Commit 157112a5 authored by's avatar

Bug 300549: Eliminate deprecated Bugzilla::DB routines from and…

Bug 300549: Eliminate deprecated Bugzilla::DB routines from and - Patch by Frédéric Buclin <> r=wicked a=justdave
parent 7640676d
......@@ -36,17 +36,12 @@ See below for more information.
=item *
Prior to calling routines in this module, it's assumed that you have
already done a C<require>.
=item *
Import relevant functions from that script.
=item *
Use of private functions / variables outside this module may lead to
unexpected results after an upgrade. Please avoid usi8ng private
unexpected results after an upgrade. Please avoid using private
functions in other files/modules. Private functions are functions
whose names start with _ or a re specifically noted as being private.
......@@ -78,44 +73,17 @@ use Bugzilla::Field;
# Global Variables
# basic sets of columns and tables for getting flags from the database
=begin private
=item C<@base_columns>
basic sets of columns and tables for getting flag types from th
database. B<Used by get, match, sqlify_criteria and perlify_record>
use constant DB_COLUMNS => qw(
my @base_columns =
("id", "type_id", "bug_id", "attach_id", "requestee_id",
"setter_id", "status");
=item C<@base_tables>
Which database(s) is the data coming from?
Note: when adding tables to @base_tables, make sure to include the separator
(i.e. words like "LEFT OUTER JOIN") before the table name, since tables take
multiple separators based on the join type, and therefore it is not possible
to join them later using a single known separator.
B<Used by get, match, sqlify_criteria and perlify_record>
=end private
my @base_tables = ("flags");
my $columns = join(", ", DB_COLUMNS);
# Searching/Retrieving Flags
......@@ -133,20 +101,14 @@ Retrieves and returns a flag from the database.
# !!! Implement a cache for this function!
sub get {
my ($id) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $select_clause = "SELECT " . join(", ", @base_columns);
my $from_clause = "FROM " . join(" ", @base_tables);
# Execute the query, retrieve the result, and write it into a record.
&::SendSQL("$select_clause $from_clause WHERE = $id");
my $flag = perlify_record(&::FetchSQLData());
my @flag = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT $columns FROM flags
WHERE id = ?", undef, $id);
return $flag;
return perlify_record(@flag);
......@@ -165,23 +127,18 @@ and returns an array of matching records.
sub match {
my ($criteria) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $select_clause = "SELECT " . join(", ", @base_columns);
my $from_clause = "FROM " . join(" ", @base_tables);
my @criteria = sqlify_criteria($criteria);
my $where_clause = "WHERE " . join(" AND ", @criteria);
# Execute the query, retrieve the results, and write them into records.
&::SendSQL("$select_clause $from_clause $where_clause");
$criteria = join(' AND ', @criteria);
my $flags = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT $columns FROM flags
WHERE $criteria");
my @flags;
while (&::MoreSQLData()) {
my $flag = perlify_record(&::FetchSQLData());
push(@flags, $flag);
foreach my $flag (@$flags) {
push(@flags, perlify_record(@$flag));
return \@flags;
......@@ -192,7 +149,7 @@ sub match {
=item C<count($criteria)>
Queries the database for flags matching the given criteria
Queries the database for flags matching the given criteria
(specified as a hash of field names and their matching values)
and returns an array of matching records.
......@@ -202,16 +159,12 @@ and returns an array of matching records.
sub count {
my ($criteria) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my @criteria = sqlify_criteria($criteria);
my $where_clause = "WHERE " . join(" AND ", @criteria);
# Execute the query, retrieve the result, and write it into a record.
&::SendSQL("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM flags $where_clause");
my $count = &::FetchOneColumn();
$criteria = join(' AND ', @criteria);
my $count = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM flags WHERE $criteria");
return $count;
