Commit 08fd93d5 authored by Max Kanat-Alexander's avatar Max Kanat-Alexander

Bug 578888: Add and store joins as data structures instead of

raw SQL. r=mkanat, a=mkanat (module owner)
parent f0d8ea97
......@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ use Bugzilla::Field;
use Bugzilla::Status;
use Bugzilla::Keyword;
use Data::Dumper;
use Date::Format;
use Date::Parse;
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
......@@ -287,7 +288,7 @@ use constant SPECIAL_ORDER => {
table => 'milestones',
from => 'target_milestone',
to => 'value',
extra => ' AND bugs.product_id = map_target_milestone.product_id',
extra => ['bugs.product_id = map_target_milestone.product_id'],
join => 'INNER',
......@@ -345,11 +346,11 @@ use constant COLUMN_JOINS => {
join => 'INNER',
'' => {
name => 'map_flags',
as => 'map_flags',
table => 'flags',
extra => ' AND attach_id IS NULL',
extra => ['attach_id IS NULL'],
then_to => {
name => 'map_flagtypes',
as => 'map_flagtypes',
table => 'flagtypes',
from => 'map_flags.type_id',
to => 'id',
......@@ -358,7 +359,7 @@ use constant COLUMN_JOINS => {
keywords => {
table => 'keywords',
then_to => {
name => 'map_keyworddefs',
as => 'map_keyworddefs',
table => 'keyworddefs',
from => 'map_keywords.keywordid',
to => 'id',
......@@ -669,7 +670,7 @@ sub _select_order_joins {
foreach my $field ($self->_input_order_columns) {
my $join_info = $self->_special_order->{$field}->{join};
if ($join_info) {
my @join_sql = $self->_translate_join($field, $join_info);
my @join_sql = $self->_translate_join($join_info, $field);
push(@joins, @join_sql);
......@@ -995,17 +996,18 @@ sub _charts_to_conditions {
push(@joins, @{ $or_item->{joins} });
push(@having, @{ $or_item->{having} });
my $or_sql = join(' OR ', map { "($_)" } @or_terms);
push(@and_terms, $or_sql) if $or_sql ne '';
@and_terms = map { "($_)" } @and_terms;
foreach my $and_term (@and_terms) {
# Clean up the SQL a bit by removing extra parens.
while ($and_term =~ /^\(\(/ and $and_term =~ /\)\)$/) {
$and_term =~ s/^\(//;
$and_term =~ s/\)$//;
if (@or_terms) {
# If a term contains ANDs, we need to put parens around the
# condition. This is a pretty weak test, but it's actually OK
# to put parens around too many things.
@or_terms = map { $_ =~ /\bAND\b/i ? "($_)" : $_ } @or_terms;
my $or_sql = join(' OR ', @or_terms);
push(@and_terms, $or_sql);
# And here we need to paren terms that contain ORs.
@and_terms = map { $_ =~ /\bOR\b/i ? "($_)" : $_ } @and_terms;
my $and_sql = join(' AND ', @and_terms);
if ($negate and $and_sql ne '') {
$and_sql = "NOT ($and_sql)";
......@@ -1120,11 +1122,11 @@ sub _column_join {
my $join_info = COLUMN_JOINS->{$field};
if (!$join_info) {
if ($self->_multi_select_fields->{$field}) {
return $self->_translate_join($field, { table => "bug_$field" });
return $self->_translate_join({ table => "bug_$field" }, $field);
return ();
return $self->_translate_join($field, $join_info);
return $self->_translate_join($join_info, $field);
sub _valid_values {
......@@ -1142,7 +1144,13 @@ sub _valid_values {
sub _translate_join {
my ($self, $field, $join_info) = @_;
my ($self, $join_info, $field) = @_;
die "join with no table: " . Dumper($join_info, $field)
if !$join_info->{table};
die "join with no name: " . Dumper($join_info, $field)
if (!$join_info->{as} and !$field);
my $from_table = "bugs";
my $from = $join_info->{from} || "bug_id";
if ($from =~ /^(\w+)\.(\w+)$/) {
......@@ -1151,15 +1159,23 @@ sub _translate_join {
my $to = $join_info->{to} || "bug_id";
my $join = $join_info->{join} || 'LEFT';
my $table = $join_info->{table};
die "$field requires a table in COLUMN_JOINS" if !$table;
my $extra = $join_info->{extra} || '';
my $name = $join_info->{name} || "map_$field";
my @extra = @{ $join_info->{extra} || [] };
my $name = $join_info->{as} || "map_$field";
$name =~ s/\./_/g;
