Commit 1488a589 authored by Frédéric Buclin's avatar Frédéric Buclin

Bug 1065444: Several columns are not legal when displaying queries

r=dkl a=sgreen
parent 6b518aa3
......@@ -647,7 +647,6 @@ sub COLUMNS {
foreach my $col (@id_fields) {
$special_sql{$col} = "map_${col}.name";
$columns{"${col}_id"}{name} = "bugs.${col}_id";
# Do the actual column-getting from fielddefs, now.
......@@ -762,7 +761,7 @@ sub data {
my @orig_fields = $self->_input_columns;
my $all_in_bugs_table = 1;
foreach my $field (@orig_fields) {
next if $self->COLUMNS->{$field}->{name} =~ /^bugs\.\w+$/;
next if ($self->COLUMNS->{$field}->{name} // $field) =~ /^bugs\.\w+$/;
$self->{fields} = ['bug_id'];
$all_in_bugs_table = 0;
......@@ -1014,10 +1013,16 @@ sub _sql_select {
my ($self) = @_;
my @sql_fields;
foreach my $column ($self->_display_columns) {
my $sql = $self->COLUMNS->{$column}->{name} // '';
if ($sql) {
my $alias = $column;
# Aliases cannot contain dots in them. We convert them to underscores.
$alias =~ s/\./_/g;
my $sql = $self->COLUMNS->{$column}->{name} . " AS $alias";
$alias =~ tr/./_/;
$sql .= " AS $alias";
else {
$sql = $column;
push(@sql_fields, $sql);
return @sql_fields;
......@@ -1394,7 +1399,7 @@ sub _sql_group_by {
my @extra_group_by;
foreach my $column ($self->_select_columns) {
next if $self->_skip_group_by->{$column};
my $sql = $self->COLUMNS->{$column}->{name};
my $sql = $self->COLUMNS->{$column}->{name} // $column;
push(@extra_group_by, $sql);
......@@ -281,6 +281,38 @@ sub GetGroups {
return [values %legal_groups];
sub _get_common_flag_types {
my $component_ids = shift;
# Get all the different components in the bug list
my $components = Bugzilla::Component->new_from_list($component_ids);
my %flag_types;
my @flag_types_ids;
foreach my $component (@$components) {
foreach my $flag_type (@{$component->flag_types->{'bug'}}) {
push @flag_types_ids, $flag_type->id;
$flag_types{$flag_type->id} = $flag_type;
# We only want flags that appear in all components
my %common_flag_types;
foreach my $id (keys %flag_types) {
my $flag_type_count = scalar grep { $_ == $id } @flag_types_ids;
$common_flag_types{$id} = $flag_types{$id}
if $flag_type_count == scalar @$components;
# We only show flags that a user has request or set rights on
my @show_flag_types
= grep { $user->can_request_flag($_) || $user->can_set_flag($_) }
values %common_flag_types;
my $any_flags_requesteeble =
grep($_->is_requesteeble, @show_flag_types);
return(\@show_flag_types, $any_flags_requesteeble);
# Command Execution
......@@ -510,38 +542,6 @@ if (grep('relevance', @displaycolumns) && !$fulltext) {
@displaycolumns = grep($_ ne 'relevance', @displaycolumns);
sub _get_common_flag_types {
my $component_ids = shift;
# Get all the different components in the bug list
my $components = Bugzilla::Component->new_from_list($component_ids);
my %flag_types;
my @flag_types_ids;
foreach my $component (@$components) {
foreach my $flag_type (@{$component->flag_types->{'bug'}}) {
push @flag_types_ids, $flag_type->id;
$flag_types{$flag_type->id} = $flag_type;
# We only want flags that appear in all components
my %common_flag_types;
foreach my $id (keys %flag_types) {
my $flag_type_count = scalar grep { $_ == $id } @flag_types_ids;
$common_flag_types{$id} = $flag_types{$id}
if $flag_type_count == scalar @$components;
# We only show flags that a user has request or set rights on
my @show_flag_types
= grep { $user->can_request_flag($_) || $user->can_set_flag($_) }
values %common_flag_types;
my $any_flags_requesteeble =
grep($_->is_requesteeble, @show_flag_types);
return(\@show_flag_types, $any_flags_requesteeble);
# Select Column Determination
......@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ foreach my $col (@displaycolumns) {
# has for modifying the bugs.
if ($dotweak) {
push(@selectcolumns, "bug_status") if !grep($_ eq 'bug_status', @selectcolumns);
push(@selectcolumns, "component_id") if !grep($_ eq 'component_id', @selectcolumns);
push(@selectcolumns, "bugs.component_id");
if ($format->{'extension'} eq 'ics') {
......@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ foreach my $row (@$data) {
# Record the assignee, product, and status in the big hashes of those things.
$bugowners->{$bug->{'assigned_to'}} = 1 if $bug->{'assigned_to'};
$bugproducts->{$bug->{'product'}} = 1 if $bug->{'product'};
$bugcomponentids->{$bug->{'component_id'}} = 1 if $bug->{'component_id'};
$bugcomponentids->{$bug->{'bugs.component_id'}} = 1 if $bug->{'bugs.component_id'};
$bugcomponents->{$bug->{'component'}} = 1 if $bug->{'component'};
$bugstatuses->{$bug->{'bug_status'}} = 1 if $bug->{'bug_status'};
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