Commit a11f4823 authored by Byron Jones's avatar Byron Jones

Bug 237498: Add memcached integration

r=dkl, a=sgreen
parent eda2c8f8
......@@ -19,23 +19,24 @@ BEGIN {
use Bugzilla::Config;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Auth;
use Bugzilla::Auth::Persist::Cookie;
use Bugzilla::CGI;
use Bugzilla::Extension;
use Bugzilla::Config;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::DB;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Extension;
use Bugzilla::Field;
use Bugzilla::Flag;
use Bugzilla::Install::Localconfig qw(read_localconfig);
use Bugzilla::Install::Requirements qw(OPTIONAL_MODULES);
use Bugzilla::Install::Util qw(init_console include_languages);
use Bugzilla::Memcached;
use Bugzilla::Template;
use Bugzilla::Token;
use Bugzilla::User;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Bugzilla::Field;
use Bugzilla::Flag;
use Bugzilla::Token;
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec::Functions;
......@@ -641,6 +642,12 @@ sub process_cache {
return $_process_cache;
# This is a memcached wrapper, which provides cross-process and cross-system
# caching.
sub memcached {
return $_[0]->process_cache->{memcached} ||= Bugzilla::Memcached->_new();
# Private methods
# Per-process cleanup. Note that this is a plain subroutine, not a method,
......@@ -949,17 +956,89 @@ this Bugzilla installation.
Tells you whether or not a specific feature is enabled. For names
of features, see C<OPTIONAL_MODULES> in C<Bugzilla::Install::Requirements>.
=head1 B<CACHING>
Bugzilla has several different caches available which provide different
capabilities and lifetimes.
The keys of all caches are unregulated; use of prefixes is suggested to avoid
=item B<Request Cache>
The request cache is a hashref which supports caching any perl variable for the
duration of the current request. At the end of the current request the contents
of this cache are cleared.
Examples of its use include caching objects to avoid re-fetching the same data
from the database, and passing data between otherwise unconnected parts of
=item C<request_cache>
Returns a hashref which can be checked and modified to store any perl variable
for the duration of the current request.
=item C<clear_request_cache>
Removes all entries from the C<request_cache>.
=head1 B<Methods in need of POD>
=item B<Process Cache>
The process cache is a hashref which support caching of any perl variable. If
Bugzilla is configured to run using Apache mod_perl, the contents of this cache
are persisted across requests for the lifetime of the Apache worker process
(which varies depending on the SizeLimit configuration in
If Bugzilla isn't running under mod_perl, the process cache's contents are
cleared at the end of the request.
The process cache is only suitable for items which never change while Bugzilla
is running (for example the path where Bugzilla is installed).
=item process_cache
=item C<process_cache>
Returns a hashref which can be checked and modified to store any perl variable
for the duration of the current process (mod_perl) or request (mod_cgi).
=item B<Memcached>
If Memcached is installed and configured, Bugzilla can use it to cache data
across requests and between webheads. Unlike the request and process caches,
only scalars, hashrefs, and arrayrefs can be stored in Memcached.
Memcached integration is only required for large installations of Bugzilla -- if
you have multiple webheads then configuring Memcached is recommended.
=item C<memcached>
Returns a C<Bugzilla::Memcached> object. An object is always returned even if
Memcached is not available.
See the documentation for the C<Bugzilla::Memcached> module for more
=head1 B<Methods in need of POD>
=item init_page
......@@ -971,8 +1050,6 @@ Removes all entries from the C<request_cache>.
=item active_custom_fields
=item request_cache
=item has_flags
......@@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ sub initialize {
sub cache_key {
sub object_cache_key {
my $class = shift;
my $key = $class->SUPER::cache_key(@_)
my $key = $class->SUPER::object_cache_key(@_)
|| return;
return $key . ',' . Bugzilla->user->id;
......@@ -4422,7 +4422,7 @@ Ensures the accessors for custom fields are always created.
