Commit 89b15c8f authored by's avatar

Bug 491467: Make and buglist.cgi consistently take column ids for the…

Bug 491467: Make and buglist.cgi consistently take column ids for the "fields" and "order" arguments, to prevent problems with using SQL fragments in the order and columnlist. Patch by Max Kanat-Alexander <> r=wicked, a=mkanat
parent 6a51c4c3
......@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ use Storable qw(dclone);
use constant BLOB_TYPE => DBI::SQL_BLOB;
use constant GROUPBY_REGEXP => '(?:.*\s+AS\s+|SUBSTRING\()?(\w+(\.\w+)?)(?:\s+(ASC|DESC|FROM\s+.+))?$';
# Set default values for what used to be the enum types. These values
# are no longer stored in localconfig. If we are upgrading from a
......@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ use base qw(Bugzilla::DB);
use constant EMPTY_STRING => '__BZ_EMPTY_STR__';
use constant BLOB_TYPE => { ora_type => ORA_BLOB };
use constant GROUPBY_REGEXP => '((CASE\s+WHEN.+END)|(SUBSTR.+\))|(TO_CHAR\(.+\))|(\(SCORE.+\))|(\(MATCH.+\))|(\w+(\.\w+)?))(\s+AS\s+)?(.*)?$';
sub new {
my ($class, $user, $pass, $host, $dbname, $port) = @_;
......@@ -33,7 +33,13 @@ use strict;
package Bugzilla::Search;
use base qw(Exporter);
@Bugzilla::Search::EXPORT = qw(IsValidQueryType);
@Bugzilla::Search::EXPORT = qw(
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Util;
......@@ -47,21 +53,126 @@ use Bugzilla::Keyword;
use Date::Format;
use Date::Parse;
# A SELECTed expression that we use as a placeholder if somebody selects
# <none> for the X, Y, or Z axis in report.cgi.
use constant EMPTY_COLUMN => '-1';
# Some fields are not sorted on themselves, but on other fields.
# We need to have a list of these fields and what they map to.
# Each field points to an array that contains the fields mapped
# to, in order.
use constant SPECIAL_ORDER => {
'bugs.target_milestone' => [ 'ms_order.sortkey','ms_order.value' ],
'target_milestone' => [ 'ms_order.sortkey','ms_order.value' ],
# When we add certain fields to the ORDER BY, we need to then add a
# table join to the FROM statement. This hash maps input fields to
# the join statements that need to be added.
use constant SPECIAL_ORDER_JOIN => {
'bugs.target_milestone' => 'LEFT JOIN milestones AS ms_order ON ms_order.value = bugs.target_milestone AND ms_order.product_id = bugs.product_id',
'target_milestone' => 'LEFT JOIN milestones AS ms_order ON ms_order.value = bugs.target_milestone AND ms_order.product_id = bugs.product_id',
# This constant defines the columns that can be selected in a query
# and/or displayed in a bug list. Column records include the following
# fields:
# 1. id: a unique identifier by which the column is referred in code;
# 2. name: The name of the column in the database (may also be an expression
# that returns the value of the column);
# 3. title: The title of the column as displayed to users.
# Note: There are a few hacks in the code that deviate from these definitions.
# In particular, when the list is sorted by the "votes" field the word
# "DESC" is added to the end of the field to sort in descending order,
# and the redundant short_desc column is removed when the client
# requests "all" columns.
# This is really a constant--that is, once it's been called once, the value
# will always be the same unless somebody adds a new custom field. But
# we have to do a lot of work inside the subroutine to get the data,
# and we don't want it to happen at compile time, so we have it as a
# subroutine.
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $cache = Bugzilla->request_cache;
return $cache->{search_columns} if defined $cache->{search_columns};
# These are columns that don't exist in fielddefs, but are valid buglist
# columns. (Also see near the bottom of this function for the definition
# of short_short_desc.)
my %columns = (
relevance => { title => 'Relevance' },
assigned_to_realname => { title => 'Assignee' },
reporter_realname => { title => 'Reporter' },
qa_contact_realname => { title => 'QA Contact' },
# Next we define columns that have special SQL instead of just something
# like "bugs.bug_id".
my $actual_time = '(SUM(ldtime.work_time)'
. ' * COUNT(DISTINCT ldtime.bug_when)/COUNT(bugs.bug_id))';
my %special_sql = (
deadline => $dbh->sql_date_format('bugs.deadline', '%Y-%m-%d'),
actual_time => $actual_time,
percentage_complete =>
"(CASE WHEN $actual_time + bugs.remaining_time = 0.0"
. " THEN 0.0"
. " ELSE 100"
. " * ($actual_time / ($actual_time + bugs.remaining_time))"