......@@ -431,13 +384,11 @@ sub process {
# Use the date/time we were given if possible (allowing calling code
# to synchronize the comment's timestamp with those of other records).
# XXX - we shouldn't quote the timestamp here, but this would involve
# many changes in this file.
$timestamp = ($timestamp ? &::SqlQuote($timestamp) : "NOW()");
$timestamp ||= $dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT NOW()');
# Take a snapshot of flags before any changes.
my @old_summaries = snapshot($bug_id, $attach_id);
# Cancel pending requests if we are obsoleting an attachment.
if ($attach_id && $cgi->param('isobsolete')) {
CancelRequests($bug_id, $attach_id);
......@@ -447,7 +398,7 @@ sub process {
my $new_flags = FormToNewFlags($target, $cgi);
foreach my $flag (@$new_flags) { create($flag, $timestamp) }
modify($cgi, $timestamp);
# In case the bug's product/component has changed, clear flags that are
# no longer valid.
my $flag_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
......@@ -486,23 +437,20 @@ sub process {
sub update_activity {
my ($bug_id, $attach_id, $timestamp, $old_summaries, $new_summaries) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $user_id = Bugzilla->user->id;
$attach_id ||= 'NULL';
$old_summaries = join(", ", @$old_summaries);
$new_summaries = join(", ", @$new_summaries);
my ($removed, $added) = diff_strings($old_summaries, $new_summaries);
if ($removed ne $added) {
my $sql_removed = &::SqlQuote($removed);
my $sql_added = &::SqlQuote($added);
my $field_id = get_field_id('');
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO bugs_activity
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO bugs_activity
(bug_id, attach_id, who, bug_when, fieldid, removed, added)
VALUES ($bug_id, $attach_id, $user_id, $timestamp,
$field_id, $sql_removed, $sql_added)");
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
undef, ($bug_id, $attach_id, Bugzilla->user->id,
$timestamp, $field_id, $removed, $added));
$dbh->do("UPDATE bugs SET delta_ts = $timestamp WHERE bug_id = ?",
undef, $bug_id);
$dbh->do('UPDATE bugs SET delta_ts = ? WHERE bug_id = ?',
undef, ($timestamp, $bug_id));
......@@ -520,24 +468,20 @@ Creates a flag record in the database.
sub create {
my ($flag, $timestamp) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $attach_id;
$attach_id = $flag->{target}->{attachment}->{id} if $flag->{target}->{attachment};
my $requestee_id;
$requestee_id = $flag->{'requestee'}->id if $flag->{'requestee'};
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO flags (type_id, bug_id, attach_id, requestee_id,
setter_id, status, creation_date, modification_date)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
undef, ($flag->{'type'}->{'id'}, $flag->{'target'}->{'bug'}->{'id'},
$attach_id, $requestee_id, $flag->{'setter'}->id,
$flag->{'status'}, $timestamp, $timestamp));
my $attach_id =
$flag->{target}->{attachment} ? $flag->{target}->{attachment}->{id}
: "NULL";
my $requestee_id = $flag->{'requestee'} ? $flag->{'requestee'}->id : "NULL";
&::SendSQL("INSERT INTO flags (type_id, bug_id, attach_id,
requestee_id, setter_id, status,
creation_date, modification_date)
VALUES ($flag->{'type'}->{'id'},
" . $flag->{'setter'}->id . ",
# Send an email notifying the relevant parties about the flag creation.
if ($flag->{'requestee'}
&& $flag->{'requestee'}->wants_mail([EVT_FLAG_REQUESTED]))
......@@ -552,33 +496,6 @@ sub create {
=item C<migrate($old_attach_id, $new_attach_id, $timestamp)>
Moves a flag from one attachment to another. Useful for migrating
a flag from an obsolete attachment to the attachment that obsoleted it.
sub migrate {
my ($old_attach_id, $new_attach_id, $timestamp) = @_;
# Use the date/time we were given if possible (allowing calling code
# to synchronize the comment's timestamp with those of other records).
$timestamp = ($timestamp ? &::SqlQuote($timestamp) : "NOW()");
# Update the record in the flags table to point to the new attachment.
&::SendSQL("UPDATE flags " .
"SET attach_id = $new_attach_id , " .
" modification_date = $timestamp " .
"WHERE attach_id = $old_attach_id");
=item C<modify($cgi, $timestamp)>
Modifies flags in the database when a user changes them.
......@@ -590,10 +507,11 @@ Modifies flags in the database when a user changes them.
sub modify {
my ($cgi, $timestamp) = @_;
my $setter = Bugzilla->user;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# Extract a list of flags from the form data.
my @ids = map(/^flag-(\d+)$/ ? $1 : (), $cgi->param());
