Commit 4291fb9f authored by Max Kanat-Alexander's avatar Max Kanat-Alexander

Bug 476722: Refactor's funcdefs into a series of constants

and functions for interpreting search charts. r=jjclark, a=mkanat
parent 4f2d925a
......@@ -55,6 +55,180 @@ use Bugzilla::Keyword;
use Date::Format;
use Date::Parse;
# If you specify a search type in the boolean charts, this describes
# which operator maps to which internal function here.
use constant OPERATORS => {
equals => \&_equals,
notequals => \&_notequals,
casesubstring => \&_casesubstring,
substring => \&_substring,
substr => \&_substring,
notsubstring => \&_notsubstring,
regexp => \&_regexp,
notregexp => \&_notregexp,
lessthan => \&_lessthan,
lessthaneq => \&_lessthaneq,
matches => sub { ThrowUserError("search_content_without_matches"); },
notmatches => sub { ThrowUserError("search_content_without_matches"); },
greaterthan => \&_greaterthan,
greaterthaneq => \&_greaterthaneq,
anyexact => \&_anyexact,
anywordssubstr => \&_anywordsubstr,
allwordssubstr => \&_allwordssubstr,
nowordssubstr => \&_nowordssubstr,
anywords => \&_anywords,
allwords => \&_allwords,
nowords => \&_nowords,
changedbefore => \&_changedbefore_changedafter,
changedafter => \&_changedbefore_changedafter,
changedfrom => \&_changedfrom_changedto,
changedto => \&_changedfrom_changedto,
changedby => \&_changedby,
# User fields
'attachments.submitter' => {
_default => \&_attachments_submitter,
assigned_to => {
_non_changed => \&_assigned_to_reporter_nonchanged,
cc => {
_non_changed => \&_cc_nonchanged,
commenter => {
_default => \&_commenter,
'requestees.login_name' => {
_default => \&_requestees_login_name,
'setters.login_name' => {
_default => \&_setters_login_name,
qa_contact => {
_non_changed => \&_qa_contact_nonchanged,
# General Bug Fields
alias => {
_non_changed => \&_alias_nonchanged,
'attach_data.thedata' => {
_non_changed => \&_attach_data_thedata,
# We check all attachment fields against this.
'attachments' => {
_default => \&_attachments,
blocked => {
_non_changed => \&_blocked_nonchanged,
bug_group => {
_non_changed => \&_bug_group_nonchanged,
changedin => {
_default => \&_changedin_days_elapsed,
classification => {
_non_changed => \&_classification_nonchanged,
component => {
_non_changed => \&_component_nonchanged,
content => {
matches => \&_content_matches,
notmatches => \&_content_matches,
_default => sub { ThrowUserError("search_content_without_matches"); },
days_elapsed => {
_default => \&_changedin_days_elapsed,
dependson => {
_non_changed => \&_dependson_nonchanged,
keywords => {
equals => \&_keywords_exact,
notequals => \&_keywords_exact,
anyexact => \&_keywords_exact,
anyword => \&_keywords_exact,
allwords => \&_keywords_exact,
nowords => \&_keywords_exact,
_non_changed => \&_keywords_nonchanged,
'' => {
_default => \&_flagtypes_name,
longdesc => {
changedby => \&_long_desc_changedby,
changedbefore => \&_long_desc_changedbefore_after,
changedafter => \&_long_desc_changedbefore_after,
_default => \&_long_desc,
'longdescs.isprivate' => {
_default => \&_longdescs_isprivate,
owner_idle_time => {
greaterthan => \&_owner_idle_time_greater_less,
greaterthaneq => \&_owner_idle_time_greater_less,
lessthan => \&_owner_idle_time_greater_less,
lessthaneq => \&_owner_idle_time_greater_less,
product => {
_non_changed => \&_product_nonchanged,
