<template lang='pug'> v-app(:dark='darkMode').history nav-header v-content v-toolbar(color='primary', dark) .subheading Viewing history of #[strong /{{path}}] template(v-if='$vuetify.breakpoint.mdAndUp') v-spacer .caption.blue--text.text--lighten-3.mr-4 Trail Length: {{total}} .caption.blue--text.text--lighten-3 ID: {{pageId}} v-btn.ml-4(depressed, color='blue darken-1', @click='goLive') Return to Live Version v-container(fluid, grid-list-xl) v-layout(row, wrap) v-flex(xs12, md4) v-chip.my-0.ml-6( label small :color='darkMode ? `grey darken-2` : `grey lighten-2`' :class='darkMode ? `grey--text text--lighten-2` : `grey--text text--darken-2`' ) span Live v-timeline( dense ) v-timeline-item.pb-2( v-for='(ph, idx) in fullTrail' :key='ph.versionId' :small='ph.actionType === `edit`' :color='trailColor(ph.actionType)' :icon='trailIcon(ph.actionType)' ) v-card.radius-7(flat, :class='trailBgColor(ph.actionType)') v-toolbar(flat, :color='trailBgColor(ph.actionType)', height='40') .caption(:title='$options.filters.moment(ph.versionDate, `LLL`)') {{ ph.versionDate | moment('ll') }} v-divider.mx-3(vertical) .caption(v-if='ph.actionType === `edit`') Edited by #[strong {{ ph.authorName }}] .caption(v-else-if='ph.actionType === `move`') Moved from #[strong {{ph.valueBefore}}] to #[strong {{ph.valueAfter}}] by #[strong {{ ph.authorName }}] .caption(v-else-if='ph.actionType === `initial`') Created by #[strong {{ ph.authorName }}] .caption(v-else-if='ph.actionType === `live`') Last Edited by #[strong {{ ph.authorName }}] .caption(v-else) Unknown Action by #[strong {{ ph.authorName }}] v-spacer v-menu(offset-x, left) template(v-slot:activator='{ on }') v-btn.mr-2.radius-4(icon, v-on='on', small, tile): v-icon mdi-dots-horizontal v-list(dense, nav).history-promptmenu v-list-item(@click='setDiffSource(ph.versionId)', :disabled='(ph.versionId >= diffTarget && diffTarget !== 0) || ph.versionId === 0') v-list-item-avatar(size='24'): v-avatar A v-list-item-title Set as Differencing Source v-list-item(@click='setDiffTarget(ph.versionId)', :disabled='ph.versionId <= diffSource && ph.versionId !== 0') v-list-item-avatar(size='24'): v-avatar B v-list-item-title Set as Differencing Target v-list-item(@click='viewSource(ph.versionId)') v-list-item-avatar(size='24'): v-icon mdi-code-tags v-list-item-title View Source v-list-item(@click='download(ph.versionId)') v-list-item-avatar(size='24'): v-icon mdi-cloud-download-outline v-list-item-title Download Version v-list-item(@click='restore(ph.versionId, ph.versionDate)', :disabled='ph.versionId === 0') v-list-item-avatar(size='24'): v-icon(:disabled='ph.versionId === 0') mdi-history v-list-item-title Restore v-list-item(@click='branchOff(ph.versionId)') v-list-item-avatar(size='24'): v-icon mdi-source-branch v-list-item-title Branch off from here v-btn.mr-2.radius-4( @click='setDiffSource(ph.versionId)' icon small depressed tile :class='diffSource === ph.versionId ? `pink white--text` : ($vuetify.theme.dark ? `grey darken-2` : `grey lighten-2`)' :disabled='(ph.versionId >= diffTarget && diffTarget !== 0) || ph.versionId === 0' ): strong A v-btn.mr-0.radius-4( @click='setDiffTarget(ph.versionId)' icon small depressed tile :class='diffTarget === ph.versionId ? `pink white--text` : ($vuetify.theme.dark ? `grey darken-2` : `grey lighten-2`)' :disabled='ph.versionId <= diffSource && ph.versionId !== 0' ): strong B v-btn.ma-0.radius-7( v-if='total > trail.length' block color='primary' @click='loadMore' ) .caption.white--text Load More... v-chip.ma-0( v-else label small :color='darkMode ? `grey darken-2` : `grey lighten-2`' :class='darkMode ? `grey--text text--lighten-2` : `grey--text text--darken-2`' ) End of history trail v-flex(xs12, md8) v-card.radius-7(:class='$vuetify.breakpoint.mdAndUp ? `mt-8` : ``') v-card-text v-card.grey.radius-7(flat, :class='darkMode ? `darken-2` : `lighten-4`') v-row(no-gutters, align='center') v-col v-card-text .subheading {{target.title}} .caption {{target.description}} v-col.text-right.py-3(cols='2', v-if='$vuetify.breakpoint.mdAndUp') v-btn.mr-3(:color='$vuetify.theme.dark ? `white` : `grey darken-3`', small, dark, outlined, @click='toggleViewMode') v-icon(left) mdi-eye .overline View Mode v-card.mt-3(light, v-html='diffHTML', flat) v-dialog(v-model='isRestoreConfirmDialogShown', max-width='650', persistent) v-card .dialog-header.is-orange {{$t('history:restore.confirmTitle')}} v-card-text.pa-4 i18next(tag='span', path='history:restore.confirmText') strong(place='date') {{ restoreTarget.versionDate | moment('LLL') }} v-card-actions v-spacer v-btn(text, @click='isRestoreConfirmDialogShown = false', :disabled='restoreLoading') {{$t('common:actions.cancel')}} v-btn(color='orange darken-2', dark, @click='restoreConfirm', :loading='restoreLoading') {{$t('history:restore.confirmButton')}} page-selector(mode='create', v-model='branchOffOpts.modal', :open-handler='branchOffHandle', :path='branchOffOpts.path', :locale='branchOffOpts.locale') nav-footer notify search-results </template> <script> import * as Diff2Html from 'diff2html' import { createPatch } from 'diff' import { get } from 'vuex-pathify' import _ from 'lodash' import gql from 'graphql-tag' export default { i18nOptions: { namespaces: 'history' }, props: { pageId: { type: Number, default: 0 }, locale: { type: String, default: 'en' }, path: { type: String, default: 'home' }, title: { type: String, default: 'Untitled Page' }, description: { type: String, default: '' }, createdAt: { type: String, default: '' }, updatedAt: { type: String, default: '' }, tags: { type: Array, default: () => ([]) }, authorName: { type: String, default: 'Unknown' }, authorId: { type: Number, default: 0 }, isPublished: { type: Boolean, default: false }, liveContent: { type: String, default: '' } }, data () { return { source: { versionId: 0, content: '', title: '', description: '' }, target: { versionId: 0, content: '', title: '', description: '' }, trail: [], diffSource: 0, diffTarget: 0, offsetPage: 0, total: 0, viewMode: 'line-by-line', cache: [], restoreTarget: { versionId: 0, versionDate: '' }, branchOffOpts: { versionId: 0, locale: 'en', path: 'new-page', modal: false }, isRestoreConfirmDialogShown: false, restoreLoading: false } }, computed: { darkMode: get('site/dark'), fullTrail () { return [ { versionId: 0, authorId: this.authorId, authorName: this.authorName, actionType: 'live', valueBefore: null, valueAfter: null, versionDate: this.updatedAt }, ...this.trail ] }, diffs () { return createPatch(`/${this.path}`, this.source.content, this.target.content) }, diffHTML () { return Diff2Html.html(this.diffs, { inputFormat: 'diff', drawFileList: false, matching: 'lines', outputFormat: this.viewMode }) } }, watch: { trail (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue && newValue.length > 0) { this.diffTarget = 0 this.diffSource = _.get(_.head(newValue), 'versionId', 0) } }, async diffSource (newValue, oldValue) { if (this.diffSource !== this.source.versionId) { const page = _.find(this.cache, { versionId: newValue }) if (page) { this.source = page } else { this.source = await this.loadVersion(newValue) } } }, async diffTarget (newValue, oldValue) { if (this.diffTarget !== this.target.versionId) { const page = _.find(this.cache, { versionId: newValue }) if (page) { this.target = page } else { this.target = await this.loadVersion(newValue) } } } }, created () { this.$store.commit('page/SET_ID', this.id) this.$store.commit('page/SET_LOCALE', this.locale) this.$store.commit('page/SET_PATH', this.path) this.$store.commit('page/SET_MODE', 'history') this.cache.push({ action: 'live', authorId: this.authorId, authorName: this.authorName, content: this.liveContent, contentType: '', createdAt: this.createdAt, description: this.description, editor: '', isPrivate: false, isPublished: this.isPublished, locale: this.locale, pageId: this.pageId, path: this.path, publishEndDate: '', publishStartDate: '', tags: this.tags, title: this.title, versionId: 0, versionDate: this.updatedAt }) this.target = this.cache[0] }, methods: { async loadVersion (versionId) { this.$store.commit(`loadingStart`, 'history-version-' + versionId) const resp = await this.$apollo.query({ query: gql` query ($pageId: Int!, $versionId: Int!) { pages { version (pageId: $pageId, versionId: $versionId) { action authorId authorName content contentType createdAt versionDate description editor isPrivate isPublished locale pageId path publishEndDate publishStartDate tags title versionId } } } `, variables: { versionId, pageId: this.pageId } }) this.