Commit 08480774 authored by Boria138's avatar Boria138

Улучшил перевод

Заменил упоминание PortProton на переменную $portname Привёл английскую локализацию к тому же виду что и русскую Дополнил общую локализацию
parent e1d13a56
......@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ fi
if [ "${update_loc}" = "RUS" ]
export loc_gui_pw_reinstall_pp="Переустановить PORTPROTON"
export loc_gui_rm_pp="Удалить PORTPROTON"
export loc_gui_pw_reinstall_pp="Переустановить ${portname}"
export loc_gui_rm_pp="Удалить ${portname}"
export loc_gui_upd_pp="Проверить обновления"
export loc_gui_changelog="История изменений"
export loc_gui_change_loc="Сменить язык интерфейса"
......@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ then
export PW_SELECTION_DB_LOC="Найдено более одного DB файла для запускаемого приложения.\nВыберите необходимый, или перед следующим запуском удалите лишний DB файл.\n"
export inst_set="Выбор"
export inst_set_top="Установка PortWINE"
export ss_done="Ярлык создан в каталоге PortProton.\nДобавить его в МЕНЮ и на Рабочий стол?"
export inst_set_top="Установка ${portname}"
export ss_done="Ярлык создан в каталоге ${portname}.\nДобавить его в МЕНЮ -> Игры и на Рабочий стол?"
export inst_succ="Установка завершена успешно!"
export port_upd1="Обновление PortWINE"
export port_upd1="Обновление ${portname}"
export port_upd2="На сайте вышло обновление для ${portname}\n"
export port_upd3="Действие:"
export port_upd4="Перейти на сайт"
......@@ -64,18 +64,18 @@ then
export scripts_upd5="Напомнить позже"
export scripts_upd6="Больше не напоминать"
export port_clear_pfx="Вы действительно хотите очистить префикс PortProton?"
export port_clear_pfx="Вы действительно хотите очистить префикс ${portname}?"
export port_del1="Удаление $portname"
export port_del2="Вы действительно хотите полностью удалить PortProton?"
export port_del2="Вы действительно хотите полностью удалить ${portname}?"
export port_reinstall="Вы действительно хотите переустановить PortProton?\nДля этого будет необходимо интернет соединение."
export port_reinstall="Вы действительно хотите переустановить ${portname}?\nДля этого будет необходимо интернет соединение."
export port_deb1="PortWINE был запущен в режиме создания ${portname}.log и он успешно сохранен в корне каталога порта"
export port_deb2="Для диагностики проблемы, скопируйте ВЕСЬ лог в соответствующий канал у нас на сервере дискорда:"
export port_start1="Запуск PortWINE"
export port_start2="В каком режиме вы хотите запустить PortWINE?"
export port_start1="Запуск ${portname}"
export port_start2="В каком режиме вы хотите запустить ${portname}?"
export port_start3="Режим:"
export port_start4="Обычный"
export port_start5="Отдельной X-сессии"
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ then
export PW_MANGOHUD_INFO='Использование мониторинга FPS и нагрузки системы (Включается и выключается сочитанием клавиш - правый Shift + F12)'
export PW_USE_GAMEMODE_INFO='Использование автоматической оптимизации системы для увеличения производительности в играх (при условии установленного пакета gamemode в системе)'
export PW_DX12_DISABLE_INFO='Принудительное отключение DirectX 12'
export PW_USE_WINE_DXGI_INFO='Принудительное использование встроенной библиотеки DXGI (в редких случаях решает проблемы с запуском игр под DX12,а так же решает проблемы с играми которые используют аппаратное ускорение)'
export PW_USE_WINE_DXGI_INFO='Принудительное использование встроенной библиотеки DXGI (в редких случаях решает проблемы с запуском игр под DX12)'
export PW_MANGOHUD_USER_CONF_INFO='Принудительное использование системных настроек MANGOHUD (GOverlay и т.п.)'
