* заниматься только развитием проекта за счет вашей подписки на https://boosty.to/portwine-linux.ru
###Scripts version 2005###
* обновлен db файл для steam (под ProtonGE связь с интернетом снова есть) - Спасибо Cefeiko!
* обновлен WINE PROTON_GE 6.16-GE1
* переменная PW_GUI_DISABLED_CS сбрасывается при запуске порта (для совместимости со старыми ярлыками которые были созданы на предыдущих версиях порта)
* добавлена возможность создавать 32-х битный префикс (необходимо для будущей автоустановки League of Legends)
* в GUI AUTOINSTALL добавлены лаунчеры Bethesda.net Launcher и Rockstar-Games-Launcher
* улучшена функция pw_kill_autostart
###Scripts version 2004###
* HOTFIX - использование и редактирование db файла Battle.NET
##export PW_NO_FSYNC=1 # Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems with no FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support.
##export PW_NO_ESYNC=0 # Do not use eventfd-based in-process synchronization primitives
##export PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 # Fix crackling audio in games
##export PW_NO_WRITE_WATCH=1 # Disable support for memory write watches in ntdll. This is a very dangerous hack and should only be applied if you have verified that the game can operate without write watches. This improves performance for some very specific games (e.g. CoreRT-based games).
##export PW_WINE_ALLOW_XIM=1 # Disable XIM support until libx11 >= 1.7 is widespread
##export PW_USE_TERMINAL=1 # Force run in terminal
##export PW_GUI_DISABLED_CS=1 # 1 = disabled GUI
add_in_start_portwine (){
if["$(cat /proc/sys/abi/vsyscall32)"-ne 0 ];then
zenity --question--title="Fix for LoL anti-cheat"\
--text='Root rights are required to execute the command: \n"sysctl -w abi.vsyscall32=0" and "sysctl -p"'--no-wrap
if [ "$?" = 1 ]
exit 0
["$?"= 1 ]&&exit 0
pkexec sh -c'sysctl -w abi.vsyscall32=0 && sysctl -p'
sh "${PORT_SCRIPTS_PATH}"/fix_start_lol.sh | zenity --progress --title="Start PortLoL" --text="Please wait, launch is in progress, it may take few minutes" --pulsate --auto-close --auto-kill --width=450 &
export PW_NO_FSYNC=1 # Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems with no FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support.
##export PW_NO_FSYNC=1 # Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems with no FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support.
##export PW_NO_ESYNC=0 # Do not use eventfd-based in-process synchronization primitives
##export PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 # Fix crackling audio in games
##export PW_NO_WRITE_WATCH=1 # Disable support for memory write watches in ntdll. This is a very dangerous hack and should only be applied if you have verified that the game can operate without write watches. This improves performance for some very specific games (e.g. CoreRT-based games).
##export PW_WINE_ALLOW_XIM=1 # Disable XIM support until libx11 >= 1.7 is widespread
##export WINEARCH=win32 # defaut = win64
##export WINEPREFIX=
##export PW_WINEDBG_DISABLE=1 # Disabled WINEDBG
##export PW_USE_TERMINAL=1 # Force run in terminal