Fix for bug 97966: Changing the product in the query page would remove your…

Fix for bug 97966: Changing the product in the query page would remove your component, version, and milestone selections, even if the other product used the same ones, or you were selecting an additional product without unselecting the first one. Patch by Christian Reis <> r= caillon, justdave
parent 2da47954
......@@ -205,11 +205,13 @@ function merge_arrays(a, b, b_is_select) {
return ret;
[%# Returns an array of indexes.
[%# Returns an array of indexes or values from a select form control.
# - control: select control from which to find selections
# - findall: boolean, dumping all options if all or just the selected
# indexes. %]
function getSelection(control, findall) {
# - findall: boolean, store all options when true or just the selected
# indexes
# - want_values: boolean; we store values when true and indexes when
# false %]
function getSelection(control, findall, want_values) {
var ret = new Array();
if ((!findall) && (control.selectedIndex == -1)) {
......@@ -218,7 +220,7 @@ function getSelection(control, findall) {
for (var i=0; i<control.length; i++) {
if (findall || control.options[i].selected) {
ret[ret.length] = i;
ret[ret.length] = want_values ? control.options[i].value : i;
return ret;
......@@ -226,10 +228,16 @@ function getSelection(control, findall) {
[%# Selects items in control that have index defined in sel
# - control: SELECT control to be restored
# - sel: array of indexes in select form control %]
function restoreSelection(control, sel) {
for (var s in sel) {
control.options[sel[s]].selected = true;
# - selnames: array of indexes in select form control %]
function restoreSelection(control, selnames) {
[%# right. this sucks. but I see no way to avoid going through the
# list and comparing to the contents of the control. %]
for (var j=0; j < selnames.length; j++) {
for (var i=0; i < control.options.length; i++) {
if (control.options[i].value == selnames[j]) {
control.options[i].selected = true;
......@@ -276,11 +284,9 @@ function selectProduct(f) {
var sel = Array();
[%# if nothing selected, pick all %]
if (f.product.selectedIndex == -1) {
sel = getSelection(f.product, true);
} else {
sel = getSelection(f.product, false);
var findall = f.product.selectedIndex == -1;
sel = getSelection(f.product, findall, false);
if (!findall) {
[%# save sel for the next invocation of selectProduct() %]
var tmp = sel;
......@@ -292,15 +298,23 @@ function selectProduct(f) {
sel = fake_diff_array(sel, last_sel);
merging = true;
last_sel = tmp;
[%# save original options selected %]
var saved_cpts = getSelection(f.component, false, true);
var saved_vers = getSelection(f.version, false, true);
[% IF Param('usetargetmilestone') %]
var saved_tms = getSelection(f.target_milestone, false, true);
[% END %]
[%# do the actual fill/update %]
[%# do the actual fill/update, reselect originally selected options %]
updateSelect(cpts, sel, f.component, merging);
restoreSelection(f.component, saved_cpts);
updateSelect(vers, sel, f.version, merging);
restoreSelection(f.version, saved_vers);
[% IF Param('usetargetmilestone') %]
updateSelect(tms, sel, f.target_milestone, merging);
restoreSelection(f.target_milestone, saved_tms);
[% END %]
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