Commit 96298832 authored by Max Kanat-Alexander's avatar Max Kanat-Alexander

Bug 638555: Make the fields in the bugs table that can be NULL work with all

the boolean chart operators r=mkanat, a=mkanat (module owner)
parent ac3fc463
......@@ -130,6 +130,9 @@ use Storable qw(dclone);
# Constants #
# When doing searches, NULL datetimes are treated as this date.
use constant EMPTY_DATETIME => '1970-01-01 00:00:00';
# This is the regex for real numbers from Regexp::Common, modified to be
# more readable.
use constant NUMBER_REGEX => qr/
......@@ -264,13 +267,12 @@ use constant OPERATOR_FIELD_OVERRIDE => {
# General Bug Fields
alias => {
_non_changed => \&_alias_nonchanged,
alias => { _non_changed => \&_nullable },
'attach_data.thedata' => MULTI_SELECT_OVERRIDE,
# We check all attachment fields against this.
'attach_data.thedata' => MULTI_SELECT_OVERRIDE,
bug_file_loc => { _non_changed => \&_nullable },
classification => {
_non_changed => \&_classification_nonchanged,
......@@ -318,10 +320,8 @@ use constant OPERATOR_FIELD_OVERRIDE => {
# Custom multi-select fields
_multi_select => MULTI_SELECT_OVERRIDE,
# Timetracking Fields
deadline => { _non_changed => \&_deadline },
percentage_complete => {
_non_changed => \&_percentage_complete,
......@@ -332,6 +332,13 @@ use constant OPERATOR_FIELD_OVERRIDE => {
_default => \&_work_time,
# Custom Fields
FIELD_TYPE_FREETEXT, { _non_changed => \&_nullable },
FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID, { _non_changed => \&_nullable_int },
FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME, { _non_changed => \&_nullable_datetime },
FIELD_TYPE_TEXTAREA, { _non_changed => \&_nullable },
# These are fields where special action is taken depending on the
......@@ -1669,16 +1676,15 @@ sub do_search_function {
my $operator_field_override = $self->_get_operator_field_override();
my $override = $operator_field_override->{$actual_field};
if (!$override) {
# Multi-select fields get special handling.
if ($self->_multi_select_fields->{$actual_field}) {
$override = $operator_field_override->{_multi_select};
# And so do attachment fields, if they don't have a specific
# Attachment fields get special handling, if they don't have a specific
# individual override.
elsif ($actual_field =~ /^attachments\./) {
if (!$override and $actual_field =~ /^attachments\./) {
$override = $operator_field_override->{attachments};
# If there's still no override, check for an override on the field's type.
if (!$override) {
my $field_obj = $self->_chart_fields->{$actual_field};
$override = $operator_field_override->{$field_obj->type};
if ($override) {
......@@ -2444,10 +2450,32 @@ sub _classification_nonchanged {
"", "classifications", $term);
sub _alias_nonchanged {
sub _nullable {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
$args->{full_field} = "COALESCE(bugs.alias, '')";
my $field = $args->{full_field};
$args->{full_field} = "COALESCE($field, '')";
sub _nullable_int {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $field = $args->{full_field};
$args->{full_field} = "COALESCE($field, 0)";
sub _nullable_datetime {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $field = $args->{full_field};
my $empty = Bugzilla->dbh->quote(EMPTY_DATETIME);
$args->{full_field} = "COALESCE($field, $empty)";
sub _deadline {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $field = $args->{full_field};
# This makes "equals" searches work on all DBs (even on MySQL, which
# has a bug:
$args->{full_field} = Bugzilla->dbh->sql_date_format($field, '%Y-%m-%d');
sub _owner_idle_time_greater_less {
......@@ -190,27 +190,6 @@ use constant SUBSTR_NO_FIELD_ADD => FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME, qw(
