PW_DGVOODOO2_INFO=${translations[Enable dgVoodoo2. Forced use all dgVoodoo2 libs (Glide 2.11-3.1, DirectDraw 1-7, Direct3D 2-9) on all 3D API. For WineD3D OpenGL need use WineLG (For Gallium Nine and Zink use too)]}
PW_DGVOODOO2_INFO=${translations[Enable dgVoodoo2. Forced use all dgVoodoo2 libs (Glide 2.11-3.1, DirectDraw 1-7, Direct3D 2-9) on all 3D API. For WineD3D OpenGL need use WineLG (For Gallium Nine and Zink use too)]}
PW_DINPUT_PROTOCOL_INFO=${translations[Force use DirectInput protocol instead of XInput]}
PW_DINPUT_PROTOCOL_INFO=${translations[Force use DirectInput protocol instead of XInput]}
@@ -4292,7 +4343,6 @@ gui_edit_db () {
@@ -4292,7 +4343,6 @@ gui_edit_db () {
PW_USE_NVAPI_AND_DLSS_INFO=${translations[Enable DLSS on supported NVIDIA graphics cards]}
PW_USE_NVAPI_AND_DLSS_INFO=${translations[Enable DLSS on supported NVIDIA graphics cards]}
PW_OLD_GL_STRING_INFO=${translations[Forced use of older versions of OpenGL]}
PW_OLD_GL_STRING_INFO=${translations[Forced use of older versions of OpenGL]}
PW_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU_INFO=${translations[Disguise all features used for NVIDIA graphics cards]}
PW_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU_INFO=${translations[Disguise all features used for NVIDIA graphics cards]}
PW_FORCE_USE_VSYNC_INFO=${translations[Forced activation of vertical sync]}
PW_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP_INFO=${translations[Enable the application to run in the WINE virtual desktop]}
PW_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP_INFO=${translations[Enable the application to run in the WINE virtual desktop]}
PW_USE_TERMINAL_INFO=${translations[Run the application in the terminal]}
PW_USE_TERMINAL_INFO=${translations[Run the application in the terminal]}
PW_HEAP_DELAY_FREE_INFO=${translations[Include a delay in releasing some memory to bypass errors associated with using the application after the memory is released]}
PW_HEAP_DELAY_FREE_INFO=${translations[Include a delay in releasing some memory to bypass errors associated with using the application after the memory is released]}
@@ -4407,9 +4457,13 @@ A brief instruction:
@@ -4407,9 +4457,13 @@ A brief instruction:
--field="${translations[ADD ARGUMENTS FOR .EXE FILE]}!${translations[Adding an argument after the <b>.exe</b> file, just like you would add an argument in a shortcut on a <b>WINDOWS </b> system]} :CBE""$(combobox_fix --empty"\\${LAUNCH_PARAMETERS[@]}""-dx11 -skipintro 1")"\
--field="${translations[ADD ARGUMENTS FOR .EXE FILE]}!${translations[Adding an argument after the <b>.exe</b> file, just like you would add an argument in a shortcut on a <b>WINDOWS </b> system]} :CBE""$(combobox_fix --empty"\\${LAUNCH_PARAMETERS[@]}""-dx11 -skipintro 1")"\
--field="${translations[Limit the use of processor cores]}!${translations[Limiting the number of CPU cores is useful for Unity games (It is recommended to set the value equal to 8)]} :CB""$(combobox_fix --disabled"${CPU_LIMIT_VAR}""${GET_LOGICAL_CORE}")"\
--field="${translations[Limit the use of processor cores]}!${translations[Limiting the number of CPU cores is useful for Unity games (It is recommended to set the value equal to 8)]} :CB""$(combobox_fix --disabled"${CPU_LIMIT_VAR}""${GET_LOGICAL_CORE}")"\
--field="${translations[Forcibly select the OpenGL version for the game]}!${translations[You can select the required OpenGL version, some games require a forced Compatibility Profile (COMPAT). (Examples are in the drop-down list)]} :CB""$(combobox_fix --disabled"${PW_MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE}""4.6COMPAT!4.6!4.5COMPAT!4.5!3.3COMPAT!3.3")"\
--field="${translations[Forcibly select the OpenGL version for the game]}!${translations[You can select the required OpenGL version, some games require a forced Compatibility Profile (COMPAT). (Examples are in the drop-down list)]} :CB""$(combobox_fix --disabled"${PW_MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE}""4.6COMPAT!4.5COMPAT!4.3COMPAT!4.1COMPAT!3.3COMPAT!3.2COMPAT")"\
