Commit ab1e1019 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

NX.h: Add missing NX_CHANNEL_SLAVE type to description

parent f3473e38
......@@ -341,6 +341,9 @@ extern int NXTransFlush(int fd);
* NX_CHANNEL_FONT: The channel will forward a X font server
* connection.
* NX_CHANNEL_SLAVE: The channel will forward data to a remote slave
* command (see NX_SLAVE_CMD envrionment variable)
* Only a proxy running at the NX server/X client side will be able
* to create a X, CUPS, SMB, MEDIA and HTTP channel. A proxy running
* at the NX client/X server side can create font server connections.
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