# If a term contains ORs, we need to put parens around the condition.
# This is a pretty weak test, but it's actually OK to put parens
# around too many things.
@extra = map { $_ =~ /\bOR\b/i ? "($_)" : $_ } @extra;
my $extra_condition = join(' AND ', uniq @extra);
if ($extra_condition) {
$extra_condition = " AND $extra_condition";
my @join_sql = "$join JOIN $table AS $name"
. " ON $from_table.$from = $name.$to$extra";
. " ON $from_table.$from = $name.$to$extra_condition";
if (my $then_to = $join_info->{then_to}) {
push(@join_sql, $self->_translate_join($field, $then_to));
push(@join_sql, $self->_translate_join($then_to));
return @join_sql;
......@@ -1298,7 +1314,8 @@ sub init {
my %suppseen = ("bugs" => 1);
my $suppstring = "bugs";
my @supplist = (" ");
foreach my $str ($self->_select_order_joins, @$joins) {
my @join_sql = map { $self->_translate_join($_) } @$joins;
foreach my $str ($self->_select_order_joins, @join_sql) {
if ($str =~ /^(LEFT|INNER|RIGHT)\s+JOIN/i) {
$str =~ /^(.*?)\s+ON\s+(.*)$/i;
......@@ -1668,12 +1685,15 @@ sub _contact_exact_group {
my $group_ids = Bugzilla::Group->flatten_group_membership($group->id);
my $table = "user_group_map_$chart_id";
my $join_sql =
"LEFT JOIN user_group_map AS $table"
. " ON $table.user_id = bugs.$field"
. " AND " . $dbh->sql_in("$table.group_id", $group_ids)
. " AND $table.isbless = 0";
push(@$joins, $join_sql);
my $join = {
table => 'user_group_map',
as => $table,
from => $field,
to => 'user_id',
extra => [$dbh->sql_in("$table.group_id", $group_ids),
"$table.isbless = 0"],
push(@$joins, $join);
if ($operator =~ /^not/) {
$args->{term} = "$table.group_id IS NULL";
......@@ -1694,10 +1714,9 @@ sub _contact_nonchanged {
sub _qa_contact_nonchanged {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $joins = $args->{joins};
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN profiles AS map_qa_contact " .
"ON bugs.qa_contact = map_qa_contact.userid");
# This will join in map_qa_contact for us.
$args->{full_field} = "COALESCE(map_qa_contact.login_name,'')";
......@@ -1734,16 +1753,19 @@ sub _cc_exact_group {
my $group_table = "user_group_map_$chart_id";
my $cc_table = "cc_$chart_id";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN cc AS $cc_table " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $cc_table.bug_id");
my $join_sql =
"LEFT JOIN user_group_map AS $group_table"
. " ON $group_table.user_id = $cc_table.who"
. " AND " . $dbh->sql_in("$group_table.group_id", $all_groups)
. " AND $group_table.isbless = 0 ";
push(@$joins, $join_sql);
push(@$joins, { table => 'cc', as => $cc_table });
my $group_table = "user_group_map_$chart_id";
my $group_join = {
table => 'user_group_map',
as => $group_table,
from => "$cc_table.who",
to => 'user_id',
extra => [$dbh->sql_in("$group_table.group_id", $all_groups),
"$group_table.isbless = 0"],
push(@$joins, $group_join);
if ($operator =~ /^not/) {
$args->{term} = "$group_table.group_id IS NULL";
......@@ -1773,11 +1795,12 @@ sub _cc_nonchanged {
my $term = $args->{term};
my $table = "cc_$chart_id";
my $join_sql =
"LEFT JOIN cc AS $table"
. " ON bugs.bug_id = $table.bug_id"
. " AND $table.who IN (SELECT userid FROM profiles WHERE $term)";
push(@$joins, $join_sql);
my $join = {
table => 'cc',
as => $table,
extra => ["$table.who IN (SELECT userid FROM profiles WHERE $term)"],
push(@$joins, $join);
$args->{term} = "$table.who IS NOT NULL";
......@@ -1788,8 +1811,7 @@ sub _long_desc_changedby {
my ($chart_id, $joins, $value) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins value)};
my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
push(@$joins, { table => 'longdescs', as => $table });
my $user_id = login_to_id($value, THROW_ERROR);
$args->{term} = "$table.who = $user_id";
......@@ -1803,11 +1825,12 @@ sub _long_desc_changedbefore_after {
my $sql_operator = ($operator =~ /before/) ? '<=' : '>=';
my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id";
my $sql_date = $dbh->quote(SqlifyDate($value));
my $join_sql =
"LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table "
. " ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"
. " AND $table.bug_when $sql_operator $sql_date";
push(@$joins, $join_sql);
my $join = {
table => 'longdescs',
as => $table,
extra => ["$table.bug_when $sql_operator $sql_date"],
push(@$joins, $join);
$args->{term} = "$table.bug_when IS NOT NULL";
......@@ -1828,8 +1851,7 @@ sub _content_matches {
my $table = "bugs_fulltext_$chart_id";
my $comments_col = "comments";
$comments_col = "comments_noprivate" unless $self->{'user'}->is_insider;
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN bugs_fulltext AS $table " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $table.bug_id");
push(@$joins, { table => 'bugs_fulltext', as => $table });
