"admin.mail.testRecipientHint":"Email address that should receive the test email.",
"admin.mail.testRecipientHint":"Email address that should receive the test email.",
"admin.mail.testSend":"Send Email",
"admin.mail.testSend":"Send Email",
"admin.metrics.auth":"You must provide the {headerName} header with a {tokenType} token. Generate an API key with the {permission} permission and use it as the token.",
"admin.metrics.disabled":"Endpoint Disabled",
"admin.metrics.enabled":"Endpoint Enabled",
"admin.metrics.endpoint":"The metrics endpoint can be scraped at {endpoint}",
"admin.metrics.endpointWarning":"Note that this override any page at this path.",
"admin.metrics.refreshSuccess":"Metrics endpoint state has been refreshed.",
"admin.metrics.subtitle":"Manage the Prometheus metrics endpoint",