Commit b8012210 authored by's avatar

Bug 280633: Tools to migrate existing legacy encoded database to UTF-8 (Unicode)

Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> r=justdave, a=justdave
parent be6d336e
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Everything Solved.
# Portions created by Everything Solved are Copyright (C) 2006
# Everything Solved. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Max Kanat-Alexander <>
use strict;
# Allow the script to be run from contrib or as contrib/
use lib '..';
use Bugzilla;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_base64);
use Encode qw(encode decode resolve_alias is_utf8);
use Encode::Guess;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
# Constants #
use constant IGNORE_ENCODINGS => qw(utf8 ascii iso-8859-1);
use constant MAX_STRING_LEN => 25;
# For certain tables, we can't automatically determine their Primary Key.
# So, we specify it here as a string.
use constant SPECIAL_KEYS => {
bugs_activity => 'bug_id,bug_when,fieldid',
profile_setting => 'user_id,setting_name',
profiles_activity => 'userid,profiles_when,fieldid',
setting_value => 'name,value',
# Subroutines #
# "truncate" is a file operation in perl, so we can't use that name.
sub trunc {
my ($str) = @_;
my $truncated = substr($str, 0, MAX_STRING_LEN);
if (length($truncated) ne length($str)) {
$truncated .= '...';
return $truncated;
sub do_guess {
my ($data) = @_;
my $encoding = detect($data);
$encoding = resolve_alias($encoding) if $encoding;
# Encode::Detect is bad at detecting certain charsets, but Encode::Guess
# is better at them. Here's the details:
# shiftjis, big5-eten, euc-kr, and euc-jp: (Encode::Detect
# tends to accidentally mis-detect UTF-8 strings as being
# these encodings.)
my @utf8_accidental = qw(shiftjis big5-eten euc-kr euc-jp);
if ($encoding && grep($_ eq $encoding, @utf8_accidental)) {
$encoding = undef;
my $decoder = guess_encoding($data, @utf8_accidental);
$encoding = $decoder->name if ref $decoder;
# Encode::Detect sometimes mis-detects various ISO encodings as iso-8859-8,
# but Encode::Guess can usually tell which one it is.
if ($encoding && $encoding eq 'iso-8859-8') {
my $decoded_as = guess_iso($data, 'iso-8859-8',
# These are ordered this way because it gives the most
# accurate results.
qw(iso-8859-7 iso-8859-2));
$encoding = $decoded_as if $decoded_as;
return $encoding;
# A helper for do_guess.
sub guess_iso {
my ($data, $versus, @isos) = @_;
my $encoding;
foreach my $iso (@isos) {
my $decoder = guess_encoding($data, ($iso, $versus));
if (ref $decoder) {
$encoding = $decoder->name if ref $decoder;
return $encoding;
sub is_valid_utf8 {
my ($str) = @_;
return is_utf8($str, 1);
# Main Script #
my %switch;
GetOptions(\%switch, 'dry-run', 'guess', 'charset=s', 'show-failures',
'overrides=s', 'help|h');
pod2usage({ -verbose => 1 }) if $switch{'help'};
# You have to specify at least one of these switches.
pod2usage({ -verbose => 0 }) if (!$switch{'charset'} && !$switch{'guess'});
if (exists $switch{'charset'}) {
$switch{'charset'} = resolve_alias($switch{'charset'})
|| die "'$switch{charset}' is not a valid charset.";
if ($switch{'guess'}) {
# Encode::Detect::Detector doesn't seem to return a true value.
# So we have to check if we can run detect.
if (!eval { require Encode::Detect::Detector }) {
my $root = ROOT_USER;
print STDERR <<EOT;
Using --guess requires that Encode::Detect be installed. To install
Encode::Detect, first download it from:
Then, unpack it into its own directory and run the following commands
in that directory, as $root:
./Build install
import Encode::Detect::Detector qw(detect);
my %overrides;
if (exists $switch{'overrides'}) {
my $file = new IO::File($switch{'overrides'}, 'r')
|| die "$switch{overrides}: $!";
my @lines = $file->getlines();
foreach my $line (@lines) {
my ($digest, $encoding) = split(' ', $line);
$overrides{$digest} = $encoding;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# Make the database give us raw bytes.