export PW_USE_D3D_EXTRAS_INFO='Включить принудительное использование сторонних библиотек DirectX'
export PW_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD_INFO='Включить дискретную видеокарту NVIDIA для ноутбуков с гибридной графикой (при поддержке установленого драйвера в ОС)'
......@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ then
export PW_WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR_INFO='Работает во время использования любой версии ProtonGE в полноэкранном режиме при разрешении ниже стандартного для экрана'
export PW_USE_FAKE_DLSS_INFO='Включить транслятор DLSS в FSR 2 в играх DirectX 12'
export PW_MANGOHUD_x32_INFO='Включить MANGOHUD для 32 битных приложений и игр'
export PW_USE_EAC_AND_BE_INFO='Включить Easy Anti-Cheat and BattlEye Anti-Cheat (требуется если игра использует какой-то из этих античитов)'
export PW_3DFX_INFO='Имитация старого графического ускорителя 3dfx (добавляет горизонтальные полосы)'
export PW_AdaptiveSharpen_INFO='Увеличение резкости, можно использовать совместно с CAS'
......@@ -187,7 +188,7 @@ then
export PW_StageDepth_INFO='Позволяет добавлять новые элементы в 3d-пространство внутри игры и применять пользовательские текстуры'
export PW_PPFX_Bloom_INFO='Добавляет Bloom эффект'
export PW_WAYLAND_INFO="Внимание! Вы запускаете PortProton в сессии Wayland, некоторые функции могут быть недоступны!\nРекомендуется перезапустить сессию в X11!"
export PW_WAYLAND_INFO="Внимание! Вы запускаете ${portname} в сессии Wayland, некоторые функции могут быть недоступны!\nРекомендуется перезапустить сессию в X11!"
export loc_find_d3dadapter9_error="не найден в системе.\nУстановите недостающий пакет: </Sb>d3dadapter9</b>"
......@@ -196,7 +197,7 @@ then
export loc_gui_error='Ошибка.'
export loc_gui_error_download="Проверьте интернет соединение и\nнажмите Repeat для повторной попытки скачивания"
export loc_gui_settings="Пожалуйста подождите."
export loc_gui_sett_info="Обновление конфигурации <b>PortProton</b>..."
export loc_gui_sett_info="Обновление конфигурации <b>${portname}</b>..."
export loc_gui_edit_db="Изменение файла настроек для:"
export loc_gui_edit_db_help="<b>ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ:</b> Для вывода справки по каждому пункту, просто наведите курсор мыши на текст."
......@@ -265,79 +266,16 @@ then
elif [ "${update_loc}" = "ENG" ]
export loc_gui_installing_the="Installing the"
export loc_gui_please_wait="Please wait..."
export loc_gui_vulkan_stable="VULKAN (Stable version of DXVK and VKD3D)"
export loc_gui_vulkan_git="VULKAN (New GIT version of DXVK and VKD3D)"
export loc_gui_gallium_nine="GALLIUM_NINE (Native DX9 on MESA)"
export loc_gui_open_gl="OPENGL (For video cards without VULKAN)"
export loc_gui_error='Error.'
export loc_gui_error_download="You will need to check internet connection,\nand press OK for repeat download"
export loc_gui_settings="Settings."
export loc_gui_sett_info="Updating parameters..."
export loc_gui_edit_db="Change settings in database file for"
export loc_gui_cancel="CANCEL"
export loc_gui_open_db="OPEN DB FILE"
export loc_gui_save_changes="SAVE CHANGES"
export loc_gui_ver_windows="SELECT VERSION OF WINDOWS"
export loc_gui_ver_windows_help="Changing the <b>WINDOWS</b> emulation version may be required to run older games. <b>WINDOWS</b> versions below 10 do not support new games with DirectX 12"
export loc_gui_aut_winetricks="AUTOINSTALL WITH WINETRICKS"
export loc_gui_aut_winetricks_help="Automatically install with <b>WINETRICKS</b> additional libraries required to run the game/program. List of libraries separated by spaces"
export loc_gui_winedllover="WINEDLLOVERRIDES"
export loc_gui_winedllover_help="Forced to use/disable the library only for the given application. (There are examples in the drop-down list)
A brief instruction:
* libraries are written <b>WITHOUT</b> the .dll file extension
* libraries are separated by semicolons - <b>;</b>
* library=n - use the <b>WINDOWS</b> (third-party) library
* library=b - use <b>WINE</b> (built-in) library
* library=n,b - use <b>WINDOWS</b> library and then <b>WINE</b>
* library=b,n - use <b>WINE</b> library and then <b>WINDOWS</b>
* library= - disable the use of this library"
export loc_gui_arg_exe="ADD ARGUMENTS FOR .EXE FILE"
export loc_gui_arg_exe_help="Adding an argument after the <b>.exe</b> file, just like you would add an argument in a shortcut on a <b>WINDOWS </b> system"
export loc_gui_mango_fps="MANGOHUD FPS LIMIT (0-disabled)"
export loc_gui_mango_fps_help="Enabling FPS limits using MANGOHUD built into PortProton"
export loc_gui_check_new_wine="Check new version WINE from GitHub"
export loc_gui_check_new_wine_error="Error: check wine from github."