# Custom multi-select fields
_multi_select => {
notequals => \&_multiselect_negative,
notregexp => \&_multiselect_negative,
notsubstring => \&_multiselect_negative,
nowords => \&_multiselect_negative,
nowordssubstr => \&_multiselect_negative,
allwords => \&_multiselect_multiple,
allwordssubstr => \&_multiselect_multiple,
anyexact => \&_multiselect_multiple,
_non_changed => \&_multiselect_nonchanged,
# Timetracking Fields
percentage_complete => {
_default => \&_percentage_complete,
work_time => {
changedby => \&_work_time_changedby,
changedbefore => \&_work_time_changedbefore_after,
changedafter => \&_work_time_changedbefore_after,
_default => \&_work_time,
# These are fields where special action is taken depending on the
# *value* passed in to the chart, sometimes.
use constant SPECIAL_PARSING => {
# Pronoun Fields (Ones that can accept %user%, etc.)
assigned_to => \&_contact_pronoun,
cc => \&_cc_pronoun,
commenter => \&_commenter_pronoun,
qa_contact => \&_contact_pronoun,
reporter => \&_contact_pronoun,
# Date Fields that accept the 1d, 1w, 1m, 1y, etc. format.
creation_ts => \&_timestamp_translate,
deadline => \&_timestamp_translate,
delta_ts => \&_timestamp_translate,
# Backwards compatibility for times that we changed the names of fields.
use constant FIELD_MAP => {
long_desc => 'longdesc',
# A SELECTed expression that we use as a placeholder if somebody selects
# <none> for the X, Y, or Z axis in report.cgi.
use constant EMPTY_COLUMN => '-1';
......@@ -219,7 +393,6 @@ sub init {
my @groupby;
my @specialchart;
my @andlist;
my %chartfields;
my %special_order = %{SPECIAL_ORDER()};
my %special_order_join = %{SPECIAL_ORDER_JOIN()};
......@@ -588,120 +761,6 @@ sub init {
my $multi_fields = join('|', map($_->name, @multi_select_fields));
my $chartid;
my $sequence = 0;
my $f;
my $ff;
my $t;
my $q;
my $v;
my $term;
my %funcsbykey;
my %func_args = (
'chartid' => \$chartid,
'sequence' => \$sequence,
'f' => \$f,
'ff' => \$ff,
't' => \$t,
'v' => \$v,
'q' => \$q,
'term' => \$term,
'funcsbykey' => \%funcsbykey,
'supptables' => \@supptables,
'wherepart' => \@wherepart,
'having' => \@having,
'groupby' => \@groupby,
'chartfields' => \%chartfields,
'fields' => \@fields,
my @funcdefs = (
"^(?:assigned_to|reporter|qa_contact),(?:notequals|equals|anyexact),%group\\.([^%]+)%" => \&_contact_exact_group,
"^(?:assigned_to|reporter|qa_contact),(?:equals|anyexact),(%\\w+%)" => \&_contact_exact,
"^(?:assigned_to|reporter|qa_contact),(?:notequals),(%\\w+%)" => \&_contact_notequals,
"^(assigned_to|reporter),(?!changed)" => \&_assigned_to_reporter_nonchanged,
"^qa_contact,(?!changed)" => \&_qa_contact_nonchanged,
"^(?:cc),(?:notequals|equals|anyexact),%group\\.([^%]+)%" => \&_cc_exact_group,
"^cc,(?:equals|anyexact),(%\\w+%)" => \&_cc_exact,
"^cc,(?:notequals),(%\\w+%)" => \&_cc_notequals,
"^cc,(?!changed)" => \&_cc_nonchanged,
"^long_?desc,changedby" => \&_long_desc_changedby,
"^long_?desc,changedbefore" => \&_long_desc_changedbefore_after,
"^long_?desc,changedafter" => \&_long_desc_changedbefore_after,
"^content,(?:not)?matches" => \&_content_matches,
"^content," => sub { ThrowUserError("search_content_without_matches"); },
"^(?:deadline|creation_ts|delta_ts),(?:lessthan|lessthaneq|greaterthan|greaterthaneq|equals|notequals),(?:-|\\+)?(?:\\d+)(?:[dDwWmMyY])\$" => \&_timestamp_compare,