# See the KNOWN_BROKEN constant for a general description of these
# "_BROKEN" constants.
# Certain fields fail all the "negative" search tests:
# bug_file_loc can be NULL, so it gets missed by the normal
# notequals search.
# deadline notequals does not find bugs that lack deadlines
# setters notequal doesn't find bugs that fully lack flags.
# (maybe this is OK?)
# requestees.login_name doesn't find bugs that fully lack requestees.
use constant NEGATIVE_BROKEN => (
bug_file_loc => { contains => [5] },
deadline => { contains => [5] },
# Custom fields are busted because they can be NULL.
FIELD_TYPE_FREETEXT, { contains => [5] },
FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID, { contains => [5] },
FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME, { contains => [5] },
FIELD_TYPE_TEXTAREA, { contains => [5] },
# Shared between greaterthan and greaterthaneq.
# As with other fields, longdescs greaterthan matches if any comment
......@@ -227,9 +206,8 @@ use constant GREATERTHAN_BROKEN => (
# allwords and allwordssubstr have these broken tests in common.
# allwordssubstr on longdescs fields matches against a single comment,
# instead of matching against all comments on a bug. Same is true
# for cc.
# allwordssubstr on cc fields matches against a single cc,
# instead of matching against all ccs on a bug.
use constant ALLWORDS_BROKEN => (
cc => { contains => [1] },
......@@ -238,7 +216,6 @@ use constant ALLWORDS_BROKEN => (
# doesn't match bugs without flags.
use constant NOWORDS_BROKEN => (
'' => { contains => [5] },
......@@ -290,9 +267,6 @@ use constant KNOWN_BROKEN => {
"equals-%group.<1-bug_group>%" => {
commenter => { contains => [1,2,3,4,5] },
notequals => { NEGATIVE_BROKEN },
notsubstring => { NEGATIVE_BROKEN },
notregexp => { NEGATIVE_BROKEN },
greaterthan => { GREATERTHAN_BROKEN },
greaterthaneq => { GREATERTHAN_BROKEN },
......@@ -386,13 +360,7 @@ use constant KNOWN_BROKEN => {
# These are fields that are broken in the same way for pretty much every
# NOT test that is broken.
use constant COMMON_BROKEN_NOT => (
"bug_file_loc" => { contains => [5] },
"deadline" => { contains => [5] },
"" => { contains => [5] },
FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID, { contains => [5] },
FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME, { contains => [5] },
FIELD_TYPE_FREETEXT, { contains => [5] },
FIELD_TYPE_TEXTAREA, { contains => [5] },
# Common BROKEN_NOT values for the changed* fields.
......@@ -569,6 +537,8 @@ use constant LESSTHAN_OVERRIDE => (
qa_contact => { contains => [1,5] },
resolution => { contains => [1,5] },
status_whiteboard => { contains => [1,5] },
FIELD_TYPE_TEXTAREA, { contains => [1,5] },
FIELD_TYPE_FREETEXT, { contains => [1,5] },
# The mandatorily-set fields have values higher than <1>,
......@@ -754,7 +724,7 @@ use constant TESTS => {
override => {
# A lot of these contain bug 5 because an empty value is validly
# less than the specified value.
bug_file_loc => { value => 'http://2-' },
bug_file_loc => { value => 'http://2-', contains => [1,5] },
see_also => { value => 'http://2-' },
'attachments.mimetype' => { value => 'text/x-2-' },
blocked => { value => '<4-id>', contains => [1,2] },
......@@ -770,13 +740,13 @@ use constant TESTS => {
everconfirmed => { value => 1, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
creation_ts => { value => '2037-01-02', contains => [1,5] },
delta_ts => { value => '2037-01-02', contains => [1,5] },
deadline => { value => '2037-02-02' },
deadline => { value => '2037-02-02', contains => [1,5] },
remaining_time => { value => 10, contains => [1,5] },
percentage_complete => { value => 11, contains => [1,5] },
longdesc => { value => '2-', contains => [1,5] },
work_time => { value => 1, contains => [5] },
FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID, { value => '<2>' },
FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME, { value => '2037-03-02' },
FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID, { value => '<2>', contains => [1,5] },
FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME, { value => '2037-03-02', contains => [1,5] },
......@@ -792,7 +762,9 @@ use constant TESTS => {
'longdescs.count' => { value => 2, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
'longdescs.isprivate' => { value => -1, contains => [] },
everconfirmed => { value => 0, contains => [2,3,4,5] },
bug_file_loc => { contains => [1,5] },
blocked => { contains => [1,2] },
deadline => { contains => [1,5] },
dependson => { contains => [1,3] },
creation_ts => { contains => [1,5] },
delta_ts => { contains => [1,5] },
......@@ -800,6 +772,8 @@ use constant TESTS => {
longdesc => { contains => [1,5] },
percentage_complete => { contains => [1,5] },
work_time => { value => 1, contains => [1,5] },
FIELD_TYPE_BUG_ID, { contains => [1,5] },
FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME, { contains => [1,5] },
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