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`_blank` : `_self`' :rel='item.y === `externalblank` ? `noopener` : ``' ) v-list-item-avatar(size='24', tile) v-icon(v-if='item.c.match(/fa[a-z] fa-/)', size='19') {{ item.c }} v-icon(v-else) {{ item.c }} v-list-item-title {{ item.l }} v-divider.my-2(v-else-if='item.k === `divider`') v-subheader.pl-4(v-else-if='item.k === `header`') {{ item.l }} //-> Browse v-list.py-2(v-else-if='currentMode === `browse`', dense, :class='color', :dark='dark') template(v-if='currentParent.id > 0') v-list-item(v-for='(item, idx) of parents', :key='`parent-` + item.id', @click='fetchBrowseItems(item)', style='min-height: 30px;') v-list-item-avatar(size='18', :style='`padding-left: ` + (idx * 8) + `px; width: auto; margin: 0 5px 0 0;`') v-icon(small) mdi-folder-open v-list-item-title {{ item.title }} v-divider.mt-2 v-list-item.mt-2(v-if='currentParent.pageId > 0', :href='`/` + currentParent.locale + `/` + currentParent.path', :key='`directorypage-` + currentParent.id', :input-value='path === currentParent.path') v-list-item-avatar(size='24') v-icon mdi-text-box v-list-item-title {{ currentParent.title }} v-subheader.pl-4 {{$t('common:sidebar.currentDirectory')}} template(v-for='item of currentItems') v-list-item(v-if='item.isFolder', :key='`childfolder-` + item.id', @click='fetchBrowseItems(item)') v-list-item-avatar(size='24') v-icon mdi-folder v-list-item-title {{ item.title }} v-list-item(v-else, :href='`/` + item.locale + `/` + item.path', :key='`childpage-` + item.id', :input-value='path === item.path') v-list-item-avatar(size='24') v-icon mdi-text-box v-list-item-title {{ item.title }} </template> <script> import _ from 'lodash' import gql from 'graphql-tag' import { get } from 'vuex-pathify' /* global siteLangs */ export default { props: { color: { type: String, default: 'primary' }, dark: { type: Boolean, default: true }, items: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, navMode: { type: String, default: 'MIXED' } }, data() { return { currentMode: 'custom', currentItems: [], currentParent: { id: 0, title: '/ (root)' }, parents: [], loadedCache: [] } }, computed: { path: get('page/path'), locale: get('page/locale') }, methods: { switchMode (mode) { this.currentMode = mode window.localStorage.setItem('navPref', mode) if (mode === `browse` && this.loadedCache.length < 1) { this.loadFromCurrentPath() } }, async fetchBrowseItems (item) { this.$store.commit(`loadingStart`, 'browse-load') if (!item) { item = this.currentParent } if (this.loadedCache.indexOf(item.id) < 0) { this.currentItems = [] } if (item.id === 0) { this.parents = [] } else { const flushRightIndex = _.findIndex(this.parents, ['id', item.id]) if (flushRightIndex >= 0) { this.parents = _.take(this.parents, flushRightIndex) } if (this.parents.length < 1) { this.parents.push(this.currentParent) } this.parents.push(item) } this.currentParent = item const resp = await this.$apollo.query({ query: gql` query ($parent: Int, $locale: String!) { pages { tree(parent: $parent, mode: ALL, locale: $locale) { id path title isFolder pageId parent locale } } } `, fetchPolicy: 'cache-first', variables: { parent: item.id, locale: this.locale } }) this.loadedCache = _.union(this.loadedCache, [item.id]) this.currentItems = _.get(resp, 'data.pages.tree', []) this.$store.commit(`loadingStop`, 'browse-load') }, async loadFromCurrentPath() { this.$store.commit(`loadingStart`, 'browse-load') const resp = await this.$apollo.query({ query: gql` query ($path: String, $locale: String!) { pages { tree(path: $path, mode: ALL, locale: $locale, includeAncestors: true) { id path title isFolder pageId parent locale } } } `, fetchPolicy: 'cache-first', variables: { path: this.path, locale: this.locale } }) const items = _.get(resp, 'data.pages.tree', []) const curPage = _.find(items, ['pageId', this.$store.get('page/id')]) if (!curPage) { console.warn('Could not find current page in page tree listing!') return } let curParentId = curPage.parent let invertedAncestors = [] while (curParentId) { const curParent = _.find(items, ['id', curParentId]) if (!curParent) { break } invertedAncestors.push(curParent) curParentId = curParent.parent } this.parents = [this.currentParent, ...invertedAncestors.reverse()] this.currentParent = _.last(this.parents) this.loadedCache = [curPage.parent] this.currentItems = _.filter(items, ['parent', curPage.parent]) this.$store.commit(`loadingStop`, 'browse-load') }, goHome () { window.location.assign(siteLangs.length > 0 ? `/${this.locale}/home` : '/') } }, mounted () { this.currentParent.title = `/ ${this.$t('common:sidebar.root')}` if (this.navMode === 'TREE') { this.currentMode = 'browse' } else if (this.navMode === 'STATIC') { this.currentMode = 'custom' } else { this.currentMode = window.localStorage.getItem('navPref') || 'custom' } if (this.currentMode === 'browse') { this.loadFromCurrentPath() } } } </script>