"^commenter,(?:equals|anyexact),(%\\w+%)" => \&_commenter_exact,
"^commenter," => \&_commenter,
# The _ is allowed for backwards-compatibility with 3.2 and lower.
"^long_?desc," => \&_long_desc,
"^longdescs\.isprivate," => \&_longdescs_isprivate,
"^work_time,changedby" => \&_work_time_changedby,
"^work_time,changedbefore" => \&_work_time_changedbefore_after,
"^work_time,changedafter" => \&_work_time_changedbefore_after,
"^work_time," => \&_work_time,
"^percentage_complete," => \&_percentage_complete,
"^bug_group,(?!changed)" => \&_bug_group_nonchanged,
"^attach_data\.thedata,changed" => \&_attach_data_thedata_changed,
"^attach_data\.thedata," => \&_attach_data_thedata,
"^attachments\.submitter," => \&_attachments_submitter,
"^attachments\..*," => \&_attachments,
"^," => \&_flagtypes_name,
"^requestees.login_name," => \&_requestees_login_name,
"^setters.login_name," => \&_setters_login_name,
"^(changedin|days_elapsed)," => \&_changedin_days_elapsed,
"^component,(?!changed)" => \&_component_nonchanged,
"^product,(?!changed)" => \&_product_nonchanged,
"^classification,(?!changed)" => \&_classification_nonchanged,
"^keywords,(?:equals|notequals|anyexact|anyword|allwords|nowords)" => \&_keywords_exact,
"^keywords,(?!changed)" => \&_keywords_nonchanged,
"^dependson,(?!changed)" => \&_dependson_nonchanged,
"^blocked,(?!changed)" => \&_blocked_nonchanged,
"^alias,(?!changed)" => \&_alias_nonchanged,
"^owner_idle_time,(greaterthan|greaterthaneq|lessthan|lessthaneq)" => \&_owner_idle_time_greater_less,
"^($multi_fields),(?:notequals|notregexp|notsubstring|nowords|nowordssubstr)" => \&_multiselect_negative,
"^($multi_fields),(?:allwords|allwordssubstr|anyexact)" => \&_multiselect_multiple,
"^($multi_fields),(?!changed)" => \&_multiselect_nonchanged,
",equals" => \&_equals,
",notequals" => \&_notequals,
",casesubstring" => \&_casesubstring,
",substring" => \&_substring,
",substr" => \&_substring,
",notsubstring" => \&_notsubstring,
",regexp" => \&_regexp,
",notregexp" => \&_notregexp,
",lessthan" => \&_lessthan,
",lessthaneq" => \&_lessthaneq,
",matches" => sub { ThrowUserError("search_content_without_matches"); },
",notmatches" => sub { ThrowUserError("search_content_without_matches"); },
",greaterthan" => \&_greaterthan,
",greaterthaneq" => \&_greaterthaneq,
",anyexact" => \&_anyexact,
",anywordssubstr" => \&_anywordsubstr,
",allwordssubstr" => \&_allwordssubstr,
",nowordssubstr" => \&_nowordssubstr,
",anywords" => \&_anywords,
",allwords" => \&_allwords,
",nowords" => \&_nowords,
",(changedbefore|changedafter)" => \&_changedbefore_changedafter,
",(changedfrom|changedto)" => \&_changedfrom_changedto,
",changedby" => \&_changedby,
my @funcnames;
while (@funcdefs) {
my $key = shift(@funcdefs);
my $value = shift(@funcdefs);
if ($key =~ /^[^,]*$/) {
die "All defs in %funcs must have a comma in their name: $key";
if (exists $funcsbykey{$key}) {
die "Duplicate key in %funcs: $key";
$funcsbykey{$key} = $value;
push(@funcnames, $key);
# first we delete any sign of "Chart #-1" from the HTML form hash
# since we want to guarantee the user didn't hide something here
my @badcharts = grep /^(field|type|value)-1-/, $params->param();
......@@ -808,64 +867,72 @@ sub init {
# $suppstring = String which is pasted into query containing all table names
# get a list of field names to verify the user-submitted chart fields against
%chartfields = @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
my %chartfields = @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
q{SELECT name, id FROM fielddefs}, { Columns=>[1,2] })};
my ($sequence, $chartid);
$row = 0;
for ($chart=-1 ;
$chart < 0 || $params->param("field$chart-0-0") ;
$chart++) {
$chartid = $chart >= 0 ? $chart : "";
my @chartandlist = ();
my @chartandlist;
for ($row = 0 ;
$params->param("field$chart-$row-0") ;
$row++) {
my @orlist;
for (my $col = 0 ;
$params->param("field$chart-$row-$col") ;
$col++) {
$f = $params->param("field$chart-$row-$col") || "noop";
my $original_f = $f; # Saved for search_description
$t = $params->param("type$chart-$row-$col") || "noop";
$v = $params->param("value$chart-$row-$col");
$v = "" if !defined $v;
$v = trim($v);
if ($f eq "noop" || $t eq "noop" || $v eq "") {
my $field = $params->param("field$chart-$row-$col") || "noop";
my $original_field = $field; # Saved for search_description
my $operator = $params->param("type$chart-$row-$col") || "noop";
my $value = $params->param("value$chart-$row-$col");
$value = "" if !defined $value;
$value = trim($value);
next if ($field eq "noop" || $operator eq "noop"
|| $value eq "");
# chart -1 is generated by other code above, not from the user-
# submitted form, so we'll blindly accept any values in chart -1
if ((!$chartfields{$f}) && ($chart != -1)) {
ThrowCodeError("invalid_field_name", {field => $f});
if (!$chartfields{$field} and $chart != -1) {
ThrowCodeError("invalid_field_name", { field => $field });
