Commit 32c74ca9 authored by's avatar

Fix for bugs 55161 and 12819. The activity log now stores only what's changed…

Fix for bugs 55161 and 12819. The activity log now stores only what's changed in multi-value fields. r=
parent 708fafdb
......@@ -1105,12 +1105,12 @@ sub CheckIfVotedConfirmed {
"WHERE bug_id = $id");
my $fieldid = GetFieldID("bug_status");
SendSQL("INSERT INTO bugs_activity " .
"(bug_id,who,bug_when,fieldid,oldvalue,newvalue) VALUES " .
"(bug_id,who,bug_when,fieldid,removed,added) VALUES " .
if (!$everconfirmed) {
$fieldid = GetFieldID("everconfirmed");
SendSQL("INSERT INTO bugs_activity " .
"(bug_id,who,bug_when,fieldid,oldvalue,newvalue) VALUES " .
"(bug_id,who,bug_when,fieldid,removed,added) VALUES " .
AppendComment($id, DBID_to_name($who),
......@@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@ sub DumpBugActivity {
my $query = "
SELECT IFNULL(, bugs_activity.fieldid),
bugs_activity.oldvalue, bugs_activity.newvalue,
bugs_activity.removed, bugs_activity.added,
FROM bugs_activity LEFT JOIN fielddefs ON
bugs_activity.fieldid = fielddefs.fieldid,
......@@ -1149,25 +1149,21 @@ sub DumpBugActivity {
print "<table border cellpadding=4>\n";
print "<tr>\n";
print " <th>Who</th><th>What</th><th>Old value</th><th>New value</th><th>When</th>\n";
print " <th>Who</th><th>What</th><th>Removed</th><th>Added</th><th>When</th>\n";
print "</tr>\n";
my @row;
while (@row = FetchSQLData()) {
my ($field,$when,$old,$new,$who) = (@row);
$old = value_quote($old);
$new = value_quote($new);
if ($old eq "") {
$old = "&nbsp;";
if ($new eq "") {
$new = "&nbsp;";
my ($field,$when,$removed,$added,$who) = (@row);
$removed = html_quote($removed);
$added = html_quote($added);
$removed ||= "&nbsp;";
$added ||= "&nbsp;";
print "<tr>\n";
print "<td>$who</td>\n";
print "<td>$field</td>\n";
print "<td>$old</td>\n";
print "<td>$new</td>\n";
print "<td>$removed</td>\n";
print "<td>$added</td>\n";
print "<td>$when</td>\n";
print "</tr>\n";
......@@ -1426,6 +1426,17 @@ document.write(\" <input type=button value=\\\"Uncheck All\\\" onclick=\\\"SetCh
print qq{
<TR><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><B>CC List:</B></TD>
<SELECT NAME="ccaction">
<OPTION VALUE="add">Add these to the CC List
<OPTION VALUE="remove">Remove these from the CC List
if (@::legal_keywords) {
print qq{
<TR><TD><B><A HREF="describekeywords.cgi">Keywords</A>:</TD>
......@@ -1541,8 +1552,8 @@ if ($::usergroupset ne '0' && $buggroupset =~ /^\d+$/) {
To make changes to a bunch of bugs at once:
<li> Put check boxes next to the bugs you want to change.
<li> Adjust above form elements. (It's <b>always</b> a good idea to add some
comment explaining what you're doing.)
<li> Adjust above form elements. (If the change you are making requires
an explanation, include it in the comments box).
<li> Click the below \"Commit\" button.
