.body-1.ml-3(v-if='!currentRenderer.config || currentRenderer.config.length < 1') This rendering module has no configuration options you can modify.
.overline.my-5 Rendering Module Configuration
.body-2.ml-3(v-if='!currentRenderer.config || currentRenderer.config.length < 1'): em This rendering module has no configuration options you can modify.
template(v-else, v-for='(cfg, idx) in currentRenderer.config')
.subtitle-1.pb-3.pl-0.primary--text Migrate all pages to target locale
.body-2 If you created content before selecting a different locale and activating the namespacing capabilities, you may want to transfer all content to the base locale.
.body-2.red--text: strong This operation is destructive and cannot be reversed! Make sure you have proper backups!