# This is either from the internal chart (in which case we
# already know about it), or it was in %chartfields, so it is
# a valid field name, which means that it's ok.
$q = $dbh->quote($v);
my $rhs = $v;
$rhs =~ tr/,//;
my $func;
$term = undef;
foreach my $key (@funcnames) {
if ("$f,$t,$rhs" =~ m/$key/) {
my $ref = $funcsbykey{$key};
$ff = $f;
if ($f !~ /\./) {
$ff = "bugs.$f";
if ($term) {
my $quoted = $dbh->quote($value);
my $term;
my $full_field = $field =~ /\./ ? $field : "bugs.$field";
chartid => \$chartid,
sequence => \$sequence,
f => \$field,
ff => \$full_field,
t => \$operator,
v => \$value,
q => \$quoted,
term => \$term,
multi_fields => \@multi_select_fields,
supptables => \@supptables,
wherepart => \@wherepart,
having => \@having,
groupby => \@groupby,
chartfields => \%chartfields,
fields => \@fields,
if ($term) {
field => $original_f, type => $t, value => $v,
term => $term,
field => $original_field, type => $operator,
value => $value, term => $term,
push(@orlist, $term);
......@@ -1003,6 +1070,80 @@ sub init {
# Helper functions for the init() method.
# This takes information about the current boolean chart and translates
# it into SQL, using the constants at the top of this file.
sub do_search_function {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($field, $operator, $value) = @$args{qw(f t v)};
my $actual_field = FIELD_MAP->{$$field} || $$field;
if (my $parse_func = SPECIAL_PARSING->{$actual_field}) {
# Some parsing functions set $term, though most do not.
# For the ones that set $term, we don't need to do any further
# parsing.
return if ${ $args->{term} };
my $override = OPERATOR_FIELD_OVERRIDE->{$actual_field};
if (!$override) {
# Multi-select fields get special handling.
if (grep { $_->name eq $actual_field } @{ $args->{multi_fields} }) {
$override = OPERATOR_FIELD_OVERRIDE->{_multi_select};
# And so do attachment fields, if they don't have a specific
# individual override.
elsif ($actual_field =~ /^attachments\./) {
$override = OPERATOR_FIELD_OVERRIDE->{attachments};
if ($override) {
my $search_func = $self->_pick_override_function($override, $$operator);
$self->$search_func(%$args) if $search_func;
# Some search functions set $term, and some don't. For the ones that
# don't (or for fields that don't have overrides) we now call the
# direct operator function from OPERATORS.
if (!${ $args->{term} }) {
# A helper for various search functions that need to run operator
# functions directly.
sub _do_operator_function {
my ($self, $func_args) = @_;
my $operator = $func_args->{t};
my $operator_func = OPERATORS->{$$operator};
sub _pick_override_function {
my ($self, $override, $operator) = @_;
my $search_func = $override->{$operator};
if (!$search_func) {
# If we don't find an override for one specific operator,
# then there are some special override types:
# _non_changed: For any operator that doesn't have the word
# "changed" in it
# _default: Overrides all operators that aren't explicitly specified.
if ($override->{_non_changed} and $operator !~ /changed/) {
$search_func = $override->{_non_changed};
elsif ($override->{_default}) {
$search_func = $override->{_default};
return $search_func;
sub SqlifyDate {
my ($str) = @_;
$str = "" if !defined $str;
......@@ -1233,6 +1374,22 @@ sub translate_old_column {
# Search Functions
sub _contact_pronoun {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($value, $quoted) = @func_args{qw(v q)};
my $user = $self->{'user'};
if ($$value =~ /^\%group/) {
elsif ($$value =~ /^(%\w+%)$/) {
$$value = pronoun($1, $user);
$$quoted = $$value;
sub _contact_exact_group {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
......@@ -1240,7 +1397,7 @@ sub _contact_exact_group {
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables f t v term)};
my $user = $self->{'user'};
$$v =~ m/%group\\.([^%]+)%/;
$$v =~ /\%group\.([^%]+)%/;
my $group = $1;
my $groupid = Bugzilla::Group::ValidateGroupName( $group, ($user));
$groupid || ThrowUserError('invalid_group_name',{name => $group});
......@@ -1261,48 +1418,42 @@ sub _contact_exact_group {
sub _contact_exact {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($term, $f, $v) = @func_args{qw(term f v)};
my $user = $self->{'user'};
$$v =~ m/(%\\w+%)/;
$$term = "bugs.$$f = " . pronoun($1, $user);
sub _contact_notequals {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($term, $f, $v) = @func_args{qw(term f v)};
my $user = $self->{'user'};
$$v =~ m/(%\\w+%)/;
$$term = "bugs.$$f <> " . pronoun($1, $user);
sub _assigned_to_reporter_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($f, $ff, $funcsbykey, $t, $term) =
@func_args{qw(f ff funcsbykey t term)};
my ($f, $ff, $t, $term) =
@func_args{qw(f ff t term)};
my $real_f = $$f;
$$f = "login_name";
$$ff = "profiles.login_name";
$$funcsbykey{",$$t"}($self, %func_args);
$$term = "bugs.$real_f IN (SELECT userid FROM profiles WHERE $$term)";
$$term = "bugs.$$f IN (SELECT userid FROM profiles WHERE $$term)";
sub _qa_contact_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($supptables, $f) =
@func_args{qw(supptables f)};
my ($supptables, $f, $ff) =
@func_args{qw(supptables f ff)};
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN profiles AS map_qa_contact " .