export loc_gui_set_new_wine="Select WINE for download:"
export loc_gui_del_wine="Select installed WINE for delete:"
export loc_gui_installed_wine="INSTALLED"
export loc_gui_disabled_vkbas="DISABLE VKBASALT"
export loc_gui_no="NO"
export loc_gui_yes="YES"
export loc_gui_create_shortcut="CREATE SHORTCUT"
export loc_gui_delete_shortcut="DELETE SHORTCUT"
export loc_gui_launch="LAUNCH"
export loc_gui_debug="DEBUG"
export loc_gui_edit_db_start="EDIT DB"
export loc_gui_edit_db_help="<b>NOTE:</b> To display help for each item, simply hover your mouse over the text"
export loc_gui_vkbasalt_start="VKBASALT"
export loc_gui_vkbasalt_top="vkBasalt settings for adding effects to games running under Vulkan. (The <b>HOME</b> key disables vkbasalt)\n<b>NOTE:</b> To display help for each item, simply hover over the text\n"
export loc_gui_db_comments="PortProton database file was found for"
export loc_create_shortcut_from_gui="Create shortcut..."
# Helped in translation: ConTI1NuEsZZZ and Boria138
export loc_gui_rm_pp="REMOVE PORTPROTON"
export loc_gui_upd_pp="UPDATE PORTPROTON"
export loc_gui_pw_reinstall_pp="REINSTALL ${portname}"
export loc_gui_rm_pp="REMOVE ${portname}"
export loc_gui_upd_pp="UPDATE ${portname}"
export loc_gui_changelog="CHANGELOG"
export loc_gui_change_loc="CHANGE LANGUAGE"
export loc_gui_edit_usc="EDIT USER.CONF"
export loc_gui_scripts_fb="SCRIPTS FROM BACKUP"
export loc_gui_credits="CREDITS"
export loc_gui_pw_reinstall_pp="REINSTALL PORTPROTON"
export loc_tray_winefile="WINEFILE"
export loc_tray_tascmng="TASKMNR"
......@@ -347,19 +285,19 @@ A brief instruction:
export loc_mg_autoinstall="AUTOINSTALL"
export loc_mg_emulators="EMULATORS"
export loc_mg_wine_settings="WINE SETTINGS"
export loc_mg_portproton_settings="PORTPROTON SETTINGS"
export loc_mg_portproton_settings="${portname} SETTINGS"
export loc_mg_installed="INSTALLED"
export PW_CHANGELOG_FILE="changelog_eng"
export PW_SELECTION_DB_LOC="More than one DB file found for the application being launched.\nSelect the required one, or delete the extra DB file before the next run.\n"
export inst_set="Sett..."
export inst_set_top="PortWINE setting"
export inst_set="Choices"
export inst_set_top="Instaling ${portname}"
export ss_done="The shortcut was created in the ${portname} directory.\n Add it to MENU -> GAMES and Desktop?"
export inst_succ="The installation was successful."
