Commit 5a1def51 authored by Michael Shigorin's avatar Michael Shigorin

server: add firmware to installers

It's been found out in the field that the lack of firmware can hurt quite significantly; just add that.
parent d54e449e
use/server: use/power/acpi/button use/server: use/power/acpi/button
@$(call add_feature) @$(call add_feature)
use/server/mini: use/server use/net-ssh use/syslinux/timeout/600 use/server/mini: use/server use/firmware/server \
use/net-ssh use/syslinux/timeout/600
@$(call add,THE_KMODULES,e1000e igb) @$(call add,THE_KMODULES,e1000e igb)
@$(call add,STAGE1_KMODULES,e1000e igb) @$(call add,STAGE1_KMODULES,e1000e igb)
@$(call add,THE_LISTS,\ @$(call add,THE_LISTS,\
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