export PW_GS_FULLSCREEN_INFO=$(gettext 'Make the window fullscreen')
export PW_GS_FORCE_FULLSCREEN_INFO=$(gettext 'Force windows inside of gamescope to be the size of the nested display (fullscreen)')
@@ -4012,6 +3998,7 @@ if [[ "${SKIP_GAMESCOPE_TEXT_INFO}" != 1 ]] ; then
export PW_GS_FORCE_GRAB_KEYBOARD_INFO=$(gettext 'Grab the keyboard')
export PW_GS_FORCE_GRAB_CURSOR_INFO=$(gettext 'Always use relative mouse mode instead of flipping dependent on cursor visibility.')
export PW_GS_HDR_ENABLE_INFO=$(gettext 'Enable HDR output (needs Gamescope WSI layer enabled for support from clients). If this is not set, and there is a HDR client, it will be tonemapped SDR'.)
export PW_GS_ENABLE_GAMESCOPE_WSI_INFO=$(gettext 'This can be useful for some HDR options and for some DXVK v2.3 vsync optimisations')
export PW_GS_SDR_GAMMUT_WIDENESS_INFO=$(gettext "Set the 'wideness' of the gamut for SDR comment. 0 - 1.")
export PW_GS_HDR_ITM_ENABLE_INFO=$(gettext 'Enable SDR->HDR inverse tone mapping. only works for SDR input.')
export PW_GS_FORCE_COMPOSITION_INFO=$(gettext 'Disables direct scan-out')
@@ -4028,19 +4015,6 @@ if [[ "${SKIP_GAMESCOPE_TEXT_INFO}" != 1 ]] ; then
#debian bookworm fix
if grep-e'-U, --fsr-upscaling'"${PW_TMPFS_PATH}/gamescope-help.tmp" &>/dev/null ;then
GAMESCOPE_NEED_INSTALL="$(gettext "Change settings gamescope for") <b>${PORTWINE_DB}</b>\n$(gettext "<b>NOTE:</b> To display help for each item, simply hover your mouse over the text")"
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}$(gettext "Show resolution")!$(gettext "Set the resolution used by gamescope. Resizing the gamescope window will update these settings. Defaults to 1280x720.") :${GS_CBE}""$(combobox_fix_disabled "${PW_GS_SHOW_RESOLUTION}""${GAMESCOPE_XRANDR}")"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}$(gettext "Internal resolution")!$(gettext "Scale internal resolution (0.0 is unused)") :${GS_NUMN}""${PW_GS_INTERNAL_RESOLUTION}:!0..2"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}$(gettext "Frame limit")!$(gettext "Set a framerate limit. Specified in frames per second") :${GS_CBE}""$(combobox_fix_disabled "${PW_GS_FRAME_LIMIT}""30!60!90!120!144")"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}$(gettext "Max scale factor")!$(gettext "Maximum Scale Factor. Working only on X11 or backend sdl (0.0 is unused)") :${GS_NUMN}""${PW_GS_MAX_SCALE_FACTOR}:!0..100"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}$(gettext "Mesa vulkan WSI")!$(gettext "Overrides the WSI present mode:
fifo - First in, first out. Limits the frame rate + no tearing. (VSync)
immediate - Unlimited frame rate + tearing.
mailbox - Triple buffering. Unlimited frame rate + no tearing.
relaxed - Same as fifo but allows tearing when below the monitors refresh rate.") :${GS_CB}""$(combobox_fix_disabled "${PW_GS_MESA_VK_WSI_PRESENT_MODE}""fifo!immediate!mailbox!relaxed")"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}$(gettext "Scaler mode")!$(gettext "Specify how to scale the GameScope window content") :${GS_CB}""$(combobox_fix_disabled "${PW_GS_SCALER_MODE}""auto!integer!fit!fill!stretch")"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}$(gettext "Filter mode")!$(gettext "Use a filter such as AMD FidelityFX SuperResolution 1.0 (FSR) or NVIDIA Image Scaling v1.0.3 (NIS)") :${GS_CB}""$(combobox_fix_disabled "${PW_GS_FILTER_MODE}""${GS_FILTER_CB}")"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}$(gettext "Upscale sharpness")!$(gettext "Sharpening value for FidelityFX SuperResolution 1.0 (FSR) and NVIDIA Image Scaling v1.0.3 (NIS). 0 is max sharpening, 20 is min sharpening.") :${GS_NUM}""${PW_GS_UPSCALE_SHARPNESS}:!0..20"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}$(gettext "Max scale factor")!$(gettext "Maximum Scale Factor. Working only on X11 or backend sdl (0.0 is unused)") :${GS_NUMN}""${PW_GS_MAX_SCALE_FACTOR}:!0..100"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}$(gettext "Mouse sensitivity")!$(gettext "Configurable mouse sensitivity, multiply mouse movement by specified decimal number amount") :${GS_NUMN}""${PW_GS_MOUSE_SENSITIVITY}:!0..100"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}$(gettext "HDR SDR nits")!$(gettext "Set the luminance of SDR content in nits. Default: 400 nits.") :${GS_NUM}""${PW_GS_SDR_CONTENT_NITS}:!0..10000"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}$(gettext "HDR inverse SDR")!$(gettext "Set the luminance of SDR content in nets used as the input for the inverse tone mapping process - Maximum is 1000 nits") :${GS_NUM}""${PW_GS_ITM_SDR_NITS}:!0..1000"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}$(gettext "HDR inverse target")!$(gettext "Set the target luninance of the inverse tone mapping process - Max is 10000 nits") :${GS_NUM}""${PW_GS_ITM_TARGET_NITS}:!0..10000"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}$(gettext "Mesa vulkan WSI")!$(gettext "Overrides the WSI present mode") :${GS_CB}""$(combobox_fix_disabled "${PW_GS_MESA_VK_WSI_PRESENT_MODE}""fifo!immediate!mailbox!relaxed")"\
--field="${CHKBOX_SPACE}$(gettext "Gamescope WSI")!$(gettext "This can be useful for some HDR options and for some DXVK v2.3 vsync optimisations") :${GS_CB}""$(combobox_fix_default "${PW_GS_GAMESCOPE_WSI}""enable!disable")"\
--button="$(gettext "CANCEL THE CHANGES")"!"$PW_GUI_ICON_PATH/$BUTTON_SIZE.png"!"$(gettext "Cancel the current changes and return to the previous menu")":1 \