. " END)",
# Backward-compatibility for old field names. Goes new_name => old_name.
# These are here and not in translate_old_column because the rest of the
# code actually still uses the old names, while the fielddefs table uses
# the new names (which is not the case for the fields handled by
# translate_old_column).
my %old_names = (
creation_ts => 'opendate',
delta_ts => 'changeddate',
work_time => 'actual_time',
# Fields that are email addresses
my @email_fields = qw(assigned_to reporter qa_contact);
# Other fields that are stored in the bugs table as an id, but
# should be displayed using their name.
my @id_fields = qw(product component classification);
foreach my $col (@email_fields) {
my $sql = "map_${col}.login_name";
if (!Bugzilla->user->id) {
$sql = $dbh->sql_string_until($sql, $dbh->quote('@'));
$special_sql{$col} = $sql;
$columns{"${col}_realname"}->{name} = "map_${col}.realname";
foreach my $col (@id_fields) {
$special_sql{$col} = "map_${col}";
# Do the actual column-getting from fielddefs, now.
foreach my $field (Bugzilla->get_fields({ obsolete => 0, buglist => 1 })) {
my $id = $field->name;
$id = $old_names{$id} if exists $old_names{$id};
my $sql = 'bugs.' . $field->name;
$sql = $special_sql{$id} if exists $special_sql{$id};
$columns{$id} = { name => $sql, title => $field->description };
# The short_short_desc column is identical to short_desc
$columns{'short_short_desc'} = $columns{'short_desc'};
Bugzilla::Hook::process("buglist-columns", { columns => \%columns });
$cache->{search_columns} = \%columns;
return $cache->{search_columns};
# Create a new Search
# Note that the param argument may be modified by Bugzilla::Search
sub new {
......@@ -78,22 +189,18 @@ sub new {
sub init {
my $self = shift;
my $fieldsref = $self->{'fields'};
my @fields = @{ $self->{'fields'} || [] };
my $params = $self->{'params'};
$self->{'user'} ||= Bugzilla->user;
my $user = $self->{'user'};
my $orderref = $self->{'order'} || 0;
my @inputorder;
@inputorder = @$orderref if $orderref;
my @inputorder = @{ $self->{'order'} || [] };
my @orderby;
my @fields;
my @supptables;
my @wherepart;
my @having;
my @groupby;
@fields = @$fieldsref if $fieldsref;
my @specialchart;
my @andlist;
my %chartfields;
......@@ -109,48 +216,56 @@ sub init {
obsolete => 0 });
foreach my $field (@select_fields) {
my $name = $field->name;
$special_order{"bugs.$name"} = [ "$name.sortkey", "$name.value" ],
$special_order_join{"bugs.$name"} =
"LEFT JOIN $name ON $name.value = bugs.$name";
next if $name eq 'product'; # products don't have sortkeys.
$special_order{$name} = [ "$name.sortkey", "$name.value" ],
$special_order_join{$name} =
"LEFT JOIN $name ON $name.value = bugs.$name";
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# All items that are in the ORDER BY must be in the SELECT.
foreach my $orderitem (@inputorder) {
my $column_name = split_order_term($orderitem);
if (!grep($_ eq $column_name, @fields)) {
push(@fields, $column_name);
# First, deal with all the old hard-coded non-chart-based poop.
if (grep(/map_assigned_to/, @$fieldsref)) {
if (grep(/^assigned_to/, @fields)) {
push @supptables, "INNER JOIN profiles AS map_assigned_to " .
"ON bugs.assigned_to = map_assigned_to.userid";
if (grep(/map_reporter/, @$fieldsref)) {
if (grep(/^reporter/, @fields)) {
push @supptables, "INNER JOIN profiles AS map_reporter " .