export port_upd1="New update PortWINE"
export port_upd2="On site published an update to the ${portname}\n"
export port_upd1="New update for ${portname}"
export port_upd2="On site published an update for ${portname}\n"
export port_upd3="Action:"
export port_upd4="Go to the website"
export port_upd5="Remind me later"
......@@ -367,23 +305,23 @@ A brief instruction:
export scripts_upd1="New update for scripts"
export scripts_upd2="Scripts update avialable for ${portname}"
export scripts_upd3="Action :"
export scripts_upd3="Action:"
export scripts_upd4="Updating now"
export scripts_upd5="Remind me later"
export scripts_upd6="Do not remind me"
export port_clear_pfx="Do you want to clear prefix in PortProton?"
export port_clear_pfx="Do you want to clear prefix in ${portname}?"
export port_del1="Remove $portname"
export port_del2="Are you sure you want to delete the PortProton"
export port_del2="Do you really want to remove $portname?"
export port_reinstall="Do you really want to reinstall PortProton?\nFor this, an internet connection will be required."
export port_reinstall="Do you really want to reinstall ${portname}?\nFor this, an internet connection will be required."
export port_deb1="PortWINE was launched in creation mode ${portname}.log and it is successfully stored in the root directory of the port"
export port_deb1="${portname} was launched in creation mode ${portname}.log and it is successfully stored in the root directory of the port"
export port_deb2="To diagnose the problem, copy ALL of the log to discord server:"
export port_start1="Starting the PortWINE"
export port_start2="In what mode you want to start the PortWINE?"
export port_start1="Starting the ${portname}"
export port_start2="In what mode you want to start the ${portname}?"
export port_start3="Mode:"
export port_start4="Normal"
export port_start5="Individual X-Session"
......@@ -391,10 +329,55 @@ A brief instruction:
export port_start7="Run winetricks"
export port_start8="DXVK"
export loc_gui_create_shortcut_for_exe="Choose the .exe file for which you need to create a shortcut and click OK.\n"
export port_debug="Please wait! After finishing the ${portname}, click STOP."
export loc_create_shortcut_from_gui="Create shortcut..."
export loc_create_shortcut="Create shortcut for select file..."
export loc_delete_shortcut="Delete shortcut for select file..."
export loc_debug="Launch with the creation of a .log file at the root ${portname}"
export loc_launch="Run file ..."
export loc_winecfg="Run winecfg to edit the settings of the selected prefix"
export loc_winefile="Run wine file manager"
export loc_winecmd="Run wine cmd"
export loc_winereg="Run wine regedit"
export loc_winetricks="Run winetricks to install additional libraries to the selected prefix"
export loc_edit_db="Edit database file for"
export loc_download_other_wine="Open the menu to download other versions of WINE-PROTON "
export ENABLE_VKBASALT_INFO='Enable vkBasalt by default to improve graphics in games running on Vulkan. (The HOME hotkey disables vkbasalt)'
export PW_NO_ESYNC_INFO='Do not use in-process synchronization primitives based on eventfd. (It is recommended not to change the value.)'
export PW_NO_FSYNC_INFO='Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems without FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support) (It is recommended not to change the value)'
export PW_USE_RAY_TRACING_INFO='Enable vkd3d support - Ray Tracing'
export PW_FIX_VIDEO_IN_GAME_INFO='Required for video playback in some games so that it is not distorted (usually colored pink)'
export PW_VULKAN_NO_ASYNC_INFO='Disable asynchronous calls for VULKAN and DXVK modes'
export PW_USE_NVAPI_AND_DLSS_INFO='Enable DLSS on supported NVIDIA graphics cards'
export PW_OLD_GL_STRING_INFO='Forced use of older versions of OpenGL'
export PW_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU_INFO='Disguise all features used for NVIDIA graphics cards'
export PW_FORCE_USE_VSYNC_INFO='Forced activation of vertical sync'
export PW_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP_INFO='Enable the application to run in the WINE virtual desktop'
export PW_WINEDBG_DISABLE_INFO='Disable all WINE debugging functions (It is recommended not to change the value)'
export PW_USE_TERMINAL_INFO='Run the application in the terminal'
export PW_WINE_ALLOW_XIM_INFO='Use alternate mode for controller (Use only if there is a problem with the controller)'
export PW_HEAP_DELAY_FREE_INFO='Include a delay in releasing some memory to bypass errors associated with using the application after the memory is released'
export PW_NO_WRITE_WATCH_INFO='A very dangerous way to hack the memory write timer in ntdll. This improves the performance of some very specific games. (It is recommended not to change the value.)'
