Bug 190040: sanitycheck now has "view as buglist" links after lists of bugs as…

Bug 190040: sanitycheck now has "view as buglist" links after lists of bugs as well as all listed bugs linked Patch by GavinS <bugzilla@chimpychompy.org> r= justdave, a= justdave
parent 52658293
......@@ -49,6 +49,23 @@ sub BugLink {
return "<a href=\"show_bug.cgi?id=$id\">$id</a>";
# Parameter is a list of bug ids.
# Return is a string containing a list of all the bugids, as hrefs,
# followed by a link to them all as a buglist
sub BugListLinks {
my @bugs = @_;
# Historically, GetBugLink() wasn't used here. I'm guessing this
# was because it didn't exist or is too performance heavy, or just
# plain unnecessary
my @bug_links = map(BugLink($_), @bugs);
return join(', ',@bug_links) . " <a href=\"buglist.cgi?bug_id=" .
join(',',@bugs) . "\">(as buglist)</a>";
# Start
......@@ -199,7 +216,8 @@ foreach my $field (("bug_severity", "bug_status", "op_sys",
push (@invalid, FetchOneColumn());
if (@invalid) {
Alert("Bug(s) found with invalid $field value: ".join(', ',@invalid));
Alert("Bug(s) found with invalid $field value: ".
......@@ -535,8 +553,8 @@ foreach my $b (keys(%realk)) {
if (@badbugs) {
@badbugs = sort {$a <=> $b} @badbugs;
Alert("Bug(s) found with incorrect keyword cache: " .
join(', ', @badbugs));
Alert(scalar(@badbugs) . " bug(s) found with incorrect keyword cache: " .
if (exists $::FORM{'rebuildkeywordcache'}) {
Status("OK, now fixing keyword cache.");
foreach my $b (@badbugs) {
......@@ -576,10 +594,8 @@ sub BugCheck ($$) {
push (@badbugs, $id);
@badbugs = map(BugLink($_), @badbugs);
if (@badbugs) {
Alert("$errortext: " . join(', ', @badbugs));
Alert("$errortext: " . BugListLinks(@badbugs));
......@@ -709,7 +725,8 @@ while (@row = FetchSQLData()) {
if (@badbugs > 0) {
Alert("Bugs that have changes but no mail sent for at least half an hour: " .
join (", ", @badbugs));
print qq{<a href="sanitycheck.cgi?rescanallBugMail=1">Send these mails</a>.<p>\n};
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