Unverified Commit 1da80eaa authored by Aurélien Lajoie's avatar Aurélien Lajoie Committed by GitHub

feat: oauth2 add groups mapping (#6053)

parent 43a797d3
......@@ -31,6 +31,19 @@ module.exports = {
email: _.get(profile, conf.emailClaim)
if (conf.mapGroups) {
const groups = _.get(profile, conf.groupsClaim)
if (groups && _.isArray(groups)) {
const currentGroups = (await user.$relatedQuery('groups').select('groups.id')).map(g => g.id)
const expectedGroups = Object.values(WIKI.auth.groups).filter(g => groups.includes(g.name)).map(g => g.id)
for (const groupId of _.difference(expectedGroups, currentGroups)) {
await user.$relatedQuery('groups').relate(groupId)
for (const groupId of _.difference(currentGroups, expectedGroups)) {
await user.$relatedQuery('groups').unrelate().where('groupId', groupId)
cb(null, user)
} catch (err) {
cb(err, null)
......@@ -54,25 +54,38 @@ props:
default: email
maxWidth: 500
order: 8
type: Boolean
title: Map Groups
hint: Map groups matching names from the groups claim value
default: false
order: 9
type: String
title: Groups Claim
hint: Field containing the group names
default: groups
maxWidth: 500
order: 10
type: String
title: Logout URL
hint: (optional) Logout URL on the OAuth2 provider where the user will be redirected to complete the logout process.
order: 9
order: 11
type: String
title: Scope
hint: (optional) Application Client permission scopes.
order: 10
order: 12
type: Boolean
default: false
title: Pass access token via GET query string to User Info Endpoint
hint: (optional) Pass the access token in an `access_token` parameter attached to the GET query string of the User Info Endpoint URL. Otherwise the access token will be passed in the Authorization header.
order: 11
order: 13
type: Boolean
default: true
title: Enable CSRF protection
hint: Pass a nonce state parameter during authentication to protect against CSRF attacks.
order: 12
order: 14
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