Commit 1a84cc52 authored by's avatar

Bug 302835: The "confirm delete" page when deleting a user account should…

Bug 302835: The "confirm delete" page when deleting a user account should distinguish between risky and no risky actions - Patch by Frédéric Buclin <> r=wurblzap a=justdave
parent 6eaec6f8
......@@ -13,12 +13,20 @@
* Contributor(s): Marc Schumann <>
ul.warningmessages {
.warningmessages, .criticalmessages {
background-color: white;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1px;
border-color: yellow;
padding: 1ex 1ex 1ex 4ex;
margin: 1ex;
.warningmessages {
border-color: yellow;
.criticalmessages {
border-color: red;
p.areyoureallyreallysure {
......@@ -131,14 +131,19 @@
[% IF reporter || assignee_or_qa || bug_activity || cc || flags.requestee ||
flags.setter || longdescs || namedqueries || profiles_activity || series ||
votes || watch.watched || watch.watcher || whine_events || whine_schedules %]
<ul class="warningmessages">
[% display_warning = 0 %]
[% IF reporter || bug_activity || flags.setter || longdescs || profiles_activity %]
<div class="criticalmessages">
<p>The following deletions are <b>highly not recommended</b> and
will generate referential integrity inconsistencies!</p>
[% IF reporter %]
[% otheruser.login FILTER html %]
<a href="buglist.cgi?emailreporter1=1&amp;emailtype1=exact&amp;email1=[% otheruser.login FILTER url_quote %]">has reported
<a href="buglist.cgi?emailreporter1=1&amp;emailtype1=exact&amp;email1=
[%- otheruser.login FILTER url_quote %]">has reported
[% IF reporter == 1 %]
one [% terms.bug %]
[% ELSE %]
......@@ -154,20 +159,6 @@
not appearing in [% terms.bug %] lists any more.
[% END %]
[% IF assignee_or_qa %]
[% otheruser.login FILTER html %]
<a href="buglist.cgi?emailassigned_to1=1&amp;emailqa_contact1=1&amp;emailtype1=exact&amp;email1=[% otheruser.login FILTER url_quote %]">is
the assignee or the QA contact of
[% IF assignee_or_qa == 1 %]
one [% terms.bug %]
[% ELSE %]
[%+ assignee_or_qa %] [%+ terms.bugs %]
[% END %]</a>.
If you delete the user account, these roles will fall back to
the default assignee or default QA contact.
[% END %]
[% IF bugs_activity %]
[% otheruser.login FILTER html %] has made
......@@ -186,43 +177,11 @@
not showing up in [% terms.bug %] activity logs any more.
[% END %]
[% IF cc %]
[% otheruser.login FILTER html %]
<a href="buglist.cgi?emailcc1=1&amp;emailtype1=exact&amp;email1=[% otheruser.login FILTER url_quote %]">is
on the CC list of
[% IF cc == 1 %]
[%+ terms.abug %]
[% ELSE %]
[%+ cc %] [%+ terms.bugs %]
[% END %]</a>.
If you delete the user account, it will be removed from these CC
[% END %]
[% IF flags.requestee %]
[% otheruser.login FILTER html %] has been
<a href="buglist.cgi?field0-0-0=requestees.login_name&amp;type0-0-0=equals&amp;value0-0-0=[% otheruser.login FILTER url_quote %]">asked
to set
[% IF flags.requestee == 1 %]
a flag
[% ELSE %]
[% flags.requestee %] flags
[% END %]</a>.
If you delete the user account,
[% IF flags.requestee == 1 %]
this flag
[% ELSE %]
these flags
[% END %]
will change to be unspecifically requested.
