doctype html html(data-logic='configure') head meta(http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible', content='IE=edge') meta(charset='UTF-8') title Wiki.js | Configure // Favicon each favsize in [32, 96, 16] link(rel='icon', type='image/png', sizes=favsize + 'x' + favsize, href='/favicons/favicon-' + favsize + 'x' + favsize + '.png') // JS / CSS script(type='text/javascript'). var appconfig = !{JSON.stringify(conf)}; script(type='text/javascript', src='/js/configure.min.js') body #root #header-container nav.nav#header .nav-left a.nav-item h1 i.icon-layers | Wiki.js main .container transition(name='tst-welcome') .welcome(v-if='state === "welcome" || state === "restart"') img(src='/images/logo.png', alt='Wiki.js') h2 A modern, lightweight and powerful wiki app built on NodeJS, Git and Markdown .content(v-cloak) //- ============================================== //- WELCOME //- ============================================== template(v-if='state === "welcome"') .panel span Welcome! i(v-if='loading') p This installation wizard will guide you through the steps needed to get your wiki up and running in no time! p Detailed information about installation and usage can be found on the #[a(href='') official documentation site]. #[br] Should you have any question or would like to report something that doesn't look right, feel free to create a new issue on the #[a(href='') GitHub project]. .panel-footer .progress-bar: div(v-bind:style='{width: currentProgress}')'proceedToSyscheck', v-bind:disabled='loading') Start //- ============================================== //- SYSTEM CHECK //- ============================================== template(v-else-if='state === "syscheck"') .panel span System Check i(v-if='loading') p(v-if='loading') #[i.icon-loader.animated.rotateIn.infinite] Checking your system for compatibility... p(v-if='!loading && syscheck.ok') ul li(v-for='rs in syscheck.results') #[i.icon-check] {{rs}} p(v-if='!loading && syscheck.ok') i.icon-check strong Looks good! No issues so far. p(v-if='!loading && !syscheck.ok') #[i.icon-square-cross] Error: {{ syscheck.error }} .panel-footer .progress-bar: div(v-bind:style='{width: currentProgress}')'proceedToWelcome', v-bind:disabled='loading') Back'proceedToSyscheck', v-if='!loading && !syscheck.ok') Check Again'proceedToGeneral', v-if='loading || syscheck.ok', v-bind:disabled='loading') Continue //- ============================================== //- GENERAL //- ============================================== template(v-else-if='state === "general"') .panel span General i(v-if='loading') .panel-content.form-sections section label.label Site Title input(type='text', placeholder='e.g. Wiki', v-model='conf.title', data-vv-scope='general', name='ipt-title', v-validate='{ required: true, min: 2 }') span.desc The site title will appear in the top left corner on every page and within the window title bar. section label.label Host input(type='text', placeholder='http://', v-model='', data-vv-scope='general', name='ipt-host', v-validate='{ required: true, url: true }') span.desc The full URL to your wiki, without the trailing slash. E.g.: Note that sub-folders are not supported. section p.control label.label Port input(type='text', placeholder='e.g. 80', v-model.number='conf.port', data-vv-scope='general', name='ipt-port', v-validate='{ required: true, numeric: true, min_value: 0, max_value: 65535 }') span.desc The port on which Wiki.js will listen to. Usually port 80 if connecting directly, or a random port (e.g. 3000) if using a web server in front of it.<br>Set <strong>0</strong> to use $PORT system environment variable. section p.control label.label Site UI Language select(v-model='conf.lang') each lg in langs option( span.desc The language in which navigation, help and other UI elements will be displayed. section input#ipt-public(type='checkbox', v-model='conf.public', data-vv-scope='general', name='ipt-public') label.label(for='ipt-public') Public Access span.desc Should the site be accessible (read only) without login. .panel-footer .progress-bar: div(v-bind:style='{width: currentProgress}')'proceedToSyscheck', v-bind:disabled='loading') Back'proceedToConsiderations', v-bind:disabled='loading || errors.any("general")') Continue //- ============================================== //- CONSIDERATIONS //- ============================================== template(v-else-if='state === "considerations"') .panel span Important Considerations i(v-if='loading') h3 Is Wiki.js going to be behind a web server (e.g. nginx / apache / IIS) or proxy? p ul li - Make sure the upload limit is sufficient. Most web servers have a low limit (e.g. 2 MB) by default. li - Make sure your web server is configured to allow web sockets. Wiki.js will fallback to standard XHR queries if not available. li - Do not rewrite URLs after the domain. This can cause unexpected issues in Wiki.js navigation. li - Do not remove or alter the client IP when proxying the requests. This can cause the authentication brute force protection to engage unexpectedly. template(v-if='considerations.https') h3 The site will not be using