# Loop over flags and update their record in the database if necessary.
# Two kinds of changes can happen to a flag: it can be set to a different
# state, and someone else can be asked to set it. We take care of both
......@@ -616,7 +534,7 @@ sub modify {
# The first person, for which we'll reuse the existing flag.
$requestee_email = shift(@requestees);
# Create new flags like the existing one for each additional person.
foreach my $login (@requestees) {
create({ type => $flag->{type} ,
......@@ -636,13 +554,13 @@ sub modify {
# Change of either field will cause full update of the flag.
my $status_changed = ($status ne $flag->{'status'});
# Requestee is considered changed, if all of the following apply:
# 1. Flag status is '?' (requested)
# 2. Flag can have a requestee
# 3. The requestee specified on the form is different from the
# requestee specified in the db.
my $old_requestee =
$flag->{'requestee'} ? $flag->{'requestee'}->login : '';
......@@ -650,21 +568,19 @@ sub modify {
($status eq "?" &&
$flag->{'type'}->{'is_requesteeble'} &&
$old_requestee ne $requestee_email);
next unless ($status_changed || $requestee_changed);
# Since the status is validated, we know it's safe, but it's still
# tainted, so we have to detaint it before using it in a query.
if ($status eq '+' || $status eq '-') {
&::SendSQL("UPDATE flags
SET setter_id = " . $setter->id . ",
requestee_id = NULL ,
status = '$status' ,
modification_date = $timestamp
WHERE id = $flag->{'id'}");
$dbh->do('UPDATE flags
SET setter_id = ?, requestee_id = NULL,
status = ?, modification_date = ?
WHERE id = ?',
undef, ($setter->id, $status, $timestamp, $flag->{'id'}));
# If the status of the flag was "?", we have to notify
# the requester (if he wants to).
......@@ -687,7 +603,7 @@ sub modify {
elsif ($status eq '?') {
# Get the requestee, if any.
my $requestee_id = "NULL";
my $requestee_id;
if ($requestee_email) {
$requestee_id = login_to_id($requestee_email);
$flag->{'requestee'} = new Bugzilla::User($requestee_id);
......@@ -699,12 +615,12 @@ sub modify {
# Update the database with the changes.
&::SendSQL("UPDATE flags
SET setter_id = " . $setter->id . ",
requestee_id = $requestee_id ,
status = '$status' ,
modification_date = $timestamp
WHERE id = $flag->{'id'}");
$dbh->do('UPDATE flags
SET setter_id = ?, requestee_id = ?,
status = ?, modification_date = ?
WHERE id = ?',
undef, ($setter->id, $requestee_id, $status,
$timestamp, $flag->{'id'}));
# Now update the flag object with its new values.
$flag->{'setter'} = $setter;
......@@ -722,10 +638,10 @@ sub modify {
elsif ($status eq 'X') {
push(@flags, $flag);
return \@flags;
......@@ -867,28 +783,22 @@ Returns a hash of information about a target bug.
# until that one gets rewritten.
sub GetBug {
my ($id) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# Save the currently running query (if any) so we do not overwrite it.
&::SendSQL("SELECT 1, short_desc, product_id, component_id,
FROM bugs LEFT JOIN bug_group_map
ON (bugs.bug_id = bug_group_map.bug_id)
WHERE bugs.bug_id = $id " .
'short_desc, product_id, component_id'));
my $bug = { 'id' => $id };
($bug->{'exists'}, $bug->{'summary'}, $bug->{'product_id'},
$bug->{'component_id'}, $bug->{'restricted'}) = &::FetchSQLData();
# Restore the previously running query (if any).
my $bug = $dbh->selectrow_hashref('SELECT 1 AS existence, bugs.bug_id AS id,
short_desc AS summary,
product_id, component_id,
COUNT(bug_group_map.group_id) AS restricted
FROM bugs
LEFT JOIN bug_group_map
ON bugs.bug_id = bug_group_map.bug_id
WHERE bugs.bug_id = ? ' .
'short_desc, product_id, component_id'),
undef, $id);
# 'exists' is a reserved word in MySQL.
$bug->{'exists'} = $bug->{'existence'};
return $bug;
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Myk Melez <>
# Frédéric Buclin <>
=head1 NAME
......@@ -34,11 +35,6 @@ See below for more information.
=item *
Prior to calling routines in this module, it's assumed that you have
already done a C<require>.
=item *
Use of private functions/variables outside this module may lead to
unexpected results after an upgrade. Please avoid using private
functions in other files/modules. Private functions are functions
......@@ -131,17 +127,14 @@ Returns a hash of information about a flag type.
sub get {
my ($id) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $select_clause = "SELECT " . join(", ", @base_columns);
my $from_clause = "FROM " . join(" ", @base_tables);
&::SendSQL("$select_clause $from_clause WHERE = $id");
my @data = &::FetchSQLData();
my $type = perlify_record(@data);
my $columns = join(", ", @base_columns);
return $type;
my @data = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT $columns FROM flagtypes
WHERE id = ?", undef, $id);
return perlify_record(@data);
......@@ -260,17 +253,13 @@ sub match {
join(', ', @base_columns[2..$#base_columns]))
if $include_count;
$query .= " ORDER BY flagtypes.sortkey,";
# Execute the query and retrieve the results.
my $flagtypes = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($query);
my @types;
while (&::MoreSQLData()) {
my @data = &::FetchSQLData();
my $type = perlify_record(@data);
push(@types, $type);
foreach my $flagtype (@$flagtypes) {
push(@types, perlify_record(@$flagtype));
return \@types;
......@@ -289,22 +278,16 @@ Returns the total number of flag types matching the given criteria.
