Commit 07d30835 authored by Mihai Moldovan's avatar Mihai Moldovan

nx-libs.spec: drop ugly sed hack to push optflags to build system.

parent f54e56d8
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ nx-libs (2: UNRELEASED; urgency=low are resolved.
Backported from Arctica GH 3.6.x branch.
v2: backport to nx-libs 3.5.0.x (Mihai Moldovan)
- Drop ugly sed hack to push optflags to build system.
* debian/:
- Add x2goagent.options file for compatibility with x2goserver nightly.
* debian/
......@@ -733,8 +733,6 @@ rm -Rf .preserve/
rm -Rf nx*/configure nx*/autom4te.cache*
# Install into /usr
sed -i -e 's,/usr/local,/usr,' nx-X11/config/cf/site.def
# Use rpm optflags
sed -i -e 's#-O3#%{optflags}#' nx-X11/config/cf/host.def
# Use multilib dirs
# We're installing binaries into %%{_libdir}/nx/bin rather than %%{_libexedir}/nx
# because upstream expects libraries and binaries in the same directory
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