Commit 5de8bac2 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

Clipboard.c: introduce nxagentFind*Index functions

At some places we were using NumCurrentSelections. We replace that by nxagentMaxSelections because they always have the identical value.
parent 79867f4a
......@@ -524,10 +524,30 @@ void nxagentClearClipboard(ClientPtr pClient, WindowPtr pWindow)
nxagentPrintClipboardStat("after nxagentClearClipboard");
void nxagentClearSelection(XEvent *X)
int nxagentFindLastSelectionOwnerIndex(Atom sel)
int i = 0;
while ((i < nxagentMaxSelections) &&
(lastSelectionOwner[i].selection != sel))
return i;
int nxagentFindCurrentSelectionIndex(Atom sel)
int i = 0;
while ((i < NumCurrentSelections) &&
(CurrentSelections[i].selection != sel))
return i;
void nxagentClearSelection(XEvent *X)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "%s: SelectionClear event for selection [%lu].\n", __func__, X->xselectionclear.selection);
......@@ -540,11 +560,7 @@ void nxagentClearSelection(XEvent *X)
while ((i < nxagentMaxSelections) &&
(lastSelectionOwner[i].selection != X->xselectionclear.selection))
int i = nxagentFindLastSelectionOwnerIndex(X->xselectionclear.selection);
if (i < nxagentMaxSelections)
......@@ -573,7 +589,6 @@ void nxagentClearSelection(XEvent *X)
void nxagentRequestSelection(XEvent *X)
int i = 0;
XSelectionEvent eventSelection = {0};
#ifdef DEBUG
......@@ -628,10 +643,8 @@ FIXME: Do we need this?
else if (X-> == nxagentTimestampAtom)
while ((i < NumCurrentSelections) &&
lastSelectionOwner[i].selection != X->xselectionrequest.selection) i++;
if (i < NumCurrentSelections)
int i = nxagentFindLastSelectionOwnerIndex(X->xselectionrequest.selection);
if (i < nxagentMaxSelections)
......@@ -661,13 +674,8 @@ FIXME: Do we need this?
nxagentLastRequestedSelection = X->xselectionrequest.selection;
/* FIXME: shouldn't we reset i to 0 here first? */
while ((i < nxagentMaxSelections) &&
(lastSelectionOwner[i].selection != X->xselectionrequest.selection))
/* find the index of the requested selection */
int i = nxagentFindLastSelectionOwnerIndex(X->xselectionrequest.selection);
if (i < nxagentMaxSelections)
if ((lastClientWindowPtr != NULL) && (lastSelectionOwner[i].client != NULL))
......@@ -1109,13 +1117,7 @@ void nxagentNotifySelection(XEvent *X)
int i = 0;
while ((i < nxagentMaxSelections) && (lastSelectionOwner[i].selection != X->xselection.selection))
int i = nxagentFindLastSelectionOwnerIndex(X->xselection.selection);
if (i < nxagentMaxSelections)
if ((lastSelectionOwner[i].client != NULL) &&
......@@ -1417,7 +1419,6 @@ int nxagentConvertSelection(ClientPtr client, WindowPtr pWin, Atom selection,
Window requestor, Atom property, Atom target, Time time)
const char *strTarget;
int i;
if (agentClipboardStatus != 1 ||
nxagentOption(Clipboard) == ClipboardServer)
......@@ -1433,7 +1434,7 @@ int nxagentConvertSelection(ClientPtr client, WindowPtr pWin, Atom selection,
* Only for PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD selections.
for (i = 0; i < nxagentMaxSelections; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < nxagentMaxSelections; i++)
if ((selection == CurrentSelections[i].selection) &&
(lastSelectionOwner[i].client != NULL))
......@@ -1510,11 +1511,7 @@ int nxagentConvertSelection(ClientPtr client, WindowPtr pWin, Atom selection,
if (target == MakeAtom("TIMESTAMP", 9, 1))
int i = 0;
while ((i < NumCurrentSelections) &&
CurrentSelections[i].selection != selection) i++;
int i = nxagentFindCurrentSelectionIndex(selection);
if (i < NumCurrentSelections)
......@@ -1673,17 +1670,11 @@ int nxagentSendNotify(xEvent *event)
WindowPtr nxagentGetClipboardWindow(Atom property, WindowPtr pWin)
int i = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Got called, property [%d][%s] window [%p].\n", __func__, property, NameForAtom(property), (void *)pWin);
while ((i < nxagentMaxSelections) &&
(lastSelectionOwner[i].selection != nxagentLastRequestedSelection))
int i = nxagentFindLastSelectionOwnerIndex(nxagentLastRequestedSelection);
if ((i < nxagentMaxSelections) && (property == clientCutProperty) &&
(lastSelectionOwner[i].windowPtr != NULL))
......@@ -66,4 +66,5 @@ void nxagentClearSelection();
void nxagentRequestSelection();
void nxagentNotifySelection();
int nxagentFindCurrentSelectionIndex(Atom sel);
#endif /* __Clipboard_H__ */
......@@ -2933,12 +2933,7 @@ int nxagentHandleXFixesSelectionNotify(XEvent *X)
if (SelectionCallback)
int i = 0;
while ((i < NumCurrentSelections) &&
CurrentSelections[i].selection != local)
int i = nxagentFindCurrentSelectionIndex(local);
if (i < NumCurrentSelections)
SelectionInfoRec info;
......@@ -691,11 +691,7 @@ ProcConvertSelection(register ClientPtr client)
(stuff->selection == MakeAtom("CLIPBOARD", 9, 0))) &&
nxagentOption(Clipboard) != ClipboardNone)
int i = 0;
while ((i < NumCurrentSelections) &&
CurrentSelections[i].selection != stuff->selection) i++;
int i = nxagentFindCurrentSelectionIndex(stuff->selection);
if ((i < NumCurrentSelections) && (CurrentSelections[i].window != None))
if (nxagentConvertSelection(client, pWin, stuff->selection, stuff->requestor,
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