sub count {
my ($criteria) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# Generate query components.
my @tables = @base_tables;
my @criteria = sqlify_criteria($criteria, \@tables);
# Build the query.
my $select_clause = "SELECT COUNT(";
my $from_clause = "FROM " . join(" ", @tables);
my $where_clause = "WHERE " . join(" AND ", @criteria);
my $query = "$select_clause $from_clause $where_clause";
# Execute the query and get the results.
my $count = &::FetchOneColumn();
# The way tables are joined is already included in @tables.
my $tables = join(' ', @tables);
$criteria = join(' AND ', @criteria);
my $count = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT( FROM $tables
WHERE $criteria");
return $count;
......@@ -462,32 +445,37 @@ still exist after a change to the inclusions/exclusions lists.
sub normalize {
# A list of IDs of flag types to normalize.
my (@ids) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $ids = join(", ", @ids);
# Check for flags whose product/component is no longer included.
my $flag_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("
FROM (flags INNER JOIN bugs ON flags.bug_id = bugs.bug_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN flaginclusions AS i
ON (flags.type_id = i.type_id
AND (bugs.product_id = i.product_id OR i.product_id IS NULL)
AND (bugs.component_id = i.component_id OR i.component_id IS NULL))
WHERE flags.type_id IN ($ids)
AND i.type_id IS NULL
Bugzilla::Flag::clear(&::FetchOneColumn()) while &::MoreSQLData();
AND i.type_id IS NULL");
foreach my $flag_id (@$flag_ids) {
$flag_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("
FROM flags, bugs, flagexclusions AS e
WHERE flags.type_id IN ($ids)
AND flags.bug_id = bugs.bug_id
AND flags.type_id = e.type_id
AND (bugs.product_id = e.product_id OR e.product_id IS NULL)
AND (bugs.component_id = e.component_id OR e.component_id IS NULL)
Bugzilla::Flag::clear(&::FetchOneColumn()) while &::MoreSQLData();
AND (bugs.component_id = e.component_id OR e.component_id IS NULL)");
foreach my $flag_id (@$flag_ids) {
......@@ -513,6 +501,7 @@ by the query.
sub sqlify_criteria {
my ($criteria, $tables) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# the generated list of SQL criteria; "1=1" is a clever way of making sure
# there's something in the list so calling code doesn't have to check list
......@@ -520,13 +509,13 @@ sub sqlify_criteria {
my @criteria = ("1=1");
if ($criteria->{name}) {
push(@criteria, " = " . &::SqlQuote($criteria->{name}));
push(@criteria, " = " . $dbh->quote($criteria->{name}));
if ($criteria->{target_type}) {
# The target type is stored in the database as a one-character string
# ("a" for attachment and "b" for bug), but this function takes complete
# names ("attachment" and "bug") for clarity, so we must convert them.
my $target_type = &::SqlQuote(substr($criteria->{target_type}, 0, 1));
my $target_type = $dbh->quote(substr($criteria->{target_type}, 0, 1));
push(@criteria, "flagtypes.target_type = $target_type");
if (exists($criteria->{is_active})) {
......@@ -1045,7 +1045,7 @@ sub insert
foreach my $obsolete_id (@obsolete_ids) {
# If the obsolete attachment has request flags, cancel them.
# This call must be done before updating the 'attachments' table.
Bugzilla::Flag::CancelRequests($bugid, $obsolete_id, $dbh->quote($timestamp));
Bugzilla::Flag::CancelRequests($bugid, $obsolete_id, $timestamp);
$dbh->do("UPDATE attachments SET isobsolete = 1 " .
"WHERE attach_id = ?", undef, $obsolete_id);
......@@ -580,8 +580,7 @@ if ($action eq 'search') {
my @new_summaries = Bugzilla::Flag::snapshot($bug_id, $attach_id);
# Let update_activity do all the dirty work, including setting
# the bug timestamp.
Bugzilla::Flag::update_activity($bug_id, $attach_id,
Bugzilla::Flag::update_activity($bug_id, $attach_id, $timestamp,
\@old_summaries, \@new_summaries);
$updatedbugs{$bug_id} = 1;
......@@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ BugCheck("bugs LEFT JOIN duplicates ON bugs.bug_id = duplicates.dupe WHERE " .
Status("Checking statuses/resolutions");
my @open_states = map(SqlQuote($_), BUG_STATE_OPEN);
my @open_states = map($dbh->quote($_), BUG_STATE_OPEN);
my $open_states = join(', ', @open_states);
BugCheck("bugs WHERE bug_status IN ($open_states) AND resolution != ''",
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