Commit a4b66874 authored by's avatar

Bug 408032: [Oracle] Make work with Oracle

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> (module owner) a=mkanat
parent 5c779ad5
......@@ -504,6 +504,19 @@ sub bz_setup_foreign_keys {
# This is used by contrib/, mostly.
sub bz_drop_foreign_keys {
my ($self) = @_;
my @tables = $self->_bz_real_schema->get_table_list();
foreach my $table (@tables) {
my @columns = $self->_bz_real_schema->get_table_columns($table);
foreach my $column (@columns) {
$self->bz_drop_fk($table, $column);
# Schema Modification Methods
......@@ -749,6 +762,24 @@ sub bz_drop_column {
sub bz_drop_fk {
my ($self, $table, $column) = @_;
my $col_def = $self->bz_column_info($table, $column);
if ($col_def && exists $col_def->{REFERENCES}) {
my $def = $col_def->{REFERENCES};
print get_text('install_fk_drop',
{ table => $table, column => $column, fk => $def })
. "\n" if Bugzilla->usage_mode == USAGE_MODE_CMDLINE;
my @sql = $self->_bz_real_schema->get_drop_fk_sql($table,$column,$def);
$self->do($_) foreach @sql;
delete $col_def->{REFERENCES};
$self->_bz_real_schema->set_column($table, $column, $col_def);
sub bz_drop_index {
my ($self, $table, $name) = @_;
......@@ -406,7 +406,30 @@ sub quote_identifier {
return $id;
# Protected "Real Database" Schema Information Methods
sub bz_table_columns_real {
my ($self, $table) = @_;
$table = uc($table);
my @cols = $self->SUPER::bz_table_columns_real($table);
return map { lc($_) } @cols;
sub bz_table_list_real {
my ($self) = @_;
# Oracle only accepts the username in uppercase.
my $db_user = uc(Bugzilla->localconfig->{db_user});
my $table_sth = $self->table_info(undef, $db_user, undef, "TABLE");
my @tables = @{$self->selectcol_arrayref($table_sth, { Columns => [3] })};
# Oracle returns uppercase table names, but Bugzilla expects lowercase
# names.
@tables = map { lc($_) } @tables;
# Oracle has certain tables that start with DR$_IDX.
@tables = grep { $_ !~ /^dr\$/ } @tables;
return @tables;
# Custom Database Setup
......@@ -1533,9 +1533,9 @@ sub get_add_fk_sql {
return ("ALTER TABLE $table ADD $fk_string");
sub _get_drop_fk_sql {
my ($self, $table, $column, $old_def) = @_;
my $fk_name = $self->_get_fk_name($table, $column, $old_def->{REFERENCES});
sub get_drop_fk_sql {
my ($self, $table, $column, $references) = @_;
my $fk_name = $self->_get_fk_name($table, $column, $references);
return ("ALTER TABLE $table DROP CONSTRAINT $fk_name");
......@@ -193,9 +193,9 @@ sub get_alter_column_ddl {
return @statements;
sub _get_drop_fk_sql {
my ($self, $table, $column, $old_def) = @_;
my $fk_name = $self->_get_fk_name($table, $column, $old_def->{REFERENCES});
sub get_drop_fk_sql {
my ($self, $table, $column, $references) = @_;
my $fk_name = $self->_get_fk_name($table, $column, $references);
my @sql = ("ALTER TABLE $table DROP FOREIGN KEY $fk_name");