=item set_op_sys
=item cache_key
=item object_cache_key
=item bug_group
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
package Bugzilla::Config::Memcached;
use 5.10.1;
use strict;
use Bugzilla::Config::Common;
our $sortkey = 1550;
sub get_param_list {
return (
name => 'memcached_servers',
type => 't',
default => ''
name => 'memcached_namespace',
type => 't',
default => 'bugzilla:',
......@@ -1362,14 +1362,19 @@ sub _bz_real_schema {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{private_real_schema} if exists $self->{private_real_schema};
my ($data, $version) = $self->selectrow_array(
"SELECT schema_data, version FROM bz_schema");
my $bz_schema;
unless ($bz_schema = Bugzilla->memcached->get({ key => 'bz_schema' })) {
$bz_schema = $self->selectrow_arrayref(
"SELECT schema_data, version FROM bz_schema"
Bugzilla->memcached->set({ key => 'bz_schema', value => $bz_schema });
(die "_bz_real_schema tried to read the bz_schema table but it's empty!")
if !$data;
if !$bz_schema;
$self->{private_real_schema} =
$self->_bz_schema->deserialize_abstract($data, $version);
$self->{private_real_schema} =
$self->_bz_schema->deserialize_abstract($bz_schema->[0], $bz_schema->[1]);
return $self->{private_real_schema};
......@@ -1411,6 +1416,8 @@ sub _bz_store_real_schema {
$sth->bind_param(1, $store_me, $self->BLOB_TYPE);
$sth->bind_param(2, $schema_version);
Bugzilla->memcached->clear({ key => 'bz_schema' });
# For bz_populate_enum_tables
......@@ -394,6 +394,14 @@ sub OPTIONAL_MODULES {
version => '0',
feature => ['typesniffer'],
# memcached
package => 'Cache-Memcached',
module => 'Cache::Memcached',
version => '0',
feature => ['memcached'],
my $extra_modules = _get_extension_requirements('OPTIONAL_MODULES');
......@@ -417,6 +425,7 @@ use constant FEATURE_FILES => (
'Bugzilla/JobQueue/*', ''],
patch_viewer => ['Bugzilla/Attachment/'],
updates => ['Bugzilla/'],
memcached => ['Bugzilla/'],
# This implements the REQUIRED_MODULES and OPTIONAL_MODULES stuff
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
package Bugzilla::Memcached;
use 5.10.1;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Util qw(trick_taint);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
sub _new {
my $invocant = shift;
my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
my $self = {};
# always return an object to simplify calling code when memcached is
# disabled.
if (Bugzilla->feature('memcached')
&& Bugzilla->params->{memcached_servers})
require Cache::Memcached;
$self->{memcached} =
servers => [ split(/[, ]+/, Bugzilla->params->{memcached_servers}) ],
namespace => Bugzilla->params->{memcached_namespace} || '',
return bless($self, $class);
sub set {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
return unless $self->{memcached};
# { key => $key, value => $value }
if (exists $args->{key}) {
$self->_set($args->{key}, $args->{value});
