x00%s\x00' "LaunchOptions" ""
printf '\x02%s\x00%b\x00\x00\x00' "IsHidden" "\x00"
printf '\x02%s\x00%b\x00\x00\x00' "AllowDesktopConfig" "\x00"
# These values are now stored in localconfig.vdf under the "Apps" section,
# under a block using the Non-Steam Game Signed 32bit AppID. (i.e., -223056321)
# This is handled by `updateLocalConfigAppsValue` below
# Unsure if required, but still write these to the shortcuts.vdf file for consistency
printf '\x02%s\x00%b\x00\x00\x00' "AllowOverlay" "\x00"
printf '\x02%s\x00%b\x00\x00\x00' "OpenVR" "\x00"
printf '\x02%s\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' "Devkit"
printf '\x01%s\x00\x00' "DevkitGameID"
printf '\x02%s\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' "DevkitOverrideAppID"
printf '\x02%s\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' "LastPlayTime"
printf '\x01%s\x00\x00' "FlatpakAppID"
printf '\x00%s\x00' "tags"
printf '\x08\x08\x08\x08'
} >> "${SCPATH}"
# TODO: замень использование steamgriddb на steam так как сайт steamgriddb у многих без VPN не работает # TODO: замень использование steamgriddb на steam так как сайт steamgriddb у многих без VPN не работает
# а пока просто блочим использование # а пока просто блочим использование
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