"ON bugs.qa_contact = map_qa_contact.userid");
$$f = "COALESCE(map_$$f.login_name,'')";
$$ff = "COALESCE(map_$$f.login_name,'')";
sub _cc_pronoun {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($full_field, $value, $quoted) = @func_args{qw(ff v q)};
my $user = $self->{'user'};
if ($$value =~ /\%group/) {
return $self->_cc_exact_group(%func_args);
elsif ($$value =~ /^(%\w+%)$/) {
$$value = pronoun($1, $user);
$$quoted = $$value;
$$full_field = "profiles.userid";
sub _cc_exact_group {
......@@ -1312,7 +1463,7 @@ sub _cc_exact_group {
@func_args{qw(chartid sequence supptables t v term)};
my $user = $self->{'user'};
$$v =~ m/%group\\.([^%]+)%/;
$$v =~ m/%group\.([^%]+)%/;
my $group = $1;
my $groupid = Bugzilla::Group::ValidateGroupName( $group, ($user));
$groupid || ThrowUserError('invalid_group_name',{name => $group});
......@@ -1340,60 +1491,21 @@ sub _cc_exact_group {
sub _cc_exact {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $sequence, $supptables, $term, $v) =
@func_args{qw(chartid sequence supptables term v)};
my $user = $self->{'user'};
$$v =~ m/(%\\w+%)/;
my $match = pronoun($1, $user);
my $chartseq = $$chartid;
if ($$chartid eq "") {
$chartseq = "CC$$sequence";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN cc AS cc_$chartseq " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = cc_$chartseq.bug_id " .
"AND cc_$chartseq.who = $match");
$$term = "cc_$chartseq.who IS NOT NULL";
sub _cc_notequals {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $sequence, $supptables, $term, $v) =
@func_args{qw(chartid sequence supptables term v)};
my $user = $self->{'user'};
$$v =~ m/(%\\w+%)/;
my $match = pronoun($1, $user);
my $chartseq = $$chartid;
if ($$chartid eq "") {
$chartseq = "CC$$sequence";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN cc AS cc_$chartseq " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = cc_$chartseq.bug_id " .
"AND cc_$chartseq.who = $match");
$$term = "cc_$chartseq.who IS NULL";
sub _cc_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $sequence, $f, $ff, $t, $funcsbykey, $supptables, $term, $v) =
@func_args{qw(chartid sequence f ff t funcsbykey supptables term v)};
my ($chartid, $sequence, $f, $ff, $t, $supptables, $term, $v) =
@func_args{qw(chartid sequence f ff t supptables term v)};
my $chartseq = $$chartid;
if ($$chartid eq "") {
$chartseq = "CC$$sequence";
$$f = "login_name";
$$ff = "profiles.login_name";
$$funcsbykey{",$$t"}($self, %func_args);
if ($$ff eq '') {
$$ff = "profiles.login_name";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN cc AS cc_$chartseq " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = cc_$chartseq.bug_id " .
"AND cc_$chartseq.who IN" .
