Commit 8706ac3f authored by's avatar

Bug 346552: Move checksetup's permission-fixing code into a module

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> (module owner) a=myk
parent ef536b4a
......@@ -853,6 +853,7 @@ sub precompile_templates {
# Precompile all the templates found in all the directories.
%_templates_to_precompile = ();
foreach my $subdir (qw(custom extension default), bz_locations()->{'project'}) {
next unless $subdir; # If 'project' is empty.
$_current_path = File::Spec->catdir($templatedir, $dir, $subdir);
next unless -d $_current_path;
# Traverse the template hierarchy.
......@@ -861,7 +862,6 @@ sub precompile_templates {
# The sort isn't totally necessary, but it makes debugging easier
# by making the templates always be compiled in the same order.
foreach my $file (sort keys %_templates_to_precompile) {
my $path = File::Spec->catdir($templatedir, $dir);
# Compile the template but throw away the result. This has the side-
# effect of writing the compiled version to disk.
......@@ -312,7 +312,8 @@ require Bugzilla::Install::Localconfig;
import Bugzilla::Install::Localconfig qw(read_localconfig update_localconfig);
require Bugzilla::Install::Filesystem;
import Bugzilla::Install::Filesystem qw(update_filesystem create_htaccess);
import Bugzilla::Install::Filesystem qw(update_filesystem create_htaccess
require Bugzilla::DB;
require Bugzilla::Template;
......@@ -376,165 +377,10 @@ Bugzilla::Template::precompile_templates(!$silent)
unless $switch{'no-templates'};
# Set proper rights
# Set proper rights (--CHMOD--)
# Here we use --CHMOD-- and friends to set the file permissions
# The rationale is that the web server generally runs as apache, so the cgi
# scripts should not be writable for apache, otherwise someone may be possible
# to change the cgi's when exploiting some security flaw somewhere (not
# necessarily in Bugzilla!)
# Also, some *.pl files are executable, some are not.
# +++ Can anybody tell me what a Windows Perl would do with this code?
# Changes 03/14/00 by SML
# This abstracts out what files are executable and what ones are not. It makes
# for slightly neater code and lets us do things like determine exactly which
# files are executable and which ones are not.
# Not all directories have permissions changed on them. i.e., changing ./CVS
# to be 0640 is bad.
# Fixed bug in chmod invocation. chmod (at least on my linux box running perl
# 5.005 needs a valid first argument, not 0.
# (end changes, 03/14/00 by SML)
# Changes 15/06/01
# Fix file permissions for non-webservergroup installations (see
# I'm setting things
# by default to world readable/executable for all files, and
# world-writable (with sticky on) to data and graphs.
# These are the files which need to be marked executable
my @executable_files = ('', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '');
# tell me if a file is executable. All CGI files and those in @executable_files
# are executable
sub isExecutableFile {
my ($file) = @_;
if ($file =~ /\.cgi/) {
return 1;
my $exec_file;
foreach $exec_file (@executable_files) {
if ($file eq $exec_file) {
return 1;
return undef;
# fix file (or files - wildcards ok) permissions
sub fixPerms {
my ($file_pattern, $owner, $group, $umask, $do_dirs) = @_;
my @files = glob($file_pattern);
my $execperm = 0777 & ~ $umask;
my $normperm = 0666 & ~ $umask;
foreach my $file (@files) {
next if (!-e $file);
# do not change permissions on directories here unless $do_dirs is set
if (!(-d $file)) {
chown $owner, $group, $file;
# check if the file is executable.
if (isExecutableFile($file)) {
#printf ("Changing $file to %o\n", $execperm);
chmod $execperm, $file;
} else {
#printf ("Changing $file to %o\n", $normperm);
chmod $normperm, $file;
elsif ($do_dirs) {
chown $owner, $group, $file;
if ($file =~ /CVS$/) {
chmod 0700, $file;
else {
#printf ("Changing $file to %o\n", $execperm);
chmod $execperm, $file;
fixPerms("$file/.htaccess", $owner, $group, $umask, $do_dirs);
# do the contents of the directory
fixPerms("$file/*", $owner, $group, $umask, $do_dirs);
if ($^O !~ /MSWin32/i) {
my $templatedir = bz_locations()->{'templatedir'};