[% END %]
[% IF flags.setter %]
[% otheruser.login FILTER html %] has
<a href="buglist.cgi?field0-0-0=setters.login_name&amp;type0-0-0=equals&amp;value0-0-0=[% otheruser.login FILTER url_quote %]">set
<a href="buglist.cgi?field0-0-0=setters.login_name&amp;type0-0-0=equals&amp;value0-0-0=
[%- otheruser.login FILTER url_quote %]">set
or requested
[% IF flags.setter == 1 %]
a flag
......@@ -242,7 +201,8 @@
[% IF longdescs %]
[% otheruser.login FILTER html %] has
<a href="buglist.cgi?emaillongdesc1=1&amp;emailtype1=exact&amp;email1=[% otheruser.login FILTER url_quote %]">commented
<a href="buglist.cgi?emaillongdesc1=1&amp;emailtype1=exact&amp;email1=
[%- otheruser.login FILTER url_quote %]">commented
[% IF longdescs == 1 %]
once on [% terms.abug %]
[% ELSE %]
......@@ -258,10 +218,83 @@
not being visible any more.
[% END %]
[% IF namedqueries %]
[% IF profiles_activity %]
[% otheruser.login FILTER html %] has made
[% IF bugs_activity == 1 %]
a change on a other user's profile
[% ELSE %]
changes on other users' profiles
[% END %].
If you delete the user account, the user profiles activity table in
the database will be inconsistent.
[% END %]
[% display_warning = 1 %]
[% END %]
[% IF assignee_or_qa || cc || flags.requestee || namedqueries ||
series || votes || watch.watched || watch.watcher ||
whine_events || whine_schedules %]
<div class="warningmessages">
<p>The following deletions are <b>safe</b> and will not generate
referential integrity inconsistencies.</p>
[% IF assignee_or_qa %]
[% otheruser.login FILTER html %]
<a href="buglist.cgi?emailassigned_to1=1&amp;emailqa_contact1=1&amp;emailtype1=exact&amp;email1=
[%- otheruser.login FILTER url_quote %]">is
the assignee or the QA contact of
[% IF assignee_or_qa == 1 %]
one [% terms.bug %]
[% ELSE %]
[%+ assignee_or_qa %] [%+ terms.bugs %]
[% END %]</a>.
If you delete the user account, these roles will fall back to
the default assignee or default QA contact.
[% END %]
[% IF cc %]
[% otheruser.login FILTER html %]
<a href="buglist.cgi?emailcc1=1&amp;emailtype1=exact&amp;email1=
[%- otheruser.login FILTER url_quote %]">is
on the CC list of
[% IF cc == 1 %]
[%+ terms.abug %]
[% ELSE %]
[%+ cc %] [%+ terms.bugs %]
[% END %]</a>.
If you delete the user account, it will be removed from these CC lists.
[% END %]
[% IF flags.requestee %]
[% otheruser.login FILTER html %] has been
<a href="buglist.cgi?field0-0-0=requestees.login_name&amp;type0-0-0=equals&amp;value0-0-0=
[%- otheruser.login FILTER url_quote %]">asked
to set
[% IF flags.requestee == 1 %]
a flag
[% ELSE %]
[% flags.requestee %] flags
[% END %]</a>.
If you delete the user account,
[% IF flags.requestee == 1 %]
this flag
[% ELSE %]
these flags
[% END %]
will change to be unspecifically requested.
[% END %]
[% IF namedqueries %]
[% otheruser.login FILTER html %] has
[% IF namedqueries == 1 %]
a named query
[% ELSE %]
......@@ -275,18 +308,6 @@
will be deleted along with the user account.
[% END %]
[% IF profiles_activity %]
[% otheruser.login FILTER html %] has made
[% IF bugs_activity == 1 %]
a change on a other user's profile
[% ELSE %]
changes on other users' profiles
[% END %].
If you delete the user account, the user profiles activity table in
the database will be inconsistent.
[% END %]
[% IF series %]
[% otheruser.login FILTER html %] has created
......@@ -377,6 +398,11 @@
[% END %]
[% display_warning = 1 %]
[% END %]
[% IF display_warning %]
<p class="areyoureallyreallysure">
Please be aware of the consequences of this before continuing.
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