PW_DGVOODOO2_INFO=${translations[Enable dgVoodoo2. Forced use all dgVoodoo2 libs (Glide 2.11-3.1, DirectDraw 1-7, Direct3D 2-9) on all 3D API. For WineD3D OpenGL need use WineLG (For Gallium Nine and Zink use too)]}
PW_DINPUT_PROTOCOL_INFO=${translations[Force use DirectInput protocol instead of XInput]}
PW_USE_NATIVE_WAYLAND_INFO=${translations[Enable experemental native Wayland support (need special wine build to work)]}
PW_MANGOHUD_INFO=${translations[Using FPS and system load monitoring (Turns on and off by the key combination - right Shift + F12)]}
PW_MANGOHUD_USER_CONF_INFO=${translations[Forced use of MANGOHUD system settings (GOverlay, etc.)]}
PW_VKBASALT_INFO=${translations[Enable vkBasalt by default to improve graphics in games running on Vulkan. (The HOME hotkey disables vkbasalt)]}
PW_VKBASALT_USER_CONF_INFO=${translations[Forced use of VKBASALT system settings (GOverlay, etc.)]}
PW_DGVOODOO2_INFO=${translations[Enable dgVoodoo2. Forced use all dgVoodoo2 libs (Glide 2.11-3.1, DirectDraw 1-7, Direct3D 2-9) on all 3D API. For WineD3D OpenGL need use WineLG (For Gallium Nine and Zink use too)]}
PW_GAMESCOPE_INFO=${translations[<b>Super + F :</b> Toggle fullscreen
<b>Super + N :</b> Toggle nearest neighbour filtering
<b>Super + U :</b> Toggle FSR upscaling
<b>Super + Y :</b> Toggle NIS upscaling
<b>Super + I :</b> Increase FSR sharpness by 1
<b>Super + O :</b> Decrease FSR sharpness by 1
<b>Super + S :</b> Take screenshot (currently goes to /tmp/gamescope_DATE.png)
<b>Super + G :</b> Toggle keyboard grab
<b>Super + C :</b> Update clipboard]}
PW_NO_ESYNC_INFO=${translations[Do not use in-process synchronization primitives based on eventfd. (It is recommended not to change the value.)]}
PW_NO_FSYNC_INFO=${translations[Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems without FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support) (It is recommended not to change the value)]}
PW_USE_RAY_TRACING_INFO=${translations[Enable vkd3d support - Ray Tracing]}
PW_FIX_VIDEO_IN_GAME_INFO=${translations[Required for video playback in some games so that it is not distorted (usually colored pink)]}
PW_VULKAN_NO_ASYNC_INFO=${translations[Disable asynchronous calls for VULKAN and DXVK modes]}
PW_USE_NVAPI_AND_DLSS_INFO=${translations[Enable DLSS on supported NVIDIA graphics cards]}
PW_OLD_GL_STRING_INFO=${translations[Forced use of older versions of OpenGL]}
PW_USE_FAKE_DLSS_INFO=${translations[Enable DLSS translator in FSR 2 in DirectX 12 games (CyberFSR2)]}
PW_USE_FAKE_DLSS_3_INFO=${translations[Enable DLSS 3 with FG translator in FSR 3 in DirectX 12 games (based on Decky-Framegen) Do not use in multiplayer games]}
PW_WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR_INFO=${translations[Works while using any version of ProtonGE in full screen mode at a resolution below the standard screen]}
PW_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU_INFO=${translations[Disguise all features used for NVIDIA graphics cards]}
PW_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP_INFO=${translations[Enable the application to run in the WINE virtual desktop]}
PW_USE_TERMINAL_INFO=${translations[Run the application in the terminal]}
PW_HEAP_DELAY_FREE_INFO=${translations[Include a delay in releasing some memory to bypass errors associated with using the application after the memory is released]}
PW_NO_WRITE_WATCH_INFO=${translations[A very dangerous way to hack the memory write timer in ntdll. This improves the performance of some very specific games. (It is recommended not to change the value.)]}
PW_GUI_DISABLED_CS_INFO=${translations[Disable the window for selecting startup modes and WINE versions]}
PW_USE_GSTREAMER_INFO=${translations[Use Gstreamer to output clips in games (WMF support)]}
PW_USE_RUNTIME_INFO=${translations[Use container launch mode (It is recommended not to change the value)]}
PW_MANGOHUD_INFO=${translations[Using FPS and system load monitoring (Turns on and off by the key combination - right Shift + F12)]}
PW_USE_GAMEMODE_INFO=${translations[Using automatic system optimization to improve performance in games (provided the gamemode package is installed on the system, doesn\'t work with ananicy)]}