--field="${translations[Forcibly select the VKD3D feature level]}!${translations[You can set a forced feature level VKD3D for games on DirectX12]} :${VKD3D_CB}""$(combobox_fix --disabled"${PW_VKD3D_FEATURE_LEVEL}""12_2!12_1!12_0!11_1!11_0")"\
--field="${translations[Forcibly select the VKD3D feature level]}!${translations[You can set a forced feature level VKD3D for games on DirectX12]} :$VKD3D_CB""$(combobox_fix --disabled"${PW_VKD3D_FEATURE_LEVEL}""12_2!12_1!12_0!11_1!11_0")"\
--field="${translations[Force certain locale for an app:]}!${translations[Fixes encoding issues in legacy software]} :CB""$(combobox_fix --disabled"${PW_LOCALE_SELECT}""$LOCALE_LIST")"\
--field="${translations[Force certain locale for an app:]}!${translations[Fixes encoding issues in legacy software]} :CB""$(combobox_fix --disabled"${PW_LOCALE_SELECT}""$LOCALE_LIST")"\
--field="${translations[Window mode (for Vulkan and OpenGL)]}!${translations[fifo - First in, first out. Limits the frame rate + no tearing. (VSync)
immediate - Unlimited frame rate + tearing.
mailbox - Triple buffering. Unlimited frame rate + no tearing.
relaxed - Same as fifo but allows tearing when below the monitors refresh rate.]} :CB""$(combobox_fix --disabled"${PW_MESA_VK_WSI_PRESENT_MODE}""fifo!immediate!mailbox!relaxed")"\
GAMESCOPE_NEED_INSTALL="${translations[<b>Gamescope is not detected on the system, please contact the manufacturer of your distribution\\nor search the Internet for information on how to install gamescope on your system.</b>]}"
GAMESCOPE_NEED_INSTALL="${translations[<b>Gamescope is not detected on the system, please contact the manufacturer of your distribution\\nor search the Internet for information on how to install gamescope on your system.</b>]}"
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}${translations[Show resolution]}!${translations[Set the resolution used by gamescope. Resizing the gamescope window will update these settings. Defaults to 1280x720.]} :${GS_CBE}" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "${PW_GS_SHOW_RESOLUTION}" "${GAMESCOPE_XRANDR_NEW::-1}")" \
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}${translations[Show resolution]}!${translations[Set the resolution used by gamescope. Resizing the gamescope window will update these settings. Defaults to 1280x720.]} :${GS_CBE}" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "${PW_GS_SHOW_RESOLUTION}" "${GAMESCOPE_XRANDR_NEW::-1}")" \
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}${translations[Internal resolution]}!${translations[Scale internal resolution (0.0 is unused)]} :${GS_NUMN}" "${PW_GS_INTERNAL_RESOLUTION}:!0..2" \
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}${translations[Internal resolution]}!${translations[Scale internal resolution (0.0 is unused)]} :${GS_NUMN}" "${PW_GS_INTERNAL_RESOLUTION}:!0..2" \
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}${translations[Frame limit]}!${translations[Set a framerate limit. Specified in frames per second]} :${GS_CBE}" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "${PW_GS_FRAME_LIMIT}" "30!40!45!48!60!75!90!120!144!165!175!240")" \
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}${translations[Frame limit]}!${translations[Set a framerate limit. Specified in frames per second]} :${GS_CBE}" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "${PW_GS_FRAME_LIMIT}" "30!40!45!48!60!75!90!120!144!165!175!240")" \
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}${translations[Mesa vulkan WSI]}!${translations[Overrides the WSI present mode:
fifo - First in, first out. Limits the frame rate + no tearing. (VSync)
immediate - Unlimited frame rate + tearing.
