Commit 8f025114 authored by's avatar

Fix for bug 122900: implements email preference for unconfirmed bugs.

parent 3713224a
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ use RelationSet;
sub processmail_sillyness {
my $zz;
$zz = $::db;
$zz = $::unconfirmedstate;
$| = 1;
......@@ -232,7 +233,10 @@ sub ProcessOneBug {
my $count = 0;
my @currentEmailAttributes = getEmailAttributes($newcomments, @diffs);
# Get a list of the reasons a user might receive email about the bug.
my @currentEmailAttributes =
getEmailAttributes(\%values, \@diffs, $newcomments);
my (@assigned_toList,@reporterList,@qa_contactList,@ccList) = ();
#open(LOG, ">>/tmp/maillog");
......@@ -401,12 +405,17 @@ sub filterExcludeList ($$) {
# if no flags are set and there was some other field change
# set the Status flag
sub getEmailAttributes ($@) {
sub getEmailAttributes (\%\@$) {
my ($commentField,@fieldDiffs) = @_;
my ($bug, $fieldDiffs, $commentField) = @_;
my (@flags,@uniqueFlags,%alreadySeen) = ();
foreach my $ref (@fieldDiffs) {
# Add a flag if the status of the bug is "unconfirmed".
if ($bug->{'bug_status'} eq $::unconfirmedstate) {
push (@flags, 'Unconfirmed')
foreach my $ref (@$fieldDiffs) {
my ($who, $fieldName, $when, $old, $new) = (@$ref);
#print qq{field: $fieldName $new<br>};
......@@ -448,7 +457,7 @@ sub getEmailAttributes ($@) {
# default fallthrough for any unflagged change is 'Other'
if ( @flags == 0 && @fieldDiffs != 0 ) {
if ( @flags == 0 && @$fieldDiffs != 0 ) {
push (@flags, 'Other');
......@@ -470,168 +479,131 @@ sub getEmailAttributes ($@) {
sub filterEmailGroup ($$$) {
# This function figures out who should receive email about the bug
# based on the user's role with regard to the bug (assignee, reporter
# etc.), the changes that occurred (new comments, attachment added,
# status changed etc.) and the user's email preferences.
my ($emailGroup,$refAttributes,$emailList) = @_;
my @emailAttributes = @$refAttributes;
my @emailList = split(/,/,$emailList);
my @filteredList = ();
# Returns a filtered list of those users who would receive email
# about these changes, and adds the names of those users who would
# not receive email about them to the global @excludedAddresses list.
# the force list for this email group needs to be checked as well
push @emailList, @{$force{$emailGroup}};
# Check this user for any watchers... doing this here allows them to inhert the
# relationship to the bug of the person they are watching (if the person they
# are watching is an owner, their mail is filtered as if they were the owner).
if (Param("supportwatchers")) {
my @watchers;
foreach my $person(@emailList) {
my $personId = DBname_to_id($person);
SendSQL("SELECT watcher FROM watch WHERE watched = $personId");
while(MoreSQLData()) {
my ($watcher) = FetchSQLData();
if ($watcher) {
push (@watchers, DBID_to_name($watcher));
push(@emailList, @watchers);
foreach my $person (@emailList) {
my ($role, $reasons, $users) = @_;
# Make a list of users to filter.
my @users = split( /,/ , $users );
# Treat users who are in the process of being removed from this role
# as if they were still in it.
push @users, @{$force{$role}};
# If this installation supports user watching, add to the list those
# users who are watching other users already on the list. By doing
# this here, we allow watchers to inherit the roles of the people
# they are watching while at the same time filtering email for watchers
# based on their own preferences.
if (Param("supportwatchers") && scalar(@users)) {
# Convert the unfiltered list of users into an SQL-quoted,
# comma-separated string suitable for use in an SQL query.
my $watched = join(",", map(SqlQuote($_), @users));
SendSQL("SELECT watchers.login_name
FROM watch, profiles AS watchers, profiles AS watched
WHERE watched.login_name IN ($watched)
AND watched.userid = watch.watched
AND watch.watcher = watchers.userid");
push (@users, FetchOneColumn()) while MoreSQLData();
# Initialize the list of recipients.
my @recipients = ();
USER: foreach my $user (@users) {
next unless $user;
my $lastCount = @filteredList;
if ( $person eq '' ) { next; }
my $userid = DBname_to_id($person);
if ( ! $userid ) {
# Get the user's unique ID, and if the user is not registered
# (no idea why unregistered users should even be on this list,
# but the code that was here before I re-wrote it allows this),
# then we do not have any preferences for them, so assume the
# default preference to receive all mail for any reason.
my $userid = DBname_to_id($user);
if (!$userid) {
push(@recipients, $user);
SendSQL("SELECT emailflags FROM profiles WHERE " .