......@@ -1480,43 +1592,36 @@ sub _content_matches {
COLUMNS->{'relevance'}->{name} = $select_term;
sub _timestamp_compare {
sub _timestamp_translate {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($v, $q) = @func_args{qw(v q)};
my ($value, $quoted) = @func_args{qw(v q)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
return if $$value !~ /^[\+\-]?\d+[hdwmy]$/i;
$$v = SqlifyDate($$v);
$$q = $dbh->quote($$v);
$$value = SqlifyDate($$value);
$$quoted = $dbh->quote($$value);
sub _commenter_exact {
sub _commenter_pronoun {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $sequence, $supptables, $term, $v) =
@func_args{qw(chartid sequence supptables term v)};
my ($full_field, $value, $quoted) = @func_args{qw(ff v q)};
my $user = $self->{'user'};
$$v =~ m/(%\\w+%)/;
my $match = pronoun($1, $user);
my $chartseq = $$chartid;
if ($$chartid eq "") {
$chartseq = "LD$$sequence";
if ($$value =~ /^(%\w+%)$/) {
$$value = pronoun($1, $user);
$$quoted = $$value;
$$full_field = "profiles.userid";
my $table = "longdescs_$chartseq";
my $extra = $user->is_insider ? "" : "AND $table.isprivate < 1";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id $extra " .
"AND $table.who IN ($match)");
$$term = "$table.who IS NOT NULL";
sub _commenter {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $sequence, $supptables, $f, $ff, $t, $funcsbykey, $term) =
@func_args{qw(chartid sequence supptables f ff t funcsbykey term)};
my ($chartid, $sequence, $supptables, $f, $ff, $t, $term) =
@func_args{qw(chartid sequence supptables f ff t term)};
my $chartseq = $$chartid;
if ($$chartid eq "") {
......@@ -1525,9 +1630,10 @@ sub _commenter {
my $table = "longdescs_$chartseq";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? "" : "AND $table.isprivate < 1";
$$f = "login_name";
$$ff = "profiles.login_name";
$$funcsbykey{",$$t"}($self, %func_args);
if ($$ff eq 'bugs.commenter') {
$$ff = "profiles.login_name";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id $extra " .
"AND $table.who IN" .
......@@ -1539,27 +1645,27 @@ sub _commenter {
sub _long_desc {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $supptables, $f) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables f)};
my ($chartid, $supptables, $ff) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables ff)};
my $table = "longdescs_$$chartid";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? "" : "AND $table.isprivate < 1";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id $extra");
$$f = "$table.thetext";
$$ff = "$table.thetext";
sub _longdescs_isprivate {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $supptables, $f) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables f)};
my ($chartid, $supptables, $ff) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables ff)};
my $table = "longdescs_$$chartid";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? "" : "AND $table.isprivate < 1";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id $extra");
$$f = "$table.isprivate";
$$ff = "$table.isprivate";
sub _work_time_changedby {
......@@ -1596,13 +1702,13 @@ sub _work_time_changedbefore_after {
sub _work_time {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $supptables, $f) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables f)};
my ($chartid, $supptables, $ff) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables ff)};
my $table = "longdescs_$$chartid";
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
$$f = "$table.work_time";
$$ff = "$table.work_time";
sub _percentage_complete {
......@@ -1669,14 +1775,14 @@ sub _percentage_complete {
sub _bug_group_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($supptables, $chartid, $ff, $f, $t, $funcsbykey, $term) =
@func_args{qw(supptables chartid ff f t funcsbykey term)};
my ($supptables, $chartid, $ff, $t, $term) =
@func_args{qw(supptables chartid ff t term)};
"LEFT JOIN bug_group_map AS bug_group_map_$$chartid " .
"ON bugs.bug_id = bug_group_map_$$chartid.bug_id");
$$ff = $$f = "groups_$$";
$$funcsbykey{",$$t"}($self, %func_args);
$$ff = "groups_$$";
"LEFT JOIN groups AS groups_$$chartid " .
"ON groups_$$ = bug_group_map_$$chartid.group_id " .
......@@ -1684,21 +1790,11 @@ sub _bug_group_nonchanged {
$$term = "$$ff IS NOT NULL";
sub _attach_data_thedata_changed {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($f) = @func_args{qw(f)};
# Searches for attachment data's change must search
# the creation timestamp of the attachment instead.
$$f = "attachments.whocares";
sub _attach_data_thedata {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $supptables, $f) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables f)};
my ($chartid, $supptables, $ff) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables ff)};
my $atable = "attachments_$$chartid";
my $dtable = "attachdata_$$chartid";
......@@ -1707,14 +1803,14 @@ sub _attach_data_thedata {
"ON bugs.bug_id = $atable.bug_id $extra");
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN attach_data AS $dtable " .
