Commit 5771a619 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

Clipboard.c: add elapsed time for lastClient to stats output if available

parent 6db07e99
......@@ -360,7 +360,13 @@ void nxagentDumpClipboardStat(void)
fprintf(stderr, " lastClientProperty (Atom) [% 4d][%s]\n", lastClientProperty, NameForAtom(lastClientProperty));
fprintf(stderr, " lastClientSelection (Atom) [% 4d][%s]\n", lastClientSelection, NameForAtom(lastClientSelection));
fprintf(stderr, " lastClientTarget (Atom) [% 4d][%s]\n", lastClientTarget, NameForAtom(lastClientTarget));
if (lastClientTime > 0)
fprintf(stderr, " lastClientTime (Time) [%u] ([%u]ms ago)\n", lastClientTime, GetTimeInMillis() - lastClientTime);
fprintf(stderr, " lastClientTime (Time) [%u]\n", lastClientTime);
if (lastClientReqTime > 0)
fprintf(stderr, " lastClientReqTime (Time) [%u] ([%u]ms ago)\n", lastClientReqTime, GetTimeInMillis() - lastClientReqTime);
fprintf(stderr, " lastClientReqTime (Time) [%u]\n", lastClientReqTime);
fprintf(stderr, " lastClientPropertySize (unsigned long) [%lu]\n", lastClientPropertySize);
fprintf(stderr, " lastClientStage (ClientSelectionStage) [%d][%s]\n", lastClientStage, getClientSelectionStageString(lastClientStage));
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