......@@ -768,8 +768,8 @@ $table{bugs_activity} =
who mediumint not null,
bug_when datetime not null,
fieldid mediumint not null,
oldvalue tinytext,
newvalue tinytext,
added tinytext,
removed tinytext,
index (bug_id),
index (bug_when),
......@@ -2307,6 +2307,72 @@ if (!defined GetIndexDef('longdescs','who')) {
# truncates re
ChangeFieldType('bugs', 'version','varchar(64) not null');
# 2001-07-20 - Change bugs_activity to only record changes
if (GetFieldDef('bugs_activity', 'oldvalue')) {
AddField("bugs_activity", "removed", "tinytext");
AddField("bugs_activity", "added", "tinytext");
# Need to get fieldid's for the fields that have multipule values
my @multi = ();
foreach my $f ("cc", "dependson", "blocked", "keywords") {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT fieldid FROM fielddefs WHERE name = '$f'");
my ($fid) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
push (@multi, $fid);
# Now we need to process the bugs_activity table and reformat the data
my $i = 0;
print "Fixing activity log ";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT bug_id, who, bug_when, fieldid,
oldvalue, newvalue FROM bugs_activity");
while (my ($bug_id, $who, $bug_when, $fieldid, $oldvalue, $newvalue) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
# print a "." every 500 records so the user knows we didn't die
print "." if !($i++ % 500);
# Make sure (old|new)value isn't null (to suppress warnings)
$oldvalue ||= "";
$newvalue ||= "";
my ($added, $removed) = "";
if (grep /^$fieldid$/, @multi) {
my (@add, @remove) = ();
my @old = split(/[ ,]/, $oldvalue);
my @new = split(/[ ,]/, $newvalue);
# Find values that were "added"
foreach my $value(@new) {
if (! grep /^$value$/, @old) {
push (@add, $value);
# Find values that were removed
foreach my $value(@old) {
if (! grep /^$value$/, @new) {
push (@remove, $value);
$added = join (", ", @add);
$removed = join (", ", @remove);
# If we can't determine what changed, put a ? in both fields
unless ($added || $removed) {
$added = "?";
$removed = "?";
} else {
$removed = $oldvalue;
$added = $newvalue;
$added = $dbh->quote($added);
$removed = $dbh->quote($removed);
$dbh->do("UPDATE bugs_activity SET removed = $removed, added = $added
WHERE bug_id = $bug_id AND who = $who
AND bug_when = '$bug_when' AND fieldid = $fieldid");
print ". Done.\n";
DropField("bugs_activity", "oldvalue");
DropField("bugs_activity", "newvalue");
# If you had to change the --TABLE-- definition in any way, then add your
# differential change code *** A B O V E *** this comment.
......@@ -1224,6 +1224,37 @@ sub Param ($) {
die "Can't find param named $value";
# Take two comma or space separated strings and return what
# values were removed from or added to the new one.
sub DiffStrings {
my ($oldstr, $newstr) = @_;
my (@remove, @add) = ();
my @old = split(/[ ,]/, $oldstr);
my @new = split(/[ ,]/, $newstr);
# Find values that were removed
foreach my $value(@old) {
next if $value =~ /^\s*$/;
if (! grep /^$value$/, @new) {
push (@remove, $value);
# Find values that were added
foreach my $value(@new) {
next if $value =~ /^\s*$/;
if (! grep /^$value$/, @old) {
push (@add, $value);
my $removed = join (", ", @remove);
my $added = join (", ", @add);
return ($removed, $added);
sub PerformSubsts {
my ($str, $substs) = (@_);
$str =~ s/%([a-z]*)%/(defined $substs->{$1} ? $substs->{$1} : Param($1))/eg;
......@@ -107,12 +107,12 @@ foreach my $id (split(/:/, $::FORM{'buglist'})) {
my $fieldid = GetFieldID("bug_status");
my $cur_status= $bug->bug_status;
SendSQL("INSERT INTO bugs_activity " .
"(bug_id,who,bug_when,fieldid,oldvalue,newvalue) VALUES " .
"(bug_id,who,bug_when,fieldid,removed,added) VALUES " .
$fieldid = GetFieldID("resolution");
my $cur_res= $bug->resolution;
SendSQL("INSERT INTO bugs_activity " .
"(bug_id,who,bug_when,fieldid,oldvalue,newvalue) VALUES " .
"(bug_id,who,bug_when,fieldid,removed,added) VALUES " .
SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET bug_status =\"RESOLVED\" where bug_id=\"$id\"");
......@@ -456,32 +456,9 @@ if (defined $::FORM{'qa_contact'}) {
my $formCcSet = new RelationSet;
my $origCcSet = new RelationSet;
my $origCcString;
my $removedCcString = "";
my $duplicate = 0;
# We make sure to check out the CC list before we actually start touching any
# bugs. mergeFromString() ultimately searches the database using a quoted
# form of the data it gets from $::FORM{'cc'}, so anything bogus from a
# security standpoint should trigger an abort there.
if (defined $::FORM{'newcc'} && defined $::FORM{'id'}) {
$origCcSet->mergeFromDB("select who from cc where bug_id = $::FORM{'id'}");
$formCcSet->mergeFromDB("select who from cc where bug_id = $::FORM{'id'}");
$origCcString = $origCcSet->toString(); # cache a copy of the string vers
if ((exists $::FORM{'removecc'}) && (exists $::FORM{'cc'})) {
# save off the folks removed from the CC list so they can be given to
# the processmaill command line so they can be sent mail about it.
$removedCcString = join (',', @{$::MFORM{'cc'}});
if ( Param('strictvaluechecks') ) {
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'knob');
......@@ -686,10 +663,14 @@ sub LogDependencyActivity {
my ($i, $oldstr, $target, $me) = (@_);
my $newstr = SnapShotDeps($i, $target, $me);
if ($oldstr ne $newstr) {
# Figure out what's really different...
my ($removed, $added) = DiffStrings($oldstr, $newstr);
$added = SqlQuote($added);
$removed = SqlQuote($removed);
my $fieldid = GetFieldID($target);
SendSQL("INSERT INTO bugs_activity " .
"(bug_id,who,bug_when,fieldid,oldvalue,newvalue) VALUES " .
"(bug_id,who,bug_when,fieldid,removed,added) VALUES " .
return 1;
return 0;
......@@ -899,25 +880,67 @@ The changes made were:
AppendComment($id, $::FORM{'who'}, $::FORM{'comment'});
if (defined $::FORM{'newcc'} && defined $::FORM{'id'}
&& ! $origCcSet->isEqual($formCcSet) ) {
if (defined $::FORM{newcc} || defined $::FORM{removecc} || defined $::FORM{masscc}) {
# Get the current CC list for this bug
my %oncc;
SendSQL("SELECT who FROM cc WHERE bug_id = $id");
while (MoreSQLData()) {
$oncc{FetchOneColumn()} = 1;
# update the database to look like the form
my @CCDELTAS = $origCcSet->generateSqlDeltas($formCcSet, "cc",
"bug_id", $::FORM{'id'},
$CCDELTAS[0] eq "" || SendSQL($CCDELTAS[0]);
$CCDELTAS[1] eq "" || SendSQL($CCDELTAS[1]);
# If masscc is defined, then we came from buglist and need to either add or
# remove cc's... otherwise, we came from bugform and may need to do both.
my ($cc_add, $cc_remove) = "";
if (defined $::FORM{masscc}) {
if ($::FORM{ccaction} eq 'add') {
$cc_add = $::FORM{masscc};
} elsif ($::FORM{ccaction} eq 'remove') {
$cc_remove = $::FORM{masscc};
} else {
$cc_add = $::FORM{newcc};
# We came from bug_form which uses a select box to determine what cc's
# need to be removed...
if (defined $::FORM{removecc}) {
$cc_remove = join (",", @{$::MFORM{cc}});
my (@added, @removed) = ();
if ($cc_add) {
my @new = split(/[ ,]/, $cc_add);
foreach my $person (@new) {
my $pid = DBNameToIdAndCheck($person);
# If this person isn't already on the cc list, add them
if (! $oncc{$pid}) {
SendSQL("INSERT INTO cc (bug_id, who) VALUES ($id, $pid)");
push (@added, $person);
if ($cc_remove) {
my @old = split (/[ ,]/, $cc_remove);
foreach my $person (@old) {
my $pid = DBNameToIdAndCheck($person);
# If the person is on the cc list, remove them
if ($oncc{$pid}) {
SendSQL("DELETE FROM cc WHERE bug_id = $id AND who = $pid");
push (@removed, $person);
# Save off the removedCcString so it can be fed to processmail
$removedCcString = join (",", @removed);
# If any changes were found, record it in the activity log
if (scalar(@removed) || scalar(@added)) {
my $col = GetFieldID('cc');
my $origq = SqlQuote($origCcString);
my $newq = SqlQuote($formCcSet->toString());
my $removed = SqlQuote(join(", ", @removed));
my $added = SqlQuote(join(", ", @added));
SendSQL("INSERT INTO bugs_activity " .