# { table => $table, id => $id, name => $name, data => $data }
elsif (exists $args->{table} && exists $args->{id} && exists $args->{name}) {
# For caching of Bugzilla::Object, we have to be able to clear the
# cached values when given either the object's id or name.
my ($table, $id, $name, $data) = @$args{qw(table id name data)};
$self->_set("$$id", $data);
if (defined $name) {
$self->_set("$table.name_id.$name", $id);
$self->_set("$table.id_name.$id", $name);
else {
ThrowCodeError('params_required', { function => "Bugzilla::Memcached::set",
params => [ 'key', 'table' ] });
sub get {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
return unless $self->{memcached};
# { key => $key }
if (exists $args->{key}) {
return $self->_get($args->{key});
# { table => $table, id => $id }
elsif (exists $args->{table} && exists $args->{id}) {
my ($table, $id) = @$args{qw(table id)};
return $self->_get("$$id");
# { table => $table, name => $name }
elsif (exists $args->{table} && exists $args->{name}) {
my ($table, $name) = @$args{qw(table name)};
return unless my $id = $self->_get("$table.name_id.$name");
return $self->_get("$$id");
else {
ThrowCodeError('params_required', { function => "Bugzilla::Memcached::get",
params => [ 'key', 'table' ] });
sub clear {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
return unless $self->{memcached};
# { key => $key }
if (exists $args->{key}) {
# { table => $table, id => $id }
elsif (exists $args->{table} && exists $args->{id}) {
my ($table, $id) = @$args{qw(table id)};
my $name = $self->_get("$table.id_name.$id");
$self->_delete("$table.name_id.$name") if defined $name;
# { table => $table, name => $name }
elsif (exists $args->{table} && exists $args->{name}) {
my ($table, $name) = @$args{qw(table name)};
return unless my $id = $self->_get("$table.name_id.$name");
else {
ThrowCodeError('params_required', { function => "Bugzilla::Memcached::clear",
params => [ 'key', 'table' ] });
sub clear_all {
my ($self) = @_;
return unless my $memcached = $self->{memcached};
if (!$memcached->incr("prefix", 1)) {
$memcached->add("prefix", time());
# in order to clear all our keys, we add a prefix to all our keys. when we
# need to "clear" all current keys, we increment the prefix.
sub _prefix {
my ($self) = @_;
# we don't want to change prefixes in the middle of a request
my $request_cache = Bugzilla->request_cache;
if (!$request_cache->{memcached_prefix}) {
my $memcached = $self->{memcached};
my $prefix = $memcached->get("prefix");
if (!$prefix) {
$prefix = time();
if (!$memcached->add("prefix", $prefix)) {
# if this failed, either another process set the prefix, or
# memcached is down. assume we lost the race, and get the new
# value. if that fails, memcached is down so use a dummy
# prefix for this request.
$prefix = $memcached->get("prefix") || 0;
$request_cache->{memcached_prefix} = $prefix;
return $request_cache->{memcached_prefix};
sub _set {
my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
if (blessed($value)) {
# we don't support blessed objects
ThrowCodeError('param_invalid', { function => "Bugzilla::Memcached::set",
param => "value" });
return $self->{memcached}->set($self->_prefix . ':' . $key, $value);
sub _get {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
my $value = $self->{memcached}->get($self->_prefix . ':' . $key);
return unless defined $value;
# detaint returned values
# hashes and arrays are detainted just one level deep
if (ref($value) eq 'HASH') {
map { defined($_) && trick_taint($_) } values %$value;
elsif (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') {
trick_taint($_) foreach @$value;
elsif (!ref($value)) {
return $value;
sub _delete {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
return $self->{memcached}->delete($self->_prefix . ':' . $key);
=head1 NAME
Bugzilla::Memcached - Interface between Bugzilla and Memcached.
use Bugzilla;
my $memcached = Bugzilla->memcached;
# grab data from the cache. there is no need to check if memcached is
# available or enabled.
my $data = $memcached->get({ key => 'data_key' });
if (!defined $data) {
# not in cache, generate the data and populate the cache for next time
$data = some_long_process();
$memcached->set({ key => 'data_key', value => $data });
# do something with $data
# updating the profiles table directly shouldn't be attempted unless you know
# what you're doing. if you do update a table directly, you need to clear that
# object from memcached.
$dbh->do("UPDATE profiles SET request_count=10 WHERE login_name=?", undef, $login);
$memcached->clear({ table => 'profiles', name => $login });
If Memcached is installed and configured, Bugzilla can use it to cache data
across requests and between webheads. Unlike the request and process caches,
only scalars, hashrefs, and arrayrefs can be stored in Memcached.
Memcached integration is only required for large installations of Bugzilla --
if you have multiple webheads then configuring Memcache is recommended.
L<Bugzilla::Memcached> provides an interface to a Memcached server/servers, with
the ability to get, set, or clear entries from the cache.
