Commit 547f3065 authored by NGPixel's avatar NGPixel

Converted all client code to Standard JS compliant

parent 414dc386
root = true
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trim_trailing_whitespace = false
\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
{ {
"eslint.enable": false "eslint.enable": true,
"puglint.enable": true
} }
...@@ -5,9 +5,11 @@ This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( ...@@ -5,9 +5,11 @@ This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [Unreleased] ## [Unreleased]
### Added ### Added
- Change log - Change log
- Added .editorconfig, .eslintrc.json and .pug-lintrc.json for code linting
### Fixed ### Fixed
- Fixed issue with social accounts with empty name - Fixed issue with social accounts with empty name
- Fixed standard error page styling
### Changed ### Changed
- Updated dependencies + snyk policy - Updated dependencies + snyk policy
'use strict' 'use strict'
/* global jQuery, _, io, Sticky, alertsData, Alerts */
/* eslint-disable spaced-comment */
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
// ==================================== // ====================================
// Scroll // Scroll
...@@ -10,7 +13,7 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { ...@@ -10,7 +13,7 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
offset: -70 offset: -70
}) })
var sticky = new Sticky('.stickyscroll') var sticky = new Sticky('.stickyscroll') // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
// ==================================== // ====================================
// Notifications // Notifications
...@@ -36,22 +39,24 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { ...@@ -36,22 +39,24 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
// Establish WebSocket connection // Establish WebSocket connection
// ==================================== // ====================================
var socket = io(window.location.origin) var socket = io(window.location.origin) // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
// =include components/search.js //=include components/search.js
// ==================================== // ====================================
// Pages logic // Pages logic
// ==================================== // ====================================
// =include pages/view.js //=include pages/view.js
// =include pages/create.js //=include pages/create.js
// =include pages/edit.js //=include pages/edit.js
// =include pages/source.js //=include pages/source.js
// =include pages/admin.js //=include pages/admin.js
}) })
// =include helpers/form.js //=include helpers/form.js
// =include helpers/pages.js //=include helpers/pages.js
//=include components/alerts.js
// =include components/alerts.js /* eslint-enable spaced-comment */
'use strict' 'use strict'
/* global Vue, _ */
/** /**
* Alerts * Alerts
*/ */
class Alerts { class Alerts { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
/** /**
* Constructor * Constructor
/* global $, Vue, ace, mde, _ */
let modelist = ace.require('ace/ext/modelist') let modelist = ace.require('ace/ext/modelist')
let codeEditor = null let codeEditor = null
...@@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ let vueCodeBlock = new Vue({ ...@@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ let vueCodeBlock = new Vue({
}, 300) }, 300)
}, },
cancel: (ev) => { cancel: (ev) => {
mdeModalOpenState = false mdeModalOpenState = false // eslint-disable-line no-undef
$('#modal-editor-codeblock').removeClass('is-active') $('#modal-editor-codeblock').removeClass('is-active')
vueCodeBlock.initContent = '' vueCodeBlock.initContent = ''
}, },
/* global $, Vue, _, alerts, mde, socket */
let vueFile = new Vue({ let vueFile = new Vue({
el: '#modal-editor-file', el: '#modal-editor-file',
...@@ -23,12 +24,12 @@ let vueFile = new Vue({ ...@@ -23,12 +24,12 @@ let vueFile = new Vue({
methods: { methods: {
open: () => { open: () => {
mdeModalOpenState = true mdeModalOpenState = true // eslint-disable-line no-undef
$('#modal-editor-file').addClass('is-active') $('#modal-editor-file').addClass('is-active')
vueFile.refreshFolders() vueFile.refreshFolders()
}, },
cancel: (ev) => { cancel: (ev) => {
mdeModalOpenState = false mdeModalOpenState = false // eslint-disable-line no-undef
$('#modal-editor-file').removeClass('is-active') $('#modal-editor-file').removeClass('is-active')
}, },