"(bug_id,who,bug_when,fieldid,oldvalue,newvalue) VALUES " .
"(bug_id,who,bug_when,fieldid,removed,added) VALUES " .
if (defined $::FORM{'dependson'}) {
my $me = "blocked";
......@@ -1013,6 +1036,11 @@ The changes made were:
$origQaContact = $old;
# If this is the keyword field, only record the changes, not everything.
if ($col eq 'keywords') {
($old, $new) = DiffStrings($old, $new);
if ($col eq 'product') {
RemoveVotes($id, 0,
"This bug has been moved to a different product");
......@@ -1020,7 +1048,7 @@ The changes made were:
$col = GetFieldID($col);
$old = SqlQuote($old);
$new = SqlQuote($new);
my $q = "insert into bugs_activity (bug_id,who,bug_when,fieldid,oldvalue,newvalue) values ($id,$whoid,'$timestamp',$col,$old,$new)";
my $q = "insert into bugs_activity (bug_id,who,bug_when,fieldid,removed,added) values ($id,$whoid,'$timestamp',$col,$old,$new)";
# puts "<pre>$q</pre>"
......@@ -1054,17 +1082,10 @@ The changes made were:
my $isoncc = FetchOneColumn();
unless ($isreporter || $isoncc) {
# The reporter is oblivious to the existance of the new bug... add 'em to the cc (and record activity)
SendSQL("SELECT who FROM cc WHERE bug_id = " . SqlQuote($duplicate));
my @dupecc;
while (MoreSQLData()) {
push (@dupecc, DBID_to_name(FetchOneColumn()));
my @newdupecc = @dupecc;
push (@newdupecc, DBID_to_name($reporter));
my $ccid = GetFieldID("cc");
my $whochange = DBNameToIdAndCheck($::FORM{'who'});
SendSQL("INSERT INTO bugs_activity (bug_id,who,bug_when,fieldid,oldvalue,newvalue) VALUES " .
"('$duplicate','$whochange',now(),$ccid,'" . join (",", sort @dupecc) . "','" . join (",", sort @newdupecc) . "')");
SendSQL("INSERT INTO bugs_activity (bug_id,who,bug_when,fieldid,removed,added) VALUES " .
"('$duplicate','$whochange',now(),$ccid,'','" . DBID_to_name($reporter) . "')");
SendSQL("INSERT INTO cc (who, bug_id) VALUES ($reporter, " . SqlQuote($duplicate) . ")");
AppendComment($duplicate, $::FORM{'who'}, "*** Bug $::FORM{'id'} has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***");
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ sub ProcessOneBug {
SendSQL("SELECT profiles.login_name, fielddefs.description, " .
" bug_when, oldvalue, newvalue " .
" bug_when, removed, added " .
"FROM bugs_activity, fielddefs, profiles " .
"WHERE bug_id = $id " .
" AND fielddefs.fieldid = bugs_activity.fieldid " .
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ sub ProcessOneBug {
if ($who ne $lastwho) {
$lastwho = $who;
$difftext .= "\n$who" . Param('emailsuffix') . " changed:\n\n";
$difftext .= FormatTriple("What ", "Old Value", "New Value");
$difftext .= FormatTriple("What ", "Removed", "Added");
$difftext .= ('-' x 76) . "\n";
$difftext .= FormatTriple($what, $old, $new);
......@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ sub ProcessOneBug {
my $resid =
SendSQL("SELECT bugs_activity.bug_id,, " .
" oldvalue, newvalue " .
" removed, added " .
"FROM bugs_activity, dependencies, fielddefs ".
"WHERE bugs_activity.bug_id = dependencies.dependson " .
" AND dependencies.blocked = $id " .
......@@ -414,9 +414,7 @@ sub getEmailAttributes ($@) {
} elsif ($fieldName eq 'QAContact') {
push (@{$force{'QAContact'}}, $new);
} elsif ($fieldName eq 'CC') {
my @oldVal = split (/,/, $old);
my @newVal = split (/,/, $new);
my @added = filterExcludeList(\@newVal, \@oldVal);
my @added = split (/[ ,]/, $new);
push (@{$force{'CClist'}}, @added);
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