The stored value must be an unblessed hashref, unblessed array ref, or a
scalar. Currently nested data structures are supported but require manual
de-tainting after reading from Memcached (flat data structures are automatically
All values are stored in the Memcached systems using the prefix configured with
the C<memcached_namespace> parameter, as well as an additional prefix managed
by this class to allow all values to be cleared when C<> is
Do not create an instance of this object directly, instead use
=head1 METHODS
=head2 Setting
Adds a value to Memcached.
=item C<set({ key =E<gt> $key, value =E<gt> $value })>
Adds the C<value> using the specific C<key>.
=item C<set({ table =E<gt> $table, id =E<gt> $id, name =E<gt> $name, data =E<gt> $data })>
Adds the C<data> using a keys generated from the C<table>, C<id>, and C<name>.
All three parameters must be provided, however C<name> can be provided but set
to C<undef>.
This is a convenience method which allows cached data to be later retrieved by
specifying the C<table> and either the C<id> or C<name>.
=head2 Getting
Retrieves a value from Memcached. Returns C<undef> if no matching values were
found in the cache.
=item C<get({ key =E<gt> $key })>
Return C<value> with the specified C<key>.
=item C<get({ table =E<gt> $table, id =E<gt> $id })>
Return C<value> with the specified C<table> and C<id>.
=item C<get({ table =E<gt> $table, name =E<gt> $name })>
Return C<value> with the specified C<table> and C<name>.
=head2 Clearing
Removes the matching value from Memcached.
=item C<clear({ key =E<gt> $key })>
Removes C<value> with the specified C<key>.
=item C<clear({ table =E<gt> $table, id =E<gt> $id })>
Removes C<value> with the specified C<table> and C<id>, as well as the
corresponding C<table> and C<name> entry.
=item C<clear({ table =E<gt> $table, name =E<gt> $name })>
Removes C<value> with the specified C<table> and C<name>, as well as the
corresponding C<table> and C<id> entry.
=item C<clear_all>
Removes all values from the cache.
=head1 Bugzilla::Object CACHE
The main driver for Memcached integration is to allow L<Bugzilla::Object> based
objects to be automatically cached in Memcache. This is enabled on a
per-package basis by setting the C<USE_MEMCACHED> constant to any true value.
The current implementation is an opt-in (USE_MEMCACHED is false by default),
however this will change to opt-out once further testing has been completed
(USE_MEMCACHED will be true by default).
If an object is cached and the database is updated directly (instead of via
C<$object-E<gt>update()>), then it's possible for the data in the cache to be
out of sync with the database.
As an example let's consider an extension which adds a timestamp field
C<last_activitiy_ts> to the profiles table and user object which contains the
user's last activity. If the extension were to call C<$user-E<gt>update()>,
then an audit entry would be created for each change to the C<last_activity_ts>
field, which is undesirable.
To remedy this, the extension updates the table directly. It's critical with
Memcached that it then clears the cache:
$dbh->do("UPDATE profiles SET last_activity_ts=? WHERE userid=?",
undef, $timestamp, $user_id);
Bugzilla->memcached->clear({ table => 'profiles', id => $user_id });
......@@ -34,6 +34,11 @@ use constant AUDIT_CREATES => 1;
use constant AUDIT_UPDATES => 1;
use constant AUDIT_REMOVES => 1;
# When USE_MEMCACHED is true, the class is suitable for serialisation to
# Memcached. This will be flipped to true by default once the majority of
# Bugzilla Object have been tested with Memcached.
use constant USE_MEMCACHED => 0;
