Commit 4442dd8b authored by Frédéric Buclin's avatar Frédéric Buclin

Bug 562308: should import each comment separately, rather than…

Bug 562308: should import each comment separately, rather than concatenating them all into a single one r=ghendricks a=LpSolit
parent 4d55f265
......@@ -492,21 +492,17 @@ sub process_bug {
my @long_descs;
my $private = 0;
# Parse long descriptions
my @long_descs;
foreach my $comment ( $bug->children('long_desc') ) {
Debug( "Parsing Long Description", DEBUG_LEVEL );
my %long_desc;
$long_desc{'who'} = $comment->field('who');
$long_desc{'bug_when'} = $comment->field('bug_when');
$long_desc{'isprivate'} = $comment->{'att'}->{'isprivate'} || 0;
my %long_desc = ( who => $comment->field('who'),
bug_when => $comment->field('bug_when'),
isprivate => $comment->{'att'}->{'isprivate'} || 0 );
# If the exporter is not in the insidergroup, keep the comment public.
$long_desc{isprivate} = 0 unless $exporter->is_insider;
# if one of the comments is private we need to set this flag
if ( $long_desc{'isprivate'} && $exporter->is_insider) {
$private = 1;
my $data = $comment->field('thetext');
if ( defined $comment->first_child('thetext')->{'att'}->{'encoding'}
&& $comment->first_child('thetext')->{'att'}->{'encoding'} =~
......@@ -529,40 +525,21 @@ sub process_bug {
my $url = $urlbase . "show_bug.cgi?id=";
$data =~ s/([Bb]ugs?\s*\#?\s*(\d+))/$url$2/g;
$long_desc{'thetext'} = $data;
push @long_descs, \%long_desc;
# Keep the original commenter if possible, else we will fall back
# to the exporter account.
$long_desc{whoid} = login_to_id($long_desc{who});
# instead of giving each comment its own item in the longdescs
# table like it should have, lets cat them all into one big
# comment otherwise we would have to lie often about who
# authored the comment since commenters in one bugzilla probably
# don't have accounts in the other one.
# If one of the comments is private the whole comment will be
# private since we don't want to expose these unnecessarily
sub by_date { my @a; my @b; $a->{'bug_when'} cmp $b->{'bug_when'}; }
my @sorted_descs = sort by_date @long_descs;
my $long_description = "";
for ( my $z = 0 ; $z <= $#sorted_descs ; $z++ ) {
if ( $z == 0 ) {
$long_description .= "\n\n\n---- Reported by ";
if (!$long_desc{whoid}) {
$data = "The original author of this comment is $long_desc{who}.\n\n" . $data;
else {
$long_description .= "\n\n\n---- Additional Comments From ";
$long_description .= "$sorted_descs[$z]->{'who'} ";
$long_description .= "$sorted_descs[$z]->{'bug_when'}";
$long_description .= " ----";
$long_description .= "\n\n";
$long_description .= "THIS COMMENT IS PRIVATE \n"
if ( $sorted_descs[$z]->{'isprivate'} );
$long_description .= $sorted_descs[$z]->{'thetext'};
$long_description .= "\n";
$long_desc{'thetext'} = $data;
push @long_descs, \%long_desc;
my $comments;
my @sorted_descs = sort { $a->{'bug_when'} cmp $b->{'bug_when'} } @long_descs;
$comments .= "\n\n--- Bug imported by $exporter_login ";
my $comments = "\n\n--- Bug imported by $exporter_login ";
$comments .= format_time(scalar localtime(time()), '%Y-%m-%d %R %Z') . " ";
$comments .= " ---\n\n";
$comments .= "This bug was previously known as _bug_ $bug_fields{'bug_id'} at ";
......@@ -611,12 +588,12 @@ sub process_bug {
# Timestamps
push( @query, "creation_ts" );
push( @values,
format_time( $bug_fields{'creation_ts'}, "%Y-%m-%d %X" )
format_time( $bug_fields{'creation_ts'}, "%Y-%m-%d %T" )
|| $timestamp );
push( @query, "delta_ts" );
push( @values,
format_time( $bug_fields{'delta_ts'}, "%Y-%m-%d %X" )
format_time( $bug_fields{'delta_ts'}, "%Y-%m-%d %T" )
|| $timestamp );
# Bug Access
......@@ -1227,19 +1204,21 @@ sub process_bug {
# Clear the attachments array for the next bug
@attachments = ();
# Insert longdesc and append any errors
# Insert comments and append any errors
my $worktime = $bug_fields{'actual_time'} || 0.0;
$worktime = 0.0 if (!$exporter->is_timetracker);
$long_description .= "\n" . $comments;
if ($err) {
$long_description .= "\n$err\n";
$comments .= "\n$err\n" if $err;
my $sth_comment =
$dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO longdescs (bug_id, who, bug_when, isprivate,
thetext, work_time)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');
foreach my $c (@sorted_descs) {
$sth_comment->execute($id, $c->{whoid} || $exporterid, $c->{bug_when},
$c->{isprivate}, $c->{thetext}, 0);
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO longdescs
(bug_id, who, bug_when, work_time, isprivate, thetext)
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)", undef,
$id, $exporterid, $timestamp, $worktime, $private, $long_description
$sth_comment->execute($id, $exporterid, $timestamp, 0, $comments, $worktime);
# Add this bug to each group of which its product is a member.
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