Commit 180991ce authored by Alan Coopersmith's avatar Alan Coopersmith Committed by Ulrich Sibiller

Avoid memory leak/corruption if realloc fails in imLcPrs.c:parseline()

parent 7156a20b
......@@ -574,9 +574,12 @@ parseline(
if (token == STRING) {
l = strlen(tokenbuf) + 1;
while (b->mbused + l > b->mbsize) {
b->mbsize = b->mbsize ? b->mbsize * 1.5 : 1024;
if (! (b->mb = Xrealloc (b->mb, b->mbsize)) )
DTCharIndex newsize = b->mbsize ? b->mbsize * 1.5 : 1024;
char *newmb = Xrealloc (b->mb, newsize);
if (newmb == NULL)
goto error;
b->mb = newmb;
b->mbsize = newsize;
rhs_string_mb = &b->mb[b->mbused];
b->mbused += l;
......@@ -604,9 +607,12 @@ parseline(
l = get_mb_string(im, local_mb_buf, rhs_keysym);
while (b->mbused + l + 1 > b->mbsize) {
b->mbsize = b->mbsize ? b->mbsize * 1.5 : 1024;
if (! (b->mb = Xrealloc (b->mb, b->mbsize)) )
DTCharIndex newsize = b->mbsize ? b->mbsize * 1.5 : 1024;
char *newmb = Xrealloc (b->mb, newsize);
if (newmb == NULL)
goto error;
b->mb = newmb;
b->mbsize = newsize;
rhs_string_mb = &b->mb[b->mbused];
b->mbused += l + 1;
......@@ -621,9 +627,12 @@ parseline(
local_wc_buf[l] = (wchar_t)'\0';
while (b->wcused + l + 1 > b->wcsize) {
b->wcsize = b->wcsize ? b->wcsize * 1.5 : 512;
if (! (b->wc = Xrealloc (b->wc, sizeof(wchar_t) * b->wcsize)) )
DTCharIndex newsize = b->wcsize ? b->wcsize * 1.5 : 512;
wchar_t *newwc = Xrealloc (b->wc, sizeof(wchar_t) * newsize);
if (newwc == NULL)
goto error;
b->wc = newwc;
b->wcsize = newsize;
rhs_string_wc = &b->wc[b->wcused];
b->wcused += l + 1;
......@@ -634,9 +643,12 @@ parseline(
local_utf8_buf[l] = '\0';
while (b->utf8used + l + 1 > b->utf8size) {
b->utf8size = b->utf8size ? b->utf8size * 1.5 : 1024;
if (! (b->utf8 = Xrealloc (b->utf8, b->utf8size)) )
DTCharIndex newsize = b->utf8size ? b->utf8size * 1.5 : 1024;
char *newutf8 = Xrealloc (b->utf8, b->utf8size);
if (newutf8 == NULL)
goto error;
b->utf8 = newutf8;
b->utf8size = newsize;
rhs_string_utf8 = &b->utf8[b->utf8used];
b->utf8used += l + 1;
......@@ -657,9 +669,12 @@ parseline(
while (b->treeused >= b->treesize) {
DefTree *old = b->tree;
int oldsize = b->treesize;
b->treesize = b->treesize ? b->treesize * 1.5 : 256;
if (! (b->tree = Xrealloc (b->tree, sizeof(DefTree) * b->treesize)) )
int newsize = b->treesize ? b->treesize * 1.5 : 256;
DefTree *new = Xrealloc (b->tree, sizeof(DefTree) * newsize);
if (new == NULL)
goto error;
b->tree = new;
b->treesize = newsize;
if (top >= (DTIndex *) old && top < (DTIndex *) &old[oldsize])
top = (DTIndex *) (((char *) top) + (((char *)b->tree)-(char *)old));
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