export PW_GUI_DISABLED_CS_INFO='Disable the window for selecting startup modes and WINE versions'
export PW_USE_GSTREAMER_INFO='Use Gstreamer to output clips in games (WMF support)'
export PW_USE_RUNTIME_INFO='Use container launch mode (It is recommended not to change the value)'
export PW_MANGOHUD_INFO='Using FPS and system load monitoring (Turns on and off by the key combination - right Shift + F12)'
export PW_USE_GAMEMODE_INFO='Using automatic system optimization to improve performance in games (provided the gamemode package is installed on the system)'
export PW_DX12_DISABLE_INFO='Forced disabling DirectX 12'
export PW_USE_WINE_DXGI_INFO='Forced use of built-in DXGI library (in rare cases it solves problems with DX12 games)'
export PW_MANGOHUD_USER_CONF_INFO='Forced use of MANGOHUD system settings (GOverlay, etc.)'
export PW_USE_D3D_EXTRAS_INFO='Enable forced use of third-party DirectX libraries'
export PW_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD_INFO='Enable NVIDIA discrete graphics card for notebooks with hybrid graphics (if supported by the installed driver in the OS)'
export PW_USE_WINDOWS_7_INFO='Change the version of WINDOWS 10 to WINDOWS 7 in the prefix'
export PW_USE_AMDVLK_DRIVER_INFO='Use AMDVLK driver instead of RADV on AMD graphics cards'
export PW_USE_SHADER_CACHE_INFO='Use WINE shader caching (disable only if there are microfreezes in the game)'
export PW_WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR_INFO='Works while using any version of ProtonGE in full screen mode at a resolution below the standard screen'
export PW_USE_FAKE_DLSS_INFO='Enable DLSS translator in FSR 2 in DirectX 12 games'
export PW_MANGOHUD_x32_INFO='Enable MANGOHUD for 32 bit applications and games'
export PW_USE_EAC_AND_BE_INFO='Enable Easy Anti-Cheat and BattlEye Anti-Cheat runtimes (required if game used this anti-cheats)'
export PW_3DFX_INFO='Simulation of an old 3dfx graphics accelerator (adds horizontal stripes)'
export PW_AdaptiveSharpen_INFO='Sharpness increase, can be used with CAS'
export PW_Bloom_INFO='Adds glow from bright light sources in the game'
......@@ -453,52 +436,81 @@ A brief instruction:
export PW_WAYLAND_INFO="Attention! You are running $portname in a Wayland session, some features may not be available!\nRestarting your session in X11 is recommended!"
export loc_download_other_wine="Download other wine-proton from GITHUB"
export loc_find_d3dadapter9_error="Not found in the system.\nInstall the missing package: </Sb>d3dadapter9</b>"
# Helped in translation: ConTI1NuEsZZZ and Boria138
export loc_create_shortcut="Create shortcut for select file..."
export loc_delete_shortcut="Delete shortcut for select file..."
export loc_debug="Launch with the creation of a .log file at the root ${portname}"
export loc_launch="Run file ..."
export loc_winecfg="Run winecfg to edit prefix settings ${portname}"
export loc_winefile="Run the file manager built into wine"
export loc_winecmd="Run wine command line"
export loc_winereg="Run Registry Prefix Editor ${portname}"
export loc_winetricks="Run winetricks to install additional libraries to the prefix ${portname}"
export loc_edit_db="Edit database file for"
export loc_gui_create_shortcut_for_exe="Choose the .exe file for which you need to create a shortcut and click OK.\n"
export loc_find_d3dadapter9_error="not found in the system.\nInstall it and try again."
export loc_gui_error='Error.'
export loc_gui_error_download="You will need to check internet connection,and\npress Repeat for repeat download"
export loc_gui_settings="Please wait."