"userid = $userid" );
my ($userFlagString) = FetchSQLData();
# Get the user's email preferences from the database.
SendSQL("SELECT emailflags FROM profiles WHERE userid = $userid");
my $prefs = FetchOneColumn();
# If the sender doesn't want email, exclude them from list
# If the user's preferences are empty, assume the default preference
# to receive all mail. This happens when the installation upgraded
# from a version of Bugzilla without email preferences to one with
# them, but the user has not set their preferences yet.
if (!defined($prefs) || $prefs !~ /email/) {
push(@recipients, $user);
if (lc($person) eq $nametoexclude) {
if ( defined ($userFlagString) &&
$userFlagString =~ /ExcludeSelf\~on/ ) {
push (@excludedAddresses,$person);
# Write the user's preferences into a Perl record indexed by
# preference name. We pass the value "255" to the split function
# because otherwise split will trim trailing null fields, causing
# Perl to generate lots of warnings. Any suitably large number
# would do.
my %prefs = split(/~/, $prefs, 255);
# If this user is the one who made the change in the first place,
# and they prefer not to receive mail about their own changes,
# filter them from the list.
if (lc($user) eq $nametoexclude && $prefs{'ExcludeSelf'} eq 'on') {
push(@excludedAddresses, $user);
# if the users database entry is empty, send them all email
# by default (they have not accessed userprefs.cgi recently).
# If the user doesn't want to receive email about unconfirmed
# bugs, that setting overrides their other preferences, including
# the preference to receive email when they are added to or removed
# from a role, so remove them from the list before checking their
# other preferences.
if (grep(/Unconfirmed/, @$reasons)
&& exists($prefs{"email${role}Unconfirmed"})
&& $prefs{"email${role}Unconfirmed"} eq '')
push(@excludedAddresses, $user);
if ( !defined($userFlagString) || !($userFlagString =~ /email/) ) {
# If the user was added to or removed from this role, and they
# prefer to receive email when that happens, send them mail.
# Note: This was originally written to send email when users
# were removed from roles and was later enhanced for additions,
# but for simplicity's sake the name "Removeme" was retained.
if (grep($_ eq $user, @{$force{$role}})
&& $prefs{"email${role}Removeme"} eq 'on')
push (@recipients, $user);
else {
# the 255 param is here, because without a third param,
# split will trim any trailing null fields, which causes perl
# to eject lots of warnings. any suitably large number would
# do.
my %userFlags = split(/~/, $userFlagString, 255);
# The default condition is to send each person email.
# If we match the email attribute with the user flag, and
# they do not want email, then remove them from the list.
my $detectedOn = 0;
foreach my $attribute (@emailAttributes) {
my $matchName = 'email' . $emailGroup . $attribute;
# **** Kludge... quick and dirty fix for 2.12
# If this pref is new (it's been added since this user
# last updated their filtering prefs, $userFlags{$matchName}
# will be undefined. This should be considered a match
# so that new prefs will default to 'on'
if (!defined($userFlags{$matchName})) {
$detectedOn = 1;
while ((my $flagName, my $flagValue) = each %userFlags) {
if ($flagName !~ /$emailGroup/) {
if ($flagName eq $matchName){
if ($flagValue eq 'on') {
$detectedOn = 1;
} # for each userFlag
} # for each email attribute
# if the current flag hasn't been detected on at least once,
# this person gets filtered from this group.
if (! $detectedOn) {
# check to see if the person was added to or removed from
# this email group.
# Note: This was originally written as only removed from
# and was rewritten to be Added/Removed, but for simplicity
# sake, the name "Removeme" wasn't changed.
if ( grep ($_ eq $person, @{$force{$emailGroup}} ) ) {
# if so, see if they want mail about that
if ( $userFlags{'email' . $emailGroup . 'Removeme'} eq 'on' ) {
# we definitely want mail sent to this person, since
# inclusion on a mail takes precedence over the previous
# exclusion
# have they been filtered for some other reason?
if (@filteredList == $lastCount) {
# if so, put them back
push (@filteredList, $person);
# If the user prefers to be included in mail about this change,
# or they haven't specified a preference for it (because they
# haven't visited the email preferences page since the preference
# was added, in which case we include them by default), add them
# to the list of recipients.
foreach my $reason (@$reasons) {
my $pref = "email$role$reason";
if (!exists($prefs{$pref}) || $prefs{$pref} eq 'on') {
push(@recipients, $user);
next USER;
# At this point there's no way the user wants to receive email
# about this change, so exclude them from the list of recipients.
push(@excludedAddresses, $user);
} # for each user on the unfiltered list
} # if $userFlagString is valid
# has the person been moved off the filtered list?
if (@filteredList == $lastCount ) {
# mark them as excluded
push (@excludedAddresses,$person);
} # for each person
return @filteredList;
return @recipients;
sub NewProcessOnePerson ($$$$$$$$$$$$) {
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Gervase Markham <>
# Myk Melez <>
......@@ -138,7 +139,10 @@
{ name = 'CC',
description = 'CC field changes' },
{ name = 'Other',
description = 'Any field not mentioned above changes' } ] %]
description = 'Any field not mentioned above changes' },
{ name = 'Unconfirmed',
description = 'The bug is in the unconfirmed state' },
] %]
[% FOREACH role = [ "Reporter", "Owner", "QAcontact", "CClist", "Voter" ]
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ my $defaultflagstring = "ExcludeSelf~on~";
my @roles = ("Owner", "Reporter", "QAcontact", "CClist", "Voter");
my @reasons = ("Removeme", "Comments", "Attachments", "Status", "Resolved",
"Keywords", "CC", "Other");
"Keywords", "CC", "Other", "Unconfirmed");
foreach my $role (@roles) {
foreach my $reason (@reasons) {
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