Commit 9bb5d80b authored by's avatar

Bug 345405: showdependencygraph.cgi: Dependency Graphs are broken on mod_perl

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> r=LpSolit, a=myk
parent 28468d54
......@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ sub bz_locations {
# change showdependencygraph.cgi to set image_url to the correct
# location.
# The script should really generate these graphs directly...
'webdotdir' => "$datadir/webdot",
'webdotdir' => "$libpath/$datadir/webdot",
'extensionsdir' => "$libpath/extensions",
......@@ -248,6 +248,11 @@ if ($webdotbase =~ /^https?:/) {
# On Windows $pngfilename will contain \ instead of /
$pngfilename =~ s|\\|/|g if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
# Under mod_perl, pngfilename will have an absolute path, and we
# need to make that into a relative path.
my $cgi_root = bz_locations()->{cgi_path};
$pngfilename =~ s/^\Q$cgi_root\E//;
$vars->{'image_url'} = $pngfilename;
# Then, generate a imagemap datafile that contains the corner data
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