Commit 9f1e3658 authored by Byron Jones's avatar Byron Jones

Bug 1088086: Possible duplicate search doesn't return any results if you input "a->b" (for any a/b)

parent 16009fb3
......@@ -184,15 +184,19 @@ sub sql_fulltext_search {
if ($text =~ /(?:^|\W)[+\-<>~"()]/ || $text =~ /[()"*](?:$|\W)/) {
$mode = 'IN BOOLEAN MODE';
my @terms = split(quotemeta(FULLTEXT_OR), $text);
foreach my $term (@terms) {
# quote un-quoted compound words
my @words = quotewords('[\s()]+', 'delimiters', $text);
my @words = quotewords('[\s()]+', 'delimiters', $term);
foreach my $word (@words) {
# match words that have non-word chars in the middle of them
if ($word =~ /\w\W+\w/ && $word !~ m/"/) {
$word = '"' . $word . '"';
$text = join('', @words);
$term = join('', @words);
$text = join(FULLTEXT_OR, @terms);
# quote the text for use in the MATCH AGAINST expression
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