...@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ let vueFile = new Vue({ ...@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ let vueFile = new Vue({
vueFile.newFolderShow = false vueFile.newFolderShow = false
}, },
newFolderCreate: (ev) => { newFolderCreate: (ev) => {
let regFolderName = new RegExp('^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9]$') let regFolderName = new RegExp('^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]$')
vueFile.newFolderName = _.kebabCase(_.trim(vueFile.newFolderName)) vueFile.newFolderName = _.kebabCase(_.trim(vueFile.newFolderName))
if (_.isEmpty(vueFile.newFolderName) || !regFolderName.test(vueFile.newFolderName)) { if (_.isEmpty(vueFile.newFolderName) || !regFolderName.test(vueFile.newFolderName)) {
...@@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ let vueFile = new Vue({ ...@@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ let vueFile = new Vue({
// ------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------
renameFile: () => { renameFile: () => {
let c = _.find(vueFile.files, ['_id', vueFile.renameFileId ]) let c = _.find(vueFile.files, [ '_id', vueFile.renameFileId ])
vueFile.renameFileFilename = c.basename || '' vueFile.renameFileFilename = c.basename || ''
vueFile.renameFileShow = true vueFile.renameFileShow = true
_.delay(() => { _.delay(() => {
...@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ let vueFile = new Vue({ ...@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ let vueFile = new Vue({
deleteFileWarn: (show) => { deleteFileWarn: (show) => {
if (show) { if (show) {
let c = _.find(vueFile.files, ['_id', vueFile.deleteFileId ]) let c = _.find(vueFile.files, [ '_id', vueFile.deleteFileId ])
vueFile.deleteFileFilename = c.filename || 'this file' vueFile.deleteFileFilename = c.filename || 'this file'
} }
vueFile.deleteFileShow = show vueFile.deleteFileShow = show
/* global $, Vue, mde, _, alerts, socket */
let vueImage = new Vue({ let vueImage = new Vue({
el: '#modal-editor-image', el: '#modal-editor-image',
...@@ -26,12 +27,12 @@ let vueImage = new Vue({ ...@@ -26,12 +27,12 @@ let vueImage = new Vue({
methods: { methods: {
open: () => { open: () => {
mdeModalOpenState = true mdeModalOpenState = true // eslint-disable-line no-undef
$('#modal-editor-image').addClass('is-active') $('#modal-editor-image').addClass('is-active')
vueImage.refreshFolders() vueImage.refreshFolders()
}, },
cancel: (ev) => { cancel: (ev) => {
mdeModalOpenState = false mdeModalOpenState = false // eslint-disable-line no-undef
$('#modal-editor-image').removeClass('is-active') $('#modal-editor-image').removeClass('is-active')
}, },
...@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ let vueImage = new Vue({ ...@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ let vueImage = new Vue({
vueImage.newFolderShow = false vueImage.newFolderShow = false
}, },
newFolderCreate: (ev) => { newFolderCreate: (ev) => {
let regFolderName = new RegExp('^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9]$') let regFolderName = new RegExp('^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]$')
vueImage.newFolderName = _.kebabCase(_.trim(vueImage.newFolderName)) vueImage.newFolderName = _.kebabCase(_.trim(vueImage.newFolderName))
if (_.isEmpty(vueImage.newFolderName) || !regFolderName.test(vueImage.newFolderName)) { if (_.isEmpty(vueImage.newFolderName) || !regFolderName.test(vueImage.newFolderName)) {
...@@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ let vueImage = new Vue({ ...@@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ let vueImage = new Vue({
// ------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------
renameImage: () => { renameImage: () => {
let c = _.find(vueImage.images, ['_id', vueImage.renameImageId ]) let c = _.find(vueImage.images, [ '_id', vueImage.renameImageId ])
vueImage.renameImageFilename = c.basename || '' vueImage.renameImageFilename = c.basename || ''
vueImage.renameImageShow = true vueImage.renameImageShow = true
_.delay(() => { _.delay(() => {
...@@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ let vueImage = new Vue({ ...@@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ let vueImage = new Vue({
deleteImageWarn: (show) => { deleteImageWarn: (show) => {
if (show) { if (show) {
let c = _.find(vueImage.images, ['_id', vueImage.deleteImageId ]) let c = _.find(vueImage.images, [ '_id', vueImage.deleteImageId ])