export loc_gui_sett_info="Updating configuration for <b>${portname}</b>..."
export loc_gui_edit_db="Change settings in database file for"
export loc_gui_edit_db_help="<b>NOTE:</b> To display help for each item, simply hover your mouse over the text"
export ENABLE_VKBASALT_INFO='Enable vkBasalt by default to improve graphics in games running on Vulkan. (The HOME hotkey disables vkbasalt)'
export PW_NO_ESYNC_INFO='Do not use in-process synchronization primitives based on eventfd. (It is recommended not to change the value.)'
export PW_NO_FSYNC_INFO='Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives. (Automatically disabled on systems without FUTEX_WAIT_MULTIPLE support) (It is recommended not to change the value)'
export PW_USE_RAY_TRACING_INFO='Enable vkd3d support - Ray Tracing'
export PW_FIX_VIDEO_IN_GAME_INFO='Required for video playback in some games so that it is not distorted (usually colored pink)'
export PW_VULKAN_NO_ASYNC_INFO='Disable asynchronous calls for VULKAN and DXVK modes'
export PW_USE_NVAPI_AND_DLSS_INFO='Enable DLSS on supported NVIDIA graphics cards'
export PW_OLD_GL_STRING_INFO='Forced use of older versions of OpenGL'
export PW_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU_INFO='Disguise all features used for NVIDIA graphics cards'
export PW_FORCE_USE_VSYNC_INFO='Forced activation of vertical sync'
export PW_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP_INFO='Enable the application to run in the WINE virtual desktop'
export PW_WINEDBG_DISABLE_INFO='Disable all WINE debugging functions (It is recommended not to change the value)'
export PW_USE_TERMINAL_INFO='Run the application in the terminal'
export PW_WINE_ALLOW_XIM_INFO='Use alternate mode for controller (Use only if there is a problem with the controller)'
export PW_HEAP_DELAY_FREE_INFO='Include a delay in releasing some memory to bypass errors associated with using the application after the memory is released'
export PW_NO_WRITE_WATCH_INFO='A very dangerous way to hack the memory write timer in ntdll. This improves the performance of some very specific games. (It is recommended not to change the value.)'
export PW_GUI_DISABLED_CS_INFO='Disable the window for selecting startup modes and WINE versions'
export PW_USE_GSTREAMER_INFO='Use Gstreamer to output clips in games (WMF support)'
export PW_USE_RUNTIME_INFO='Use container launch mode (It is recommended not to change the value)'
export PW_MANGOHUD_INFO='Using FPS and system load monitoring (Turns on and off by the key combination - right Shift + F12)'
export PW_USE_GAMEMODE_INFO='Using automatic system optimization to improve performance in games (provided the gamemode package is installed on the system)'
export PW_DX12_DISABLE_INFO='Forced disabling DirectX 12'
export PW_USE_WINE_DXGI_INFO='Forced use of built-in DXGI library (in rare cases it solves problems with DX12 games, and also solves problems with games that use hardware acceleration)'
export PW_MANGOHUD_USER_CONF_INFO='Forced use of MANGOHUD system settings (GOverlay, etc.)'
export PW_USE_D3D_EXTRAS_INFO='Enable forced use of third-party DirectX libraries'
export PW_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD_INFO='Enable NVIDIA discrete graphics card for notebooks with hybrid graphics (if supported by the installed driver in the OS)'
export PW_USE_WINDOWS_7_INFO='Change the version of WINDOWS 10 to WINDOWS 7 in the prefix'
export PW_USE_AMDVLK_DRIVER_INFO='Use AMDVLK driver instead of RADV on AMD graphics cards'
export PW_USE_SHADER_CACHE_INFO='Use WINE shader caching (disable only if there are microfreezes in the game)'
export PW_WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR_INFO='Works while using any version of ProtonGE in full screen mode at a resolution below the standard screen'
export PW_USE_FAKE_DLSS_INFO='Enable DLSS translator in FSR 2 in DirectX 12 games'
export PW_MANGOHUD_x32_INFO='Enable MANGOHUD for 32 bit applications and games'
export loc_gui_cancel="CANCEL THE CHANGES"
export loc_gui_cancel_help="Cancel the current changes and return to the previous menu."