"ON bugs.reporter = map_reporter.userid";
if (grep(/map_qa_contact/, @$fieldsref)) {
if (grep(/^qa_contact/, @fields)) {
push @supptables, "LEFT JOIN profiles AS map_qa_contact " .
"ON bugs.qa_contact = map_qa_contact.userid";
if (lsearch($fieldsref, '') >= 0) {
if (grep($_ eq 'product' || $_ eq 'classification', @fields))
push @supptables, "INNER JOIN products AS map_products " .
"ON bugs.product_id =";
if (lsearch($fieldsref, '') >= 0) {
push @supptables, "INNER JOIN products AS map_products " .
"ON bugs.product_id =";
if (grep($_ eq 'classification', @fields)) {
push @supptables,
"INNER JOIN classifications AS map_classifications " .
"ON map_products.classification_id =";
if (lsearch($fieldsref, '') >= 0) {
if (grep($_ eq 'component', @fields)) {
push @supptables, "INNER JOIN components AS map_components " .
"ON bugs.component_id =";
if (grep($_ =~/AS (actual_time|percentage_complete)$/, @$fieldsref)) {
if (grep($_ eq 'actual_time' || $_ eq 'percentage_complete', @fields)) {
push(@supptables, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS ldtime " .
"ON ldtime.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
......@@ -758,13 +873,6 @@ sub init {
# to other parts of the query, so we want to create it before we
# write the FROM clause.
foreach my $orderitem (@inputorder) {
# Some fields have 'AS' aliases. The aliases go in the ORDER BY,
# not the whole fields.
# XXX - Ideally, we would get just the aliases in @inputorder,
# and we'd never have to deal with this.
if ($orderitem =~ /\s+AS\s+(.+)$/i) {
$orderitem = $1;
BuildOrderBy(\%special_order, $orderitem, \@orderby);
# Now JOIN the correct tables in the FROM clause.
......@@ -772,9 +880,9 @@ sub init {
# cleaner to do it this way.
foreach my $orderitem (@inputorder) {
# Grab the part without ASC or DESC.
my @splitfield = split(/\s+/, $orderitem);
if ($special_order_join{$splitfield[0]}) {
push(@supptables, $special_order_join{$splitfield[0]});
my $column_name = split_order_term($orderitem);
if ($special_order_join{$column_name}) {
push(@supptables, $special_order_join{$column_name});
......@@ -803,7 +911,9 @@ sub init {
# Make sure we create a legal SQL query.
@andlist = ("1 = 1") if !@andlist;
my $query = "SELECT " . join(', ', @fields) .
my @sql_fields = map { $_ eq EMPTY_COLUMN ? EMPTY_COLUMN
: COLUMNS->{$_}->{name} . ' AS ' . $_ } @fields;
my $query = "SELECT " . join(', ', @sql_fields) .
" FROM $suppstring" .
" LEFT JOIN bug_group_map " .
" ON bug_group_map.bug_id = bugs.bug_id ";
......@@ -830,17 +940,21 @@ sub init {
foreach my $field (@fields, @orderby) {
next if ($field =~ /(AVG|SUM|COUNT|MAX|MIN|VARIANCE)\s*\(/i ||
$field =~ /^\d+$/ || $field eq "bugs.bug_id" ||
$field =~ /^(relevance|actual_time|percentage_complete)/);
# The structure of fields is of the form:
# [foo AS] {bar | bar.baz} [ASC | DESC]
# Only the mandatory part bar OR bar.baz is of interest.
# But for Oracle, it needs the real name part instead.
my $regexp = $dbh->GROUPBY_REGEXP;
if ($field =~ /$regexp/i) {
push(@groupby, $1) if !grep($_ eq $1, @groupby);
# For some DBs, every field in the SELECT must be in the GROUP BY.
foreach my $field (@fields) {
# These fields never go into the GROUP BY (bug_id goes in
# explicitly, below).
next if (grep($_ eq $field, EMPTY_COLUMN,
qw(bug_id actual_time percentage_complete)));
my $col = COLUMNS->{$field}->{name};
push(@groupby, $col) if !grep($_ eq $col, @groupby);