if ($my_webservergroup) {
# Funny! getgrname returns the GID if fed with NAME ...
my $webservergid = getgrnam($my_webservergroup)
or die("no such group: $my_webservergroup");
# chown needs to be called with a valid uid, not 0. $< returns the
# caller's uid. Maybe there should be a $bugzillauid, and call
# with that userid.
fixPerms('.htaccess', $<, $webservergid, 027); # glob('*') doesn't catch dotfiles
fixPerms("$datadir/.htaccess", $<, $webservergid, 027);
fixPerms("$datadir/duplicates", $<, $webservergid, 027, 1);
fixPerms("$datadir/mining", $<, $webservergid, 027, 1);
fixPerms("$datadir/template", $<, $webservergid, 007, 1); # webserver will write to these
# webserver will write to attachdir.
fixPerms(bz_locations()->{'attachdir'}, $<, $webservergid, 007, 1);
fixPerms($webdotdir, $<, $webservergid, 007, 1);
fixPerms("$webdotdir/.htaccess", $<, $webservergid, 027);
fixPerms("$datadir/params", $<, $webservergid, 017);
# The web server must be the owner of bugzilla-update.xml.
fixPerms("$datadir/bugzilla-update.xml", $webservergid, $webservergid, 017);
fixPerms('*', $<, $webservergid, 027);
fixPerms('Bugzilla', $<, $webservergid, 027, 1);
fixPerms($templatedir, $<, $webservergid, 027, 1);
fixPerms('images', $<, $webservergid, 027, 1);
fixPerms('css', $<, $webservergid, 027, 1);
fixPerms('skins', $<, $webservergid, 027, 1);
fixPerms('js', $<, $webservergid, 027, 1);
# Don't use fixPerms here, because it won't change perms
# on the directory unless it's using recursion
chown $<, $webservergid, $datadir;
chmod 0771, $datadir;
chown $<, $webservergid, 'graphs';
chmod 0770, 'graphs';
} else {
# get current gid from $( list
my $gid = (split " ", $()[0];
fixPerms('.htaccess', $<, $gid, 022); # glob('*') doesn't catch dotfiles
fixPerms("$datadir/.htaccess", $<, $gid, 022);
fixPerms("$datadir/duplicates", $<, $gid, 022, 1);
fixPerms("$datadir/mining", $<, $gid, 022, 1);
fixPerms("$datadir/template", $<, $gid, 000, 1); # webserver will write to these
fixPerms($webdotdir, $<, $gid, 000, 1);
chmod 01777, $webdotdir;
fixPerms("$webdotdir/.htaccess", $<, $gid, 022);
fixPerms("$datadir/params", $<, $gid, 011);
fixPerms("$datadir/bugzilla-update.xml", $gid, $gid, 011);
fixPerms('*', $<, $gid, 022);
fixPerms('Bugzilla', $<, $gid, 022, 1);
fixPerms($templatedir, $<, $gid, 022, 1);
fixPerms('images', $<, $gid, 022, 1);
fixPerms('css', $<, $gid, 022, 1);
fixPerms('skins', $<, $gid, 022, 1);
fixPerms('js', $<, $gid, 022, 1);
# Don't use fixPerms here, because it won't change perms
# on the directory unless it's using recursion
chown $<, $gid, $datadir;
chmod 0777, $datadir;
chown $<, $gid, 'graphs';
chmod 01777, 'graphs';
# Check GraphViz setup
......@@ -562,9 +408,9 @@ if( Bugzilla->params->{'webdotbase'} && Bugzilla->params->{'webdotbase'} !~ /^ht
print "\n" unless $silent;
print "\n" unless $silent;
# Populate groups table
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