Commit cfa17ffa authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller Committed by Mike Gabriel

Error.c: mark NX changes

nxagentPrintError is derived from XlibInt.c:_XprintDefaultError. Let's add missing code and mark NX changes.
parent 100b2789
......@@ -114,10 +114,11 @@ int nxagentErrorHandler(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *event)
return 0;
/* copied from XlibInt.c */
/* extension stuff roughly commented out */
/* FIXME: why? What's wrong with printing extension stuff?
We could drop this in favour of _XprintDefaultError then! */
/* copied from XlibInt.c:_XprintDefaultError
* We cannot use the whole function because it requires XlibInt
* internals. And we cannot call _XPrintDefaultError because it
* is not exported.
static int nxagentPrintError(dpy, event, fp)
Display *dpy;
XErrorEvent *event;
......@@ -126,11 +127,11 @@ static int nxagentPrintError(dpy, event, fp)
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
char mesg[BUFSIZ];
char number[32];
char *mtype = "XlibMessage";
const char *mtype = "XlibMessage";
register _XExtension *ext = (_XExtension *)NULL;
_XExtension *bext = (_XExtension *)NULL;
XGetErrorText(dpy, event->error_code, buffer, BUFSIZ);
XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, mtype, "XError", "X Error", mesg, BUFSIZ);
(void) fprintf(fp, "%s: %s\n ", mesg, buffer);
......@@ -141,14 +142,16 @@ static int nxagentPrintError(dpy, event, fp)
snprintf(number, sizeof(number), "%d", event->request_code);
XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, "XRequest", number, "", buffer, BUFSIZ);
} else {
/* for (ext = dpy->ext_procs;
for (ext = dpy->ext_procs;
ext && (ext->codes.major_opcode != event->request_code);
ext = ext->next)
if (ext)
if (ext) {
strncpy(buffer, ext->name, BUFSIZ);
buffer[BUFSIZ - 1] = '\0';
} else
buffer[0] = '\0';
(void) fprintf(fp, " (%s)\n", buffer);
......@@ -157,19 +160,19 @@ static int nxagentPrintError(dpy, event, fp)
mesg, BUFSIZ);
fputs(" ", fp);
(void) fprintf(fp, mesg, event->minor_code);
if (ext) {
snprintf(mesg, sizeof(mesg), "%s.%d", ext->name, event->minor_code);
XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, "XRequest", mesg, "", buffer, BUFSIZ);
(void) fprintf(fp, " (%s)", buffer);
fputs("\n", fp);
if (event->error_code >= 128) {
/* kludge, try to find the extension that caused it */
buffer[0] = '\0';
for (ext = dpy->ext_procs; ext; ext = ext->next) {
if (ext->error_string)
(*ext->error_string)(dpy, event->error_code, &ext->codes,
......@@ -187,7 +190,7 @@ static int nxagentPrintError(dpy, event, fp)
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s.%d", bext->name,
event->error_code - bext->codes.first_error);
strcpy(buffer, "Value");
XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, mtype, buffer, "", mesg, BUFSIZ);
if (mesg[0]) {
......@@ -196,12 +199,12 @@ static int nxagentPrintError(dpy, event, fp)
fputs("\n", fp);
/* let extensions try to print the values */
for (ext = dpy->ext_procs; ext; ext = ext->next) {
if (ext->error_values)
(*ext->error_values)(dpy, event, fp);
} else if ((event->error_code == BadWindow) ||
(event->error_code == BadPixmap) ||
(event->error_code == BadCursor) ||
......@@ -229,10 +232,12 @@ static int nxagentPrintError(dpy, event, fp)
mesg, BUFSIZ);
fputs(" ", fp);
(void) fprintf(fp, mesg, event->serial);
/* XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, mtype, "CurrentSerial", "Current Serial #%d",
XGetErrorDatabaseText(dpy, mtype, "CurrentSerial", "Current Serial #%d",
mesg, BUFSIZ);
fputs("\n ", fp);
(void) fprintf(fp, mesg, dpy->request); */
(void) fprintf(fp, mesg, (unsigned long long)(X_DPY_GET_REQUEST(dpy)));
fputs("\n", fp);
if (event->error_code == BadImplementation) return 0;
return 1;
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