# And all items from ORDER BY must be in the GROUP BY. The above loop
# doesn't catch items that were put into the ORDER BY from SPECIAL_ORDER.
foreach my $item (@inputorder) {
my $column_name = split_order_term($item);
if ($special_order{$column_name}) {
push(@groupby, @{ $special_order{$column_name} });
$query .= ") " . $dbh->sql_group_by("bugs.bug_id", join(', ', @groupby));
......@@ -1023,9 +1137,7 @@ sub IsValidQueryType
sub BuildOrderBy {
my ($special_order, $orderitem, $stringlist, $reverseorder) = (@_);
my @twopart = split(/\s+/, $orderitem);
my $orderfield = $twopart[0];
my $orderdirection = $twopart[1] || "";
my ($orderfield, $orderdirection) = split_order_term($orderitem);
if ($reverseorder) {
# If orderdirection is empty or ASC...
......@@ -1052,6 +1164,40 @@ sub BuildOrderBy {
push(@$stringlist, trim($orderfield . ' ' . $orderdirection));
# Splits out "asc|desc" from a sort order item.
sub split_order_term {
my $fragment = shift;
$fragment =~ /^(.+?)(?:\s+(ASC|DESC))?$/i;
my ($column_name, $direction) = (lc($1), uc($2));
$direction ||= "";
return wantarray ? ($column_name, $direction) : $column_name;
# Used to translate old SQL fragments from buglist.cgi's "order" argument
# into our modern field IDs.
sub translate_old_column {
my ($column) = @_;
# All old SQL fragments have a period in them somewhere.
return $column if $column !~ /\./;
if ($column =~ /\bAS\s+(\w+)$/i) {
return $1;
# product, component, classification, assigned_to, qa_contact, reporter
elsif ($column =~ /map_(\w+?)s?\.(login_)?name/i) {
return $1;
# If it doesn't match the regexps above, check to see if the old
# SQL fragment matches the SQL of an existing column
foreach my $key (%{ COLUMNS() }) {
next unless exists COLUMNS->{$key}->{name};
return $key if COLUMNS->{$key}->{name} eq $column;
return $column;
# Search Functions
......@@ -1276,9 +1422,9 @@ sub _content_matches {
"ON bugs.bug_id = $table.bug_id");
# Create search terms to add to the SELECT and WHERE clauses.
my ($term1, $rterm1) = $dbh->sql_fulltext_search("$table.$comments_col",
my ($term1, $rterm1) = $dbh->sql_fulltext_search("$table.$comments_col",
$$v, 1);
my ($term2, $rterm2) = $dbh->sql_fulltext_search("$table.short_desc",
my ($term2, $rterm2) = $dbh->sql_fulltext_search("$table.short_desc",
$$v, 2);
$rterm1 = $term1 if !$rterm1;
$rterm2 = $term2 if !$rterm2;
......@@ -1287,20 +1433,18 @@ sub _content_matches {
$$term = "$term1 > 0 OR $term2 > 0";
# In order to sort by relevance (in case the user requests it),
# we SELECT the relevance value and give it an alias so we can
# add it to the SORT BY clause when we build it in buglist.cgi.
my $select_term = "($rterm1 + $rterm2) AS relevance";
# Users can specify to display the relevance field, in which case
# it'll show up in the list of fields being selected, and we need
# to replace that occurrence with our select term. Otherwise
# we can just add the term to the list of fields being selected.
if (grep($_ eq "relevance", @$fields)) {
@$fields = map($_ eq "relevance" ? $select_term : $_ , @$fields);
else {
push(@$fields, $select_term);
# we SELECT the relevance value so we can add it to the ORDER BY
# clause. Every time a new fulltext chart isadded, this adds more
# terms to the relevance sql. (That doesn't make sense in
# "NOT" charts, but Bugzilla never uses those with fulltext
# by default.)
# We build the relevance SQL by modifying the COLUMNS list directly,
# which is kind of a hack but works.
my $current = COLUMNS->{'relevance'}->{name};
$current = $current ? "$current + " : '';
my $select_term = "($current$rterm1 + $rterm2)";
COLUMNS->{'relevance'}->{name} = $select_term;
sub _timestamp_compare {
......@@ -1459,8 +1603,8 @@ sub _percentage_complete {
if ($oper ne "noop") {
my $table = "longdescs_$$chartid";
if(lsearch($fields, "bugs.remaining_time") == -1) {
push(@$fields, "bugs.remaining_time");
if (!grep($_ eq 'remaining_time', @$fields)) {
push(@$fields, "remaining_time");
push(@$supptables, "LEFT JOIN longdescs AS $table " .