HTTPS? #[i.icon-warning-outline.animated.fadeOut.infinite] p The host URL you specified is not HTTPS. It is highly recommended to use HTTPS. You must use a web server / proxy (e.g. nginx / apache / IIS) in front of Wiki.js to use HTTPS. Wiki.js does not provide HTTPS handling by itself. template(v-if='considerations.port') h3 You are using a non-standard port. p If you are not planning on using a web server / proxy in front of Wiki.js, be aware that users will need to specify the port when accessing the wiki. Make sure this is the intended behavior. Otherwise set a standard HTTP port such as 80. template(v-if='considerations.localhost') h3 Are you sure you want to use localhost as the host base URL? #[i.icon-warning-outline.animated.fadeOut.infinite] p The host URL you specified is localhost. Unless you are a developer running Wiki.js locally on your machine, this is not recommended! .panel-footer .progress-bar: div(v-bind:style='{width: currentProgress}')'proceedToGeneral', v-bind:disabled='loading') Back'proceedToDb', v-bind:disabled='loading') Continue //- ============================================== //- DATABASE //- ============================================== template(v-else-if='state === "db"') .panel span Database i(v-if='loading') p Wiki.js stores administrative data such as users, permissions and assets metadata in a MongoDB database. Article contents and uploads are <u>not</u> stored in the DB. Instead, they are stored on-disk and synced automatically with a remote git repository of your choice. .panel-content.form-sections section label.label MongoDB Connection String input(type='text', placeholder='e.g. mongodb://localhost:27017/wiki', v-model='conf.db', data-vv-scope='db', name='ipt-db', v-validate='{ required: true, min: 3 }') span.desc The connection string to your MongoDB server. Leave the default localhost value if MongoDB is installed on the same server.<br />You can also specify an environment variable as the connection string (e.g. $MONGO_URI). .panel-footer .progress-bar: div(v-bind:style='{width: currentProgress}')'proceedToConsiderations', v-bind:disabled='loading') Back'proceedToDbcheck', v-bind:disabled='loading || errors.any("db")') Connect //- ============================================== //- DATABASE CHECK //- ============================================== template(v-else-if='state === "dbcheck"') .panel span Database Check i(v-if='loading') p(v-if='loading') #[i.icon-loader.animated.rotateIn.infinite] Testing the connection to MongoDB... p(v-if='!loading && dbcheck.ok') i.icon-check strong Connected successfully! p(v-if='!loading && !dbcheck.ok') #[i.icon-square-cross] Error: {{ dbcheck.error }} .panel-footer .progress-bar: div(v-bind:style='{width: currentProgress}')'proceedToDb', v-bind:disabled='loading') Back'proceedToDbcheck', v-if='!loading && !dbcheck.ok') Try Again'proceedToPaths', v-if='loading || dbcheck.ok', v-bind:disabled='loading') Continue //- ============================================== //- PATHS //- ============================================== template(v-else-if='state === "paths"') .panel span Paths i(v-if='loading') p It is recommended to leave the default values. .panel-content.form-sections section label.label Local Data Path input(type='text', placeholder='e.g. ./data', v-model='conf.pathData', data-vv-scope='paths', name='ipt-datapath', v-validate='{ required: true, min: 2 }') span.desc The path where cache (processed content, thumbnails, search index, etc.) will be stored on disk. section label.label Local Repository Path input(type='text', placeholder='e.g. ./repo', v-model='conf.pathRepo', data-vv-scope='paths', name='ipt-repopath', v-validate='{ required: true, min: 2 }') span.desc The path where the local git repository will be created, used to store content in markdown files and uploads. .panel-footer .progress-bar: div(v-bind:style='{width: currentProgress}')'proceedToDb', v-bind:disabled='loading') Back'proceedToGit', v-bind:disabled='loading || errors.any("paths")') Continue //- ============================================== //- GIT //- ============================================== template(v-else-if='state === "git"') .panel span Git Repository i(v-if='loading') p Wiki.js stores article content and uploads locally on disk. All content is then regularly kept in sync with a remote git repository. This acts a backup protection and provides history / revert features. While optional, it is <strong>HIGHLY</strong> recommended to setup the remote git repository connection. .panel-content.form-sections section.columns label.label Repository URL input(type='text', placeholder='e.g. or', v-model='conf.gitUrl', data-vv-scope='git', name='ipt-giturl', v-validate='{ required: true, min: 5 }') span.desc The full git repository URL to connect to. .column label.label Branch input(type='text', placeholder='e.g. master', v-model='conf.gitBranch', data-vv-scope='git', name='ipt-gitbranch', v-validate='{ required: true, min: 2 }') span.desc The git branch to use when synchronizing changes. section.columns label.label Authentication select(v-model='conf.gitAuthType') option(value='ssh') SSH (recommended) option(value='basic') Basic span.desc The authentication method used to connect to your remote Git repository. input#ipt-git-verify-ssl(type='checkbox', v-model='conf.gitAuthSSL') label.label(for='ipt-git-verify-ssl') Verify SSL .column(v-show='conf.gitAuthType === "basic"') label.label Username input(type='text', v-model='conf.gitAuthUser') span.desc The username for the remote git connection. .column(v-show='conf.gitAuthType === "basic"') label.label Password input(type='password', v-model='conf.gitAuthPass') span.desc The password for the remote git connection. .column(v-show='conf.gitAuthType === "ssh"') label.label Private Key location input(type='text', placeholder='e.g. /etc/wiki/keys/git.pem', v-model='conf.gitAuthSSHKey') span.desc The full path to the private key on disk. section.columns .column label.label Sync User Name input(type='text', placeholder='e.g. John Smith', v-model.number='conf.gitSignatureName', data-vv-scope='git', name='ipt-gitsigname', v-validate='{ required: true }') span.desc The name to use when pushing commits to the git repository. .column label.label Sync User Email input(type='text', placeholder='e.g.', v-model.number='conf.gitSignatureEmail', data-vv-scope='git', name='ipt-gitsigemail', v-validate='{ required: true, email: true }') span.desc The email to use when pushing commits to the git repository. .panel-footer .progress-bar: div(v-bind:style='{width: currentProgress}')'proceedToPaths', v-bind:disabled='loading') Back'conf.gitUseRemote = false; proceedToGitCheck()', v-bind:disabled='loading') Skip this step'conf.gitUseRemote = true; proceedToGitCheck()', v-bind:disabled='loading || errors.any("git")') Continue //- ============================================== //- GIT CHECK //- ============================================== template(v-else-if='state === "gitcheck"') .panel span Git Repository Check i(v-if='loading') p(v-if='loading') #[i.icon-loader.animated.rotateIn.infinite] Verifying Git repository settings... p(v-if='!loading && gitcheck.ok') ul li(v-for='rs in gitcheck.results') #[i.icon-check] {{rs}} p(v-if='!loading && gitcheck.ok') i.icon-check strong Git settings are correct! p(v-if='!loading && !gitcheck.ok') #[i.icon-square-cross] Error: {{ gitcheck.error }} .panel-footer .progress-bar: div(v-bind:style='{width: currentProgress}')'proceedToGit', v-bind:disabled='loading') Back'proceedToGitCheck', v-if='!loading && !gitcheck.ok') Try Again'proceedToAdmin', v-if='loading || gitcheck.ok', v-bind:disabled='loading') Continue //- ============================================== //- ADMINISTRATOR ACCOUNT //- ============================================== template(v-else-if='state === "admin"') .panel span Administrator Account i(v-if='loading') p An administrator account will be created for local authentication. From this account, you can create or authorize more users. .panel-content.form-sections section label.label Administrator Email input(type='text', placeholder='e.g.', v-model='conf.adminEmail', data-vv-scope='admin', name='ipt-adminemail', v-validate='{ required: true, email: true }') span.desc The email address of the administrator account section.columns .column label.label Password input(type='password', v-model='conf.adminPassword', data-vv-scope='admin', name='ipt-adminpwd', v-validate='{ required: true, min: 8 }') span.desc At least 8 characters long. .column label.label Confirm Password input(type='password', v-model='conf.adminPasswordConfirm', data-vv-scope='admin', name='ipt-adminpwd2', v-validate='{ required: true, confirmed: "ipt-adminpwd" }') span.desc Verify your password again. .panel-footer .progress-bar: div(v-bind:style='{width: currentProgress}')'proceedToGit', v-bind:disabled='loading') Back'proceedToFinal', v-bind:disabled='loading || errors.any("admin")') Continue //- ============================================== //- FINAL //- ============================================== template(v-else-if='state === "final"') .panel span Finalizing i(v-if='loading') p(v-if='loading') #[i.icon-loader.animated.rotateIn.infinite] Finalizing your installation... p(v-if='!loading && final.ok') i.icon-check strong Wiki.js was configured successfully and is now ready for use. p(v-if='!loading && final.ok') | Click the <strong>Start</strong> button below to start the Wiki.js server. p(v-if='!loading && !final.ok') #[i.icon-square-cross] Error: {{ final.error }} .panel-footer .progress-bar: div(v-bind:style='{width: currentProgress}')'proceedToAdmin', v-bind:disabled='loading') Back'proceedToFinal', v-if='!loading && !final.ok') Try Again'finish', v-if='loading || final.ok', v-bind:disabled='loading') Start //- ============================================== //- RESTART //- ============================================== template(v-else-if='state === "restart"') .panel span Restarting... i p #[i.icon-loader.animated.rotateIn.infinite] Restarting Wiki.js in normal mode... p You'll automatically be redirected to the homepage when ready. This usually takes about 30 seconds. .panel-footer'disabled') Start footer.footer span | Powered by a(href='') Wiki.js | . block outside