Commit 56fa2348 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller

Font.c: replace memcpy by sprintf preventing possible buffer overflows

I am not sure about the maximum font name length in X but just in case use snprintf instead of memcpy to be sure nothing dangerous can happen here.
parent cac1af52
......@@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ static XFontStruct *nxagentLoadBestQueryFont(Display* dpy, char *fontName, FontP
XFontStruct *fontStruct;
char *substFontBuf;
char substFontBuf[512];;
/* X Logical Font Description Conventions
* require 14 fields in the font names.
......@@ -767,12 +767,9 @@ static XFontStruct *nxagentLoadBestQueryFont(Display* dpy, char *fontName, FontP
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentLoadBestQueryFont: Searching font '%s' .\n", fontName);
substFontBuf = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 512);
numFontFields = nxagentSplitString(fontName, fontNameFields, FIELDS + 1, "-");
memcpy(substFontBuf, "fixed\0", strlen("fixed") + 1);
snprintf(substFontBuf, sizeof(substFontBuf), "%s", "fixed");
if (numFontFields <= FIELDS)
......@@ -831,8 +828,7 @@ static XFontStruct *nxagentLoadBestQueryFont(Display* dpy, char *fontName, FontP
/* Found more accurate font */
weight = tempWeight;
memcpy(substFontBuf, nxagentRemoteFontList.list[i]->name, strlen(nxagentRemoteFontList.list[i]->name));
substFontBuf[strlen(nxagentRemoteFontList.list[i]->name)] = '\0';
snprintf(substFontBuf, sizeof(substFontBuf), "%s", nxagentRemoteFontList.list[i]->name);
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentLoadBestQueryFont: Weight '%d' of more accurate font '%s' .\n", weight, substFontBuf);
......@@ -856,8 +852,6 @@ static XFontStruct *nxagentLoadBestQueryFont(Display* dpy, char *fontName, FontP
fontStruct = nxagentLoadQueryFont(dpy, substFontBuf, pFont);
free (substFontBuf);
for (j = 0; j < numFontFields; j++)
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