Fix for bug 92263: Don't output SQL commands before the footer when syncshadowdb…

Fix for bug 92263: Don't output SQL commands before the footer when syncshadowdb fails (only affects Bugzillas that are running shadow databases) r= bbaetz, gerv
parent d8dad92f
......@@ -150,6 +150,9 @@ sub SyncAnyPendingShadowChanges {
} elsif (defined $pid) {
# child process code runs here
my $redir = ($^O =~ /MSWin32/i) ? "NUL" : "/dev/null";
open STDOUT,">$redir";
open STDERR,">$redir";
exec("./syncshadowdb","--") or die "Unable to exec syncshadowdb: $!";
# the idea was that passing the second parameter tricks it into
# using execvp instead of running a shell. Not really necessary since
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