mailbox - Triple buffering. Unlimited frame rate + no tearing.
relaxed - Same as fifo but allows tearing when below the monitors refresh rate.]} :${GS_CB}" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "${PW_GS_MESA_VK_WSI_PRESENT_MODE}" "fifo!immediate!mailbox!relaxed")" \
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}${translations[Scaler mode]}!${translations[Specify how to scale the GameScope window content]} :${GS_CB}" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "${PW_GS_SCALER_MODE}" "auto!integer!fit!fill!stretch")" \
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}${translations[Scaler mode]}!${translations[Specify how to scale the GameScope window content]} :${GS_CB}" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "${PW_GS_SCALER_MODE}" "auto!integer!fit!fill!stretch")" \
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}${translations[Filter mode]}!${translations[Use a filter such as AMD FidelityFX SuperResolution 1.0 (FSR) or NVIDIA Image Scaling v1.0.3 (NIS)]} :${GS_CB}" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "${PW_GS_FILTER_MODE}" "${GS_FILTER_CB}")" \
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}${translations[Filter mode]}!${translations[Use a filter such as AMD FidelityFX SuperResolution 1.0 (FSR) or NVIDIA Image Scaling v1.0.3 (NIS)]} :${GS_CB}" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "${PW_GS_FILTER_MODE}" "${GS_FILTER_CB}")" \
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}${translations[Upscale sharpness]}!${translations[Sharpening value for FidelityFX SuperResolution 1.0 (FSR) and NVIDIA Image Scaling v1.0.3 (NIS). 0 is max sharpening, 20 is min sharpening.]} :${GS_NUM}" "${PW_GS_UPSCALE_SHARPNESS}:!0..20" \
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}${translations[Upscale sharpness]}!${translations[Sharpening value for FidelityFX SuperResolution 1.0 (FSR) and NVIDIA Image Scaling v1.0.3 (NIS). 0 is max sharpening, 20 is min sharpening.]} :${GS_NUM}" "${PW_GS_UPSCALE_SHARPNESS}:!0..20" \
@@ -5179,18 +5217,17 @@ relaxed - Same as fifo but allows tearing when below the monitors refresh rate.]
@@ -5179,18 +5217,17 @@ relaxed - Same as fifo but allows tearing when below the monitors refresh rate.]
--field="${translations[Choose a graphics card to run the game]}!${translations[Select which video card will be used to run the game (used for all running games and programs in PortProton)]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "$GPU_VAR" "$GET_GPU_NAMES")" \
--field="${translations[Choose a graphics card to run the game]}!${translations[Select which video card will be used to run the game (used for all running games and programs in PortProton)]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "$GPU_VAR" "$GET_GPU_NAMES")" \
--field="${translations[Choice gui themes]}!${translations[Allows you to select a theme for PortProton]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix "$GUI_THEME" "default!compact!classic")" \
--field="${translations[Choice gui themes]}!${translations[Allows you to select a theme for PortProton]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix "$GUI_THEME" "default!compact!classic")" \
--field="${translations[Time display]}!${translations[Displays time spent in an application or game]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix "$DESKTOP_WITH_TIME" "enabled!disabled")" \
--field="${translations[Time display]}!${translations[Displays time spent in an application or game]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "$DESKTOP_WITH_TIME" "enabled")" \
--field="${translations[Sort shortcuts by time]}!${translations[This setting sorts the shortcuts in the main menu depending on the time spent in the application or game]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix "$SORT_WITH_TIME" "enabled!disabled")" \
--field="${translations[Sort shortcuts by time]}!${translations[This setting sorts the shortcuts in the main menu depending on the time spent in the application or game]} :CB" "$(combobox_fix --disabled "$SORT_WITH_TIME" "enabled")" \
while read-r line ||[[-n$(pgrep -a yad | grep"yad_gui_pp --text-info --tail --button="STOP"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png":0 --title="DEBUG"" | awk'{print $1}')]];do
while read-r line ||[[-n$(pgrep -a yad | grep"yad_gui_pp --text-info --tail --button="STOP"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png":0 --title="DEBUG"" | awk'{print $1}')]];do