"ON $table.bug_id = bugs.bug_id");
......@@ -640,92 +640,7 @@ if (!$params->param('query_format')) {
# Column Definition
# Define the columns that can be selected in a query and/or displayed in a bug
# list. Column records include the following fields:
# 1. ID: a unique identifier by which the column is referred in code;
# 2. Name: The name of the column in the database (may also be an expression
# that returns the value of the column);
# 3. Title: The title of the column as displayed to users.
# Note: There are a few hacks in the code that deviate from these definitions.
# In particular, when the list is sorted by the "votes" field the word
# "DESC" is added to the end of the field to sort in descending order,
# and the redundant short_desc column is removed when the client
# requests "all" columns.
# Note: For column names using aliasing (SQL "<field> AS <alias>"), the column
# ID needs to be identical to the field ID for list ordering to work.
my $columns = { relevance => {name => 'relevance', title => 'Relevance'},
short_short_desc => {name => 'bugs.short_desc', title => 'Summary'} };
foreach my $field (Bugzilla->get_fields({ obsolete => 0, buglist => 1 })) {
# Rename some field names for backward compatibility
my $id = $field->name;
if ($id eq 'creation_ts') {
$id = 'opendate';
elsif ($id eq 'delta_ts') {
$id = 'changeddate';
elsif ($id eq 'work_time') {
$id = 'actual_time';
# Database column names and expressions
# XXX Move these to fielddefs/ or
my $name = 'bugs.' . $field->name;
if ($id eq 'assigned_to' || $id eq 'reporter' || $id eq 'qa_contact') {
$name = 'map_' . $field->name . '.login_name';
if (!Bugzilla->user->id) {
$name = $dbh->sql_string_until($name, $dbh->quote('@'));
elsif ($id eq 'product' || $id eq 'component' || $id eq 'classification') {
$name = 'map_' . $field->name . '';
elsif ($id eq 'deadline') {
$name = $dbh->sql_date_format('bugs.deadline', '%Y-%m-%d') . " AS deadline";
elsif ($id eq 'actual_time') {
$name = '(SUM(ldtime.work_time)*COUNT(DISTINCT ldtime.bug_when)/COUNT(bugs.bug_id)) AS actual_time';
elsif ($id eq 'percentage_complete') {
$name =
"(CASE WHEN (SUM(ldtime.work_time)*COUNT(DISTINCT ldtime.bug_when)/COUNT(bugs.bug_id)) " .
" + bugs.remaining_time = 0.0 " .
"THEN 0.0 " .
"ELSE 100*((SUM(ldtime.work_time)*COUNT(DISTINCT ldtime.bug_when)/COUNT(bugs.bug_id)) " .
" /((SUM(ldtime.work_time)*COUNT(DISTINCT ldtime.bug_when)/COUNT(bugs.bug_id)) + bugs.remaining_time)) " .
"END) AS percentage_complete"
$columns->{$id} = { 'name' => $name, 'title' => $field->description };
foreach my $col (qw(assigned_to reporter qa_contact)) {
my $colname = "${col}_realname";
if ($format->{'extension'} eq 'html') {
my $login = "map_${col}.login_name";
if (!Bugzilla->user->id) {
$login = $dbh->sql_string_until($login, $dbh->quote('@'));
$columns->{$colname}->{name} =
"CASE WHEN map_${col}.realname = ''
THEN $login ELSE map_${col}.realname
END AS $colname";
else {
$columns->{$colname}->{name} = "map_${col}.realname AS $colname";
$columns->{assigned_to_realname}->{title} = "Assignee";
$columns->{reporter_realname}->{title} = "Reporter";
$columns->{qa_contact_realname}->{title} = "QA Contact";
Bugzilla::Hook::process("buglist-columns", {'columns' => $columns} );
my $columns = Bugzilla::Search::COLUMNS;
# Display Column Determination
......@@ -823,6 +738,18 @@ if (lsearch(\@displaycolumns, "percentage_complete") >= 0) {
push (@selectcolumns, "actual_time");