vueImage.deleteImageFilename = c.filename || 'this image' vueImage.deleteImageFilename = c.filename || 'this image'
} }
vueImage.deleteImageShow = show vueImage.deleteImageShow = show
/* global $, Vue, mde, _ */
const videoRules = { const videoRules = {
'youtube': new RegExp(/(?:(?:youtu\.be\/|v\/|vi\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/)|(?:(?:watch)?\?v(?:i)?=|\&v(?:i)?=))([^#\&\?]*).*/, 'i'), 'youtube': new RegExp(/(?:(?:youtu\.be\/|v\/|vi\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/)|(?:(?:watch)?\?v(?:i)?=|&v(?:i)?=))([^#&?]*).*/, 'i'),
'vimeo': new RegExp(/\/(?:channels\/(?:\w+\/)?|groups\/(?:[^\/]*)\/videos\/|album\/(?:\d+)\/video\/|)(\d+)(?:$|\/|\?)/, 'i'), 'vimeo': new RegExp(/\/(?:channels\/(?:\w+\/)?|groups\/(?:[^/]*)\/videos\/|album\/(?:\d+)\/video\/|)(\d+)(?:$|\/|\?)/, 'i'),
'dailymotion': new RegExp(/(?:dailymotion\.com(?:\/embed)?(?:\/video|\/hub)|dai\.ly)\/([0-9a-z]+)(?:[\-_0-9a-zA-Z]+(?:#video=)?([a-z0-9]+)?)?/, 'i') 'dailymotion': new RegExp(/(?:dailymotion\.com(?:\/embed)?(?:\/video|\/hub)|dai\.ly)\/([0-9a-z]+)(?:[-_0-9a-zA-Z]+(?:#video=)?([a-z0-9]+)?)?/, 'i')
} }
// Vue Video instance // Vue Video instance
...@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ let vueVideo = new Vue({ ...@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ let vueVideo = new Vue({
$('#modal-editor-video input').focus() $('#modal-editor-video input').focus()
}, },
cancel: (ev) => { cancel: (ev) => {
mdeModalOpenState = false mdeModalOpenState = false // eslint-disable-line no-undef
$('#modal-editor-video').removeClass('is-active') $('#modal-editor-video').removeClass('is-active') = '' = ''
}, },
'use strict'
/* global $, Vue, _, filesize, SimpleMDE, alerts, vueImage, vueFile, vueVideo, vueCodeBlock */
// ==================================== // ====================================
// Markdown Editor // Markdown Editor
...@@ -5,16 +8,18 @@ ...@@ -5,16 +8,18 @@
if ($('#mk-editor').length === 1) { if ($('#mk-editor').length === 1) {
let mdeModalOpenState = false let mdeModalOpenState = false
let mdeCurrentEditor = null let mdeCurrentEditor = null // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
Vue.filter('filesize', (v) => { Vue.filter('filesize', (v) => {
return _.toUpper(filesize(v)) return _.toUpper(filesize(v))
}) })
// =include editor-image.js /* eslint-disable spaced-comment */
// =include editor-file.js //=include editor-image.js
// =include editor-video.js //=include editor-file.js
// =include editor-codeblock.js //=include editor-video.js
//=include editor-codeblock.js
/* eslint-enable spaced-comment */
var mde = new SimpleMDE({ var mde = new SimpleMDE({
autofocus: true, autofocus: true,
...@@ -23,7 +28,8 @@ if ($('#mk-editor').length === 1) { ...@@ -23,7 +28,8 @@ if ($('#mk-editor').length === 1) {
placeholder: 'Enter Markdown formatted content here...', placeholder: 'Enter Markdown formatted content here...',
spellChecker: false, spellChecker: false,
status: false, status: false,
toolbar: [{ toolbar: [
name: 'bold', name: 'bold',
action: SimpleMDE.toggleBold, action: SimpleMDE.toggleBold,
className: 'icon-bold', className: 'icon-bold',
...@@ -186,7 +192,7 @@ if ($('#mk-editor').length === 1) { ...@@ -186,7 +192,7 @@ if ($('#mk-editor').length === 1) {
method: 'PUT' method: 'PUT'
}).then((rData, rStatus, rXHR) => { }).then((rData, rStatus, rXHR) => {
if (rData.ok) { if (rData.ok) {
window.location.assign('/' + pageEntryPath) window.location.assign('/' + pageEntryPath) // eslint-disable-line no-undef
} else { } else {
alerts.pushError('Something went wrong', rData.error) alerts.pushError('Something went wrong', rData.error)
} }
'use strict' 'use strict'
/* global $, Vue, _, socket */
if ($('#search-input').length) { if ($('#search-input').length) {
$('#search-input').focus() $('#search-input').focus()
...@@ -39,9 +41,9 @@ if ($('#search-input').length) { ...@@ -39,9 +41,9 @@ if ($('#search-input').length) {
}, },
searchmoveidx: (val, oldVal) => { searchmoveidx: (val, oldVal) => {
if (val > 0) { if (val > 0) {
vueHeader.searchmovekey = (vueHeader.searchmovearr[val - 1]) ? vueHeader.searchmovekey = (vueHeader.searchmovearr[val - 1])
'res.' + vueHeader.searchmovearr[val - 1]._id : ? 'res.' + vueHeader.searchmovearr[val - 1]._id
'sug.' + vueHeader.searchmovearr[val - 1] : 'sug.' + vueHeader.searchmovearr[val - 1]