export loc_gui_open_db="OPEN THE SETTINGS FILE"
export loc_gui_open_db_help="Open the <b>.ppdb</b> settings file in a system text editor to view and change variables manually."
export loc_gui_save_changes="SAVE CHANGES"
export loc_gui_save_changes_help="Save the current changes, and go to the previous menu."
export loc_gui_ver_windows="Change the version of <b>WINDOWS</b> emulation"
export loc_gui_ver_windows_help="Changing the <b>WINDOWS</b> emulation version may be required to run older games. <b>WINDOWS</b> versions below 10 do not support new games with DirectX 12"
export loc_gui_aut_winetricks="AUTOINSTALL WITH <b>WINETRICKS</b>"
export loc_gui_aut_winetricks_help="Automatically install with <b>WINETRICKS</b> additional libraries required to run the game/program. List of libraries separated by spaces"
export loc_gui_winedllover="Forced to use/disable libraries"
export loc_gui_winedllover_help="Forced to use/disable the library only for the given application. (There are examples in the drop-down list)
A brief instruction:
* libraries are written <b>WITHOUT</b> the .dll file extension
* libraries are separated by semicolons - <b>;</b>
* library=n - use the <b>WINDOWS</b> (third-party) library
* library=b - use <b>WINE</b> (built-in) library
* library=n,b - use <b>WINDOWS</b> library and then <b>WINE</b>
* library=b,n - use <b>WINE</b> library and then <b>WINDOWS</b>
* library= - disable the use of this library"
export loc_gui_arg_exe="ADD ARGUMENTS FOR .EXE FILE"
export loc_gui_arg_exe_help="Adding an argument after the <b>.exe</b> file, just like you would add an argument in a shortcut on a <b>WINDOWS </b> system"
export loc_gui_mango_fps="MANGOHUD FPS LIMIT (0-disabled)"
export loc_gui_mango_fps_help="Enabling FPS limits using MANGOHUD built into ${portname}"
export loc_gui_check_new_wine="Check new version WINE from GitHub"
export loc_gui_check_new_wine_error="Error: check wine from github."
export loc_gui_set_new_wine="Select WINE for download:"
export loc_gui_del_wine="Select installed WINE for delete:"
export loc_gui_installed_wine="INSTALLED"
export loc_gui_ffx_cas="AMD FidelityFX - CAS is designed to dramatically improve texture sharpness without additional modification settings for games, with minimal loss of performance. (For older games it is recommended to set value = 100)"
export loc_gui_disabled_vkbas="DISABLE VKBASALT"
export loc_gui_disabled_vkbas_help="Disable vkBasalt and go to the previous menu."
export loc_gui_no="NO"
export loc_gui_yes="YES"
export loc_gui_create_shortcut="CREATE SHORTCUT"
export loc_gui_delete_shortcut="DELETE SHORTCUT"
export loc_gui_launch="LAUNCH"
export loc_gui_debug="DEBUG"
export loc_gui_edit_db_start="EDIT DB"
export loc_gui_vkbasalt_start="VKBASALT"
export loc_gui_vkbasalt_top="vkBasalt settings for adding effects to games running under Vulkan. (The <b>HOME</b> key disables vkbasalt)\n<b>NOTE:</b> To display help for each item, simply hover over the text\n"
export loc_gui_db_comments="${portname} database file was found for"
export loc_gui_vulkan_stable="Stable DXVK ${DXVK_STABLE_VER} и VKD3D ${VKD3D_STABLE_VER}"
export loc_gui_vulkan_git="Newest DXVK ${DXVK_GIT_VER} и VKD3D ${VKD3D_GIT_VER}"
export loc_gui_gallium_nine="GALLIUM_NINE (DX9 for MESA)"
export loc_gui_open_gl="OPENGL (For video cards without VULKAN)"
export loc_gui_installing_the="Installing the"
export loc_gui_please_wait="Please wait..."
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