# Make sure that the login_name version of a field is always also
# requested if the realname version is requested, so that we can
# display the login name when the realname is empty.
my @realname_fields = grep(/_realname$/, @displaycolumns);
foreach my $item (@realname_fields) {
my $login_field = $item;
$login_field =~ s/_realname$//;
if (!grep($_ eq $login_field, @selectcolumns)) {
push(@selectcolumns, $login_field);
# Display columns are selected because otherwise we could not display them.
foreach my $col (@displaycolumns) {
push (@selectcolumns, $col) if !grep($_ eq $col, @selectcolumns);
......@@ -866,17 +793,6 @@ if ($format->{'extension'} eq 'atom') {
# Query Generation
# Convert the list of columns being selected into a list of column names.
my @selectnames = map($columns->{$_}->{'name'}, @selectcolumns);
# Remove columns with no names, such as percentage_complete
# (or a removed *_time column due to permissions)
@selectnames = grep($_ ne '', @selectnames);
# Sort Order Determination
......@@ -897,39 +813,48 @@ if (!$order || $order =~ /^reuse/i) {
my $db_order = ""; # Modified version of $order for use with SQL query
if ($order) {
# Convert the value of the "order" form field into a list of columns
# by which to sort the results.
ORDER: for ($order) {
/^Bug Number$/ && do {
$order = "bugs.bug_id";
$order = "bug_id";
last ORDER;
/^Importance$/ && do {
$order = "bugs.priority, bugs.bug_severity";
$order = "priority,bug_severity";
last ORDER;
/^Assignee$/ && do {
$order = "map_assigned_to.login_name, bugs.bug_status, bugs.priority, bugs.bug_id";
$order = "assigned_to,bug_status,priority,bug_id";
last ORDER;
/^Last Changed$/ && do {
$order = "bugs.delta_ts, bugs.bug_status, bugs.priority, map_assigned_to.login_name, bugs.bug_id";
$order = "changeddate,bug_status,priority,assigned_to,bug_id";
last ORDER;
do {
my (@order, @invalid_fragments);
my @columnnames = map($columns->{lc($_)}->{'name'}, keys(%$columns));
# A custom list of columns. Make sure each column is valid.
foreach my $fragment (split(/,/, $order)) {
$fragment = trim($fragment);
next unless $fragment;
# Accept an order fragment matching a column name, with
# asc|desc optionally following (to specify the direction)
if (grep($fragment =~ /^\Q$_\E(\s+(asc|desc))?$/, @columnnames, keys(%$columns))) {
next if $fragment =~ /\brelevance\b/ && !$fulltext;
push(@order, $fragment);
my ($column_name, $direction) = split_order_term($fragment);
$column_name = translate_old_column($column_name);
# Special handlings for certain columns
next if $column_name eq 'relevance' && !$fulltext;
# If we are sorting by votes, sort in descending order if
# no explicit sort order was given.
if ($column_name eq 'votes' && !$direction) {
$direction = "DESC";
if (exists $columns->{$column_name}) {
$direction = " $direction" if $direction;
push(@order, "$column_name$direction");
else {
push(@invalid_fragments, $fragment);
......@@ -950,58 +875,13 @@ if ($order) {
if (!$order) {
$order = "bugs.bug_status, bugs.priority, map_assigned_to.login_name, bugs.bug_id";
$order = "bug_status,priority,assigned_to,bug_id";
# Make sure ORDER BY columns are included in the field list.
foreach my $fragment (split(/,/, $order)) {
$fragment = trim($fragment);
if (!grep($fragment =~ /^\Q$_\E(\s+(asc|desc))?$/, @selectnames)) {
# Add order columns to selectnames
# The fragment has already been validated
$fragment =~ s/\s+(asc|desc)$//;