$store.commit(`loadingStop`, 'history-version-' + versionId) const page = _.get(resp, 'data.pages.version', null) if (page) { this.cache.push(page) return page } else { return { content: '' } } }, viewSource (versionId) { window.location.assign(`/s/${this.locale}/${this.path}?v=${versionId}`) }, download (versionId) { window.location.assign(`/d/${this.locale}/${this.path}?v=${versionId}`) }, restore (versionId, versionDate) { this.restoreTarget = { versionId, versionDate } this.isRestoreConfirmDialogShown = true }, async restoreConfirm () { this.restoreLoading = true this.$store.commit(`loadingStart`, 'history-restore') try { const resp = await this.$apollo.mutate({ mutation: gql` mutation ($pageId: Int!, $versionId: Int!) { pages { restore (pageId: $pageId, versionId: $versionId) { responseResult { succeeded errorCode slug message } } } } `, variables: { versionId: this.restoreTarget.versionId, pageId: this.pageId } }) if (_.get(resp, 'data.pages.restore.responseResult.succeeded', false) === true) { this.$store.commit('showNotification', { style: 'success', message: this.$t('history:restore.success'), icon: 'check' }) this.isRestoreConfirmDialogShown = false setTimeout(() => { window.location.assign(`/${this.locale}/${this.path}`) }, 1000) } else { throw new Error(_.get(resp, 'data.pages.restore.responseResult.message', 'An unexpected error occured')) } } catch (err) { this.$store.commit('showNotification', { style: 'red', message: err.message, icon: 'alert' }) } this.$store.commit(`loadingStop`, 'history-restore') this.restoreLoading = false }, branchOff (versionId) { const pathParts = this.path.split('/') this.branchOffOpts = { versionId: versionId, locale: this.locale, path: (pathParts.length > 1) ? _.initial(pathParts).join('/') + `/new-page` : `new-page`, modal: true } }, branchOffHandle ({ locale, path }) { window.location.assign(`/e/${locale}/${path}?from=${this.pageId},${this.branchOffOpts.versionId}`) }, toggleViewMode () { this.viewMode = (this.viewMode === 'line-by-line') ? 'side-by-side' : 'line-by-line' }, goLive () { window.location.assign(`/${this.path}`) }, setDiffSource (versionId) { this.diffSource = versionId }, setDiffTarget (versionId) { this.diffTarget = versionId }, loadMore () { this.offsetPage++ this.$apollo.queries.trail.fetchMore({ variables: { id: this.pageId, offsetPage: this.offsetPage, offsetSize: this.$vuetify.breakpoint.mdAndUp ? 25 : 5 }, updateQuery: (previousResult, { fetchMoreResult }) => { return { pages: { history: { total: previousResult.pages.history.total, trail: [...previousResult.pages.history.trail, ...fetchMoreResult.pages.history.trail], __typename: previousResult.pages.history.__typename }, __typename: previousResult.pages.__typename } } } }) }, trailColor (actionType) { switch (actionType) { case 'edit': return 'primary' case 'move': return 'purple' case 'initial': return 'teal' case 'live': return 'orange' default: return 'grey' } }, trailIcon (actionType) { switch (actionType) { case 'edit': return '' // 'mdi-pencil' case 'move': return 'forward' case 'initial': return 'mdi-plus' case 'live': return 'mdi-atom-variant' default: return 'mdi-alert' } }, trailBgColor (actionType) { switch (actionType) { case 'move': return this.darkMode ? 'purple' : 'purple lighten-5' case 'initial': return this.darkMode ? 'teal darken-3' : 'teal lighten-5' case 'live': return this.darkMode ? 'orange darken-3' : 'orange lighten-5' default: return this.darkMode ? 'grey darken-3' : 'grey lighten-4' } } }, apollo: { trail: { query: gql` query($id: Int!, $offsetPage: Int, $offsetSize: Int) { pages { history(id:$id, offsetPage:$offsetPage, offsetSize:$offsetSize) { trail { versionId authorId authorName actionType valueBefore valueAfter versionDate } total } } } `, variables () { return { id: this.pageId, offsetPage: 0, offsetSize: this.$vuetify.breakpoint.mdAndUp ? 25 : 5 } }, manual: true, result ({ data, loading, networkStatus }) { this.total = data.pages.history.total this.trail = data.pages.history.trail }, watchLoading (isLoading) { this.$store.commit(`loading${isLoading ? 'Start' : 'Stop'}`, 'history-trail-refresh') } } } } </script> <style lang='scss'> .history { &-promptmenu { border-top: 5px solid mc('blue', '700'); } .d2h-file-wrapper { border: 1px solid #EEE; border-left: none; } .d2h-file-header { display: none; } } </style>