Commit 95940104 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller

GCOps.c: scope improvements

parent 0e2b7479
......@@ -216,17 +216,12 @@ RegionPtr nxagentBitBlitHelper(GC *pGC)
int nxagentWindowIsPopup(DrawablePtr pDrawable)
WindowPtr parent;
int windowIsPopup;
int level;
if (pDrawable -> type != DRAWABLE_WINDOW)
return 0;
windowIsPopup = 0;
int windowIsPopup = 0;
if (((WindowPtr) pDrawable) -> overrideRedirect == 1)
......@@ -234,7 +229,7 @@ int nxagentWindowIsPopup(DrawablePtr pDrawable)
parent = ((WindowPtr) pDrawable) -> parent;
WindowPtr parent = ((WindowPtr) pDrawable) -> parent;
* Go up on the tree until a parent
......@@ -243,7 +238,7 @@ int nxagentWindowIsPopup(DrawablePtr pDrawable)
* up children's popup.
level = 0;
int level = 0;
while (parent != NULL && ++level <= 4)
......@@ -255,7 +250,6 @@ int nxagentWindowIsPopup(DrawablePtr pDrawable)
if (parent -> overrideRedirect == 1)
windowIsPopup = 1;
......@@ -280,10 +274,6 @@ int nxagentDeferCopyArea(DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable, DrawablePtr pDstDrawable,
GCPtr pGC, int srcx, int srcy, int width,
int height, int dstx, int dsty)
RegionPtr pSrcRegion;
RegionPtr pClipRegion, pCorruptedRegion;
RegionRec corruptedRegion, tmpRegion;
* If the destination drawable is a popup
* window, we try to synchronize the source
......@@ -306,7 +296,7 @@ FIXME: The popup could be synchronized with one
nxagentPixmapContainTrapezoids((PixmapPtr) pSrcDrawable) == 1 &&
nxagentWindowIsPopup(pDstDrawable) == 1)
pSrcRegion = nxagentCreateRegion(pSrcDrawable, NULL, srcx, srcy, width, height);
RegionPtr pSrcRegion = nxagentCreateRegion(pSrcDrawable, NULL, srcx, srcy, width, height);
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDeferCopyArea: Copying to a popup menu. Source region [%d,%d,%d,%d].\n",
......@@ -314,6 +304,8 @@ FIXME: The popup could be synchronized with one
pSrcRegion -> extents.x2, pSrcRegion -> extents.y2);
RegionRec corruptedRegion;
RegionInit(&corruptedRegion, NullBox, 1);
......@@ -349,8 +341,8 @@ FIXME: The popup could be synchronized with one
if ((pDstDrawable -> type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP &&
nxagentOption(DeferLevel) > 0) || nxagentOption(DeferLevel) >= 3)
pClipRegion = nxagentCreateRegion(pSrcDrawable, NULL, srcx, srcy,
width, height);
RegionPtr pClipRegion = nxagentCreateRegion(pSrcDrawable, NULL, srcx, srcy,
width, height);
* We called this variable pCorruptedRegion
......@@ -360,8 +352,8 @@ FIXME: The popup could be synchronized with one
* narrow the destination.
pCorruptedRegion = nxagentCreateRegion(pDstDrawable, pGC, dstx, dsty,
width, height);
RegionPtr pCorruptedRegion = nxagentCreateRegion(pDstDrawable, pGC, dstx, dsty,
width, height);
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDeferCopyArea: Copy area source region is [%d,%d,%d,%d].\n",
......@@ -393,6 +385,8 @@ FIXME: The popup could be synchronized with one
RegionRec tmpRegion;
RegionInit(&tmpRegion, NullBox, 1);
#ifdef DEBUG
......@@ -455,10 +449,6 @@ FIXME: The popup could be synchronized with one
if (RegionNil(pClipRegion) == 0)
GCPtr targetGC;
CARD32 targetAttributes[2];
Bool pClipRegionFree = True;
......@@ -468,7 +458,7 @@ FIXME: The popup could be synchronized with one
* setting a new clip mask.
