Commit 4c70e508 authored by's avatar

Bug 398281: Basic search for bugs via WebService (

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> r=dkl, a=mkanat
parent 2883bee0
......@@ -40,11 +40,16 @@ use Bugzilla::Util qw(trim);
# make sense to somebody who's not intimately familiar with the inner workings
# of Bugzilla. (These are the field names that the WebService uses.)
use constant FIELD_MAP => {
status => 'bug_status',
severity => 'bug_severity',
creation_time => 'creation_ts',
description => 'comment',
summary => 'short_desc',
id => 'bug_id',
last_change_time => 'delta_ts',
platform => 'rep_platform',
severity => 'bug_severity',
status => 'bug_status',
summary => 'short_desc',
url => 'bug_file_loc',
whiteboard => 'status_whiteboard',
use constant PRODUCT_SPECIFIC_FIELDS => qw(version target_milestone component);
......@@ -145,47 +150,7 @@ sub get {
my @return;
foreach my $bug_id (@$ids) {
my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->check($bug_id);
# Timetracking fields are deleted if the user doesn't belong to
# the corresponding group.
unless (Bugzilla->user->in_group(Bugzilla->params->{'timetrackinggroup'})) {
delete $bug->{'estimated_time'};
delete $bug->{'remaining_time'};
delete $bug->{'deadline'};
# This is done in this fashion in order to produce a stable API.
# The internals of Bugzilla::Bug are not stable enough to just
# return them directly.
my %item;
$item{'creation_time'} = $self->type('dateTime', $bug->creation_ts);
$item{'last_change_time'} = $self->type('dateTime', $bug->delta_ts);
$item{'internals'} = $bug;
$item{'id'} = $self->type('int', $bug->bug_id);
$item{'summary'} = $self->type('string', $bug->short_desc);
$item{'assigned_to'} = $self->type('string', $bug->assigned_to->login );
$item{'resolution'} = $self->type('string', $bug->resolution);
$item{'status'} = $self->type('string', $bug->bug_status);
$item{'is_open'} = $self->type('boolean', $bug->status->is_open);
$item{'severity'} = $self->type('string', $bug->bug_severity);
$item{'priority'} = $self->type('string', $bug->priority);
$item{'product'} = $self->type('string', $bug->product);
$item{'component'} = $self->type('string', $bug->component);
$item{'dupe_of'} = $self->type('int', $bug->dup_id);
# if we do not delete this key, additional user info, including their
# real name, etc, will wind up in the 'internals' hashref
delete $item{internals}->{assigned_to_obj};
if (Bugzilla->params->{'usebugaliases'}) {
$item{'alias'} = $self->type('string', $bug->alias);
else {
# For API reasons, we always want the value to appear, we just
# don't want it to have a value if aliases are turned off.
$item{'alias'} = undef;
push(@return, \%item);
push(@return, $self->_bug_to_hash($bug))
return { bugs => \@return };
......@@ -251,21 +216,25 @@ sub get_history {
return { bugs => \@return };
sub search {
my ($self, $params) = @_;
$params = _map_fields($params);
my $bugs = Bugzilla::Bug->match($params);
my $visible = Bugzilla->user->visible_bugs($bugs);
my @hashes = map { $self->_bug_to_hash($_) } @$visible;
return { bugs => \@hashes };
sub create {
my ($self, $params) = @_;
my %field_values;
foreach my $field (keys %$params) {
my $field_name = FIELD_MAP->{$field} || $field;
$field_values{$field_name} = $params->{$field};
$params = _map_fields($params);
# WebService users can't set the creation date of a bug.
delete $field_values{'creation_ts'};
delete $params->{'creation_ts'};
my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->create(\%field_values);
my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->create($params);
Bugzilla::BugMail::Send($bug->bug_id, { changer => $bug->reporter->login });
......@@ -403,6 +372,75 @@ sub update_see_also {
return { changes => \%changes };
# Private Helper Subroutines #
# A helper for get() and search().
sub _bug_to_hash {
my ($self, $bug) = @_;
# Timetracking fields are deleted if the user doesn't belong to
# the corresponding group.
unless (Bugzilla->user->is_timetracker) {
delete $bug->{'estimated_time'};
delete $bug->{'remaining_time'};
delete $bug->{'deadline'};
# This is done in this fashion in order to produce a stable API.
# The internals of Bugzilla::Bug are not stable enough to just
# return them directly.
my %item;
$item{'internals'} = $bug;
$item{'creation_time'} = $self->type('dateTime', $bug->creation_ts);
$item{'last_change_time'} = $self->type('dateTime', $bug->delta_ts);
$item{'id'} = $self->type('int', $bug->bug_id);
$item{'summary'} = $self->type('string', $bug->short_desc);
$item{'assigned_to'} = $self->type('string', $bug->assigned_to->login);
$item{'resolution'} = $self->type('string', $bug->resolution);
$item{'status'} = $self->type('string', $bug->bug_status);
$item{'is_open'} = $self->type('boolean', $bug->status->is_open);
$item{'severity'} = $self->type('string', $bug->bug_severity);
$item{'priority'} = $self->type('string', $bug->priority);
$item{'product'} = $self->type('string', $bug->product);
$item{'component'} = $self->type('string', $bug->component);
$item{'dupe_of'} = $self->type('int', $bug->dup_id);
# if we do not delete this key, additional user info, including their
# real name, etc, will wind up in the 'internals' hashref
delete $item{internals}->{assigned_to_obj};
if (Bugzilla->params->{'usebugaliases'}) {
$item{'alias'} = $self->type('string', $bug->alias);