} else { } else {
vueHeader.searchmovekey = '' vueHeader.searchmovekey = ''
} }
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
function setInputSelection (input, startPos, endPos) { function setInputSelection (input, startPos, endPos) {
input.focus() input.focus()
...@@ -14,3 +15,5 @@ function setInputSelection (input, startPos, endPos) { ...@@ -14,3 +15,5 @@ function setInputSelection (input, startPos, endPos) {
} }
} }
/* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */
/* global _ */
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
function makeSafePath (rawPath) { function makeSafePath (rawPath) {
let rawParts = _.split(_.trim(rawPath), '/') let rawParts = _.split(_.trim(rawPath), '/')
...@@ -7,3 +9,5 @@ function makeSafePath (rawPath) { ...@@ -7,3 +9,5 @@ function makeSafePath (rawPath) {
return _.join(_.filter(rawParts, (r) => { return !_.isEmpty(r) }), '/') return _.join(_.filter(rawParts, (r) => { return !_.isEmpty(r) }), '/')
} }
/* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */
'use strict' 'use strict'
/* global jQuery */
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
$('#login-user').focus() $('#login-user').focus()
}) })
/* global $, Vue */
// Vue Create User instance // Vue Create User instance
/* global $, Vue */
// Vue Delete User instance // Vue Delete User instance
/* global $, _, currentBasePath */
// -> Create New Document // -> Create New Document
...@@ -6,7 +7,7 @@ let suggestedCreatePath = currentBasePath + '/new-page' ...@@ -6,7 +7,7 @@ let suggestedCreatePath = currentBasePath + '/new-page'
$('.btn-create-prompt').on('click', (ev) => { $('.btn-create-prompt').on('click', (ev) => {
$('#txt-create-prompt').val(suggestedCreatePath) $('#txt-create-prompt').val(suggestedCreatePath)
$('#modal-create-prompt').toggleClass('is-active') $('#modal-create-prompt').toggleClass('is-active')
setInputSelection($('#txt-create-prompt').get(0), currentBasePath.length + 1, suggestedCreatePath.length) setInputSelection($('#txt-create-prompt').get(0), currentBasePath.length + 1, suggestedCreatePath.length) // eslint-disable-line no-undef
$('#txt-create-prompt').removeClass('is-danger').next().addClass('is-hidden') $('#txt-create-prompt').removeClass('is-danger').next().addClass('is-hidden')
}) })
...@@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ $('#txt-create-prompt').on('keypress', (ev) => { ...@@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ $('#txt-create-prompt').on('keypress', (ev) => {
}) })
$('.btn-create-go').on('click', (ev) => { $('.btn-create-go').on('click', (ev) => {
let newDocPath = makeSafePath($('#txt-create-prompt').val()) let newDocPath = makeSafePath($('#txt-create-prompt').val()) // eslint-disable-line no-undef
if (_.isEmpty(newDocPath)) { if (_.isEmpty(newDocPath)) {
$('#txt-create-prompt').addClass('is-danger').next().removeClass('is-hidden') $('#txt-create-prompt').addClass('is-danger').next().removeClass('is-hidden')
} else { } else {
/* global $, _, alerts, currentBasePath */
// -> Move Existing Document // -> Move Existing Document
...@@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ let moveInitialDocument = _.lastIndexOf(currentBasePath, '/') + 1 ...@@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ let moveInitialDocument = _.lastIndexOf(currentBasePath, '/') + 1
$('.btn-move-prompt').on('click', (ev) => { $('.btn-move-prompt').on('click', (ev) => {
$('#txt-move-prompt').val(currentBasePath) $('#txt-move-prompt').val(currentBasePath)
$('#modal-move-prompt').toggleClass('is-active') $('#modal-move-prompt').toggleClass('is-active')
setInputSelection($('#txt-move-prompt').get(0), moveInitialDocument, currentBasePath.length) setInputSelection($('#txt-move-prompt').get(0), moveInitialDocument, currentBasePath.length) // eslint-disable-line no-undef
$('#txt-move-prompt').removeClass('is-danger').next().addClass('is-hidden') $('#txt-move-prompt').removeClass('is-danger').next().addClass('is-hidden')
}) })
...@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ $('#txt-move-prompt').on('keypress', (ev) => { ...@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ $('#txt-move-prompt').on('keypress', (ev) => {
}) })
$('.btn-move-go').on('click', (ev) => { $('.btn-move-go').on('click', (ev) => {
let newDocPath = makeSafePath($('#txt-move-prompt').val()) let newDocPath = makeSafePath($('#txt-move-prompt').val()) // eslint-disable-line no-undef
