Commit 70f22ae4 authored by's avatar

Bug 470262 - Show alias if available in show_bug.cgi for bug dependencies, otherwise show bug id

Mistakenly checked in previous version of patch. This brings the changes up to date with the approved patch. dkl
parent 51c5d9a1
......@@ -323,13 +323,13 @@ sub get_bug_link {
my $quote_bug_num = html_quote($bug_num);
detaint_natural($bug_num) || return "<invalid bug number: $quote_bug_num>";
my $bug = Bugzilla::Bug->new($bug_num);
my $bug_state = $bug->bug_status;
my $bug_res = $bug->resolution;
my $bug_desc = $bug->short_desc;
my ($bug_alias, $bug_state, $bug_res, $bug_desc) =
$dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT bugs.alias, bugs.bug_status, bugs.resolution, bugs.short_desc
FROM bugs WHERE bugs.bug_id = ?',
undef, $bug_num);
if ($options->{use_alias} && $bug->alias) {
$link_text = $bug->alias;
if ($options->{use_alias} && $link_text =~ /^\d+$/ && $bug_alias) {
$link_text = $bug_alias;
if ($bug_state) {
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