# Create search terms to add to the SELECT and WHERE clauses.
my ($term1, $rterm1) =
......@@ -1903,11 +1925,12 @@ sub _commenter {
my $term = $args->{term};
my $join_sql =
"LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table"
. " ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id $extra"
. " AND $table.who IN (SELECT userid FROM profiles WHERE $term)";
push(@$joins, $join_sql);
my $join = {
table => 'longdescs',
as => $table,
extra => ["$table.who IN (SELECT userid FROM profiles WHERE $term)"],
push(@$joins, $join);
$args->{term} = "$table.who IS NOT NULL";
......@@ -1916,9 +1939,13 @@ sub _long_desc {
my ($chart_id, $joins) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins)};
my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? "" : "AND $table.isprivate = 0";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id $extra");
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? [] : ["$table.isprivate = 0"];
my $join = {
table => 'longdescs',
as => $table,
extra => $extra,
push(@$joins, $join);
$args->{full_field} = "$table.thetext";
......@@ -1927,9 +1954,13 @@ sub _longdescs_isprivate {
my ($chart_id, $joins) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins)};
my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? "" : "AND $table.isprivate = 0";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id $extra");
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? [] : ["$table.isprivate = 0"];
my $join = {
table => 'longdescs',
as => $table,
extra => $extra,
push(@$joins, $join);
$args->{full_field} = "$table.isprivate";
......@@ -1938,8 +1969,7 @@ sub _work_time_changedby {
my ($chart_id, $joins, $value) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins value)};
my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
push(@$joins, { table => 'longdescs', as => $table });
my $user_id = login_to_id($value, THROW_ERROR);
$args->{term} = "$table.who = $user_id AND $table.work_time != 0";
......@@ -1953,12 +1983,13 @@ sub _work_time_changedbefore_after {
my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id";
my $sql_operator = ($operator =~ /before/) ? '<=' : '>=';
my $sql_date = $dbh->quote(SqlifyDate($value));
my $join_sql =
"LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table"
. " ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"
. " AND $table.work_time != 0"
. " AND $table.bug_when $sql_operator $sql_date";
push(@$joins, $join_sql);
my $join = {
table => 'longdescs',
as => $table,
extra => ["$table.work_time != 0",
"$table.bug_when $sql_operator $sql_date"],
push(@$joins, $join);
$args->{term} = "$table.bug_when IS NOT NULL";
......@@ -1968,8 +1999,7 @@ sub _work_time {
my ($chart_id, $joins) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins)};
my $table = "longdescs_$chart_id";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
push(@$joins, { table => 'longdescs', as => $table });
$args->{full_field} = "$table.work_time";
......@@ -1987,8 +2017,7 @@ sub _percentage_complete {
my $expression = COLUMNS->{percentage_complete}->{name};
$expression =~ s/\bldtime\b/$table/g;
$args->{full_field} = "($expression)";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
push(@$joins, { table => 'longdescs', as => $table });
# We need remaining_time in _select_columns, otherwise we can't use
# it in the expression for creating percentage_complete.
......@@ -2007,18 +2036,22 @@ sub _bug_group_nonchanged {
my ($chart_id, $joins, $field) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins field)};
my $map_table = "bug_group_map_$chart_id";
"LEFT JOIN bug_group_map AS $map_table " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $map_table.bug_id");
push(@$joins, { table => 'bug_group_map', as => $map_table });
my $groups_table = "groups_$chart_id";
my $full_field = "$";
$args->{full_field} = $full_field;
my $term = $args->{term};
"LEFT JOIN groups AS $groups_table " .