# This allows the JSON-RPC interface to return Bugzilla::Object instances
# as though they were hashes. In the future, this may be modified to return
# less information.
......@@ -48,11 +53,41 @@ sub new {
my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
my $param = shift;
my $object = $class->_cache_get($param);
my $object = $class->_object_cache_get($param);
return $object if $object;
$object = $class->new_from_hash($class->_load_from_db($param));
$class->_cache_set($param, $object);
my ($data, $set_memcached);
if (Bugzilla->feature('memcached')
&& $class->USE_MEMCACHED
&& ref($param) eq 'HASH' && $param->{cache})
if (defined $param->{id}) {
$data = Bugzilla->memcached->get({
table => $class->DB_TABLE,
id => $param->{id},
elsif (defined $param->{name}) {
$data = Bugzilla->memcached->get({
table => $class->DB_TABLE,
name => $param->{name},
$set_memcached = $data ? 0 : 1;
$data ||= $class->_load_from_db($param);
if ($data && $set_memcached) {
table => $class->DB_TABLE,
id => $data->{$class->ID_FIELD},
name => $data->{$class->NAME_FIELD},
data => $data,
$object = $class->new_from_hash($data);
$class->_object_cache_set($param, $object);
return $object;
......@@ -157,32 +192,32 @@ sub initialize {
# Provides a mechanism for objects to be cached in the request_cache
sub _cache_get {
sub _object_cache_get {
my $class = shift;
my ($param) = @_;
my $cache_key = $class->cache_key($param)
my $cache_key = $class->object_cache_key($param)
|| return;
return Bugzilla->request_cache->{$cache_key};
sub _cache_set {
sub _object_cache_set {
my $class = shift;
my ($param, $object) = @_;
my $cache_key = $class->cache_key($param)
my $cache_key = $class->object_cache_key($param)
|| return;
Bugzilla->request_cache->{$cache_key} = $object;
sub _cache_remove {
sub _object_cache_remove {
my $class = shift;
my ($param) = @_;
$param->{cache} = 1;
my $cache_key = $class->cache_key($param)
my $cache_key = $class->object_cache_key($param)
|| return;
delete Bugzilla->request_cache->{$cache_key};
sub cache_key {
sub object_cache_key {
my $class = shift;
my ($param) = @_;
if (ref($param) && $param->{cache} && ($param->{id} || $param->{name})) {
......@@ -461,8 +496,9 @@ sub update {
$self->audit_log(\%changes) if $self->AUDIT_UPDATES;
$self->_cache_remove({ id => $self->id });
$self->_cache_remove({ name => $self->name }) if $self->name;
Bugzilla->memcached->clear({ table => $table, id => $self->id });
$self->_object_cache_remove({ id => $self->id });
$self->_object_cache_remove({ name => $self->name }) if $self->name;
if (wantarray) {
return (\%changes, $old_self);
......@@ -481,8 +517,9 @@ sub remove_from_db {
$self->audit_log(AUDIT_REMOVE) if $self->AUDIT_REMOVES;
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM $table WHERE $id_field = ?", undef, $self->id);
$self->_cache_remove({ id => $self->id });
$self->_cache_remove({ name => $self->name }) if $self->name;
Bugzilla->memcached->clear({ table => $table, id => $self->id });
$self->_object_cache_remove({ id => $self->id });
$self->_object_cache_remove({ name => $self->name }) if $self->name;
undef $self;
......@@ -1399,7 +1436,7 @@ C<0> otherwise.
=item cache_key
=item object_cache_key
=item check_time
......@@ -206,6 +206,9 @@ Bugzilla::Hook::process('install_before_final_checks', { silent => $silent });
# Final checks
# Clear all keys from Memcached
# Check if the default parameter for urlbase is still set, and if so, give
# notification that they should go and visit editparams.cgi
if (Bugzilla->params->{'urlbase'} eq '') {
[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
title = "Memcached"
desc = "Set up Memcached integration"
[% param_descs = {
memcached_servers =>
"If this option is set, $terms.Bugzilla will integrate with Memcached. " _
"Specify one of more server, separated by spaces, using hostname:port " _
"notation (for example:",
memcached_namespace =>
"Specify a string to prefix to each key on Memcached.",
......@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ END
feature_jsonrpc_faster => 'Make JSON-RPC Faster',
feature_new_charts => 'New Charts',
feature_old_charts => 'Old Charts',
feature_memcached => 'Memcached Support',
feature_mod_perl => 'mod_perl',
feature_moving => 'Move Bugs Between Installations',
feature_patch_viewer => 'Patch Viewer',
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