# While newer fragments contain IDs for aliased columns, older
# LASTORDER cookies (or bookmarks) may contain full names.
# Convert them to an ID here.
if ($fragment =~ / AS (\w+)/) {
$fragment = $1;
$fragment =~ tr/a-zA-Z\.0-9\-_//cd;
# If the order fragment is an ID, we need its corresponding name
# to be in the field list.
if (exists($columns->{$fragment})) {
$fragment = $columns->{$fragment}->{'name'};
push(@selectnames, $fragment) unless (grep { $fragment eq $_ } @selectnames);
$db_order = $order; # Copy $order into $db_order for use with SQL query
# If we are sorting by votes, sort in descending order if no explicit
# sort order was given
$db_order =~ s/bugs.votes\s*(,|$)/bugs.votes desc$1/i;
# the 'actual_time' field is defined as an aggregate function, but
# for order we just need the column name 'actual_time'
my $aggregate_search = quotemeta($columns->{'actual_time'}->{'name'});
$db_order =~ s/$aggregate_search/actual_time/g;
# the 'percentage_complete' field is defined as an aggregate too
$aggregate_search = quotemeta($columns->{'percentage_complete'}->{'name'});
$db_order =~ s/$aggregate_search/percentage_complete/g;
# Now put $db_order into a format that Bugzilla::Search can use.
# (We create $db_order as a string first because that's the way
# we did it before Bugzilla::Search took an "order" argument.)
my @orderstrings = split(/,\s*/, $db_order);
my @orderstrings = split(/,\s*/, $order);
# Generate the basic SQL query that will be used to generate the bug list.
my $search = new Bugzilla::Search('fields' => \@selectnames,
my $search = new Bugzilla::Search('fields' => \@selectcolumns,
'params' => $params,
'order' => \@orderstrings);
my $query = $search->getSQL();
......@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ sub CollectSeriesData {
# login name or a renamed product or component, etc.
eval {
my $search = new Bugzilla::Search('params' => $cgi,
'fields' => ["bugs.bug_id"],
'fields' => ["bug_id"],
'user' => $user);
my $sql = $search->getSQL();
$data = $shadow_dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql);
......@@ -199,14 +199,14 @@ if (scalar(%count)) {
$params->param('product', join(',', @query_products));
my $query = new Bugzilla::Search('fields' => [qw(bugs.bug_id
my $query = new Bugzilla::Search('fields' => [qw(bug_id
'params' => $params,
......@@ -102,53 +102,42 @@ else {
my %columns;
$columns{'bug_severity'} = "bugs.bug_severity";
$columns{'priority'} = "bugs.priority";
$columns{'rep_platform'} = "bugs.rep_platform";
$columns{'assigned_to'} = "map_assigned_to.login_name";
$columns{'reporter'} = "map_reporter.login_name";
$columns{'qa_contact'} = "map_qa_contact.login_name";
$columns{'bug_status'} = "bugs.bug_status";
$columns{'resolution'} = "bugs.resolution";
$columns{'component'} = "";
$columns{'product'} = "";
$columns{'classification'} = "";
$columns{'version'} = "bugs.version";
$columns{'op_sys'} = "bugs.op_sys";
$columns{'votes'} = "bugs.votes";
$columns{'keywords'} = "bugs.keywords";
$columns{'target_milestone'} = "bugs.target_milestone";
# Single-select fields are also accepted as valid column names.
my @single_select_fields =
grep { $_->type == FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT } Bugzilla->active_custom_fields;
foreach my $custom_field (@single_select_fields) {
my $field_name = $custom_field->name;
$columns{$field_name} = "bugs.$field_name";
# One which means "nothing". Any number would do, really. It just gets SELECTed
# so that we always select 3 items in the query.
$columns{''} = "42217354";
# Valid bug fields that can be reported on.
my @columns = qw(
# Single-select fields (custom or not) are also accepted as valid.
my @single_selects = Bugzilla->get_fields({ type => FIELD_TYPE_SINGLE_SELECT,
obsolete => 0 });
push(@columns, map { $_->name } @single_selects);
my %valid_columns = map { $_ => 1 } @columns;