"ON $ = $map_table.group_id AND $term");
my $groups_join = {
table => 'groups',
as => $groups_table,
from => "$map_table.group_id",
to => 'id',
extra => [$term],
push(@$joins, $groups_join);
$args->{term} = "$full_field IS NOT NULL";
......@@ -2029,11 +2062,19 @@ sub _attach_data_thedata {
my $attach_table = "attachments_$chart_id";
my $data_table = "attachdata_$chart_id";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider
? "" : "AND $attach_table.isprivate = 0";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN attachments AS $attach_table " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $attach_table.bug_id $extra");
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN attach_data AS $data_table " .
"ON $ = $attach_table.attach_id");
? [] : ["$attach_table.isprivate = 0"];
my $attachments_join = {
table => 'attachments',
as => $attach_table,
extra => $extra,
my $data_join = {
table => 'attach_data',
as => $data_table,
from => "$attach_table.attach_id",
to => "id",
push(@$joins, $attachments_join, $data_join);
$args->{full_field} = "$data_table.thedata";
......@@ -2041,16 +2082,24 @@ sub _attachments_submitter {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins) = @$args{qw(chart_id joins)};
my $attach_table = "attachment_submitter_$chart_id";
my $attach_table = "attachments_$chart_id";
my $profiles_table = "map_attachment_submitter_$chart_id";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider
? "" : "AND $attach_table.isprivate = 0";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN attachments AS $attach_table " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $attach_table.bug_id $extra");
? [] : ["$attach_table.isprivate = 0"];
my $attachments_join = {
table => 'attachments',
as => $attach_table,
extra => $extra,
my $profiles_join = {
table => 'profiles',
as => $profiles_table,
from => "$attach_table.submitter_id",
to => 'userid',
push(@$joins, $attachments_join, $profiles_join);
my $map_table = "map_attachment_submitter_$chart_id";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN profiles AS $map_table " .
"ON $attach_table.submitter_id = $map_table.userid");
$args->{full_field} = "$map_table.login_name";
$args->{full_field} = "$profiles_table.login_name";
sub _attachments {
......@@ -2060,10 +2109,13 @@ sub _attachments {
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $table = "attachments_$chart_id";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? "" : "AND $table.isprivate = 0";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN attachments AS $table " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $table.bug_id $extra");
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider? [] : ["$table.isprivate = 0"];
my $join = {
table => 'attachments',
as => $table,
extra => $extra,
push(@$joins, $join);
$field =~ /^attachments\.(.+)$/;
my $attach_field = $1;
......@@ -2074,19 +2126,25 @@ sub _join_flag_tables {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($joins, $chart_id) = @$args{qw(joins chart_id)};
my $attachments = "attachments_$chart_id";
my $attach_table = "attachments_$chart_id";
my $flags_table = "flags_$chart_id";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider
? "" : "AND $attachments.isprivate = 0";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN attachments AS $attachments " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $attachments.bug_id $extra");
my $flags = "flags_$chart_id";
? [] : ["$attach_table.isprivate = 0"];
my $attachments_join = {
table => 'attachments',
as => $attach_table,
extra => $extra,
# We join both the bugs and the attachments table in separately,
# and then the join code will later combine the terms.
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN flags AS $flags " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = $flags.bug_id ");
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN flags AS $flags " .
"ON $flags.attach_id = $attachments.attach_id " .
"OR $flags.attach_id IS NULL");
my $flags_join = {
table => 'flags',
as => $flags_table,
extra => ["($flags_table.attach_id = $attach_table.attach_id "
. " OR $flags_table.attach_id IS NULL)"],
push(@$joins, $attachments_join, $flags_join);
sub _flagtypes_name {
......@@ -2110,8 +2168,13 @@ sub _flagtypes_name {
my $flags = "flags_$chart_id";
my $flagtypes = "flagtypes_$chart_id";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN flagtypes AS $flagtypes " .