targetGC = GetScratchGC(pDstDrawable -> depth, pDstDrawable -> pScreen);
GCPtr targetGC = GetScratchGC(pDstDrawable -> depth, pDstDrawable -> pScreen);
ValidateGC(pDstDrawable, targetGC);
......@@ -495,6 +485,8 @@ FIXME: The popup could be synchronized with one
CARD32 targetAttributes[2];
* Setting the clip mask origin. This
* operation must precede the clip chan-
......@@ -563,7 +555,9 @@ FIXME: The popup could be synchronized with one
pSrcRegion = nxagentCreateRegion(pSrcDrawable, NULL, srcx, srcy, width, height);
RegionPtr pSrcRegion = nxagentCreateRegion(pSrcDrawable, NULL, srcx, srcy, width, height);
RegionRec corruptedRegion;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "nxagentDeferCopyArea: Source region [%d,%d,%d,%d].\n",
......@@ -598,12 +592,6 @@ RegionPtr nxagentCopyArea(DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable, DrawablePtr pDstDrawable,
GCPtr pGC, int srcx, int srcy, int width,
int height, int dstx, int dsty)
int leftPad = 0;
unsigned int format;
unsigned long planeMask = 0xffffffff;
RegionPtr pDstRegion;
int skip = 0;
#ifdef TEST
......@@ -754,13 +742,14 @@ RegionPtr nxagentCopyArea(DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable, DrawablePtr pDstDrawable,
nxagentIsShmPixmap((PixmapPtr) pSrcDrawable))
char *data;
int depth, length;
depth = pSrcDrawable -> depth;
int depth = pSrcDrawable -> depth;
format = (depth == 1) ? XYPixmap : ZPixmap;
unsigned int format = (depth == 1) ? XYPixmap : ZPixmap;
length = nxagentImageLength(width, height, format, leftPad, depth);
int leftPad = 0;
int length = nxagentImageLength(width, height, format, leftPad, depth);
if ((data = malloc(length)) == NULL)
......@@ -771,6 +760,8 @@ RegionPtr nxagentCopyArea(DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable, DrawablePtr pDstDrawable,
return NullRegion;
unsigned long planeMask = 0xffffffff;
fbGetImage(nxagentVirtualDrawable(pSrcDrawable), srcx, srcy, width, height, format, planeMask, data);
......@@ -831,7 +822,7 @@ RegionPtr nxagentCopyArea(DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable, DrawablePtr pDstDrawable,
if (nxagentDrawableStatus(pDstDrawable) == NotSynchronized)
pDstRegion = nxagentCreateRegion(pDstDrawable, pGC, dstx, dsty, width, height);
RegionPtr pDstRegion = nxagentCreateRegion(pDstDrawable, pGC, dstx, dsty, width, height);
nxagentUnmarkCorruptedRegion(pDstDrawable, pDstRegion);
......@@ -918,13 +909,6 @@ RegionPtr nxagentCopyPlane(DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable, DrawablePtr pDstDrawable,
GCPtr pGC, int srcx, int srcy, int width, int height,
int dstx, int dsty, unsigned long plane)
unsigned int format;
int leftPad = 0;
unsigned long planeMask = 0xffffffff;
RegionPtr pSrcRegion, pDstRegion;
RegionRec corruptedRegion;
int skip = 0;
#ifdef TEST
......@@ -974,13 +958,14 @@ RegionPtr nxagentCopyPlane(DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable, DrawablePtr pDstDrawable,
nxagentIsShmPixmap((PixmapPtr) pSrcDrawable))
char *data;
int depth, length;
depth = pSrcDrawable -> depth;
int depth = pSrcDrawable -> depth;
unsigned int format = (depth == 1) ? XYPixmap : ZPixmap;
format = (depth == 1) ? XYPixmap : ZPixmap;
int leftPad = 0;
length = nxagentImageLength(width, height, format, leftPad, depth);
int length = nxagentImageLength(width, height, format, leftPad, depth);
if ((data = malloc(length)) == NULL)
......@@ -991,6 +976,8 @@ RegionPtr nxagentCopyPlane(DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable, DrawablePtr pDstDrawable,
return 0;
unsigned long planeMask = 0xffffffff;
fbGetImage(nxagentVirtualDrawable(pSrcDrawable), srcx, srcy, width, height, format, planeMask, data);
......@@ -1024,7 +1011,7 @@ RegionPtr nxagentCopyPlane(DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable, DrawablePtr pDstDrawable,
if (pDstDrawable -> type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP &&