$dbh->do('SET character_set_results = NULL')
if $dbh->isa('Bugzilla::DB::Mysql');
foreach my $table ($dbh->bz_table_list_real) {
my @columns = $dbh->bz_table_columns($table);
my $pk = SPECIAL_KEYS->{$table};
# Figure out the primary key.
foreach my $column (@columns) {
my $def = $dbh->bz_column_info($table, $column);
$pk = $column if $def->{PRIMARYKEY};
# If there's no PK, it's defined by the a UNIQUE index.
if (!$pk) {
foreach my $column (@columns) {
my $index = $dbh->bz_index_info($table, "${table}_${column}_idx");
if ($index && ref($index) eq 'HASH') {
$pk = join(',', @{$index->{FIELDS}})
if $index->{TYPE} eq 'UNIQUE';
foreach my $column (@columns) {
my $def = $dbh->bz_column_info($table, $column);
# If this is a text column, it may need work.
if ($def->{TYPE} =~ /text|char/i) {
print "Converting $table.$column...\n";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT $column, $pk FROM $table
AND $column != ''");
my @pk_array = map {"$_ = ?"} split(',', $pk);
my $pk_where = join(' AND ', @pk_array);
my $update_sth = $dbh->prepare(
"UPDATE $table SET $column = ? WHERE $pk_where");
while (my @result = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
my $data = shift @result;
my $digest = md5_base64($data);
my $encoding;
if ($switch{'guess'}) {
$encoding = do_guess($data);
# We only show failures if they don't appear to be
if ($switch{'show-failures'} && !$encoding
&& !is_valid_utf8($data))
my $truncated = trunc($data);
print "Failed to guess: Key: $digest",
" DATA: $truncated\n";
# If we fail a guess, and the data is valid UTF-8,
# just assume we failed because it's UTF-8.
next if is_valid_utf8($data);
# If we couldn't detect the charset (or were instructed
# not to try), we fall back to --charset. If there's no
# fallback, we just do nothing.
if (!$encoding && $switch{'charset'}) {
$encoding = $switch{'charset'};
$encoding = $overrides{$digest} if $overrides{$digest};
# We only fix it if it's not ASCII or UTF-8 already.
if ($encoding && !grep($_ eq $encoding, IGNORE_ENCODINGS)) {
my $decoded = encode('utf8', decode($encoding, $data));
if ($switch{'dry-run'} && $data ne $decoded) {
print "From: [" . trunc($data) . "] Key: $digest\n",
"To: [" . trunc($decoded) . "]",
" Encoding : $encoding\n";
else {
$update_sth->execute($decoded, @result);
} # while (my @result = $sth->fetchrow_array)
} # if ($column->{TYPE} =~ /text|char/i)
} # foreach my $column (@columns)
=head1 NAME - Converts a database from one encoding (or multiple encodings)
to UTF-8.
contrib/ [--guess [--show-failures]] [--charset=iso-8859-2]
--dry-run Don't modify the database.
--charset Primary charset your data is currently in. This can be
optionally omitted if you do --guess.
--guess Try to guess the charset of the data.
--show-failures If we fail to guess, show where we failed.
--overrides Specify a file containing overrides. See --help
for more info.
--help Display detailed help.
If you aren't sure what to do, try:
contrib/ --guess --charset=cp1252
=head1 OPTIONS
=item --dry-run
Don't modify the database, just print out what the conversions will be. will print out a Key for each item. You can use this in the
overrides file, described below.
=item --guess
If your database is in multiple different encodings, specify this switch
and will do its best to determine the original charset of the data.
The detection is usually very reliable.
If cannot guess the charset, it will leave the data alone, unless
you've specified --charset.
=item --charset=charset-name
If you do not specify --guess, then your database is converted
from this character set into the UTF-8.
If you have specified --guess, will use this charset as
a fallback--when it cannot guess the charset of a particular piece
of data, it will guess that the data is in this charset and convert
it from this charset to UTF-8.
charset-name must be a charset that is known to perl's Encode
module. To see a list of available charsets, do:
C<perl -MEncode -e 'print join("\n", Encode-E<gt>encodings(":all"))'>
=item --show-failures
If --guess fails to guess a charset, print out the data it failed on.
=item --overrides=file_name
This is a way of specifying certain encodings to override the encodings of
--guess. The file is a series of lines. The line should start with the Key
from --dry-run, and then a space, and then the encoding you'd like to use.
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