PW_USE_WINE_DXGI_INFO=${translations[Forced use of built-in DXGI library (in rare cases it solves problems with DX12 games)]}
PW_MANGOHUD_USER_CONF_INFO=${translations[Forced use of MANGOHUD system settings (GOverlay, etc.)]}
PW_VKBASALT_USER_CONF_INFO=${translations[Forced use of VKBASALT system settings (GOverlay, etc.)]}
PW_USE_D3D_EXTRAS_INFO=${translations[Enable forced use of third-party DirectX libraries]}
PW_USE_WINDOWS_7_INFO=${translations[Change the version of WINDOWS 10 to WINDOWS 7 in the prefix]}
PW_USE_SHADER_CACHE_INFO=${translations[Use WINE shader caching (disable only if there are microfreezes in the game)]}
PW_WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR_INFO=${translations[Works while using any version of ProtonGE in full screen mode at a resolution below the standard screen]}
PW_USE_FAKE_DLSS_INFO=${translations[Enable DLSS translator in FSR 2 in DirectX 12 games (CyberFSR2)]}
PW_USE_FAKE_DLSS_3_INFO=${translations[Enable DLSS 3 with FG translator in FSR 3 in DirectX 12 games (based on Decky-Framegen) Do not use in multiplayer games]}
PW_USE_EAC_AND_BE_INFO=${translations[Enable Easy Anti-Cheat and BattlEye Anti-Cheat runtimes (required if game used this anti-cheats)]}
PW_FIX_VIDEO_IN_GAME_INFO=${translations[Required for video playback in some games so that it is not distorted (usually colored pink)]}
PW_REDUCE_PULSE_LATENCY_INFO=${translations[Reduce pulseaudio latency to fix intermittent sound]}
PW_USE_US_LAYOUT_INFO=${translations[Forced use of the us layout (useful for games in which the control works correctly only on the us layout)]}
PW_RESTORE_RESOLUTION_INFO=${translations[Remember the screen resolution when starting the game and return it when closing (useful for games that change the screen resolution when closing)]}
PW_USE_GSTREAMER_INFO=${translations[Use Gstreamer to output clips in games (WMF support)]}
PW_USE_SHADER_CACHE_INFO=${translations[Use WINE shader caching (disable only if there are microfreezes in the game)]}
PW_USE_WINE_DXGI_INFO=${translations[Forced use of built-in DXGI library (in rare cases it solves problems with DX12 games)]}
PW_USE_EAC_AND_BE_INFO=${translations[Enable Easy Anti-Cheat and BattlEye Anti-Cheat runtimes (required if game used this anti-cheats)]}
PW_USE_SYSTEM_VK_LAYERS_INFO=${translations[Use system mangohud, vkBasalt, obs-vkcapture and other applications using vulkan layers]}
PW_USE_OBS_VKCAPTURE_INFO=${translations[Enable the ability to write to OBS Studio using obs-vkcapture (ATTENTION: the forced use of system mangohud, vkBasalt, obs-vkcapture and other applications using vulkan layers will be enabled)]}
PW_DISABLE_COMPOSITING_INFO=${translations[Disable desktop compositing (effects). It often improves performance.]}
PW_GAMESCOPE_INFO=${translations[<b>Super + F :</b> Toggle fullscreen
<b>Super + N :</b> Toggle nearest neighbour filtering
<b>Super + U :</b> Toggle FSR upscaling
<b>Super + Y :</b> Toggle NIS upscaling
<b>Super + I :</b> Increase FSR sharpness by 1
<b>Super + O :</b> Decrease FSR sharpness by 1
<b>Super + S :</b> Take screenshot (currently goes to /tmp/gamescope_DATE.png)
<b>Super + G :</b> Toggle keyboard grab
<b>Super + C :</b> Update clipboard]}
PW_USE_RUNTIME_INFO=${translations[Use container launch mode (It is recommended not to change the value)]}
PW_DINPUT_PROTOCOL_INFO=${translations[Force use DirectInput protocol instead of XInput]}
PW_USE_NATIVE_WAYLAND_INFO=${translations[Enable experemental native Wayland support (need special wine build to work)]}
PW_USE_GALLIUM_ZINK_INFO=${translations[Use Gallium Zink (OpenGL driver is implemented via Vulkan)]}
PW_USE_DAMAVAND_INFO=${translations[Instead of DXVK, use WineD3D vulkan (Damavand). Experimental function.]}
# PW_VULKAN_NO_ASYNC_INFO=${translations[Disable asynchronous calls for VULKAN and DXVK modes]}
# PW_OLD_GL_STRING_INFO=${translations[Forced use of older versions of OpenGL]}
# PW_HEAP_DELAY_FREE_INFO=${translations[Include a delay in releasing some memory to bypass errors associated with using the application after the memory is released]}
# PW_NO_WRITE_WATCH_INFO=${translations[A very dangerous way to hack the memory write timer in ntdll. This improves the performance of some very specific games. (It is recommended not to change the value.)]}