Commit fe887d68 authored by Ulrich Sibiller's avatar Ulrich Sibiller

Display.c: remove unused logo code

parent 2a6fcfc1
......@@ -169,7 +169,6 @@ Pixmap nxagentIconPixmap;
Pixmap nxagentIconShape;
Bool useXpmIcon = False;
unsigned int nxagentLogoColor(unsigned int value);
Bool nxagentMakeIcon(Display *display, Pixmap *nxIcon, Pixmap *nxMask);
......@@ -185,13 +184,6 @@ static int nxagentInitAndCheckVisuals(int flexibility);
static int nxagentCheckForColormapsCompatibility(int flexibility);
* FIXME: These must definitely become local.
XVisualInfo pV;
unsigned int r, b, g, or, ob, og, off;
* Save Internal implementation Also called in Reconnect.c.
......@@ -217,23 +209,6 @@ int nxagentServerOrder()
return MSBFirst;
unsigned int nxagentLogoColor(unsigned int value)
* Takes a color value in RGB24 (0xff0000, 0x00ff00,
* 0x0000ff) and converts it into an equivalent for
* the current visual.
int cr=0, cg=0, cb=0;
cr = (value >> or) &r;
cg = (value >> (og - 8)) &g;
cb = (value >> (ob - 16)) &b;
return (cr | cg | cb);
* FIXME: This error handler is not printing anything
* in the session log. This is OK once the session is
......@@ -1412,12 +1387,6 @@ FIXME: Use of nxagentParentWindow is strongly deprecated.
pV = nxagentVisuals[nxagentDefaultVisualIndex];
r = pV.red_mask;
g = pV.green_mask;
b = pV.blue_mask;
nxagentLogoBlack = 0x000000;
nxagentLogoRed = 0xff0000;
nxagentLogoWhite = 0xffffff;
......@@ -2880,12 +2849,6 @@ Bool nxagentReconnectDisplay(void *p0)
nxagentLogoDepth = DefaultDepth(nxagentDisplay, DefaultScreen(nxagentDisplay));
pV = nxagentVisuals[nxagentDefaultVisualIndex];
r = pV.red_mask;
g = pV.green_mask;
b = pV.blue_mask;
nxagentLogoBlack = 0x000000;
nxagentLogoRed = 0xff0000;
nxagentLogoWhite = 0xffffff;
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