Commit 316c3b70 authored by Dave Lawrence's avatar Dave Lawrence

Bug 975112 - Add the "Preview" mode for "Optional Comment" in the Create New Attachement page

parent d0308956
......@@ -84,9 +84,7 @@ TUI_hide_default('attachment_text_field');
<th><label for="comment">Comment:</label></th>
<em>(optional) Add a comment about this attachment to the [% terms.bug %].</em><br>
[% INCLUDE global/textarea.html.tmpl
name = 'comment'
id = 'comment'
[% INCLUDE bug/comment.html.tmpl
minrows = 6
maxrows = 15
cols = constants.COMMENT_COLS
......@@ -247,13 +247,12 @@
<label for="comment">Comment (on the [% terms.bug %]):</label>
[% classNames = 'block' %]
[% classNames = "$classes bz_private" IF attachment.isprivate %]
[% INCLUDE global/textarea.html.tmpl
id = 'comment'
name = 'comment'
[% INCLUDE bug/comment.html.tmpl
bug = attachment.bug
minrows = 10
cols = 80
wrap = 'soft'
classes = classNames
wrap = 'soft'
[% IF NOT %]
<input type="checkbox" id="addselfcc" name="addselfcc"
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