# Validate the values in the axis fields or throw an error.
|| ($columns{$row_field} && trick_taint($row_field))
|| ($valid_columns{$row_field} && trick_taint($row_field))
|| ThrowCodeError("report_axis_invalid", {fld => "x", val => $row_field});
|| ($columns{$col_field} && trick_taint($col_field))
|| ($valid_columns{$col_field} && trick_taint($col_field))
|| ThrowCodeError("report_axis_invalid", {fld => "y", val => $col_field});
|| ($columns{$tbl_field} && trick_taint($tbl_field))
|| ($valid_columns{$tbl_field} && trick_taint($tbl_field))
|| ThrowCodeError("report_axis_invalid", {fld => "z", val => $tbl_field});
my @axis_fields = ($row_field, $col_field, $tbl_field);
my @selectnames = map($columns{$_}, @axis_fields);
my @axis_fields = ($row_field || EMPTY_COLUMN,
$col_field || EMPTY_COLUMN,
$tbl_field || EMPTY_COLUMN);
# Clone the params, so that Bugzilla::Search can modify them
my $params = new Bugzilla::CGI($cgi);
my $search = new Bugzilla::Search('fields' => \@selectnames,
my $search = new Bugzilla::Search('fields' => \@axis_fields,
'params' => $params);
my $query = $search->getSQL();
......@@ -179,9 +168,9 @@ foreach my $result (@$results) {
$col = ' ' if ($col eq '');
$tbl = ' ' if ($tbl eq '');
$row = "" if ($row eq $columns{''});
$col = "" if ($col eq $columns{''});
$tbl = "" if ($tbl eq $columns{''});
$row = "" if ($row eq EMPTY_COLUMN);
$col = "" if ($col eq EMPTY_COLUMN);
$tbl = "" if ($tbl eq EMPTY_COLUMN);
# account for the fact that names may start with '_' or '.'. Change this
# so the template doesn't hide hash elements with those keys
......@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@
[% END %]
<th colspan="[% splitheader ? 2 : 1 %]" class="first-child">
[% desc = '' %]
[% IF (om = order.match("^bugs\.bug_id( desc)?")) %]
[% desc = ' desc' IF NOT om.0 %]
[% IF (om = order.match("^bug_id( DESC)?")) %]
[% desc = ' DESC' IF NOT om.0 %]
[% END %]
<a href="buglist.cgi?
[% urlquerypart FILTER html %]&amp;order=bugs.bug_id[% desc FILTER url_quote %]
[% urlquerypart FILTER html %]&amp;order=bug_id[% desc FILTER url_quote %]
[% defaultsavename OR searchname FILTER url_quote %]">ID</a>
......@@ -130,20 +130,13 @@
[% BLOCK columnheader %]
<th colspan="[% splitheader ? 2 : 1 %]">
[% IF'\s+AS\s+') %]
[%# For aliased columns, use their ID for sorting. %]
[% column.sortalias = id %]
[% ELSE %]
[%# Other columns may sort on their name directly. %]
[% column.sortalias = %]
[% END %]
[% desc = '' %]
[% IF (om = order.match("$column.sortalias( desc)?")) %]
[% desc = ' desc' IF NOT om.0 %]
[% IF (om = order.match("$id( DESC)?")) %]
[% desc = ' DESC' IF NOT om.0 %]
[% END %]
[% order = order.remove("$column.sortalias( desc)?,?") %]
[% order = order.remove("$id( DESC)?,?") %]
<a href="buglist.cgi?[% urlquerypart FILTER html %]&amp;order=
[% column.sortalias FILTER url_quote %][% desc FILTER url_quote %]
[% id FILTER url_quote %][% desc FILTER url_quote %]
[% ",$order" FILTER url_quote IF order %]
[% defaultsavename OR searchname FILTER url_quote %]">
......@@ -204,6 +197,13 @@
[%- get_status(bug.$column).truncate(abbrev.$column.maxlength, abbrev.$column.ellipsis) FILTER html %]
[% ELSIF column == 'resolution' %]
[%- get_resolution(bug.$column).truncate(abbrev.$column.maxlength, abbrev.$column.ellipsis) FILTER html %]
[%# Display the login name of the user if their real name is empty. %]
[% ELSIF column.match('_realname$') && bug.$column == '' %]
[% SET login_column = column.remove('_realname$') %]
[% bug.${login_column}.truncate(abbrev.$column.maxlength,
abbrev.$column.ellipsis) FILTER html %]
[% ELSE %]
[%- bug.$column.truncate(abbrev.$column.maxlength, abbrev.$column.ellipsis) FILTER html -%]
[% END %]
......@@ -431,16 +431,16 @@ sub run_queries {
next unless $savedquery; # silently ignore missing queries
# Execute the saved query
my @searchfields = (
my @searchfields = qw(
# A new Bugzilla::CGI object needs to be created to allow
# Bugzilla::Search to execute a saved query. It's exceedingly weird,
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