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ sub get_table_ddl {
# Create sequences and triggers to emulate SERIAL datatypes.
if ( $field_info->{TYPE} =~ /SERIAL/i ) {
push (@ddl, _get_create_seq_ddl($table, $field_name));
push (@ddl, $self->_get_create_seq_ddl($table, $field_name));
return @ddl;
......@@ -140,17 +140,17 @@ sub get_fk_ddl {
$fk_string = $fk_string . " ON DELETE $delete" if $delete;
if ( $update =~ /CASCADE/i ){
my $tr_str = "CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER ". $table . "_uc"
my $tr_str = "CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER ${fk_name}_UC"
. " AFTER UPDATE ON ". $table
. " NEW AS NEW "
. " OLD AS OLD "
. " BEGIN "
. " UPDATE ". $to_table
. " SET ". $to_column . " = :NEW.". $column
. " WHERE ". $to_column . " = :OLD.". $column . ";"
. " END ". $table . "_uc;";
. " UPDATE $to_table"
. " SET $to_column = :NEW.$column"
. " WHERE $to_column = :OLD.$column;"
. " END ${fk_name}_UC;";
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
......@@ -158,6 +158,18 @@ sub get_fk_ddl {
return $fk_string;
sub get_drop_fk_sql {
my $self = shift;
my ($table, $column, $references) = @_;
my $fk_name = $self->_get_fk_name(@_);
my @sql;
if (!$references->{UPDATE} || $references->{UPDATE} =~ /CASCADE/i) {
push(@sql, "DROP TRIGGER ${fk_name}_uc");
push(@sql, $self->SUPER::get_drop_fk_sql(@_));
return @sql;
sub _get_fk_name {
my ($self, $table, $column, $references) = @_;
my $to_table = $references->{TABLE};
......@@ -185,12 +197,13 @@ sub _get_notnull_trigger_ddl {
sub _get_create_seq_ddl {
my ($table, $column) = @_;
my ($self, $table, $column, $start_with) = @_;
$start_with ||= 1;
my @ddl;
my $seq_name = "${table}_${column}_SEQ";
my $seq_sql = "CREATE SEQUENCE $seq_name "
. " START WITH 1 "
. " START WITH $start_with "
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ sub indicate_progress {
my $every = $params->{every} || 1;
print "." if !($current % $every);
if ($current % ($every * 60) == 0) {
if ($current == $total || $current % ($every * 60) == 0) {
print "$current/$total (" . int($current * 100 / $total) . "%)\n";
......@@ -21,7 +21,9 @@
use strict;
use lib qw(. lib);
use Bugzilla;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::DB;
use Bugzilla::Install::Util qw(indicate_progress);
use Bugzilla::Util;
......@@ -33,25 +35,29 @@ use constant SOURCE_DB_TYPE => 'Mysql';
use constant SOURCE_DB_NAME => 'bugs';
use constant SOURCE_DB_USER => 'bugs';
use constant SOURCE_DB_PASSWORD => '';
use constant SOURCE_DB_HOST => 'localhost';
# Settings for the 'Target' DB that you are copying to.
use constant TARGET_DB_TYPE => 'Pg';
use constant TARGET_DB_NAME => 'bugs';
use constant TARGET_DB_USER => 'bugs';
use constant TARGET_DB_PASSWORD => '';
use constant TARGET_DB_HOST => 'localhost';
print "Connecting to the '" . SOURCE_DB_NAME . "' source database on "
. SOURCE_DB_TYPE . "...\n";
my $source_db = Bugzilla::DB::_connect(SOURCE_DB_TYPE, 'localhost',
my $source_db = Bugzilla::DB::_connect(SOURCE_DB_TYPE, SOURCE_DB_HOST,
print "Connecting to the '" . TARGET_DB_NAME . "' target database on "
. TARGET_DB_TYPE . "...\n";
my $target_db = Bugzilla::DB::_connect(TARGET_DB_TYPE, 'localhost',
my $target_db = Bugzilla::DB::_connect(TARGET_DB_TYPE, TARGET_DB_HOST,
my $ident_char = $target_db->get_info( 29 ); # SQL_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR
......@@ -65,11 +71,12 @@ my @table_list = $target_db->bz_table_list_real();
my $bz_schema_location = lsearch(\@table_list, 'bz_schema');
splice(@table_list, $bz_schema_location, 1) if $bz_schema_location > 0;