"ON $ = $atable.attach_id");
$$f = "$dtable.thedata";
$$ff = "$dtable.thedata";
sub _attachments_submitter {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $supptables, $f) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables f)};
my ($chartid, $supptables, $ff) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables ff)};
my $atable = "map_attachment_submitter_$$chartid";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? "" : "AND $atable.isprivate = 0";
......@@ -1722,14 +1818,14 @@ sub _attachments_submitter {
"ON bugs.bug_id = $atable.bug_id $extra");
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN profiles AS attachers_$$chartid " .
"ON $atable.submitter_id = attachers_$$chartid.userid");
$$f = "attachers_$$chartid.login_name";
$$ff = "attachers_$$chartid.login_name";
sub _attachments {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $supptables, $f, $t, $v, $q) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables f t v q)};
my ($chartid, $supptables, $f, $ff, $t, $v, $q) =
@func_args{qw(chartid supptables f ff t v q)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $table = "attachments_$$chartid";
......@@ -1760,14 +1856,14 @@ sub _attachments {
if ($field eq "isobsolete" && $$v ne "0" && $$v ne "1") {
$$f = "$table.$field";
$$ff = "$table.$field";
sub _flagtypes_name {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($t, $chartid, $supptables, $ff, $funcsbykey, $having, $term) =
@func_args{qw(t chartid supptables ff funcsbykey having term)};
my ($t, $chartid, $supptables, $ff, $having, $term) =
@func_args{qw(t chartid supptables ff having term)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# Matches bugs by flag name/status.
......@@ -1801,7 +1897,7 @@ sub _flagtypes_name {
# variable.
$$ff = $dbh->sql_string_concat("${flagtypes}.name",
$$funcsbykey{",$$t"}($self, %func_args);
# If this is a negative condition (f.e. flag isn't "review+"),
# we only want bugs where all flags match the condition, not
......@@ -1822,7 +1918,7 @@ sub _flagtypes_name {
sub _requestees_login_name {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($f, $chartid, $supptables) = @func_args{qw(f chartid supptables)};
my ($ff, $chartid, $supptables) = @func_args{qw(ff chartid supptables)};
my $attachments = "attachments_$$chartid";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? "" : "AND $attachments.isprivate = 0";
......@@ -1837,13 +1933,13 @@ sub _requestees_login_name {
"ON $flags.attach_id = $attachments.attach_id " .
"OR $flags.attach_id IS NULL");
$$f = "requestees_$$chartid.login_name";
$$ff = "requestees_$$chartid.login_name";
sub _setters_login_name {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($f, $chartid, $supptables) = @func_args{qw(f chartid supptables)};
my ($ff, $chartid, $supptables) = @func_args{qw(ff chartid supptables)};
my $attachments = "attachments_$$chartid";
my $extra = $self->{'user'}->is_insider ? "" : "AND $attachments.isprivate = 0";
......@@ -1858,27 +1954,26 @@ sub _setters_login_name {
"ON $flags.attach_id = $attachments.attach_id " .
"OR $flags.attach_id IS NULL");
$$f = "setters_$$chartid.login_name";
$$ff = "setters_$$chartid.login_name";
sub _changedin_days_elapsed {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($f) = @func_args{qw(f)};
my ($ff) = @func_args{qw(ff)};
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
$$f = "(" . $dbh->sql_to_days('NOW()') . " - " .
$dbh->sql_to_days('bugs.delta_ts') . ")";
$$ff = "(" . $dbh->sql_to_days('NOW()') . " - " .
$dbh->sql_to_days('bugs.delta_ts') . ")";
sub _component_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($f, $ff, $t, $funcsbykey, $term) =
@func_args{qw(f ff t funcsbykey term)};
my ($ff, $t, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff t term)};
$$f = $$ff = "";
$$funcsbykey{",$$t"}($self, %func_args);
$$ff = "";
$$term = build_subselect("bugs.component_id",
......@@ -1887,12 +1982,11 @@ sub _component_nonchanged {
sub _product_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($f, $ff, $t, $funcsbykey, $term) =
@func_args{qw(f ff t funcsbykey term)};
my ($ff, $t, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff t term)};
# Generate the restriction condition
$$f = $$ff = "";
$$funcsbykey{",$$t"}($self, %func_args);
$$ff = "";
$$term = build_subselect("bugs.product_id",
......@@ -1902,14 +1996,14 @@ sub _product_nonchanged {
sub _classification_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $v, $ff, $f, $funcsbykey, $t, $supptables, $term) =
@func_args{qw(chartid v ff f funcsbykey t supptables term)};
my ($chartid, $v, $ff, $t, $supptables, $term) =
@func_args{qw(chartid v ff t supptables term)};
# Generate the restriction condition
push @$supptables, "INNER JOIN products AS map_products " .