nxagentOption(DeferLevel) > 0)
pDstRegion = nxagentCreateRegion(pDstDrawable, pGC, dstx, dsty, width, height);
RegionPtr pDstRegion = nxagentCreateRegion(pDstDrawable, pGC, dstx, dsty, width, height);
nxagentMarkCorruptedRegion(pDstDrawable, pDstRegion);
......@@ -1034,7 +1021,9 @@ RegionPtr nxagentCopyPlane(DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable, DrawablePtr pDstDrawable,
pSrcRegion = nxagentCreateRegion(pSrcDrawable, NULL, srcx, srcy, width, height);
RegionPtr pSrcRegion = nxagentCreateRegion(pSrcDrawable, NULL, srcx, srcy, width, height);
RegionRec corruptedRegion;
RegionInit(&corruptedRegion, NullBox, 1);
......@@ -1050,7 +1039,7 @@ RegionPtr nxagentCopyPlane(DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable, DrawablePtr pDstDrawable,
nxagentSynchronizeRegion(pSrcDrawable, &corruptedRegion /*pSrcRegion*/, NEVER_BREAK, NULL);
pDstRegion = nxagentCreateRegion(pDstDrawable, pGC, dstx, dsty, width, height);
RegionPtr pDstRegion = nxagentCreateRegion(pDstDrawable, pGC, dstx, dsty, width, height);
nxagentUnmarkCorruptedRegion(pDstDrawable, pDstRegion);
......@@ -1471,8 +1460,6 @@ void nxagentFillPolygon(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC, int shape,
if (mode == CoordModeOrigin)
int i;
mode = CoordModePrevious;
newPoints = malloc(nPoints * sizeof(xPoint));
......@@ -1491,7 +1478,7 @@ void nxagentFillPolygon(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC, int shape,
* tive to the previous point.
for (i = 1; i < nPoints; i++)
for (int i = 1; i < nPoints; i++)
newPoints[i].x = pPoints[i].x - pPoints[i-1].x;
newPoints[i].y = pPoints[i].y - pPoints[i-1].y;
......@@ -1551,10 +1538,6 @@ void nxagentFillPolygon(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC, int shape,
void nxagentPolyFillRect(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC,
int nRectangles, xRectangle *pRectangles)
RegionPtr rectRegion;
int inheritCorruptedRegion;
#ifdef TEST
if (nRectangles == 1)
......@@ -1594,7 +1577,7 @@ void nxagentPolyFillRect(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC,
* intersecting the target will be cleared.
inheritCorruptedRegion = 0;
int inheritCorruptedRegion = 0;
if (pGC -> fillStyle == FillTiled &&
pGC -> tileIsPixel == 0 && pGC -> tile.pixmap != NULL)
......@@ -1616,7 +1599,7 @@ void nxagentPolyFillRect(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC,
if (inheritCorruptedRegion == 1 || nxagentDrawableStatus(pDrawable) == NotSynchronized)
rectRegion = RegionFromRects(nRectangles, pRectangles, CT_REGION);
RegionPtr rectRegion = RegionFromRects(nRectangles, pRectangles, CT_REGION);
if (pGC -> clientClip != NULL)
......@@ -1784,8 +1767,6 @@ void nxagentPolyFillArc(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC,
int nxagentPolyText8(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC, int x,
int y, int count, char *string)
int width;
* While the session is suspended
* the font structure is NULL.
......@@ -1796,7 +1777,7 @@ int nxagentPolyText8(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC, int x,
return x;
width = XTextWidth(nxagentFontStruct(pGC->font), string, count);
int width = XTextWidth(nxagentFontStruct(pGC->font), string, count);
if (nxagentGCTrap == 1)
......@@ -1857,8 +1838,6 @@ int nxagentPolyText8(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC, int x,
int nxagentPolyText16(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC, int x,
int y, int count, unsigned short *string)
int width;
* While the session is suspended
* the font structure is NULL.
......@@ -1869,7 +1848,7 @@ int nxagentPolyText16(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC, int x,
return x;
width = XTextWidth16(nxagentFontStruct(pGC->font), (XChar2b *)string, count);
int width = XTextWidth16(nxagentFontStruct(pGC->font), (XChar2b *)string, count);
if (nxagentGCTrap == 1)
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