Commit 4f4c25bb authored by's avatar

Bug 266579 : Users without privs can confirm bugs by assigning to themselves…

Bug 266579 : Users without privs can confirm bugs by assigning to themselves first, without having canconfirm privs Patch by r=myk a=justdave
parent 61a49f22
......@@ -404,20 +404,22 @@ sub user {
# Display everything as if they have all the permissions in the
# world; their permissions will get checked when they log in and
# actually try to make the change.
my $privileged = (!Bugzilla->user->id)
|| Bugzilla->user->in_group("editbugs")
my $unknown_privileges = !Bugzilla->user->id
|| Bugzilla->user->in_group("editbugs");
my $canedit = $unknown_privileges
|| Bugzilla->user->id == $self->{'assigned_to'}{'id'}
|| (Param('useqacontact') && $self->{'qa_contact'} &&
Bugzilla->user->id == $self->{'qa_contact'}{'id'});
my $isreporter = Bugzilla->user->id &&
Bugzilla->user->id == $self->{'reporter'}{'id'};
my $canedit = $privileged || $isreporter;
my $canconfirm = $privileged || Bugzilla->user->in_group("canconfirm");
|| (Param('useqacontact')
&& $self->{'qa_contact'}
&& Bugzilla->user->id == $self->{'qa_contact'}{'id'});
my $canconfirm = $unknown_privileges
|| Bugzilla->user->in_group("canconfirm");
my $isreporter = Bugzilla->user->id
&& Bugzilla->user->id == $self->{'reporter'}{'id'};
$self->{'user'} = {canmove => $canmove,
canconfirm => $canconfirm,
canedit => $canedit,};
canedit => $canedit,
isreporter => $isreporter};
return $self->{'user'};
......@@ -317,7 +317,11 @@ $vars->{'component_'} = \@components;
$default{'component_'} = formvalue('component');
$vars->{'assigned_to'} = formvalue('assigned_to');
$vars->{'assigned_to_disabled'} = !UserInGroup('editbugs');
$vars->{'cc'} = formvalue('cc');
$vars->{'cc_disabled'} = 0;
$vars->{'product'} = $product;
$vars->{'bug_file_loc'} = formvalue('bug_file_loc', "http://");
$vars->{'short_desc'} = formvalue('short_desc');
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ my $sql_product = SqlQuote($::FORM{'product'});
my $sql_component = SqlQuote($::FORM{'component'});
# Default assignee is the component owner.
if ($::FORM{'assigned_to'} eq "") {
if (!UserInGroup("editbugs") || $::FORM{'assigned_to'} eq "") {
SendSQL("SELECT initialowner FROM components " .
"WHERE id = $component_id");
$::FORM{'assigned_to'} = FetchOneColumn();
......@@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ function set_assign_to() {
[% INCLUDE global/userselect.html.tmpl
name => "assigned_to"
value => assigned_to
disabled => assigned_to_disabled
size => 32
emptyok => 1
......@@ -200,6 +201,7 @@ function set_assign_to() {
[% INCLUDE global/userselect.html.tmpl
name => "cc"
value => cc
disabled => cc_disabled
size => 45
emptyok => 1
multiple => 5
......@@ -43,9 +43,8 @@
[% knum = knum + 1 %]
[% END %]
[% IF bug.user.canedit %]
[% IF bug.isopened %]
[% IF bug.bug_status != "ASSIGNED" && bug.user.canconfirm %]
[% IF bug.isopened && bug.bug_status != "ASSIGNED" && bug.user.canedit
&& (!bug.isunconfirmed || bug.user.canconfirm) %]
<input type="radio" id="knob-accept" name="knob" value="accept">
<label for="knob-accept">
Accept [% terms.bug %] (
......@@ -56,6 +55,8 @@
[% knum = knum + 1 %]
[% END %]
[% IF bug.user.canedit || bug.user.isreporter %]
[% IF bug.isopened %]
[% IF bug.resolution %]
<input type="radio" id="knob-clear" name="knob" value="clearresolution">
<label for="knob-clear">
......@@ -90,6 +91,7 @@
[% knum = knum + 1 %]
[% IF bug.user.canedit %]
<input type="radio" id="knob-reassign" name="knob" value="reassign">
<label for="knob-reassign">
<a href="page.cgi?id=fields.html#assigned_to">Reassign</a>
......@@ -129,6 +131,7 @@
[% END %]
[% knum = knum + 1 %]
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
[% IF bug.resolution != "MOVED" ||
(bug.resolution == "MOVED" && bug.user.canmove) %]
......@@ -436,9 +436,13 @@
You tried to change the
<strong>[% field_descs.$field FILTER html %]</strong> field
from <em>[% oldvalue FILTER html %]</em> to
<em>[% newvalue FILTER html %]</em>,
but only the owner or submitter of the [% terms.bug %], or a
sufficiently empowered user, may change that field.
<em>[% newvalue FILTER html %]</em>, but only
[% IF privs < 3 %]
the owner
[% IF privs < 2 %] or reporter [% END %]
of the [% terms.bug %], or
[% END %]
a sufficiently empowered user may change that field.
[% ELSIF error == "illegal_changed_in_last_x_days" %]
[% title = "Your Search Makes No Sense" %]
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
# name: mandatory; field name
# value: optional; default field value/selection
# onchange: optional; onchange attribute value
# disabled: optional; if true, the field is disabled
# accesskey: optional, input only; accesskey attribute value
# size: optional, input only; size attribute value
# emptyok: optional, select only; if true, prepend menu option to start of select
......@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@
[% IF Param("usemenuforusers") %]
<select name="[% name FILTER html %]"
[% IF onchange %] onchange="[% onchange FILTER html %]" [% END %]
[% IF disabled %] disabled="[% disabled FILTER html %]" [% END %]
[% IF accesskey %] accesskey="[% accesskey FILTER html %]" [% END %]
[% IF multiple %] multiple="multiple" size="[% multiple FILTER html %]" [% END %]
......@@ -48,9 +50,10 @@
name="[% name FILTER html %]"
value="[% value FILTER html %]"
[% IF onchange %] onchange="[% onchange FILTER html %]" [% END %]
[% IF disabled %] disabled="[% disabled FILTER html %]" [% END %]
[% IF accesskey %] accesskey="[% accesskey FILTER html %]" [% END %]
[% IF size %] size="[% size FILTER html %]" [% END %]
[% IF onchange %] onchange="[% onchange FILTER html %]" [% END %]
[% END %]
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