v-list-tile-subtitle.caption: em Installation checkpoint reached
v-list-tile-subtitle.caption: em Installation checkpoint reached
.body-1.pl-3 Note that any data collected is stored for a maximum of 180 days, after which it is permanently deleted.
.body-1.pl-3 Note that crash debug data is stored for a maximum of 30 days while analytics are stored for a maximum of 16 months, after which it is permanently deleted.
v-subheader What is it used for?
v-subheader What is it used for?
.body-1.pl-3 Telemetry is used by developers to improve Wiki.js, mostly for the following reasons:
.body-1.pl-3 Telemetry is used by developers to improve Wiki.js, mostly for the following reasons:
.body-1 Should you have any question or would like to report something that doesn't look right, feel free to create a new issue on the #[a(href='https://github.com/Requarks/wiki/issues') GitHub project].
v-icon.mr-2(color='indigo') open_in_browser
span.indigo--text You are about to install Wiki.js #[strong {{wikiVersion}}].
span.indigo--text You are about to install Wiki.js #[strong {{wikiVersion}}].