# We turn off autocommit on the target DB, because we're doing so
# much copying.
$target_db->{AutoCommit} = 0;
$target_db->{AutoCommit} == 0
|| warn "Failed to disable autocommit on " . TARGET_DB_TYPE;
# Instead of figuring out some fancy algorithm to insert data in the right
# order and not break FK integrity, we just drop them all.
# We start a transaction on the target DB, which helps when we're doing
# so many inserts.
foreach my $table (@table_list) {
my @serial_cols;
print "Reading data from the source '$table' table on "
......@@ -95,8 +102,24 @@ foreach my $table (@table_list) {
. TARGET_DB_TYPE . "...\n";
$target_db->do("DELETE FROM $table");
# Oracle doesn't like us manually inserting into tables that have
# auto-increment PKs set, because of the way we made auto-increment
# fields work.
if ($target_db->isa('Bugzilla::DB::Oracle')) {
foreach my $column (@table_columns) {
my $col_info = $source_db->bz_column_info($table, $column);
if ($col_info && $col_info->{TYPE} =~ /SERIAL/i) {
print "Dropping the sequence + trigger on $table.$column...\n";
$target_db->do("DROP TRIGGER ${table}_${column}_TR");
$target_db->do("DROP SEQUENCE ${table}_${column}_SEQ");
print "Writing data to the target '$table' table on "
. TARGET_DB_TYPE . "...";
. TARGET_DB_TYPE . "...\n";
my $count = 0;
my $total = scalar @$data_in;
foreach my $row (@$data_in) {
# Each column needs to be bound separately, because
# many columns need to be dealt with specially.
......@@ -144,24 +167,39 @@ foreach my $table (@table_list) {
indicate_progress({ current => $count, total => $total, every => 100 });
# PostgreSQL doesn't like it when you insert values into
# a serial field; it doesn't increment the counter
# automatically.
if ($target_db->isa('Bugzilla::DB::Pg')) {
# For some DBs, we have to do clever things with auto-increment fields.
foreach my $column (@table_columns) {
next if $target_db->isa('Bugzilla::DB::Mysql');
my $col_info = $source_db->bz_column_info($table, $column);
if ($col_info && $col_info->{TYPE} =~ /SERIAL/i) {
# Set the sequence to the current max value + 1.
my ($max_val) = $target_db->selectrow_array(
"SELECT MAX($column) FROM $table");
# Set the sequence to the current max value + 1.
$max_val = 0 if !defined $max_val;
print "\nSetting the next value for $table.$column to $max_val.";
if ($target_db->isa('Bugzilla::DB::Pg')) {
# PostgreSQL doesn't like it when you insert values into
# a serial field; it doesn't increment the counter
# automatically.
$target_db->do("SELECT pg_catalog.setval
('${table}_${column}_seq', $max_val, false)");
elsif ($target_db->isa('Bugzilla::DB::Oracle')) {
# Oracle increments the counter on every insert, and *always*
# sets the field, even if you gave it a value. So if there
# were already rows in the target DB (like the default rows
# created by checksetup), you'll get crazy values in your
# id columns. So we just dropped the sequences above and
# we re-create them here, starting with the right number.
my @sql = $target_db->_bz_real_schema->_get_create_seq_ddl(
$table, $column, $max_val);
$target_db->do($_) foreach @sql;
......@@ -169,9 +207,10 @@ foreach my $table (@table_list) {
print "Committing changes to the target database...\n";
print "All done! Make sure to run checksetup on the new DB.\n";
print "All done! Make sure to run on the new DB.\n";
......@@ -388,6 +388,9 @@
[% ELSIF message_tag == "install_fk_add" %]
Adding foreign key: [% table FILTER html %].[% column FILTER html %] -&gt; [% fk.TABLE FILTER html %].[% fk.COLUMN FILTER html %]...
[% ELSIF message_tag == "install_fk_drop" %]
Dropping foreign key: [% table FILTER html %].[% column FILTER html %] -&gt; [% fk.TABLE FILTER html %].[% fk.COLUMN FILTER html %]...
[% ELSIF message_tag == "install_group_create" %]
Creating group [% name FILTER html %]...
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