"ON $flags.type_id = $");
my $flagtypes_join = {
table => 'flagtypes',
as => $flagtypes,
from => "$flags.type_id",
to => 'id',
push(@$joins, $flagtypes_join);
# Generate the condition by running the operator-specific
# function. Afterwards the condition resides in the $args->{term}
......@@ -2146,8 +2209,13 @@ sub _requestees_login_name {
my $flags = "flags_$chart_id";
my $map_table = "map_flag_requestees_$chart_id";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN profiles AS $map_table " .
"ON $flags.requestee_id = $map_table.userid");
my $profiles_join = {
table => 'profiles',
as => $map_table,
from => "$flags.requestee_id",
to => 'userid',
push(@$joins, $profiles_join);
$args->{full_field} = "$map_table.login_name";
......@@ -2159,9 +2227,13 @@ sub _setters_login_name {
my $flags = "flags_$chart_id";
my $map_table = "map_flag_setters_$chart_id";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN profiles AS $map_table " .
"ON $flags.setter_id = $map_table.userid");
my $profiles_join = {
table => 'profiles',
as => $map_table,
from => "$flags.setter_id",
to => 'userid',
push(@$joins, $profiles_join);
$args->{full_field} = "$map_table.login_name";
......@@ -2198,9 +2270,10 @@ sub _classification_nonchanged {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $joins = $args->{joins};
# This joins the right tables for us.
# Generate the restriction condition
push(@$joins, "INNER JOIN products AS map_product " .
"ON bugs.product_id =");
$args->{full_field} = "";
my $term = $args->{term};
......@@ -2228,13 +2301,12 @@ sub _keywords_exact {
# This is an optimization for anywords, since we already know
# This is an optimization for anywords and anyexact, since we already know
# the keyword id from having checked it above.
if ($operator eq 'anywords') {
if ($operator eq 'anywords' or $operator eq 'anyexact') {
my $table = "keywords_$chart_id";
$args->{term} = $dbh->sql_in("$table.keywordid", \@keyword_ids);
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN keywords AS $table"
. " ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
push(@$joins, { table => 'keywords', as => $table });
......@@ -2249,10 +2321,14 @@ sub _keywords_nonchanged {
my $k_table = "keywords_$chart_id";
my $kd_table = "keyworddefs_$chart_id";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN keywords AS $k_table " .
"ON $k_table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN keyworddefs AS $kd_table " .
"ON $ = $k_table.keywordid");
push(@$joins, { table => 'keywords', as => $k_table });
my $defs_join = {
table => 'keyworddefs',
as => $kd_table,
from => "$k_table.keywordid",
to => 'id',
push(@$joins, $defs_join);
$args->{full_field} = "$";
......@@ -2268,8 +2344,13 @@ sub _dependson_nonchanged {
$args->{full_field} = $full_field;
my $term = $args->{term};
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN dependencies AS $table " .
"ON $table.blocked = bugs.bug_id AND ($term)");
my $dep_join = {
table => 'dependencies',
as => $table,
to => 'blocked',
extra => [$term],
push(@$joins, $dep_join);
$args->{term} = "$full_field IS NOT NULL";
......@@ -2283,8 +2364,13 @@ sub _blocked_nonchanged {
$args->{full_field} = $full_field;
my $term = $args->{term};
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN dependencies AS $table " .
"ON $table.dependson = bugs.bug_id AND ($term)");
my $dep_join = {
table => 'dependencies',
as => $table,
to => 'dependson',
extra => [$term],
push(@$joins, $dep_join);
$args->{term} = "$full_field IS NOT NULL";
......@@ -2304,29 +2390,27 @@ sub _owner_idle_time_greater_less {
my $quoted = $dbh->quote(SqlifyDate($value));
my $ld_table = "comment_$table";
my $comments_join =
"LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $ld_table"
. " ON $ld_table.who = bugs.assigned_to"
. " AND $ld_table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"
. " AND $ld_table.bug_when > $quoted";
push(@$joins, $comments_join);
my $act_table = "activity_$table";
my $assigned_fieldid = $self->_chart_fields->{'assigned_to'}->id;