if (_.isEmpty(newDocPath) || newDocPath === currentBasePath || newDocPath === 'home') { if (_.isEmpty(newDocPath) || newDocPath === currentBasePath || newDocPath === 'home') {
$('#txt-move-prompt').addClass('is-danger').next().removeClass('is-hidden') $('#txt-move-prompt').addClass('is-danger').next().removeClass('is-hidden')
} else { } else {
/* global $, Vue, alerts, _, usrData, usrDataName */
if ($('#page-type-admin-profile').length) { if ($('#page-type-admin-profile').length) {
let vueProfile = new Vue({ let vueProfile = new Vue({
...@@ -29,7 +30,9 @@ if ($('#page-type-admin-profile').length) { ...@@ -29,7 +30,9 @@ if ($('#page-type-admin-profile').length) {
}) })
} else if ($('#page-type-admin-users').length) { } else if ($('#page-type-admin-users').length) {
// =include ../modals/admin-users-create.js /* eslint-disable spaced-comment */
//=include ../modals/admin-users-create.js
/* eslint-enable spaced-comment */
} else if ($('#page-type-admin-users-edit').length) { } else if ($('#page-type-admin-users-edit').length) {
let vueEditUser = new Vue({ let vueEditUser = new Vue({
...@@ -92,5 +95,7 @@ if ($('#page-type-admin-profile').length) { ...@@ -92,5 +95,7 @@ if ($('#page-type-admin-profile').length) {
} }
}) })
// =include ../modals/admin-users-delete.js /* eslint-disable spaced-comment */
//=include ../modals/admin-users-delete.js
/* eslint-enable spaced-comment */
} }
/* global $ */
if ($('#page-type-create').length) { if ($('#page-type-create').length) {
let pageEntryPath = $('#page-type-create').data('entrypath') let pageEntryPath = $('#page-type-create').data('entrypath') // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
// -> Discard // -> Discard
...@@ -8,5 +9,7 @@ if ($('#page-type-create').length) { ...@@ -8,5 +9,7 @@ if ($('#page-type-create').length) {
$('#modal-create-discard').toggleClass('is-active') $('#modal-create-discard').toggleClass('is-active')
}) })
// =include ../components/editor.js /* eslint-disable spaced-comment */
//=include ../components/editor.js
/* eslint-enable spaced-comment */
} }
/* global $ */
if ($('#page-type-edit').length) { if ($('#page-type-edit').length) {
let pageEntryPath = $('#page-type-edit').data('entrypath') let pageEntryPath = $('#page-type-edit').data('entrypath') // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
// -> Discard // -> Discard
...@@ -8,5 +9,7 @@ if ($('#page-type-edit').length) { ...@@ -8,5 +9,7 @@ if ($('#page-type-edit').length) {
$('#modal-edit-discard').toggleClass('is-active') $('#modal-edit-discard').toggleClass('is-active')
}) })
// =include ../components/editor.js /* eslint-disable spaced-comment */
//=include ../components/editor.js
/* eslint-enable spaced-comment */
} }
/* global $, ace */
if ($('#page-type-source').length) { if ($('#page-type-source').length) {
var scEditor = ace.edit('source-display') var scEditor = ace.edit('source-display')
...@@ -9,8 +10,10 @@ if ($('#page-type-source').length) { ...@@ -9,8 +10,10 @@ if ($('#page-type-source').length) {
scEditor.setReadOnly(true) scEditor.setReadOnly(true)
scEditor.renderer.updateFull() scEditor.renderer.updateFull()
let currentBasePath = ($('#page-type-source').data('entrypath') !== 'home') ? $('#page-type-source').data('entrypath') : '' let currentBasePath = ($('#page-type-source').data('entrypath') !== 'home') ? $('#page-type-source').data('entrypath') : '' // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
// =include ../modals/create.js /* eslint-disable spaced-comment */
// =include ../modals/move.js //=include ../modals/create.js
//=include ../modals/move.js
/* eslint-enable spaced-comment */
} }
/* global $ */
if ($('#page-type-view').length) { if ($('#page-type-view').length) {
let currentBasePath = ($('#page-type-view').data('entrypath') !== 'home') ? $('#page-type-view').data('entrypath') : '' let currentBasePath = ($('#page-type-view').data('entrypath') !== 'home') ? $('#page-type-view').data('entrypath') : '' // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
// =include ../modals/create.js /* eslint-disable spaced-comment */
// =include ../modals/move.js //=include ../modals/create.js
//=include ../modals/move.js
/* eslint-enable spaced-comment */
} }
...@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ ...@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
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