else {
# For API reasons, we always want the value to appear, we just
# don't want it to have a value if aliases are turned off.
$item{'alias'} = undef;
return \%item;
# Convert WebService API field names to internal DB field names.
# Used by create() and search().
sub _map_fields {
my ($params) = @_;
my %field_values;
foreach my $field (keys %$params) {
my $field_name = FIELD_MAP->{$field} || $field;
$field_values{$field_name} = $params->{$field};
unless (Bugzilla->user->is_timetracker) {
delete @field_values{qw(estimated_time remaining_time deadline)};
return \%field_values;
......@@ -856,12 +894,181 @@ The same as L</get>.
=item C<search>
=item B<Description>
Allows you to search for bugs based on particular criteria.
=item B<Params>
Bugs are returned if they match I<exactly> the criteria you specify
in these parameters. That is, we don't match against
substrings--if a bug is in the "Widgets" product and you ask for bugs in
the "Widg" product, you won't get anything.
Criteria are joined in a logical AND. That is, you will be returned
bugs that match I<all> of the criteria, not bugs that match I<any> of
the criteria.
Each parameter can be either the type it says, or an array of the types
it says. If you pass an array, it means "Give me bugs with I<any> of
these values." For example, if you wanted bugs that were in either
the "Foo" or "Bar" products, you'd pass:
product => ['Foo', 'Bar']
Fields below only have descriptions if it's not clear what bug field
they match up to, or if they have some special behavior.
Some Bugzillas may treat your arguments case-sensitively, depending
on what database system they are using. Most commonly, though, Bugzilla is
not case-sensitive with the arguments passed (because MySQL is the
most-common database to use with Bugzilla, and MySQL is not case sensitive).
=item C<alias>
C<string> The unique alias for this bug. Note that you can search
by alias even if the alias field is disabled in this Bugzilla, but
it's likely that there won't be any aliases set on bugs, in that case.
=item C<assigned_to>
C<string> The login name of a user that a bug is assigned to.
=item C<component>
C<string> The name of the Component that the bug is in. Note that
if there are multiple Compoonents with the same name, and you search
for that name, bugs in I<all> those Components will be returned. If you
don't want this, be sure to also specify the C<product> argument.
=item C<creation_time>
C<dateTime> When the bug was created.
=item C<id>
C<int> The numeric id of the bug.
=item C<last_change_time>
C<dateTime> The last time the bug was updated.
=item C<op_sys>
C<string> The "Operating System" field of a bug.
=item C<platform>
C<string> The Platform (sometimes called "Hardware") field of a bug.
=item C<priority>
C<string> The Priority field on a bug.
=item C<product>
C<string> The name of the Product that the bug is in.
=item C<reporter>
C<string> The login name of the user who reported the bug.
=item C<resolution>
C<string> The current resolution--only set if a bug is closed. You can
find open bugs by searching for bugs with an empty resolution.
=item C<severity>
C<string> The Severity field on a bug.
=item C<status>
C<string> The current status of a bug (not including its resolution,
if it has one, which is a separate field above).
=item C<summary>
C<string> The single-line summary field of a bug. (This isn't very
useful to search on, since we don't do substring matches, only exact
=item C<target_milestone>
C<string> The Target Milestone field of a bug. Note that even if this
Bugzilla does not have the Target Milestone field enabled, you can
still search for bugs by Target Milestone. However, it is likely that
in that case, most bugs will not have a Target Milestone set (it
defaults to "---" when the field isn't enabled).
=item C<qa_contact>
C<string> The login name of the bug's QA Contact. Note that even if
this Bugzilla does not have the QA Contact field enabled, you can
still search for bugs by QA Contact (though it is likely that no bug
will have a QA Contact set, if the field is disabled).
=item C<url>
C<string> The "URL" field of a bug.
=item C<version>
C<string> The Version field of a bug.
=item C<votes>
C<int> How many votes this bug has, total.
=item C<whiteboard>
C<string> The "Status Whiteboard" field of a bug.
=item B<Returns>
The same as L</get>.
Note that you will only be returned information about bugs that you
can see. Bugs that you can't see will be entirely excluded from the
results. So, if you want to see private bugs, you will have to first
log in and I<then> call this method.
=item B<Errors>
Currently, this function doesn't throw any special errors (other than
the ones that all webservice functions can throw). If you specify
an invalid value for a particular field, you just won't get any results
for that value.
=item B<History>
=item Added in Bugzilla B<3.4>.
=head2 Bug Creation and Modification
=item C<create>
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