NOSTAIDVDF="$(generateShortcutVDFAppId "${NOSTAPPNAME}${NOSTEXEPATH}")"# signed integer AppID, stored in the VDF as hexidecimal - ex: -598031679
NOSTAIDVDFHEX="$(generateShortcutVDFHexAppId "$NOSTAIDVDF")"# 4byte little-endian hexidecimal of above 32bit signed integer, which we write out to the binary VDF - ex: c1c25adc
NOSTAPPID="$(extractSteamId32 "$NOSTAIDVDF")"# unsigned 32bit ingeger version of "$NOSTAIDVDF", which is used as the AppID for Steam artwork ("grids"), as well as for our shortcuts
NOSTAIDVDFHEX="$(generateShortcutVDFHexAppId "${NOSTAIDVDF}")"# 4byte little-endian hexidecimal of above 32bit signed integer, which we write out to the binary VDF - ex: c1c25adc
NOSTAPPID="$(extractSteamId32 "${NOSTAIDVDF}")"# unsigned 32bit ingeger version of "$NOSTAIDVDF", which is used as the AppID for Steam artwork ("grids"), as well as for our shortcuts