# XXX Why are we joining using $assignedto_fieldid here? It shouldn't
# matter when or if the assignee changed.
my $activity_join =
"LEFT JOIN bugs_activity AS $act_table"
. " ON ( $act_table.who = bugs.assigned_to"
. " OR $act_table.fieldid = $assigned_fieldid )"
. " AND $act_table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"
. " AND $act_table.bug_when > $quoted";
push(@$joins, $activity_join);
my $comments_join = {
table => 'longdescs',
as => $ld_table,
from => 'assigned_to',
to => 'who',
extra => ["$ld_table.bug_when > $quoted"],
my $activity_join = {
table => 'bugs_activity',
as => $act_table,
from => 'assigned_to',
to => 'who',
extra => ["$act_table.bug_when > $quoted"]
push(@$joins, $comments_join, $activity_join);
if ($operator =~ /greater/) {
$args->{term} =
"$ld_table.who IS NULL AND $act_table.who IS NULL)";
"$ld_table.who IS NULL AND $act_table.who IS NULL";
} else {
$args->{term} =
"$ld_table.who IS NOT NULL OR $act_table.who IS NOT NULL";
......@@ -2356,8 +2440,8 @@ sub _multiselect_negative {
sub _multiselect_multiple {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($chart_id, $joins, $field, $operator, $value)
= @$args{qw(chart_id joins field operator value)};
my ($chart_id, $field, $operator, $value)
= @$args{qw(chart_id field operator value)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $table = "bug_$field";
......@@ -2387,8 +2471,7 @@ sub _multiselect_nonchanged {
my $table = "${field}_$chart_id";
$args->{full_field} = "$table.value";
push(@$joins, "LEFT JOIN bug_$field AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id ");
push(@$joins, { table => "bug_$field", as => $table });
sub _simple_operator {
......@@ -2527,11 +2610,13 @@ sub _changedbefore_changedafter {
my $table = "act_${field_id}_$chart_id";
my $sql_date = $dbh->quote(SqlifyDate($value));
"LEFT JOIN bugs_activity AS $table"
. " ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"
. " AND $table.fieldid = $field_id"
. " AND $table.bug_when $sql_operator $sql_date");
my $join = {
table => 'bugs_activity',
as => $table,
extra => ["$table.fieldid = $field_id",
"$table.bug_when $sql_operator $sql_date"],
push(@$joins, $join);
$args->{term} = "$table.bug_when IS NOT NULL";
......@@ -2545,11 +2630,14 @@ sub _changedfrom_changedto {
|| ThrowCodeError("invalid_field_name", { field => $field });
my $field_id = $field_object->id;
my $table = "act_${field_id}_$chart_id";
"LEFT JOIN bugs_activity AS $table"
. " ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"
. " AND $table.fieldid = $field_id"
. " AND $table.$column = $quoted");
my $join = {
table => 'bugs_activity',
as => $table,
extra => ["$table.fieldid = $field_id",
"$table.$column = $quoted"],
push(@$joins, $join);
$args->{term} = "$table.bug_when IS NOT NULL";
......@@ -2563,11 +2651,13 @@ sub _changedby {
my $field_id = $field_object->id;
my $table = "act_${field_id}_$chart_id";
my $user_id = login_to_id($value, THROW_ERROR);
"LEFT JOIN bugs_activity AS $table"
. " ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id"
. " AND $table.fieldid = $field_id"
. " AND $table.who = $user_id");
my $join = {
table => 'bugs_activity',
as => $table,
extra => ["$table.fieldid = $field_id",
"$table.who = $user_id"],
push(@$joins, $join);
$args->{term} = "$table.bug_when IS NOT NULL";
......@@ -363,10 +363,8 @@ use constant KNOWN_BROKEN => {
anyexact => {
percentage_complete => { contains => [2] },
# bug_group anywordssubstr returns all our bugs. Not sure why.
anywordssubstr => {
percentage_complete => { contains => [2] },
bug_group => { contains => [3,4,5] },
'allwordssubstr-<1>' => { ALLWORDS_BROKEN },
......@@ -389,16 +387,13 @@ use constant KNOWN_BROKEN => {
# anywords searches don't work on decimal values.
# bug_group anywords returns all bugs.
# attach_data doesn't work (perhaps because it's the entire
# data, or some problem with the regex?).
anywords => {
'attach_data.thedata' => { contains => [1] },
bug_group => { contains => [2,3,4,5] },
work_time => { contains => [1] },
'anywords-<1> <2>' => {
bug_group => { contains => [3,4,5] },
percentage_complete => { contains => [2] },
'attach_data.thedata' => { contains => [1,2] },
work_time => { contains => [1,2] },
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