"ON bugs.product_id =";
$$f = $$ff = "";
$$funcsbykey{",$$t"}($self, %func_args);
$$ff = "";
$$term = build_subselect("map_products.classification_id",
......@@ -1953,13 +2047,16 @@ sub _keywords_exact {
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN keywords AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
else {
sub _keywords_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $v, $ff, $f, $t, $term, $supptables) =
@func_args{qw(chartid v ff f t term supptables)};
my ($chartid, $v, $ff, $t, $term, $supptables) =
@func_args{qw(chartid v ff t term supptables)};
my $k_table = "keywords_$$chartid";
my $kd_table = "keyworddefs_$$chartid";
......@@ -1969,18 +2066,18 @@ sub _keywords_nonchanged {
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN keyworddefs AS $kd_table " .
"ON $ = $k_table.keywordid");
$$f = "$";
$$ff = "$";
sub _dependson_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $ff, $f, $funcsbykey, $t, $term, $supptables) =
@func_args{qw(chartid ff f funcsbykey t term supptables)};
my ($chartid, $ff, $f, $t, $term, $supptables) =
@func_args{qw(chartid ff f t term supptables)};
my $table = "dependson_" . $$chartid;
$$ff = "$table.$$f";
$$funcsbykey{",$$t"}($self, %func_args);
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN dependencies AS $table " .
"ON $table.blocked = bugs.bug_id " .
"AND ($$term)");
......@@ -1990,12 +2087,12 @@ sub _dependson_nonchanged {
sub _blocked_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $ff, $f, $funcsbykey, $t, $term, $supptables) =
@func_args{qw(chartid ff f funcsbykey t term supptables)};
my ($chartid, $ff, $f, $t, $term, $supptables) =
@func_args{qw(chartid ff f t term supptables)};
my $table = "blocked_" . $$chartid;
$$ff = "$table.$$f";
$$funcsbykey{",$$t"}($self, %func_args);
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN dependencies AS $table " .
"ON $table.dependson = bugs.bug_id " .
"AND ($$term)");
......@@ -2005,12 +2102,11 @@ sub _blocked_nonchanged {
sub _alias_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($ff, $funcsbykey, $t, $term) =
@func_args{qw(ff funcsbykey t term)};
my ($ff, $t, $term) = @func_args{qw(ff t term)};
$$ff = "COALESCE(bugs.alias, '')";
$$funcsbykey{",$$t"}($self, %func_args);
sub _owner_idle_time_greater_less {
......@@ -2059,7 +2155,7 @@ sub _owner_idle_time_greater_less {
sub _multiselect_negative {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($f, $ff, $t, $funcsbykey, $term) = @func_args{qw(f ff t funcsbykey term)};
my ($f, $ff, $t, $term) = @func_args{qw(f ff t term)};
my %map = (
notequals => 'equals',
......@@ -2072,14 +2168,15 @@ sub _multiselect_negative {
my $table = "bug_$$f";
$$ff = "$table.value";
$$funcsbykey{",".$map{$$t}}($self, %func_args);
$$t = $map{$$t};
$$term = "bugs.bug_id NOT IN (SELECT bug_id FROM $table WHERE $$term)";
sub _multiselect_multiple {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($f, $ff, $t, $v, $funcsbykey, $term) = @func_args{qw(f ff t v funcsbykey term)};
my ($f, $ff, $t, $v, $term) = @func_args{qw(f ff t v term)};
my @terms;
my $table = "bug_$$f";
......@@ -2087,7 +2184,7 @@ sub _multiselect_multiple {
foreach my $word (split(/[\s,]+/, $$v)) {
$$v = $word;
$$funcsbykey{",".$$t}($self, %func_args);
push(@terms, "bugs.bug_id IN
(SELECT bug_id FROM $table WHERE $$term)");
......@@ -2103,13 +2200,13 @@ sub _multiselect_multiple {
sub _multiselect_nonchanged {
my $self = shift;
my %func_args = @_;
my ($chartid, $f, $ff, $t, $funcsbykey, $supptables) =
@func_args{qw(chartid f ff t funcsbykey supptables)};
my ($chartid, $f, $ff, $t, $supptables) =
@func_args{qw(chartid f ff t supptables)};
my $table = $$f."_".$$chartid;
$$ff = "$table.value";
$$funcsbykey{",$$t"}($self, %func_args);
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN bug_$$f AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id ");
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