Commit cac1af52 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller

Args.c: simplify nxagentGetDialogName()

parent 74c21e9e
......@@ -2098,31 +2098,24 @@ void ddxUseMsg()
static int nxagentGetDialogName()
snprintf(nxagentDialogName, NXAGENTDIALOGNAMELENGTH, "NX");
if (*nxagentSessionId != '\0')
int length = strlen(nxagentSessionId);
strcpy(nxagentDialogName, "NX - ");
/* if the session id contains an MD5 hash in a well-known format cut it off */
if (length > (MD5_LENGTH * 2 + 1) &&
*(nxagentSessionId + (length - (MD5_LENGTH * 2 + 1))) == '-')
strncat(nxagentDialogName, nxagentSessionId,
MIN(NXAGENTDIALOGNAMELENGTH - strlen(nxagentDialogName), length - (MD5_LENGTH * 2 + 1)) - 1);
strncat(nxagentDialogName, nxagentSessionId, NXAGENTDIALOGNAMELENGTH - strlen(nxagentDialogName) - 1);
length -= (MD5_LENGTH * 2 + 1);
nxagentDialogName[NXAGENTDIALOGNAMELENGTH - 1] = '\0';
snprintf(nxagentDialogName, NXAGENTDIALOGNAMELENGTH, "NX - %.*s", length, nxagentSessionId);
return 1;
snprintf(nxagentDialogName, NXAGENTDIALOGNAMELENGTH, "NX");
return 0;
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